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Star Trek online vs TOR (READ)


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But STO is like the most boring game in the galaxy. When you have gone to save the planet for the thousand time and just mash the buttons to take out wave after wave of the same old ships you kinda get really tired of it. If you thought running through the space port was a pain just wait till you have to fly for many many minutes just to again repeat the above. And then there is the ground combat... I say that with tongue in cheek. It really isn't ground combat its a wander around a very limited area just to undertake the most moronic challenge like ever and with a skill factor of zero. The fighting is really really bad and has never worked since it was launched.


I know they have introduced some crew type skills to develop your own crew but really it is so tedious. And sorry but the character creation although looks as though you could have fun finishes with still the same old class and range of stereotypical characters. And why do you need to spend like for ever customizing your crew. You see them only as an avatar or during the crappy planet challenges... See above.


Crafting is the worse I have ever seen. And levelling is so painfully complicated and tediously slow. I dunno where I got after a year of playing. The only thing I liked was the challenge of getting a better ship. There is good reason it went Free To Play and thats cus it bombed big time. I do keep my account active but dare not log in cus I know I'm going to be faced with a massive patch. If you don't play for a week or so you always get a patch update and cus of the way its distributed it take like foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever. Added to the fact Atari milked the game for players to get good reward simply by buying stuff.


Now compare that with STWoR and all I can say is that both have the word Star in the title, and thats about it. For differences, well thats easy... Star Trek is truly crap and Star Wars is a classic MMO with a great future. I stopped playing STO just before I went to play Rift... And I was so happy to kick the bloody game. I now have kicked Rift after a year and playing SWToR. And feeling much better thankyou.


Kirk out.

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1. Customize companions. weapons and armour are fine, but if we were able to customize the cosmetic features of our companions, they become OUR creation, and make them all that more fun to manage and tweak. There is really no reason why this shouldn't be an option.


2. Dyes. Seriously?? Dyes are a simple item that ALL MMOS have. The ability ( or lack, thereof) of being able to dye your clothing is unforgiveable


STO was incredibly boring. The land missions were horrible.


As for #1...they are NOT our creation. They are individuals with their own story and personality. They are locked into the codex just as are locations and items and monsters. They are simply not our creations.


In STO, the ensigns were randomly generated with no personality. They were no different then loot or tools with varied stats.


As for #2...I could care less if they have them or not. But I still recall when EQ1 put in armor dyes....it was a horrible circus freak show of neons and other idiotic combinations.


People talk about "immersion" all the time. A neon pink and green sith warrior would be a bit of an immersion breaker I would think.

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Alright, for all of you guys saying "well STO was out much longer then swtor, of course its going to be better!" you really can't be saying that. It dosen't take a genius to see what other MMORPGs have that make them successful and fun. Especially for game deisgners. They should know what other games did that makes them great. And with the budget and time they had with this game, they should have took all of those great things and implemented them at launch. Why take the risk and wait years to implement then when people might not be satisfied at launch and just quit all together. Dosen't make sense IMO.


Ummm...I'm not seeing many people saying that. I'm seeing people saying "STO Sucks, you cannot compare that steaming pile of crap to TOR".


I'm one of those saying that...

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If everyone here hates STO, I need to try it out. Didn´t know it is f2p... I´ll give a shot.

Hey there´s even off-rails space combat in this space game, what a pleasant and unexpected surprise that is.


Is it possible in STO to take off by clicking on the spaceship door too? I find that feature awesome.

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If everyone here hates STO, I need to try it out. Didn´t know it is f2p... I´ll give a shot.

Hey there´s even off-rails space combat in this space game, what a pleasant and unexpected surprise that is.


Is it possible in STO to take off by clicking on the spaceship door too? I find that feature awesome.


space combat in sto is good. Other than that the game is NOT good

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As the game continues, you gather more ensigns (companions) and even have the ability to customize your companions.
"Star Wars" companions have a greater appeal to me than a team of Wesley Crushers..
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Here's the thing with ultimate customization with companions, I'm against a character becoming radically different then who they are. Take for example Vette, a Twilek, if she was to change race her entire story would not make sense. If, for example, I was just able to change her looks to something I find more pleasing, go right ahead.
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What, STO´s got companions too? I thought that´s a BW invention.


The crew in STO just follow you around, they don't have any personality at all (as of last I played which has been some time.). Your companions in SWTOR add to the story the ones in STO are just window dressing and basically a bucket of different abilities not adding any more than that.

Edited by Shadezilla
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The crew in STO just follow you around, they don't have any personality at all (as of last I played which has been some time.). Your companions in SWTOR add to the story the ones in STO are just window dressing and basically a bucket of different abilities not adding any more than that.


Yup. VA 50 here on my Engineer toon and I have NEVER once had a personal discussion with, or been gifted with a mission from any of my crew in STO.


