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A Look At The Old Republic


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Nice little compilation, most of the stuff was about the things that are great with SWTOR. :) That's not saying everything is perfect, but keep it up guys. BioWare's doing a great job.


The only little wish I have which hasn't really been touched yet is the issue with so many low populated servers... Merging servers and opening free transfers isn't a sign of failure, it's a natural process with every MMO launch. Every single MMO, even the most successful ones, have done server merges so ensure the players have an enjoyable experience getting to play with others. I think that time is coming close for SWTOR as well.

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Nice propaganda.


Advice ; fix the games problems instead of working on this advertising crap. You even hired in Jack from Roosterteeth lol... class act :D


The funny thing withy this video is that it's, no offence meant with this but the video is very "american". Playing on emotional reactions from ppl " with no script" ye sure... Jack surely had no script xD


I wonder how well this video will work in EU where emotions isn't incorporated in advertisment as naively as it is in USA. Again no offence but this is how it is. USA uses "make over" and "emotional mountains" to create hype and make ppl buy products. In Sweden actually you can't do that both out of issues with laws and ppl don't buy this type of propaganda.



Interesting thread u started :D

Edited by redsovereign
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I think this sort of post is really poorly thought-out. I understand Bioware wanting to promote their game and advertise its various successes, but at this stage of things it really belongs on youtube and game review sites. To post it here without mitigating comment is to entirely miss the tone of the General Discussion forum.


People here are, at best, split 50/50 between those who are happily enjoying the game and those who are having a problem big enough to make them come here to complain instead of playing.


So to post something wholly celebratory here, without offering any comment to indicate an awareness of the incongruity or irony, is to come across as sort of out of touch. It makes the reader think that somehow bioware is completely unaware of the problems with the game. Or that they don't really care, like they're sort of saying "Ya ya, a lot of people seem to have problems with the game, but ignore that because everything is fantastic!"


It's similar here in that as a person who has ultimately quit the game because of what I feel are game-breaking bugs, my reaction to this sort of announcement is "Really? The game is a smashing success? Well I guess I better give up on whatever notions I had of it improving, since it's already so close to perfect that we're throwing a little party."


I'm not saying that's really the thought behind the action, obviously I have no way of knowing. But to me, that's how it seems.

Edited by Trineda
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You're dreaming, on my server there where barely 30 people on Nar Shaddaa. It's painfully little.




Well there are hardly 30 people on Nar Shaddaa on Jung Ma server. That doesn't mean the servers are empty, the sky is falling.

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If you listened to customers you would of added the basic features every beta member asked for, instead like with forum answers we were ignored. Out of those millions i wounder how many are actually still playing cause i made my alt and there was like 5 people on each planet from the 50 people per planet at beginning. Why i did an alt was cause it was taking an hour to find groups for fp at 50 on a suppose it heavy server. its star wars of course its big but the name can only do so much, which in the drop in members the name isn't working to well.
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Yes because it's widely known that any company that wants to market their product would rather point out any flaws as opposed to building up the positive aspects. :rolleyes: Use some common sense there, buddy.


Sure.. once they see the flaws ,and the shear amount of bugs that have been in since beta-- they'll unsub , Buddy.

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If you listened to customers you would of added the basic features every beta member asked for, instead like with forum answers we were ignored. Out of those millions i wounder how many are actually still playing cause i made my alt and there was like 5 people on each planet from the 50 people per planet at beginning. Why i did an alt was cause it was taking an hour to find groups for fp at 50 on a suppose it heavy server. its star wars of course its big but the name can only do so much, which in the drop in members the name isn't working to well.


Screenshots taken from this past Sunday show the server population is very healthy.



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The BioWare guy that says how it's exciting to see servers all "Full" forgot to mention that now, even at prime time, they mostly say Light or Standard. The biggest let down for me was the utter lack of players in the game...it felt empty even playing on "Heavy" population servers. It's a single player game, with a few group side-quests...but it's a pain when there's no one on the planet to group with or to make the game feel alive.
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Fastest growth of all time and fastest to decline in subs of all time?


I wonder what kind of feedback they would get if they interviewed the current player base, not at launch.After people got a taste of what is waiting for them at level 50....


I smell propaganda and moral boost for the current player base.


I have my fingers crossed for GW2...I hope they are using a good engine. No more mindless grinding please....

Edited by Gomuningen
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The BioWare guy that says how it's exciting to see servers all "Full" forgot to mention that now, even at prime time, they mostly say Light or Standard. The biggest let down for me was the utter lack of players in the game...it felt empty even playing on "Heavy" population servers. It's a single player game, with a few group side-quests...but it's a pain when there's no one on the planet to group with or to make the game feel alive.


Again, Screenshots taken this past Sunday say you are falsifying information.

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Moar vids of fans!!! Nice to see POSITIVE comments for once...


Until I start seeing button macros implemented in this game and 3rd party addons allowed. you are NOT responding to what the playerbase wants.


That video was one big, cruel lie.


You're also not telling the whole truth, yes the game sold two million copies at launch, but only 1.7 million remain.


Declining numbers is not something to be happy about, BW =/

Edited by Viladras
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Overall I liked the video and I understand why Bioware would put out a video like this.


The one thing that left a sour taste was the 'seeing the full servers light up then be full' comment, like that's the norm. It really is not the reality today and though it was like that for the first week that is not the reality today.


Otherwise nice job guys you all should be proud, just be careful with the expectations your are setting with potential new gamers.

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great strongly line so far with all of them ^^

and the mobs could drop more often rare items just missing so far


heroic quest C


the reward are less than flashpoints hardly any players wanna play it.

day sould give more rewards


Flashpoint B+


flashpoints are harder to find because moost players want to do hardmode. rewards could more that people still play normal mode to earn credits


PVE B & look outs


its great to its hard to find groups if u are not in a clan/guild moost people only play with clan mates


PvP Rating F


if u wanna play pvp only don't buy this game yet there a lot issue's and bugs not fixed yet


Ilum is bugged of population bug u get a heavy lagg that still havend bin fixed yet day said day spend millions of dollars to the servers. were testing ilum for swtor i execpt more rewards like valor, commandtions or pvp items until this issue bin fixed. or simply just rollback old system that we just blow up tanks and turrents:(


Warzone is messed up player don't play at all of objective warzone is take control over turrrets to win a match like civil war or huttbal to make goals. most of the players at high pvp rank dont care all day just murder and kill every one arond. players how wan to get there daily or weekly its impossbel to get now because u have to win and each match 15mins day sould change it to daily/weekly played . i had matches lost 6 12 times in row.

day need to spilt of the warzone with object and just pure killing. and sould not allow biocam items in pvp just officel meds packs.

Edited by adanali_umut
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Holy crap... the boards on this forum are killing me. Every damn person goin on and on about how all these subs have canceled.. yet they have no proof. You guys sound worse than a bunch of COD fanboys still griping that COD4 was the best FPS ever. Edited by Trineda
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