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playing on PVP server=pointless


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anyone else notice that there are no rewards whatsoever for doing open world PVP outside of PVP areas? i enjoy a good murder as much as the next guy, and iv had a couple epic battles that really got my heart pumping (i love it when i get ambushed and still win lol).... But if you only get PVP rewards in designated areas that are also in PVE servers then what's the point in playing on a PVP server? you should get mercenary commendations, or at LEAST valor.
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PvP servers have been pointless ever since risk was removed in PvP. It amuses me that you feel the only thing missing is rewards. What about consequences?


i was under the impression that open world PVP causes gear damage. is that not true? lol if thats the case i need to head to tatooine with my guild and grind out some merc commendations before i hit 50...

Edited by radbass
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I agree that it is kind of pointless but I disagree with rewards for pvping. PKing is just a fun thing to do in general. You should get valor though. I was hoping that a pvp server meant I could quest and pk republics regularly. That makes for some very fun gameplay, something the devs constantly miss the mark on --happened to Warhammer also. Edited by HBninjaX
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yeah the merc commendations would be something to think about but i think you should DEFINITELY at least get some valor for relevant kills. maybe just a little bit. i mean... whether ur in a warzone or not, ur still PVPing. so you should get Valor.
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PvP servers have been pointless ever since risk was removed in PvP. It amuses me that you feel the only thing missing is rewards. What about consequences?




If killing an opponent awards valor, shouldn't being killed by an opponent cost valor?


About the only thing I liked about Aion was that their pvp "currency" was both gained AND lost. Too bad the rest of that game was pretty much garbage.

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I lol whenever I see these ZOMG THAR IS NO GANK REWARD threads pop up. And yes, I play on a PvP server.


Although I certainly wouldn't complain if some reward, merc comms or whatever, was added to world PvP, I world PvP because... hold on to something this is going to blow your *********** mind... I like to PvP.




When did doing anything in a game require rewards to be worth doing? Seriously, where did it start?

Wait, don't answer that yet, let me get in my Anti-WoW-hatred bunker.

Ok, go.

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PvP servers have been pointless ever since risk was removed in PvP. It amuses me that you feel the only thing missing is rewards. What about consequences?


Oh the days of making people's corpses explode in Diablo how I miss thee.

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the reason you cant have world pvp rewards is world pvp suffers from faction imbalance......the only way to give rewards for pvp is within a c ontrolled setting like an arena where its (me vs you) not (me vs 10 of you)........


with that being said arena's would put every class under a microscope and ruin the game........


the game is fine, play it for what it is....learn, adapt, practice


i get so tired of nerf this and nerf that, when all i ever see in the game is me dominating regardless of what toon i play on, and yes i have 4 toons already and they all dominate, you just gotta know everything about the game and apply yourself to the scenario's presented.......


sometimes i wonder what people look at when they play, why they make the decisions they make.....i dont know how many times i see people blow cooldowns only to be countered by a defensive cd or vanish........


i guess the point is stop blaiming everything other than yourself and either go play the game as is and have fun or rideout.......its that simple

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PKing people who are doing quests in pve gear isnt pvp so you shouldnt get any rewards for it.


I agree that there doesn't need to be rewards for open world pvp.


However, any time one player kills another player in a contested area, it's pvp. No matter how hard someone frowns on it, or how unprepared one combatant was.

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Anyone who says "I do it because it's fun" is missing the point. I do it because it's fun too, but 99% of the population doesn't. They're going to go to warzones, they're going to go to Ilum, because people want the progression thanks to the WoW mindset. Very few people are actually going to go out and seek out PvP just for the sake of it anymore. Players just no longer have that mentality.


They want rewards, if they don't get them in open PvP, they simply won't do it. This is why the people who actually like it have such a hard time finding it. Aside from Voss, I rarely if ever found any open world PvP in my levelling, and have searched far and wide for it at 50. It's just not happening. If Bioware chooses to give rewards on Ilum and in Warzones, they also need to give rewards in open PvP, or people simply won't do it.


To the handful of people saying they do it just for the sake of enjoyment, I applaud you, but there aren't enough of you to make it something that happens consistently in an entertaining way.

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I don't know why everyone is saying they have such trouble finding OPvP while leveling. Are you all Empire? I'm betting you're all Empire.


I play Republic on the Black Vulkars server, and I get into at least 5-10 fights with Sith while leveling on every planet from Tatooine to 50. Seriously, every other quest some OPvP happens. Once you get to the OPvP zones, of course (like the Dune Sea).

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Anyone who says "I do it because it's fun" is missing the point. I do it because it's fun too, but 99% of the population doesn't. They're going to go to warzones, they're going to go to Ilum, because people want the progression thanks to the WoW mindset. Very few people are actually going to go out and seek out PvP just for the sake of it anymore. Players just no longer have that mentality.


They want rewards, if they don't get them in open PvP, they simply won't do it. This is why the people who actually like it have such a hard time finding it. Aside from Voss, I rarely if ever found any open world PvP in my levelling, and have searched far and wide for it at 50. It's just not happening. If Bioware chooses to give rewards on Ilum and in Warzones, they also need to give rewards in open PvP, or people simply won't do it.


To the handful of people saying they do it just for the sake of enjoyment, I applaud you, but there aren't enough of you to make it something that happens consistently in an entertaining way.

Right, and while I respect your opinion (even if I disagree with it) the problem with incentivizing world PvP is that if people don't want to do it (they evidently don't) they will only change if the rewards are comparable or better than what they could earn elsewhere. Doing this leads to exactly the types of problems people complain incessantly about on the forums. Two sided RvR games do not make good open world PvP, there will always be a faction imbalance and people will constantly complain about said imbalance. Those of us who remember open world PvP fondly (myself included) probably remember it from FFA games or at very least RvRvR games, and certainly remember it from the days before all PvP behaviors were incentivized.


TLDR; Ilum should be evidence that world PvP shouldn't be incentivized without careful consideration.

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QFT, and besides that no one should be rewarded for ganking lowbies in open world PvP.


that is not the point of this thread. i have stated that you should at least get valor for RELEVANT kills. if you wouldnt get exp for killing a mob of that lvl, you shouldnt get pvp rewards in open world.

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Necromancing a bit. Anyhow, world pvp should not give a player any sort of reward in my opinion. Pvp reward should be a realm boon of some sort, the enjoyment of /sit x100 on an opponents corpse, and playing well enough that your characters become known to the opponents by sight and name.
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i enjoy pvp as much as the next guy. but there is no arguing against the fact that openworld pvp is almost nonexistant in this game. the best way to fix this would be to offer some tangible reward for relevant kills. although i suppose the valor is a moot point now anyway
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anyone else notice that there are no rewards whatsoever for doing open world PVP outside of PVP areas? i enjoy a good murder as much as the next guy, and iv had a couple epic battles that really got my heart pumping (i love it when i get ambushed and still win lol).... But if you only get PVP rewards in designated areas that are also in PVE servers then what's the point in playing on a PVP server? you should get mercenary commendations, or at LEAST valor.


I thought that this was going to be a thread about the lack of world PvP in non-designated PvP areas on a PvP server.


However, I can subscribe to at least giving valor for kills out in the world. That's not asking too much.

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