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The sheer number of buttons is just not fun


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I'll say this again, in Everquest you would cast one or two spells, then sit down and meditate for 30 - 60 seconds to regain your mana. The fun of the game was the social aspect of it. People played it to relax, not to get a kick out of mashing buttons.


Lets get our facts straight here if we are going to use said facts to bash this game.


First. Everquest sucked.


Second, you did not get one or two buttons. My druid alone had 5 dots, 2 heals, 2 hots, 3 nukes, and 3 utility such as snare.


You did not mash two buttons then sit for 30 seconds. If you soloes, you killed one mob then sat for 30 MINUTES. My druid, at the end, took 27 minutes to regen his mana. When we complained, they put in the game "gems" for us to play while regening.


All you did in Wow was pick a camp site, (like lower guk) and sit there most of your time, with a battle ever 22 mins, then sit some more.


There is no way in hell that EQ even comes close to the dynamics featured in this game. Not even close.



If you believe, in your wildest dreams that EQ is a better game, then go play EQ. Its still available....but you won't....because you know that this game is light years above what EQ was.

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Funny. When I played DC:UO there were people complaining about how few buttons there were.


I'm of the opinion that less is more, I liked DC:UO for only having to push 8 buttons. Most people couldn't play their class correctly with only 15 skill points and 8 buttons to press anyways. When are developers going to learn just how stupid people are?

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Lets get our facts straight here if we are going to use said facts to bash this game.


First. Everquest sucked.


There is no way in hell that EQ even comes close to the dynamics featured in this game. Not even close.



If you believe, in your wildest dreams that EQ is a better game, then go play EQ. Its still available....but you won't....because you know that this game is light years above what EQ was.


To be honest you should maybe stop talking now? Barring the graphics which are obviously far better, EQ and EQ2 have so much more depth than any other mainstream MMO. SWTOR is an entirely linear game. Pretty much Skyrim with an inbuilt chatroom. After ten years playing the Everquest franchise raiding hardcore I am perfectly happy meandering through SWTOR at my own pace. I am however basically playing it solo.

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The sheer number of buttons the Jedi Guardian at 50 has just destroys the fun I once had while leveling the toon.


Similarly, my Jedi Shadow has a lot of keybinds and you just stare at ur UI buffs for procs. THis is not fun combat at all.


I use a Razer Naga too.


I don't really feel like my guardian has too many skills, I do however feel this way about the sentinel. Sentinel has a lot of situational and utility skills that really should be rolled up into base abilities IMO. Specific example would be the ability that debuffs healing received by 20%, that should not be it's own skill, it really needs to be combined into one of the rotation abilities or make it a talented buff to one. Also doesn't make much sense to have multiple status dependant skills as they do. Like this can only be used while incapacitated then this other one can only be used when slow, etc. They really need to stream line the abilities a bit more, I can't imagine how they plan to add to this whenever the level cap gets raised in the future, you pretty much already use up your entire UI.


Again, I don't get this feeling as much on my dps guardian but on my sentinel the class just feels very cluttered, then you compare it with a class like BH/Trooper who can essentially get by with a very limited amount of skills and it makes even less sense.

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I agree that there are quite a bit of spells/abilities that seem like they should be together, example:


Bounty Hunter

  • Energy Shield (gained at level 18)(1.5m cooldown): A shield surrounds the Bounty Hunter absorbing a percentage of incoming blaster fire (energy damage). Lasts for 30 seconds.
  • Electric Shield (gained at level 28)(1.5m cooldown): A shield surrounds the Bounty Hunter that returns a small electric charge as damage to all attackers. Effect can only occur once every 2 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds.



  • Electromagnetic Shield (gained at level 23)(1.5m cooldown): A shield surrounds the Bounty Hunter absorbing a percentage of incoming blaster fire (energy damage) and returns a small electric charge as damage to all attackers. Damage effect can only occur once every 2 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds.


With the market so saturated with people spoiled by Blizzard's over-polish on WoW over the last 8 years (not that this is a bad thing, WoW is a really great game - but so is this, and it can be even better), I think an overhaul in the skills and abilities of this game wouldn't be too bad. Considering the lack of UI customization, and the fact that every class at 50 can literally fill all 4 action bars with clickable situational utility -- this wouldn't be a bad thing.


For now, keybind like a madman I guess?

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While I think it is stupid to complain about having too many choices in combat, I do think there should be something equivalent to what Power Auras was so that I don't have to look through my buffs all the time. It's not really a hindrance, just a preference. It's also another reason why we should have addons.
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Perfect example of what the poster right above you was referring to. "Why bother having Taunt in your action bar if you are a DPS Jugg?" Because it's an ability available to your class. Let's say a tank is in one corner blowing his CD's on a couple of nasty baddies when suddenly some adds come from way behind just about ready to instagib your healers. A good player with a DPS jugg knows they can leap or saber throw to that group, taunt and / or AoE taunt from the healer and pop survival CDs, while kiting the adds to the tank, to the DPS to aoE them or anything away from healers if only for a 6 second window of survival.


