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People who ninja for their companions


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So, the companion can tell the difference in the tank's HP and the DPS? It knows when to switch and throw out that emergency heal when needed? They can move out of that AOE they're standing in without you having to waste time trying to turn auto attack on and off?


Unless the player is unable to pay attention to what is going on, shouldn't be an issue. Sometimes it doesn't matter as long as you don't stand in the fire yourself.



Honestly, this is the main reason I don't need for companions over player. I'm fully aware that I wouldn't be running the content I'm running at the time if not for the other 3 players and it makes me feel decent to oass and say "grats man".


You probably wouldn't be in that group if it wasn't for your companion, or you'd have taken twice as long to level without one and died many more times than necessary or you'd have had to get help from someone else because the content is tuned for having an active companion.



These are reasons why I won't give anyone grief for rolling need for gear for their companions: I know how important they are for playing the game.

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I may be a unique case along with the sniper, but all 3 trees for the marauder is DPS, so no. I have 1 gear set and after trying all 3 trees, I've settled into one.


But you're again bringing up the argument of main spec vs alt spec now. Is my companion just an alt spec of me then?


I wouldn't bother to make a distinction, it's your character in all its various forms. There is really no need to parse it out in my mind.


I have at minimum two sets, one for PvE and one for PvP, with some varieties thrown in. I used them 50/50 split, but I'd roll on a PvE upgrade for my character even though I do not use that gear 100% of the time.

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<insults redacted>
speaking of ad hominem attacks...


BW will make a revamped system where it's only possible to roll need on gear suited for your current class and spec and all the selfish ppl will cry on the forum
Eh, that doesn't actually stop some people from rolling need for their companions. Troopers for example, can roll need for all of their companions, since they all wear heavy armor (except the droids who wear droid armor) and use aim.
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speaking of ad hominem attacks...


Eh, that doesn't actually stop some people from rolling need for their companions. Troopers for example, can roll need for all of their companions, since they all wear heavy armor (except the droids who wear droid armor) and use aim.

That is not ad hominem at all unless you feel hurt by it and rolling need for only 1 companion would still be a vast improvement and unless i'm not mistaken i said class AND spec. It's pretty easy to subdivide gear based on secondary stats...


You're selfish, deal with it


Oh and i'm willing to bet something like this will happen. Better ninja all you can now

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That is not ad hominem at all unless you feel hurt by it and rolling need for only 1 companion would still be a vast improvement and unless i'm not mistaken i said class AND spec. It's pretty easy to subdivide gear based on secondary stats...


You're selfish, deal with it


There you go again, more insults and ad hom attacks.

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There you go again, more insults and ad hom attacks.

Stating facts is not ad hominem


Stop trying to appear clever by citing something you read on wikipedia:rolleyes:


The failed logic you are using has been refuted over and over again, no reason to repeat it


BW is aware of the issue and will deal with it. Sucks for ninjas, great for all the decent people

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Unless the player is unable to pay attention to what is going on, shouldn't be an issue. Sometimes it doesn't matter as long as you don't stand in the fire yourself.





You probably wouldn't be in that group if it wasn't for your companion, or you'd have taken twice as long to level without one and died many more times than necessary or you'd have had to get help from someone else because the content is tuned for having an active companion.



These are reasons why I won't give anyone grief for rolling need for gear for their companions: I know how important they are for playing the game.




The difference in my eyes is this. My companion couldn't care less whether they're wearing purple, orange, blue or green gear. I can easily gear them through random loot drops while questing, quest loot, the GTN, commendations, etc. Which is exactly what I do. Not once has Mako gotten upset at me for not rolling need on FP drops that I passed on so the sniper could win it. Though I have a feeling that sniper wouldn't have been as gracious as Mako if I did need and win it. I'd honestly rather everyone have a good time in the run and avoid drama.



If you think your companions are as important as players running flashpoints with you, need away. It's your prerogative. I don't, so I pass or if it's not an upgrade for anyone else, I ask.

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This is all moot.


Bioware agrees with those who think Player Characters come before companions.


Those arguing for rolling need for companions are just passively trying to complain and justify at this point.


It will be interesting seeing how many of those saying "Hey I'm just playing within the rules and the system in place" change their tune and openly complain about the NEW system.

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I wouldn't bother to make a distinction, it's your character in all its various forms. There is really no need to parse it out in my mind.


I have at minimum two sets, one for PvE and one for PvP, with some varieties thrown in. I used them 50/50 split, but I'd roll on a PvE upgrade for my character even though I do not use that gear 100% of the time.


That argument doesn't seem that sound. Because next you'll say your companion has 2 sets. One for tanking and one for DPSing. At which case you might as well just hoard every piece of gear you ever run into ever. Just in case you might want to equip it at any given time. Which isn't what you do. So why not?

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This is all moot.


Bioware agrees with those who think Player Characters come before companions.


Those arguing for rolling need for companions are just passively trying to complain and justify at this point.


It will be interesting seeing how many of those saying "Hey I'm just playing within the rules and the system in place" change their tune and openly complain about the NEW system.


We'll discuss that if the NEW system ever reaches the light of day.

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The difference in my eyes is this. My companion couldn't care less whether they're wearing purple, orange, blue or green gear. I can easily gear them through random loot drops while questing, quest loot, the GTN, commendations, etc. Which is exactly what I do. Not once has Mako gotten upset at me for not rolling need on FP drops that I passed on so the sniper could win it. Though I have a feeling that sniper wouldn't have been as gracious as Mako if I did need and win it. I'd honestly rather everyone have a good time in the run and avoid drama.



