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Star Trek online vs TOR (READ)


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I doubt you played. I really doubt you did.


Everything in your post is was and always will be WRONG


Doubt all you like guy; people like you said the exact same thing when I tried to tell them that TOR wasn't going to be a hardcore progression Raid game; but in late April or early May there will probably be an open test weekend and you can judge for yourself.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I doubt you played. I really doubt you did.


Everything in your post is was and always will be WRONG



Yeah, doubt him because if he's right it will shatter the ideal of GW2 that you've built for yourself.


As the man said, you'll get the chance to play for yourself. As it is, however, you come off like a ten year old.

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Originally Posted by darthdoll

3. 3 Warzones is fine currently, Rift was the same when it launched, wow had none when launched.


Of course it had none; they practically invented them.


Anyway, three warzones isn't fine, especially not after playing WAR.




Wow did not invent pvp zones. You want pvp zones, go see how many DAOC has.


LOL, if you think WoW invented "battlegrounds" you're wrong.

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1. Actually, companion customizations do exist. Several vendors for them allow the changing of their appearances (i.e you can make T7 a red droid, give Kira blond hair, etc.

2. I would like to see the ability to dye clothes as well.

3. They are releasing a fourth map. However, encouraging people to explore, and maybe, you know, go to open PvP areas, could be accomplished by melding servers in to one for those areas. Don't get me wrong, I like quiet little Elysium, but it would help players find easier duels there. Anyway, back to the warzones, it might be interesting to see a simple battleground type one. Like Battlefront style. Some defense turrets, comand posts, perhaps even, and experience points and tokens earned based on how many opponents you brutally send back to their respawn point, lol.

Edited by bionamaster
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Originally Posted by darthdoll

3. 3 Warzones is fine currently, Rift was the same when it launched, wow had none when launched.


Of course it had none; they practically invented them.


Anyway, three warzones isn't fine, especially not after playing WAR.




Wow did not invent pvp zones. You want pvp zones, go see how many DAOC has.


I would kill for a game with DAoC style battlegrounds...but then it would only work with a DAoC style end game and RvR (not to mention needing 3 realms).

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I love both games as well, and think we should definitely be able to customize our companion more.


The one thing that I'd love for TOR to borrow from STO is the space combat system. I used to dread STO's space combat, but once I got the hang of it, I love it.


Klingons run away at the sight of my Sovereign-class starship. :D

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So AoC, Rift, Aion, Eve-Online, Guild Wars and even Warhammer, these don't have that support structure of decades old fanboys/girls.


Warhammer is one of the biggest IP's around, a large % of males between the ages of 10 & 40 will be familiar with it.


The fact it failed is a disgrace to the Devs & Publishers.


For gods sake will someone remake DAOC with modern graphics!

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your still here. with the way you profess your hated for this game I figured you would have moved on. SWG is dead get over it....this isnt SWG


Look, I want this game to be good, really good, but it just is not if you simply list up the facts and features and compare to other games like SWG or upcoming ones like TSW, GW2 or Archeage.

You pay as long as you want for an unfinished product with loads of voiceovers, I´ll definitely jump back in if the game reaches a specific level of quality and improvement in all areas and closes the huge gaps of missing "Star Wars Feel". I´m pretty sure in about two years it might actually be worth to pay a subscription fee.

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STO took 5 years to develop also... unfortunately they released only 3 years into the 5. And charged a monthly fee, as well as, have a cash shop. Swtor aside because I could care less about comparisons but STO was a joke of a game when it got released and for long afterwards. I still enjoyed the game some what but Atari and cryptic really don't deserve much praise when it comes to it. Edited by Keypek
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Look, I want this game to be good, really good, but it just is not if you simply list up the facts and features and compare to other games like SWG or upcoming ones like TSW, GW2 or Archeage.

You pay as long as you want for an unfinished product with loads of voiceovers, I´ll definitely jump back in if the game reaches a specific level of quality and improvement in all areas and closes the huge gaps of missing "Star Wars Feel". I´m pretty sure in about two years it might actually be worth to pay a subscription fee.


I understand how angry you get when people tell you...and then show you facts. But SWG and STO were\are not good games....I was there...on Shadowfire...when SWG released...left, right after having SOE decide to bukkae all over their player base with CU. This game...SWTOR...has a great foundation. something to build upon for years to come.

You saying otherwise doesn't make it so.

Edited by Taorus
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I understand how angry you get when people tell you...and then show you facts. But SWG and STO were\are not good games....I was there...on Shadowfire...when SWG released...left, right after having SOE decide to bukkae all over their player base with CU. This game...SWTOR...has a great foundation. something to build upon for years to come.

You saying otherwise doesn't make it so.



