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Gabe should communicate with us, and post more often


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What the title says, pretty much. A couple answers in a Q&A and complete silence otherwise will not suffice when you have such a large number of unhappy players in the sector of the game you're responsible for.


Personally, I'm okay with things the way they are, and am patient enough to give you time to fix them because the game has so many other redeeming qualities and infinite potential.


I feel bad for a lot of others though. Even amid the morass of useless posts in this PVP forum, I've seen hundreds to thousands of valid points go unaddressed.


You're not running for office, Gabe. You can say whatever you want. If the players here could get you fired, I think it would've happened already just going by the sheer amount of nerd rage Ilum has evoked. So just talk to us.


Open communication about PVP, where it's going, and what reasoning is behind the changes you make and plan, and how you prioritize current items- not just prioritizing in general, which we all understand how it works- would improve public perception of your team a hundredfold.


Please, you have a once in a lifetime opportunity to work on what could end up being one of the best games ever made, and it feels to most of the players like you're hiding in a basement somewhere laughing maniacally at our expense and feeding off the sweet nerd tears you've milked out of these forums.


That's all I ask. It's like Field of Dreams man. Do it, and they'll come back. Show everyone that you have a vision for PVP in this game.

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...sigh...are you serious...i feel so sorry for these devs


So I guess it was a coincidence City of Heroes had one of the most upbeat positive communities in MMORPG history, and the devs regularly communicated with the players and listened to them?


I think not. It's called customer service, I'm just asking for some professionalism to be shown.


You'd be surprised how far a sentence or two in yellow text goes. There are people tracking each sentence and dissecting them as they're just being posted for a reason. People care what the devs are thinking.

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You're mistaken, they should never directly answer player questions.


It's an absolute no win situation for them because that act in and of itself becomes an issue.


"You always answer the (insert class) questions. Just another example of Bioware's favoritism for (insert class)" - said by the guy intentionally ignoring the hundreds of questions answered about his class because none of them were the answers to the question he wants an answer to.


"Great, you answered blah blah. Now how about a comment on my (self imagined much more important) pet peeve." - "What about me" syndrome.


Or the outright trolls who are always to going take the other side just because they like to argue and stir up mischief.


You have to remember that the people posting on these boards are a small fraction of the actual subscriber base and aren't necessarily representative of how it feels as a whole. But more importantly you have to understand that roughly 90% of the people posing on these forums are infantile idiots who shouldn't ever be listened to.

Edited by Elyree
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SWTOR's PvP is the worst of all the recent mmo's. What's he going to say? "Sorry"?


Nothing Gabe can say or do will fix SWTOR's gargabe PvP. It's baked in the cake, the basic design was doomed to failure.


In the future, all intelligent Devs will look at SWTOR's PvP as an example of everything NOT to do.

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You're mistaken, they should never directly answer player questions.


It's an absolute no win situation for them because that act in and of itself becomes an issue.


"You always answer the (insert class) questions. Just another example of Bioware's favortism for (insert class)" - said by the guy intentionally ignoring the hundreds of questions asked about his class because none of them were the answers to the question he wants an answer to.


"Great, you answered blah blah. Now how about a comment on my (self imagined much more important) pet peeve." - "What about me" syndrome.


Or the outright trolls who are always to going take the other side just because they like to argue and stir up mischief.


You have to remember that the people posting on these boards are a small fraction of the actual subscriber base and aren't necessarily representative of how it feels as a whole. But more importantly you have to understand that roughly 90% of the people posing on these forums are infantile idiots who shouldn't ever be listened to.


Truth... a weekly blog would be sufficient if Gabe incorporated questions the forum mods pick up from players.

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So I guess it was a coincidence City of Heroes had one of the most upbeat positive communities in MMORPG history, and the devs regularly communicated with the players and listened to them?


I think not. It's called customer service, I'm just asking for some professionalism to be shown.


You'd be surprised how far a sentence or two in yellow text goes. There are people tracking each sentence and dissecting them as they're just being posted for a reason. People care what the devs are thinking.


no...i think it is ridiculous that you want "more communication" from a single person...this guy has more important business to do than sit at the computer and make you feel better about yourself...he starts to communicate with a couple threads , and BAM, every freaking idiot in here(and there are alot) starts screaming, "WHY ARNT YOU RESPONDING TO MY THREAD, IM IMPORTANT." The devs are reading the posts...it is obvious because they are addressing the issues, however it takes time, and unfortunately most people on these forums do not understand that

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Please, you have a once in a lifetime opportunity to work on what could end up being one of the best games ever made, and it feels to most of the players like you're hiding in a basement somewhere laughing maniacally at our expense and feeding off the sweet nerd tears you've milked out of these forums.


Mostly agree with this, there is very little communication with the player base at this point. There are alot of people posting (in vain it feels) to help change the game and make it a more positive experience for everyone.


I realize change doesn't happen over night, but a little forsight (what could happen if we allow x,y, and z) mixed with throwing us a bone from someone @ Bioware announcing well anything... would be cool.


We're starving for information... and trying to hang on to the sinking ship that is PvP.


Ilum, exploits, hacking, trade killing, medals... there are alot of issues and normally I'm not one of those entitled people, but I feel we all deserve something official on the state of PvP and where it's going.

Edited by Nakazia
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SWTOR's PvP is the worst of all the recent mmo's. What's he going to say? "Sorry"?


Nothing Gabe can say or do will fix SWTOR's gargabe PvP. It's baked in the cake, the basic design was doomed to failure.


In the future, all intelligent Devs will look at SWTOR's PvP as an example of everything NOT to do.