It's not about "getting rid of abilities", it's about "consolidating several abilities that do similar things in similar conditions into one or two max."


Well Said.

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I play a juggernaut dps, when a normal rotation used against a mob consists of over 10 different skills being used to have in theory the same amount of dps as a mercenary or a sorcerer, something tells me theres lots of wrong around.


Anyway, I like the class, I'm used to it, I have 90% of useful combat abilities bound to keys, but it doesn't make the combat game any less of a cluster****.

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You have complete control over how many buttons are on your UI. No one forces you to put them there or to use them.


Perhaps you're worried that the learning curve is too great or the effort to excel is too great? Is that your complaint?


I personally found it very fun to unlock new abilities. I like having a button for every situation. It makes us better players.

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*smashes head on keyboard* gosh theres too many buttons to press


you know whats really fun about this? It's that most of people like you with these witty comments surely play a sorcerer or a mercenary. But you don't let us know about that right? That would be embarassing.

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i agree with you. personally i haven´t used vicious slash in a while


For most solo multi-mob flight's I just saber throw, force charge, slam, sundering assault, sweeping slash, sunder, sweep, sunder, sweep etc. 'til they all keel over. I might occasionally toss an enrage in there, and if there's a strong or better I get really fancy and toss a force choke/pommel combo.


I use a far greater range of abilities fighting a boss, but it's mostly juggling controls and interrupts.


I haven't had a place for vicious slash to even fit into the process in like 15 levels, currently 43.

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you know whats really fun about this? It's that most of people like you with these witty comments surely play a sorcerer or a mercenary. But you don't let us know about that right? That would be embarassing.


actually i play an operative healer




pic related me not healing anyone and crying about too many buttons

Edited by bigheadbrandon
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There are many skills yes, but that is not something bad at all.


We just need more skill slots at the bottom bars to arrange them.


Surely, its not bad that the game requires you to juggle more skills than the usual 3 or 4 WoW has.


I still dont understand how blind people are about WoW. The game is terrible, it always was. The only good thing it brought was the raid concept.

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There are many skills yes, but that is not something bad at all.


We just need more skill slots at the bottom bars to arrange them.


Surely, its not bad that the game requires you to juggle more skills than the usual 3 or 4 WoW has.


I still dont understand how blind people are about WoW. The game is terrible, it always was. The only good thing it brought was the raid concept.


I enjoyed it for a long time. Right up until they decided almost every class needed to go on a combo point system.

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This is all you're going to get: posts telling you you're bad.


I agree, too many abilities is overkill.


I would even love to have hundrets of abilities but they would have to have more interesting mechanics, not just damage, heal, stun and push/pull.


EDIT: or it could be less but more diverse and interesting

Edited by Satanski
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Yeah lets dumb it down even more. In MMO combat you are basically playing a game of timer vs timer. If you make less buttons, you get less choices of action and combat feels even less action-oriented because you are spamming the same keys. Should it just be one button that says Combat Attack? Better yet why not have your toon fight on his own and you can watch. That would be less confusing.
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Welcome to the modern mmorpg, where every game copys the combat system from wow....


Guild wars 2 is going to change that tho

No, wow doesn't have that problem. Classes in wow don't have the same type of ability bloat, and it has an interface that makes starting at your buff bar to watch for procs a thing of the past.
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Most ignorant post to date, I salute you sir!

How does more slots in the bottom bar solve the problem? You have the option to add more bars and bind those to hundreds of key combinations, the problem still lies in that that there are too many skills that you need to consider, witch isnt a bad thing in my opinon.


Quite ignorant to call the people who enjoyed or enjoyed WoW blind aswell, it's the most succesfull mmorpg to date becouse of a reason, the raid concept arent anything they came up with either.


In my opinon it comes down to weeding out the skills you don't use that often, you don't necesarilly have to keep track of all of them for every situation, it's fine as it is.


Ok, first you're not entitled to call me that because you have a different opinion than me.


second, having more skill slots is a personal preference to arrange the ammount of skills, wich you obviously didnt get.


Third, having several skills to use makes the gameplay diverse and compelling, wich is good.


Fourth, WoW is popular more due to demerit of their competitiors than their own merit. The only reason why i played WoW was because arenanet stopped supoporting Guild Wars to work on GW2. The game always felt boring and unispired. I started playing shortly before TBC came out and was bored to tears by the time BT came out.

WoW is a boring game. Wether millions of people bought it and played it is their opinion. I think the game is terrible.


Finally, yes you are right WoW didnt came up with the raid idea, but it was the first game where i found some enjoyment in it. So yeah... its even worse than i initially said.


Hope the post was clear enough for you this time. If not, you're just gonna have to deal with it.

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