I can't really bring myself to log into STO anymore except in certain situations. The dirty little secret... the only time I feel like it is when SWTOR takes the system down for maintenance. Then I log into STO to head over to Earth Space Dock to chat with the other SWTORheads that are exiled so we can chat about SWTOR in STO general chat, LOL.


And now, Cryptic considers new starships on the microtransaction store that you buy with MONEY as "new content". What a crock.


As I say in STO chat when I have had enough of SWTOR-in-Exile chat or when the SWTOR servers are back up, if you need me, you can find me in a galaxy far, far away...

Edited by Kubernetic
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alright I hope OP reads this...

First things first, I was there at beta with sto......it was alright. Then there was release and then almost months of just dealing with bugged unfinished content. After the foundry came out I waited almost 13 months for something new. Sure sure the Cstore in the mean time had new toys.....but nothing in the game.

I played the game without reading the story - if you know anything about star trek you`d know that its put together in a piss poor manor. You say the character selection is awesome - but after a month you`ll see that everyone looks the same - but with a different haircut. Very few ppl have the creativity to put a new species together.

As for the free to play - it has turned into a pay to level format...and its only a matter of time till you see this too. Space combat is dull - and no captin would do the things you do in combat - and the duty officers are just an empty shell.

It doesn`t take long to level in sto (48 hours with double boost weekend).....and there is no workable PVP

All and all - sto is a fancy facebook app.....in fact I think they (facebook) does have better.

swtor has story, its clean, and i can expect content more than once every two years.

sto sucks - the only thing i want from it added into swtor is the ability to repeat some great missions.

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Personally the instances in TSO are more solo friendly and you actually get to design your team for that in mind. Space combat in STO is all over SW TOR, however, I mainly think STO is a space based game and TOR is a ground based game. STO is moving towards more ground friendly features thou in next expansion.


SW ToR has is all over STO in content, no comparison there.

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I'm surprised that people still find this topic interesting. I will admit that I have stopped playing STO, it *to put it simply* just got boring. The problem, however, is that *this* game too got boring! I'm waiting for the new game update, but if it isn't up to par, I'm out. With gw2 looming around the corner, and the beta reviews being really good (arenanet doesnt have to pay for good scores) I feel like unless game update 1.2 IS AMAZING, EA will have a flop on their hands. Honestly, they couldn't have released this game at such a terrible time, It just SCREAMS cash in. With so many AAA MMos coming out, and with the lack of story/gameplay value in TOR, there is little reason to keep playing. I have a full-leveled toon and several others in the high 30s. Not once have I been entranced by the story. The replay value diminished because the gameplay is basically the same no matter how you look at it. The replay value would be GREATLY improved if we were able to control our own attributes/no class restrictions on weapons (A la kotor 1+20) but alas, to no avail. The one thing that is keeping me until 1.2 is the ability to have sith on light-side classes. It will be interesting to see how they handle this. If they simply port the skin and no one notices the fact that you are sith.... *shakes head*
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The space combat in STO is actually pretty compelling and I liked that a lot.


Then i beam down to the planet and the ground system was so dull and mind numbingly slow that I was offended I was paying for the game.


I played STO for probably almost a year when it came out. I liked the space combat and the ship customization enough that I stuck around that long. But there was a lot missing from that game as well.

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Also laughable is how OP thinks STO has any merit at all. Go ask the Klingon faction how well STO is supporting them and then get back to me. That's what drove me from the game more than anything else.


Funny how you can say that when the space combat in TOR is a single player minigame. Space combat in STO is light years better than TORs.


So, yeah, STO does have some merit that Bioware could have taken and used to make TOR better.

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Ok I checked it out for two days and had A LOT OF FUN with the game and it's free which is pretty convenient.


My impressions:


-Top notch graphics, far ahead of TOR regarding detail and overall realism

-Huge character creation options. You can tweak everything from finger lengths to feet size, body posture or eyebrow angle. Very cool.

-High framerates, with loads of interactive, non-static NPCs and players on screen

-got not a single lag

-Space combat pretty cool and off rails, typical star trek battles

-animated loading screen which you do not see often

-you do not realize the instancing, doors do open, elevators too

-felt quite social, there is a disco on earth spacedock you can buy drinks and do the robot dance- a lot of people there chatting, using chat bubbles

-Full companion customization. Made a hot Andorrian chick with short skirt... nice

-Change instances with a click of a button, although all instances were well populated

-Space stations feel alive, there is so much going on there, loudspeaker voices, running lieutenants, all feels super busy

-ships look awesome and earth spacedock area is extremely busy

-full LFG utility

-customizable UI

-calendar with ingame events, weekly episodes



far less voiceovers, but that could be changed easily. I did not miss VO that much.

missions are rather short but with a lot of variety, no real story arc encountered so far.

ground combat feels somehow slower and a little more passive, but it fits to the licence.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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