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So Tired Of Pretending...


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Funn my experience has been the complete oposite of OP which leads me to a few asumptions.


1. OP started as empire..


2. OP started as empire is currently playing empire..

This has to be the most idiotic thing I've heard. Making assumptions like this makes you look... Well you know. It's interesting though. My Republic Character wasn't the first character I made, however it's the most fun I'm having. I spent Monday at home and PvPed all day. I lost 2 matches. I joined a new guild and the guys there are a riot. We also laugh at most of the stupid things we read on the forums.


Why is it so hard for you to conceptualize that different strokes for different folks. Just because YOU don't like something there needs to be no other reason other than they just do. Some people love to go fishing. I don't. The OP Loves this game you don't. My question is if the game sucks so much why are you even here posting? If I hated this game as much as you appear to I wouldn't even be anywhere near the forums. I'd be off spending my time playing some other game or on their forums.

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OP you just had to come into the forums and tell everyone that you love the game because as stated by the other fanboiz only haters come to the forums.


By their own words if you really loved the game you would never have came to the forums.


Ya know thats a huge generalization:P I too love the game. I also understand it hasproblems, but those problems are normal for a new game. Do I wishthings were better, hell yeah. I launched LOTRO and fell in love so much i got lifetime. If SWTOR had that option I might do it. I also come to the forums every day, sometimes for info on classes, sometimes for a good laugh at the chicken-littles. Am I a fanboi, by some definitions sure. I defend the game, counsel patience over rage quits, but like I said I also see it needs work. I have two accounts, one for rep, one for imp. I am here for the long haul. TBH, most of the glaring problems seem to be in PVP, and that doesnt affect me. I play on PVE server, and will never pvp out of choice. The rest will take time for bioware to fix, and I am willing to wait unless the nuke the severs:P

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Ya know thats a huge generalization:P I too love the game. I also understand it hasproblems, but those problems are normal for a new game. Do I wishthings were better, hell yeah. I launched LOTRO and fell in love so much i got lifetime. If SWTOR had that option I might do it. I also come to the forums every day, sometimes for info on classes, sometimes for a good laugh at the chicken-littles. Am I a fanboi, by some definitions sure. I defend the game, counsel patience over rage quits, but like I said I also see it needs work. I have two accounts, one for rep, one for imp. I am here for the long haul. TBH, most of the glaring problems seem to be in PVP, and that doesnt affect me. I play on PVE server, and will never pvp out of choice. The rest will take time for bioware to fix, and I am willing to wait unless the nuke the severs:P


You do know that you can play both imp and reb on the same account font you?

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OP I must say yeah you are right , this game has been the WOW killer for me.

Cause I canceled my wow account after logging finding exactly 7 people waiting for raid .

You know what , F it , new generation of selfishe gamers .


Can´t beat them join them , so basically it is good to play a game I enjoy .

Even if my trooper story stinks , Customer service in this game is the bottom of the barrel.

Even if all those money invested expected a beter product .


You know what , I don´t care anymore , why should I .

Am in the end game fully columni geared having FUN .

Doing my dailies playing my own story , running around with a assault cannon .

And most of all having found lovely people to chat with , even if people are the selfishe kind.


I enjoy the times alone and I enjoy the times with people in group or operations.

Most of all I enjoy the time not having to work while am paying .

So definetly this product in my eyes have been the wow killer .

And don´t care what haters say , as long I have fun isn´t that what I pay for ?

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You do know that you can play both imp and reb on the same account font you?

Perhaps he wants to truly have them separate. I have my Empire & Republic chars on different servers. I don't HAVE to but it's what I wanted.


and how many years will BW take?

u guys pay money for a BUGs game per month?

did u ever charge by KOTOR1,2 $15 per month with full of BUGS????

~facepalm~ Move along... Nothing to see here...



Customer service in this game is the bottom of the barrel.

Even if all those money invested expected a beter product.

Interesting. I never had this problem. I have submitted tickets from bugs, typos, minor glitches, to player exploitation/afkers in warzones. Most of them I don't even want an automated response. I am just passing along some information. Others I'd need to talk to someone. I tend to say at the end "There is no need to contact me concerning this matter, I just wished to pass along the information." , "Please contact me if you require additional information." or "Please contact me as soon as possible."

I also tend to supplement my in game ticket with an e-mail to support@swtor,com with screenshots and anything else that would help. Sometimes a more detailed description because the in-game text box is a bit short. I have spoken to GMs on several occasions, the most recent was concerning an AFK player in a Warzone. Less than 2hrs after the ticket I was speaking to the GM. They wanted to confirm the player account. Due to policy they couldn't inform me of the action being taken but let's be honest, if they were going to do nothing they wouldn't bother contacting me.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Interesting. I never had this problem. I have submitted tickets from bugs, typos, minor glitches, to player exploitation/afkers in warzones. Most of them I don't even want an automated response. I am just passing along some information. Others I'd need to talk to someone. I tend to say at the end "There is no need to contact me concerning this matter, I just wished to pass along the information." , "Please contact me if you require additional information." or "Please contact me as soon as possible."

I also tend to supplement my in game ticket with an e-mail to support@swtor,com with screenshots and anything else that would help. Sometimes a more detailed description because the in-game text box is a bit short. I have spoken to GMs on several occasions, the most recent was concerning an AFK player in a Warzone. Less than 2hrs after the ticket I was speaking to the GM. They wanted to confirm the player account. Due to policy they couldn't inform me of the action being taken but let's be honest, if they were going to do nothing they wouldn't bother contacting me.



Good for you , where is our long back log of items refund ...