This game has no foundation...SWG NGE is better than this drivel. SWTOR, in my opinion, doesn't take as long to get into as SWG, but it gets old six times faster. SWTOR just doesn't have the content. And I have a feeling it will never have the content unless a major overhaul is initiated

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SWTOR is what it is, comparing it to STO or SWG wont change what SWTOR is.

These comparisons generate a lot of heat but arent very constructive.


They generate heat, yes, but also are constructive. If the devs listen, of course

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They generate heat, yes, but also are constructive. If the devs listen, of course


BW has no intention of dropping companions for a handful of fans who don't like it. If you think that a significant amount don't like companions, you're dreaming.

Edited by JerokTalram
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This game has no foundation...SWG NGE is better than this drivel. SWTOR, in my opinion, doesn't take as long to get into as SWG, but it gets old six times faster. SWTOR just doesn't have the content. And I have a feeling it will never have the content unless a major overhaul is initiated


It means SWTOR doesn't have any depth and it's true.

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I think based on playing STO, CO and SWTOR in Closed Beta to present that both companies could learn from each other and from previous games in what they could have done better.


I would love to see SWTOR with the character customization features that CO and STO have, really that is the one few if only redeeming qualities of the games. Gives me the chance to make my character "mine".


Having played CO and STO, especially CO as long as I have, I can't say I have someoen another character that remotely came close to being a "Clone" and there is A LOT of "Clones" in SWTOR.


When in fact, aside from Clone troopers and the "everyday" trooper/crew member on ships, or specfici areas. SWTOR is lacking the variety in appearance that would go a long way in the SW Universe.

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Cant play star trek, i am a starwars guy... that would be heresy. ;)


Someone did mention that only that this game could end up with only the diehard starwars fans as player base...i disagree. While the storylines are pretty starwarsy, the end game feel is not.


In LAs attempt to compete with WOW they are pulling away from the starwars feel and more toward the fantasy feel. This is obvious with end game gear. I undestand its a business but the draw here is starwars, if i liked fantasy i would play something else.


So, unless they get back to there starwars roots I am afraid the starwars fan wont be the safety net.

Edited by kirorx
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BW has no intention of dropping companions for a handful of fans who don't like it. If you think that a significant amount don't like companions, you're dreaming.


Ok? I never said anything about that.

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Thou i could agree SWTOR needs many many things fixed/implemented, talking about the biggest fiasco in MMO history (STO) and trying to compare it with TOR is an insult.


Check my posts, im far from a fanboy, but really ... STO??? oh please





i prefer ST universe but love SW too



STO vs SWTOR...as rpg game TOR is beter but as mmorpg both games are same,solo friendly,atractive only for fans(i am here),bored for mmo hard core players...visual STO looking beter and there are advanced customization.



STO for space

SWTOR for ground


...sry I cant resist....for MMORPG EVE ONLINE!

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Same old crying about how the "Next Big Thing " is going to kill the "Broken Lame Game" if Blah Blah Blah doesn't get fixed. Lets take a look at the track record of those...


1. Ultima Online (UO) is going to kill Legends of Kesmai (LOK) and Neverwinter Nights (NWN)


Result: UO was the granddaddy of MMOs and LOK did eventually die but not because of UO. NWN held out for a few more years until AOL finally put it out of it's misery.


2. Everquest (EQ) is going to kill UO.


Result: Both are still around


3. Asherons Call is going to kill UO and EQ


Result: Didn't happen and the 3 are now the holy triad of MMOs


4. Dark age of Camelot (DAOC) is going to kill EQ and UO


Result: Didn't happen and now DAOC is now the 4th main title that all will be compared to.


5. Shadowbane is going to kill DAOC/EQ/UO.


Result: Shadowbane killed itself


6. Anarchy Online (AO) is going to kill all.


Result: DAOC/EQ/UO/AC kept on chugging.


7. Horizons is going to slaughter everyone.


Result: DAOC/EQ/UO/AC keep on chugging.


8. Asherons Call 2 is the holy grail.


Result: AC2 fell on it's sword. DAOC/EQ/UO/AC keep on chugging.


9. Star Wars: Galaxies (SWG) is the holy grail and all will fall before it's glory


Result: It had a chance but ultimately suffered a long slow bleeding gut wound. DAOC/EQ/UO/AC keep on chugging.


10. EQ2 will be the second coming. All others will kneel before it's glory.


Result: Did not live up to the hype. DAOC/EQ/UO/AC/SWG keep on chugging.



I'm going to stop there because I think my point is made. None of the "Next Big Thing " did what everyone predicted. WOW, Lord of the Rings, City of Heroes, Guild Wars, UO, EQ, AC, DAOC, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Age of Conan, STO, etc are all still around and didn't slay all that came before it. It will be no different with this game. The "Next Big Thing " will not kill it. The only thing that will kill this game is funding or a self-inflicted wound like SWG NGE update.

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