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Star Trek online vs TOR (READ)


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Hold on, fanboys. This isn't a thread about how much better star trek online is than starwars. It is just a simple comparasion. This thread isn't meant to make you go out and download trek, it's just meant for us to realize that TOR needs some major improvements.



Now, about Star Trek online. As many of you know, Star Trek Online (Which I will abbreviate into STO from now on) Has gone free to play. I downloaded it, and was immediately blown away. The character customization is immense. You are even given the option to craft your own alien species. You pick your class (Which, to be honest, are more or less the same) and go on to name your ship. As the game continues, you gather more ensigns (companions) and even have the ability to customize your companions. The big sell point was space battles. They are hetic, fun, and beautifully rendered. You really do feel like your actions have an impact in the galaxy, you are given missions that arent all the same and are against many different enemies.



Now, on to TOR...


Let me say that this game is good. But taking into thought that it took 5+ years to develop and over 100 MILLION dollars to make, it's not THAT good. For me, this is the second dissapointing bioware game after DRAGON AGE II. That being said, it's not as BAD as dragon age II, infact, it's not bad at all. But it needs to make some major enhancements if it's going to survive.


1. Customize companions. weapons and armour are fine, but if we were able to customize the cosmetic features of our companions, they become OUR creation, and make them all that more fun to manage and tweak. There is really no reason why this shouldn't be an option.


2. Dyes. Seriously?? Dyes are a simple item that ALL MMOS have. The ability ( or lack, thereof) of being able to dye your clothing is unforgiveable


3. PVP. Pvp is fun, again, I don't HATE this game. (I still pay for it) but to launch a game with THREE maps (Huttball, Alderann, Space battle) is disgusting. non-instanced pvp is fun, but there are usually not alot of people to find if you travel to the marked zones. More maps need to be added. No MMO would even think about launching with this paltry amount.


Star wars needs to update. REALLY needs to update, because with huge mmos coming out this year (Guild wars 2, for example) I sense it will loose alot of subs to these heavy hitters. I think they released an unfinished game, and depended on the star wars name to sell (A la Kotor 2, anyone?) That being said, I do enjoy this game. I realize that yes, it is a launch title, and its early in its lifespan, but if you compete with a game that has been on the market for over 5 years, and has mountains of content, why wouldn't you develop and expand on those features for your game at launch? it's like releasing a car without an airbag, but then telling the customer (Oh, yes, well, the other car has airbags now, but we will have airbags in a year. don't worry). All in all, TOR has hope. But that hope is dwindling. Compared to Star Trek, it has a long way to go. But, this doesn't mean STO is BETTER than star trek. I don't believe that. But compared with features, STO comes out way on top. Star wars TOR is not bad, again, but compared to it's budget, and its AAA level development, it should be MUCH better. And to those who say I'm trolling?



Stop. Trolling is if I had NEVER played the game and have a prejudice towards it. I bought the game, pay the fee, I deserve to complain about lackluster features. We were promised a ground-breaking innovative game that would rock the MMO world. Of course, SWTOR is nothing like that. Next to its WoW rip off gameplay and zero replayability, the only thing "Innovative" is the voice acting. Which I could go without. If I had a choice between voice acting and better features/gameplay, I would pick gameplay/features every time. There is NO reason why this game didn't have more features out of the box. People use the "Oh its an mmo, its EVOLVING" But in reality, that's false. You make a COMPLETE game with COMPLETE FEATURES EXPECTED. it doesn't matter than games launched back in 2005 didnt have these features. The fact is GAMES LAUNCHING NOW have most of the gameplay elements pvp maps etc that SWTOR doesnt. Character creation is a mediocre. Story is bland. Gameplay is fun, but there are basically only 4 professions and many of them play the same. The weapon limitation KILLS replay value. The game should have followed KOTORS gameplay, in which you can use whatever weapon you want as long as you spec for it. It would def help with replay value, and further character customization. Again, there is no real reason for weapon limitations, especially as in this game, most weapons could really be used by ANY character (aside from lightsabers, of course).

Edited by Klannad
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While I agree that the customisation in sto is far ahead of swtor, and there are some things that it does that I really like, doff system being one of them, sto is not that great. Keep playing sto for a while, find out for yourself how quickly the initial wow factor lasts. The ground combat in sto is very poor, space combat is fun though. And it's jut had content released after a year without any. A whole year. And even that wasn't worth the wait.
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I've found that the cons in STO aren't gameplay related, but more of "free subscriber" related. The limit they put on characters and chat is redonk. But still, I find it...I don't want to say better. but more finely crafted game. Like I said, SWTOR isn't bad, I just don't feel inclined to play it. With improvements, It could be great. I just hope that Bioware doesn't get complacent. The bugs needs to be fixed. Everything needs to be improved.
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Well they waste all that money for adding voice to kill & fetch quests so no surprise there :/


My friend that was playing GW2 last weekend told me that you have 5 skills that match weapons you use. So you have different 5 skills if you use 2 swords. Different when you use 1 sword or some huge 2-handed sword. Different when you use gun and sword.