Where is the exploiter of chest removal (after 3 weeks of complaining) ok that one is fair , it is solved finally .


Honestly have a GM talk to me too , but sadly that is quite rare .. and while very polite and friendly person .

The person cannot resolve coding bugs or refund items .

Oh lets not forget about how EA vaunted money resources put into this ...

So you got the proper care and attention , till you hit the bigger bugs .

Then ops they run dry and it is not even there fault , but backbone set up wrong.


Sorry it is a fact , that more people have problems with CS then there are happy people.

And it is not the people doing the CS , but the lack of tools and power to solve issue.

Atleast the account and billing are perfect with support :)


Sorry like said you are happy good , but next time you have a issue you will run sooner or later into that wall .

That please contact me bla bla , when you do ... eh there is a huge problem :p

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and how many years will BW take?

u guys pay money for a BUGs game per month?

did u ever charge by KOTOR1,2 $15 per month with full of BUGS????


How many mmos have you played? Have they been totally bug free? I have played COH since issue 2, and they have bugs still from issue 2 that they are working out. An MMO is a constantly changing complicated program. There are bound to be bugs. Hell, you wanna talk about buggy programs? Try Windows. The term "undocumented feature" got started refering to Windows. This game is quite complicated. There was no way they could catch every bug that it has before release, and every time one is fixed, there is a chnace that that code will work in unexpected ways with currentg, even unrelated routines. A programming teacher once told me that most, if not all software companies release a program when they think is ready enough. Cause if theywaited till it was bug-free, it would never come out. Have patience, im sure bioware is working as fast as they can.

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Good for you , where is our long back log of items refund ...

Where is the exploiter of chest removal (after 3 weeks of complaining) ok that one is fair , it is solved finally .


Honestly have a GM talk to me too , but sadly that is quite rare .. and while very polite and friendly person .

The person cannot resolve coding bugs or refund items .

Oh lets not forget about how EA vaunted money resources put into this ...

So you got the proper care and attention , till you hit the bigger bugs .

Then ops they run dry and it is not even there fault , but backbone set up wrong.


Sorry it is a fact , that more people have problems with CS then there are happy people.

And it is not the people doing the CS , but the lack of tools and power to solve issue.

Atleast the account and billing are perfect with support :)


Sorry like said you are happy good , but next time you have a issue you will run sooner or later into that wall .

That please contact me bla bla , when you do ... eh there is a huge problem :p

Wait you're complaining about the CSR that isn't helping you with a problem he/she can't help you with?


Their policy isn't to refund items. Don't blame the CSR. They don't fix bug they get the information to the right person. That takes time to fix. Don't blame the CSR. I mean the CSR contacted you, was polite and nice and tried to assist you in the relm of what he/she can do and they suck!?!?

Edited by DarthKhaos
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To answer at the original poster of this thread,i agree that this game has potentials,however i see lots of you guys who comes from WoW comparing SWTOR,as for myself i come from seven years of Star Wars Galaxy,and i think these two games should be compared,SWG and SWTOR,and to be honest i still miss all the contents we had in that game,i was a BH with full mandalorian armour,played even after the NGE came,and quitted because SOE decided to end the game,lots of cool stuff like a decent crafting system,the recolouring armour set,the possibility to build towns and decorate your own houses or bunker i do miss,and the space experience in that game was simply fantastic,but again on the other hand all these contents came in years,and SWTOR for a baby MMRPG is awesome,still i need to have a more deep experience,and SWG players know what i mean,but even so i think BioWare started good.

so far my opinion is good,lets see what happen in the next twelve months.

Edited by Marshal_Ney
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I hate the game and cancelled tonight. They don't really do anything well.


I hear this non stop the last while from guildies/friends etc, the most surprising thing about it all is just how quickly the masses turned on BW, dont think I've seen a large budget title get so much hate and rage so quickly lol


Still, when you start noticing just how many are saying this and then unsubbing, you really gotta take a look at the game..

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I hear this non stop the last while from guildies/friends etc, the most surprising thing about it all is just how quickly the masses turned on BW, dont think I've seen a large budget title get so much hate and rage so quickly lol


Still, when you start noticing just how many are saying this and then unsubbing, you really gotta take a look at the game..


It's a collective problem that the game suffers from. In another thread, someone called it 'death by a thousand paper cuts,' and I think that pretty much sums up TOR. There isn't one, huge, glaring issue that sank the ship for me... but I also cannot tolerate plugging leaks all day long.


The sad and simple truth is that the quality control in this game is subpar. I wouldn't say it released early, but rather that it was badly designed from the start. It plays like an amateur-hour title because it was designed by people who don't have a heck of a lot of experience in the genre, and those who do came from failed games like WAR.


All this added up for me tonight. I got my second character to 50 this evening, started PvPing, and realized I just wasn't having any fun at all. The last few planets were an absolute slog, the PvP is terrible, the PvE is so bug-ridden I won't even touch it -- I'm just done. I'm cooked. I can't imagine logging on again.


I don't love WoW, but I can definitely see myself winding up there again shortly. Blizzard's game is a soulless, heartless monstrosity, but at least it's as tightly tuned as a swiss watch.

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It is a great game and I do love it but, for some reason I havent logged into the game in almost a week. I'm not sure why. I'm enjoying my class mission, I'm enjoying the FP's, the Heroic missions on each planet are fun and hunting for Datacrons is a nice challenge but, I just can't motivate myself to log in. Space missions are fun but get old FAST!


I know once I log in I'll probably play for atleast a couple hours. It's just motivating myself to log in... :-(


I hope I'm not sick of MMO's....

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