PvP is very good other than Ilum, and if you dont agree with that than please go back to wow because we dont want you here...however knowing those wow players you might be back in wow, and still trolling on these sites, fun right

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SWTOR's PvP is the worst of all the recent mmo's. What's he going to say? "Sorry"?


Nothing Gabe can say or do will fix SWTOR's gargabe PvP. It's baked in the cake, the basic design was doomed to failure.


In the future, all intelligent Devs will look at SWTOR's PvP as an example of everything NOT to do.


Exactly... the term "trying to polish a turd" comes to mind.


I've lost hope that PvP will be good any time soon. Lack of communication by the devs is a big reason.

Edited by -Kraxis-
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I think Gabe is hoping that if he ignores the avid PVP players, we'll go away. If we go away, we'll stop posting about how awful it is, and he'll stop getting in trouble with his boss. I can imagine the screams and tears flowing around his office every time they do a patch and Ilum or warzones remain bugged/lame.
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Exactly... the term "trying to polish a turd" comes to mind.


I've lost hope that PvP will be good any time soon. Lack of communication by the devs is a big reason.


I think they have no clue what to do. That's why there is no update anymore.

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What this game's open world PVP needs is a "siege engine", and a reason to hold objectives other than bonus valor. IE: a place that only the winning fraction can go to every hour like "land of the dead" in WAR.


But first and foremost we need a siege engine and keep or base capturing.


Also they need to have more PVP area's for engame 50's on EVERY planet that has both fractions on it. And those planets should have keeps to capture too, counting towards a whole global galaxy take over in which the fraction that holds the most or all the planets gets something for an hour or so.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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PvP is very good other than Ilum, and if you dont agree with that than please go back to wow because we dont want you here...however knowing those wow players you might be back in wow, and still trolling on these sites, fun right


LOL.. so typical. I hate WoW. Only played it a couple weeks before bailing it. But even WoW's PvP is better than this.

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Even the WoW devs communicated more than Bioware, and that's saying something.


It's true, and it's deplorable that Bioware has already distanced themselves from providing us with information in regards to the actual intent of some PvP issues/changes, that and not even making a decent attempt to address the players concerns at all.


PvP has become the black sheep of SWTOR... please.. don't look and certainly don't talk about it, because we ourselves have no idea what we're doing with it at this point. That's the message I'm getting.

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no...i think it is ridiculous that you want "more communication" from a single person...this guy has more important business to do than sit at the computer and make you feel better about yourself...he starts to communicate with a couple threads , and BAM, every freaking idiot in here(and there are alot) starts screaming, "WHY ARNT YOU RESPONDING TO MY THREAD, IM IMPORTANT." The devs are reading the posts...it is obvious because they are addressing the issues, however it takes time, and unfortunately most people on these forums do not understand that


Nah, I understand it pretty well. This is the least amount of communication I've seen in all the games I've watched launch, and some of those games had a miniscule fraction of the budget EA/Bioware does. The money's definitely not getting spent on good CSR's, so they may as well hire some more community mods and give that poor overworked Joveth some help.


Maybe you don't get how corporate America works, but the odds of Gabe doing anything other than Administrative work as a "Lead Anything" are slim to none. He's the one that SHOULD have time on his hands as the manager. He has underlings that do his coding for him. As a lead hire in ANY POSITION IN AMERICA you should have the communication skills to intelligently put out your ideas without putting your foot in your mouth.


Yes, there are people that will hate no matter what. That's not what I'm talking about. As I said in my post, the hate's obviously harmless, because he still has his job.


I'm saying, don't worry about the hate, and talk. They're not running for office. They don't have to say things we all like. Plenty of devs in past games I've played have told me things I didn't want to hear. But at least they TOLD me, and at least they explained why they were doing those things.


It's not too much to ask. Be exasperated with people if you want, but I'm not asking for communication I want to hear, just communication.


If Gabe stopped what he was doing right this second and posted something in a blog or on the forums for 30 minutes, I'd bet my house it would have ZERO effect on the release date of the next patch, because he's a manager, and he's not the one responsible for getting it out there anyway, it's just his name on the finished product.

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I agree with the OP. Some form of communication would go a long way for their community. It doesn't even have to be Gabe himself that answers the questions. It can be some other Bioware guy that relays Gabe's thoughts and ideas about the specific question/topic at hand. Just a simple acknowledgement about some issues would ease so many peoples minds.


"We are aware of players concerns with Resolve and will look into it. We'll let you know more in our Weekly Update."


"We know Ilum is a work in progress and are continuing to improve it. Here are some possible ideas we are tossing around: _________________"


"We know that groups disband after exiting a Warzone and have a fix for this planned in next week's Test Server Notes."


There are tons of other issues they could give us answers for that I'm forgetting about. These are just the most obvious ones. Answers like this at least tell us that they are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it.

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I agree with the OP. Some form of communication would go a long way for their community. It doesn't even have to be Gabe himself that answers the questions. It can be some other Bioware guy that relays Gabe's thoughts and ideas about the specific question/topic at hand. Just a simple acknowledgement about some issues would ease so many peoples minds.


"We are aware of players concerns with Resolve and will look into it. We'll let you know more in our Weekly Update."


"We know Ilum is a work in progress and are continuing to improve it. Here are some possible ideas we are tossing around: _________________"


"We know that groups disband after exiting a Warzone and have a fix for this planned in next week's Test Server Notes."


There are tons of other issues they could give us answers for that I'm forgetting about. These are just the most obvious ones. Answers like this at least tell us that they are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it.


Oh, they already do that. Don't you remember this thread?




Clearly the dev communication is first rate.

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