Now you can't even compare something like that to **** Bioware present us.


Same with PVP. Here we have 3 small and boring warzones + broken Ilum. There you have huge epic battle between 3 servers in world vs world vs world fights.


It's not even cross server like in many MMO where bunch of folks join to do something on battleground. There you have contests between servers. How more cool it can be ?


Point is - GW 2 will appear and 2 things will happen. Arenanet will fail and GW 2 will be forgoten or TOR will eat dirt and only Star Wars fan boys, people that don't like fantasy and some of Bioware fanbase will remain.


From last beta I think that GW2 have better PVE content with no stupid instances EVERYWHERE. Better PVP content and on top of that - better engine, overall graphic and combat system.


I just hope that ArenaNet will deliver but after GW 1 I'm sure they can.

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SWTOR has several key features missing that other mmos have and yes they need to up there game but you cant really compare it to a game that has had two years post launch dev time.


Star Trek was a shocking game at launch its still pretty bad even after two years post launch development. It does have an ok character creation process, runs well (now), but the game gets boring very quickly and the ground combat is terrible.

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Well they waste all that money for adding voice to kill & fetch quests so no surprise there :/


My friend that was playing GW2 last weekend told me that you have 5 skills that match weapons you use. So you have different 5 skills if you use 2 swords. Different when you use 1 sword or some huge 2-handed sword. Different when you use gun and sword.


Now you can't even compare something like that to **** Bioware present us.


Same with PVP. Here we have 3 small and boring warzones + broken Ilum. There you have huge epic battle between 3 servers in world vs world vs world fights.


It's not even cross server like in many MMO where bunch of folks join to do something on battleground. There you have contests between servers. How more cool it can be ?


Point is - GW 2 will appear and 2 things will happen. Arenanet will fail and GW 2 will be forgoten or TOR will eat dirt and only Star Wars fan boys, people that don't like fantasy and some of Bioware fanbase will remain.


From last beta I think that GW2 have better PVE content with no stupid instances EVERYWHERE. Better PVP content and on top of that - better engine, overall graphic and combat system.


I just hope that ArenaNet will deliver but after GW 1 I'm sure they can.


Complete biased post.

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1. they have some custimization already granted it's not what you want but there is some.

and i agree more would be better.


2. Dyes are actually pretty rare. I can only think of a handful of MMos that have dies. I would rather have an appearance window then dies. But it doesn't matter because they said match color is coming back in 1.2


3. 3 maps is fine for pvp at launch. If you have too many you run into the problem WAR had where people wouldn't queue up for certain battlegrounds and they ended up having to remove some. WoW only had 2 battlegrounds to start 1 of which you couldn't play till you were level 50. then they added a third and then another one when their first expansion came out.

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Thou i could agree SWTOR needs many many things fixed/implemented, talking about the biggest fiasco in MMO history (STO) and trying to compare it with TOR is an insult.


Check my posts, im far from a fanboy, but really ... STO??? oh please

Edited by recsa
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I wasn't going to read this thread, based on the subject, but when I saw "READ" in capital letters, I immediately realized that it must be something really important and that I'd better read it. Thank you for putting that in there, OP. I wish more posters would do the same when they have something really important to share!
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Well they waste all that money for adding voice to kill & fetch quests so no surprise there :/


My friend that was playing GW2 last weekend told me that you have 5 skills that match weapons you use. So you have different 5 skills if you use 2 swords. Different when you use 1 sword or some huge 2-handed sword. Different when you use gun and sword.


Now you can't even compare something like that to **** Bioware present us.


Same with PVP. Here we have 3 small and boring warzones + broken Ilum. There you have huge epic battle between 3 servers in world vs world vs world fights.


It's not even cross server like in many MMO where bunch of folks join to do something on battleground. There you have contests between servers. How more cool it can be ?


Point is - GW 2 will appear and 2 things will happen. Arenanet will fail and GW 2 will be forgoten or TOR will eat dirt and only Star Wars fan boys, people that don't like fantasy and some of Bioware fanbase will remain.


From last beta I think that GW2 have better PVE content with no stupid instances EVERYWHERE. Better PVP content and on top of that - better engine, overall graphic and combat system.


I just hope that ArenaNet will deliver but after GW 1 I'm sure they can.


GW2 will do well.... until people realize that there is no endgame. The endgame in TOR may be easy, but at least it exists, whereas Arenanet has said GW2 will not have any form of endgame dungeons or raiding. That, IMO, will kill the game.

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Well they waste all that money for adding voice to kill & fetch quests so no surprise there :/


My friend that was playing GW2 last weekend told me that you have 5 skills that match weapons you use. So you have different 5 skills if you use 2 swords. Different when you use 1 sword or some huge 2-handed sword. Different when you use gun and sword.


Now you can't even compare something like that to **** Bioware present us.


Same with PVP. Here we have 3 small and boring warzones + broken Ilum. There you have huge epic battle between 3 servers in world vs world vs world fights.


It's not even cross server like in many MMO where bunch of folks join to do something on battleground. There you have contests between servers. How more cool it can be ?


