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too all the ppl that say play alts.


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making ALTS is not endgame content i hate to tell ya. But , too all you ppl that say make alts, what happens when all your alts become 50? then what? lol you will be bored like everyone else, this is a MMO i want to progress my char not make alts like i would on a single player game.


Eh, making alts works for some people, doesn't work for everyone though. Much like raiding, or PvP, or anything else. If you tried it and said "it's just not working for me," then hey - you at least gave it a shot, right? They do need a bit more to their endgame, from what I'm hearing everywhere, but if you can't find something interesting to tide you over until then, then no harm in unsubscribing.


I'm still fine playing alts, personally, but even if I do start to get burnt out, I have a few big single-player games to tide me over, and the Vita comes out tomorrow.

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For some reason players who are defending SWTOR gameplay can not understand this point at all.


I'll play:


WoW currently has 1 raid

SWTOR has 3


WoW currently has blocky, pixels for characters

SWTOR has smooth character avatars


WoW currently has boring/dead quests and zones.

SWTOR has intriguing quests and the zones actually have people in them.


WoW has a sparkle pony...lol

SWTOR has speeders



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I want you to write a fantasy book series like Lord of the Rings. Now, it can be a copy of LOTR, just change up the races and setting. I expect, at minimum, that it will be as good and as popular as the LOTR franchise, since you can just copy what they did. I also want the trilogy done in the time it would normally take to write one book, since the work is already done. And those books translated nicely into movies, so make sure to get a few of those done.


Wait, what? All of that takes time? And resources? And you need to get the first books set up before you can make the movies? No way, you must be a no-talent writer.

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For some reason players who are defending SWTOR gameplay can not understand this point at all.


Because it's an idiotic point.


WoW has had teams of people writing code on it for over a decade now. Swtor has had people coding on it for roughly two years or so. You can decide you want a bazillion features and content in a game, but the more you want in it, the more time it takes to code.


They aren't wishing it into the game out of thin air. At the same point in their development cycles, ToR is easily ahead of WoW. By far.

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No-lifers and contentlocusts will always be the first to complain.

The game is always crap and the sky will fall. (Like it always does ;) )

They will move on. They will copy and paste their complaints into the next game's forums soon.


Have a nice day everyone :)

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I'm already working on my second alt. My first character is a Sin tank and I consider her to be done.


My first character is pretty much "finished" to my desire:

  • PvE --> 23k HP fully buffed; tanked all instances in HM; tanked 8-man OPS both EV and KG Normal/HM/Nightmare (although didn't finish all of EV Nightmare).
  • PvP --> Rank 61; Darkness Spec; got my BM weapon, don't need all the other pieces of gear (the grind from 51 to 60 was already bad enough... to subject myself to more PvP would be torture)


My Marauder turned 50 just about 2 days ago. I already have the Centurion MH, Champion OH, and working towards my first piece of Centurion gear. I should have another relic and a new piece of gear by the EOD.


My experience is to show how 'easy' this game is. They have really set the bar extremely low in terms of how easy this game to truly cater to the lowest common denominator.


I believe I'll go back to my Sin once more content is released but it truly says something about the game when we've been barely two months in and I'm already working on my second character.

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wasn't it einstein who said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? i do not understand how people can start an mmo at launch and expect there to be years worth of material to do. unless you ahve never played one, you have to know that these games are always light to start.


wow now has so much to do that you almost have to use alts to get the entire feel for it. this game will be the same, given time. if it isn't enough for you now, fine. the game is fun. take a break. check back in a few months and see if they have added enough to keep you engaged. no reason to throw a fit, get all dramatic and "quit this never to return"


Thing is you guys have to stop using the WoW card because of this simple reason; make no mistake I really like Tor as the SINGLE PLAYER GAME it is.

This game is not built as WoW or Everquest 2 for that matter. Tor is built like Guild Wars in a lot of ways. Bioware choosed to implement companions. The matter if the choice was to allow ppl to not have to group up is something I have no answers for but the effect of puttin in companions have resulted in that most heroics can actually be done solo if you play healer classes.