If you think your companions are as important as players running flashpoints with you, need away. It's your prerogative. I don't, so I pass or if it's not an upgrade for anyone else, I ask.


I honestly don't believe you understand what I mean because I had to explain this three times to the same person before, but then again they were trying to demonize me for no reason.



I don't restrict what others are allowed to roll Need on. Not because I want to be able to roll on whatever I want to, but because I believe people should have the freedom to decide for themselves if they actually Need that piece of gear. I honestly don't care if they want it for their companion because it doesn't matter. The only thing that I think matters is that it should be bound to the character when the Need button is used.


That's it, and if that's enough to demonize me, and makes me a bad person for wanting other people to get gear they Need, so be it.

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I use my companions 100% of the time when the game allows me to do so. The number of times my companion has saved me is beyond count, and any gear that makes it so they can continue to do so is worth any headache someone like you gives me.



It's that simple.



Besides, ninjas don't exist when groups use NBG systems.


This right here.


Wake up folks, this isn't WoW, Rift, DAoC, or any other MMO. This is SWTOR and we have companion characters that are half the team at any given time. Frankly they are required to progress through this game in any reasonable amount of time. They are an extension of yourself and your ability to play. If an item drops that your companion will benefit from, need it! I don't care if I lose the roll to your companion, as that companion is an extension of you. Likewise I don't expect you to care if you lose a need roll in return.


Just this weekend my group was on Taris and our tank was just terrible. So we kicked him and used our Sorc's Khem to tank, and he was amazing! That Sorc earned the right to roll on whatever the hell he needed.

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Read the pages in this thread, i'm not doing your work for you


BW are working on a solution. You should hurry up and ninja some more while you can


You see? All you do is post insults, slights and claims with no proof.


You have no proof I've ever ninja'd any gear at any time anywhere.


FYI, if you were actually reading the thread you'd know I know BW is working on the NBG system.

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I honestly don't believe you understand what I mean because I had to explain this three times to the same person before, but then again they were trying to demonize me for no reason.



I don't restrict what others are allowed to roll Need on. Not because I want to be able to roll on whatever I want to, but because I believe people should have the freedom to decide for themselves if they actually Need that piece of gear. I honestly don't care if they want it for their companion because it doesn't matter. The only thing that I think matters is that it should be bound to the character when the Need button is used.


That's it, and if that's enough to demonize me, and makes me a bad person for wanting other people to get gear they Need, so be it.


I thought we were arguing about rolling need for companions, not for selling. I think both sides of this disagreement agree that those people are trash.

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I think if you want something for your companion you say at the start of the run that you would like to Need on whatever class gear for one specific companion, and in exchange, forgo any gear that you might equip for your player character. On a different run you may choose to only Need for your character. But to have one player selecting Need gear for several different classes is greedy and could potentially create an imbalance in loot distribution among all contributing members of the flashpoint/operation.


I don't think of it as a rule, but it's a matter of courtesy and consideration of the group effort. I'm making it a point to clarify this at the start of runs since it's really just a matter of communication and agreement. At that point anyone that decides to go back on what they agreed is, pardon my language, not a gentleman.

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This is all moot.


Bioware agrees with those who think Player Characters come before companions.


Those arguing for rolling need for companions are just passively trying to complain and justify at this point.


It will be interesting seeing how many of those saying "Hey I'm just playing within the rules and the system in place" change their tune and openly complain about the NEW system.

Sums it up very well


At this point it's the same 3-4 people trying to justify a behaviour in a system that's not working as intended


Thankfully their days of ninjaing are coming to an end

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We'll discuss that if the NEW system ever reaches the light of day.


What's to discuss?


The biggest justification I have read in this thread is that the system allows it, so, if the system doesnt allow it, that should end the argument.


BTW That system is coming sooner rather than later. ;)

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I thought we were arguing about rolling need for companions, not for selling. I think both sides of this disagreement agree that those people are trash.


Most of the post was about the former. I was just explaining my position and why I held that position so it was clear.

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Just this weekend my group was on Taris and our tank was just terrible. So we kicked him and used our Sorc's Khem to tank, and he was amazing! That Sorc earned the right to roll on whatever the hell he needed.


This I would have no problem with. If the companion actually contributes to the fight then they have as much right to a need as any player character in the group.


Conversely, if they are not there they have no right.

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I honestly don't believe you understand what I mean because I had to explain this three times to the same person before, but then again they were trying to demonize me for no reason.



I don't restrict what others are allowed to roll Need on. Not because I want to be able to roll on whatever I want to, but because I believe people should have the freedom to decide for themselves if they actually Need that piece of gear. I honestly don't care if they want it for their companion because it doesn't matter. The only thing that I think matters is that it should be bound to the character when the Need button is used.


That's it, and if that's enough to demonize me, and makes me a bad person for wanting other people to get gear they Need, so be it.



My only counter argument here is that most people I've encountered don't need for companions. So, if there's is a consensus out there (with I'm sure could be debated endlessly as well) that says "only need for your PC", then needing for your companion without announcing your intent first kind of gives you an unfair advantage over people playing by the consensus. You'll end up needing for their class items while they're passing on yours out of courtesy.

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