Point is - GW 2 will appear and 2 things will happen. Arenanet will fail and GW 2 will be forgoten or TOR will eat dirt and only Star Wars fan boys, people that don't like fantasy and some of Bioware fanbase will remain.


From last beta I think that GW2 have better PVE content with no stupid instances EVERYWHERE. Better PVP content and on top of that - better engine, overall graphic and combat system.


I just hope that ArenaNet will deliver but after GW 1 I'm sure they can.


just like any game that has come out in the last 5 years or so it will save us all and kill all others not worthy of its glory..


UMM ya right more like there will be posts about how this or that sucks in the game just like all games and it will have people who love it and hate it, but nothing will change and games before and after will still be made/live .

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honestly i think this will be my last "mmorpg" game.


logging on to play bores me to tears with such basic game mechanics and it feels like a job instead of a game im playing for funs.



in general MMO style games are more expensive to buy and play than console games, and honestly they are always more boring to play.


the only incentive to play them is the online community and interaction with other people, but since the 13 million sub mmo took over the online community has degraded into a pile of garbage for these types of games... so that is not really an incentive anymore.


they are just a waste of time and money now.

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Trust me when I say when STO just came out it was a game full of bugs and so annoying to play I tossed it in a dark corner.


That game is now out "a while now" so yes ofcourse it's more polished.



Give SWTOR the same time STO had on polishing it and then come make a comparison.

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STO? Seriously?


STO has one of the best character creation, customization and recustomization systems in the industry. SWTOR would be vastly enhanced if it was a fraction as good. And that's it. That's where it's excellence ends.


See how fast your character reacts to your commands in this game versus character control and responsiveness is in that game. It's like comparing a Hot Dog to a top end Filet Mignon. Please.

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GW2 will do well.... until people realize that there is no endgame. The endgame in TOR may be easy, but at least it exists, whereas Arenanet has said GW2 will not have any form of endgame dungeons or raiding. That, IMO, will kill the game.


No endgame = Fail in publics eyes, I personally will never buy anything from Arenanet ever.

Edited by darthdoll
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Now I'm far from a fanboy but you really can't compare the two games.


I was there for the first three months of STO and it was released even more unfinished then this game was. Playing as a klingon was a joke and we had promise after promise after promise of THE NEXT BIG PATCH. It certainly never came in the first year of play, I know I checked back from time to time.


The customisation factor was big and god knows that SWTOR certainly needs more but its ok for now.

What this game needs isn't more features but alot more fixing of bugs - Look at the whole FPS issue in WZ, Ops etc that a good few ppl have for example. Get the game working a bit smoother and give endgame some sort of real progression and hopefully a bit more to do.


IN short I certainly wouldn't want BW, who are bad enough with this game already, takeing any notes from that debaucle of a launch.

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I just wished they added some graphic sliders for those with powerful computers , when it comes to graphics STO has that hands down . As for everything elso I can't comment because I only tried STO for an hour or two and the game felt uninteresting .


I'll stay here for a few more months and see if they add better looking graphics and gameplay content , If not I'll just move to a new game . :)

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The truth is, SWTOR simply doesn't have the time.


It won't flourish, or even survive after TERA and GW2 are launched. TERA will soak up a lot of players because of the Pay Subscription service (Same as SWTOR, therefore people are only likely to play one)


GW2 is going to suck up a lot more. The PvPers will love it, and the casuals will love it because it is immensely fun and dynamic. It's very, very immersive as well, so RolePlayers will love it.


Honestly, SWTOR feels like a game that should have come out in 2007 or so. The story won't hold up, because so many other MMORPGS coming out are going to focus on story a lot, as well.


And then you have Secret World that will most likely take less than those 2, but will certainly have it's own impact.


They simply let out to much. Their first-impression wasn't great, and it really doesn't have any holding power.

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The truth is, SWTOR simply doesn't have the time.


It won't flourish, or even survive after TERA and GW2 are launched. TERA will soak up a lot of players because of the Pay Subscription service (Same as SWTOR, therefore people are only likely to play one)


GW2 is going to suck up a lot more. The PvPers will love it, and the casuals will love it because it is immensely fun and dynamic. It's very, very immersive as well, so RolePlayers will love it.


Honestly, SWTOR feels like a game that should have come out in 2007 or so. The story won't hold up, because so many other MMORPGS coming out are going to focus on story a lot, as well.


And then you have Secret World that will most likely take less than those 2, but will certainly have it's own impact.


They simply let out to much. Their first-impression wasn't great, and it really doesn't have any holding power.

Ah the standard "x" game will kill "y" game when it is released. You would think that after 8 to 9+ years of game killing predictions spread across a multitude of games. People would learn that those prediction almost alway fall on their face. Edited by Genkin
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Do you really think the new games released will be a more finished state when they release!


Most new games take a while to settle down and get things right. Give the devs a chance and give them some constructive feedback that doesnt contain the words "WOW does this or some other MMPORG does that"


The only thing that will happen when the new ones come out is the forum will be a nice place with all the moaners gone!

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