Furthermore this means that Bioware took out a HUGE CHUNK of MMO from what could be a MMorpg and made this game into a single player game with online features. There is nothing wrong with this but stop comparing Tor with WoW when the 2 games is in 2 different markets altogheter just as Guild Wars and Tor is different in almost every way except both games have online features, somewhat character progressions and PVP. The similarities ends there.


All of u WoW vs Tor card dealers just L2 understand what an MMorpg is and what a Single player game with online features is. Start with playing Ultima Online, DaoC, AC and EQ1 so you'll get a basic understanding about what defines a MMorpg game :)


have fun

Edited by redsovereign
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Guyz I play 15 hours a day, 7 days a week and this game does not have enough content for me to do.


I spacebared my way through every quest so I could be the first to level 50 and then when I got to the fleet I could not find a group.


I am bored at least 5 hours of my 15 hour play time even though I have not found all the datacrons or lore objects. I have not leveled my professions. I do not do dailys and and I do not like PVP. I have only ran normal mode operation and 2 flashpoints.


This game is supposed to be the only game I need to play and I should not have to do anything else in my life. There is nothing to do in this game.

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You know I find this interesting.


Many would agree that making alts in wow is basically what you do after you gear up and are just doing raids on a weekly basis...... and lets face it leveling alts in wow is not exciting lol.


Yet its considered something everyone does after they hit end game and start raiding in wow.




Now swtor is out they have raids they have endgame stuff also just not something to keep you busy 7 days a week.... same as wow, you log into wow you do your daily's you log to an alt.... then later its raid time you get on your main you raid for a few hours then go back to your alt for the rest of the week lol.


How is that any different then swtor?


Its not.


You do your endgame in swtor you log to another alt and level it up.


I like how people dont remember what wow was like before all the content patchs.


You think swtor wont have comparable content after 7 years of content upgrades?


Your a fool if you think swtor endgame should compete with other games that have been out longer.


Name ONE game that had complete endgame at launch to keep you busy until the next content update..... hell wow cant even do that. Dragon soul was supposed to keep people busy till MoP? Lol right.


Keep raggin on swtor's endgame, but remember this. Its 10x what wow was before they were able to add content each year, and its way more then any other mmo has ever launched wtih.

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making ALTS is not endgame content i hate to tell ya. But , too all you ppl that say make alts, what happens when all your alts become 50? then what? lol you will be bored like everyone else, this is a MMO i want to progress my char not make alts like i would on a single player game.


I challenge you to make alts for every class, and advanced class, on every server and get them to 50.

Then marry a different companion on each AC.

You'll never do it no one will, there's your end game, ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED! :p

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I'll play:


WoW currently has 1 raid

SWTOR has 3


WoW currently has blocky, pixels for characters

SWTOR has smooth character avatars


WoW currently has boring/dead quests and zones.

SWTOR has intriguing quests and the zones actually have people in them.


WoW has a sparkle pony...lol

SWTOR has speeders




What is the 3rd raid?


Turn your graphics up.


Your companion doesn't count...


The pony runs faster than the speeder o.0.


I thought you quit WoW a long time ago?

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making ALTS is not endgame content i hate to tell ya. But , too all you ppl that say make alts, what happens when all your alts become 50? then what? lol you will be bored like everyone else, this is a MMO i want to progress my char not make alts like i would on a single player game.


Why bother with the end game content since the end game whiners always get to it in nano seconds and spend the rest of their times whining for more end game content, always as been like that in any MMO and this one wont be different.


By the time I reach end game with all my alts, I am quite certain some enjoyable end game contents will be available for me. If not, I will reactivate another MMO account and go enjoy the new stuff added while I was playing SWToR.


For my part I like alts a lot, I want to enjoy every Class, and if possible every permutations also. Personally I would like 8 more slots per server.

Edited by Ultack
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making ALTS is not endgame content i hate to tell ya. But , too all you ppl that say make alts, what happens when all your alts become 50? then what? lol you will be bored like everyone else, this is a MMO i want to progress my char not make alts like i would on a single player game.




level to 75...


Where's your subclass?


Technically you have to roll an alt.


This was a necessity, if you went to a 36 hour boss pop with a lvl 75 character and no alternate subclass, you were screwed, and pretty weak overall.


Bioware stated in a video interview back towards launch that said that this game would have part of the gameplay focused on the ability to replay a new character with ease.


Just take for example the legacy system, a system that is by in large designed around rolling multiple characters.


If you don't like experiencing multiple stories from different standpoints, perhaps this game isn't for you.

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What is End Game?


That's like, when you cancel your sub, right?


Shadow - Level 50

Scoundral - level 30

Trooper - level 21

Guardian - level 19

Gun Slinger - level 14

Vanguard - level 14

Sage - level 12

Knight - level 7


Guy plays Skyrim for 100 hours, and says "Man!, that was a great game!"


Guy plays SW:TOR for 300 hours and says "Man!, there is nothing to do!, what a terrible game!"




Anonymous player: But! But! Thats a single player game and this is multiplayer.


My answer: Have you really done EVERYTHING; can you find me ANY MMO out there that doesn't require you to repeat content? Pretty certain they all require this.

Edited by djsmileey
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well i'm working on my third 50, within a month i'll have every class at 50 and then nothing to do unless they have a team actually release content that is worth the effort. or not bugged to hell


ran HM BP only to find out last boss was bugged and couldn't be fixed.

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Thing is you guys have to stop using the WoW card because of this simple reason; make no mistake I really like Tor as the SINGLE PLAYER GAME it is.

This game is not built as WoW or Everquest 2 for that matter. Tor is built like Guild Wars 2 in a lot of ways. Bioware choosed to implement companions. The matter if the choice was to allow ppl to not have to group up is something I have no answers for but the effect of puttin in companions have resulted in that most heroics can actually be done solo if you play healer classes.


This is where your post fails.


Name for me one game... Any single MMO outside of FFXI... That FORCES you to group up with people...


WoW sure doesn't. AoC..? Nope. EQ or EQ2..? Nope... You can level solo in those games easily. LoTRO..? Love that game but you dont have to group for anything if you dont want to... Hrmm.. Rift..? Nope.


Where is the game your're putting up that can't be done solo? Star Wars has a ton of group content if you want to do it, just like every other game on the market...


FFXI is the only game I can think of where you're actually forced to find people to play with if you want to even level your toon. Solo play in WoW is a joke. It's easy as hell.


This game isn't single player... Get back to me when you've downed Nightmare Soa by yourself.

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Guy plays Skyrim for 100 hours, and says "Man!, that was a great game!"


Guy plays SW:TOR for 300 hours and says "Man!, there is nothing to do!, what a terrible game!"


Yes, Skyrim is a single player RPG


SWTOR is an MMO.


On another MMO, I have 87 days as max level and 257 days played over 6 years.


I cant imagine 87 days as level 50 in TOR.

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well i'm working on my third 50, within a month i'll have every class at 50 and then nothing to do unless they have a team actually release content that is worth the effort. or not bugged to hell


ran HM BP only to find out last boss was bugged and couldn't be fixed.


If you have that many 50's within a month then you are on a very very far fringes of the bell curve for average game play time.

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Yes, Skyrim is a single player RPG


SWTOR is an MMO.


On another MMO, I have 87 days as max level and 257 days played over 6 years.


I cant imagine 87 days as level 50 in TOR.


See my edit above for the answer to your question.


Oh and one more note: TOR has released more content and updates in 2 months than almost any other MMO out there.


I have over 300 days played among 4 characters and over 100 + days on several other MMO's. I can completely see myself playing for that long. As I am aware they are releasing more content, and i'm STILL not anywhere close to being done with the content i'm currently experiencing.


50 BH, 50 Scoundrel, 37 shadow, 32 SI

Edited by djsmileey
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making ALTS is not endgame content i hate to tell ya. But , too all you ppl that say make alts, what happens when all your alts become 50? then what? lol you will be bored like everyone else, this is a MMO i want to progress my char not make alts like i would on a single player game.


You do know that as this is the START of an mmo making alts is mostly the norm. Look at wow and rift, most ppl who play those games ended there 1st few months with more than one max level character. Stop complaining about people sujestions because you dont like them.


More content will come, complaining on the forums is not exactly constructive at all

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