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Reason people leave early on PVP


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For those people it is still fun because they are getting commendations and valor they can still use for something, so even if they lose at the end, they get a small compensation for their efforts. The more effort they put in, the more rewards they get. It might not be much, but it is still better than nothing.


People like the op, however, they get no compensation for their unfun time at losing, so they want to quit. It is a very natural thing to want to do, so you cannot really blame them for it. The solution is not giving them a penalty, but making it worth their time to stay, even when losing. That is how a smart game developer would solve the problem.


Honestly, if someone is no longer going to try his best, I would rather them leave and be replaced by someone else who will at least attempt to make a dent on the opposing team.

Edited by gabusan
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This is a game and games are meant to be fun experiences. If the match is no longer enjoyable for someone, for whatever reason, he has every right to want to quit. If its the developers responsability to make sure people is enjoying their time. Developers have several tools at their disposal to achieve this, and rewards are one of them.


I think the point of this person is that he needs rewards to enjoy a losing match that can go for as long as 15m. It is a reasonable demand and developers should take good note of it.


If developers solution is placing a penalty for leaving, that is anti-game. We dont play to get penalized. We get enough of that in real life. We play games to get rewarded at some level, either the satisfaction of winning or earning some long term reward. Maybe when PVP stat tracking is implemented, people will rather stay to attempt to improve their stats and earn bragging rights or something.



Devs can't make you good. No matter what they do or don't do douchebags will still quit games.


It's just great how you say this is a game and about fun experiences when your actions have a DIRECT EFFECT on 7+ other peoples 'fun experience'.


Selfish POS.

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For those people it is still fun because they are getting commendations and valor they can still use for something, so even if they lose at the end, they get a small compensation for their efforts. The more effort they put in, the more rewards they get. It might not be much, but it is still better than nothing.


People like the op, however, they get no compensation for their unfun time at losing, so they want to quit. It is a very natural thing to want to do, so you cannot really blame them for it. The solution is not giving them a penalty, but making it worth their time to stay, even when losing. That is how a smart game developer would solve the problem.


Honestly, if someone is no longer going to try his best, I would rather them leave and be replaced by someone else who will at least attempt to make a dent on the opposing team.


No it isnt, if i got into a game that has 5 mins left and its miserable loss, it wont be fun for me and prolly not for most people. I did 167 WZs, won 164 and lost 3 before i unsubbed but i never left a single game and turned quite many around towards end. When you queue to WZs, you know that name of the game is win or lose, with deserter, you will in future suffer for your failure and maybe trying to win comes more important.

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Devs can't make you good. No matter what they do or don't do douchebags will still quit games.


It's just great how you say this is a game and about fun experiences when your actions have a DIRECT EFFECT on 7+ other peoples 'fun experience'.


Selfish POS.


Yeah he's upsetting 7 teammates.


But he's making 8 people on the other team happy by helping them win through his absence.


Technically, he's making more people happy than people who fight to win.


So that point's kind of broken, I guess.




But this entire post--from what I gather--is that, as a BM, there is ZERO incentive to stay in a losing Warzone. Judging from a lot of the responses, it would see that many (most?) who are posting here are not yet BM and do not yet understand (care?) how broken the system is for BMs.



I am fortunate that my group/server is full of outstanding PvPers which makes getting dailies/weeklies done in a timely fashion a snap. However, if I were on an Empire-dominated server I will freely admit I could see the merit of leaving a WZ than wasting 10-15 minutes being farmed with absolutely no chance of advancing my character via BM gear.



This is a game system/developer issue.


Some folks will fight for the sake of fighting--I count myself as one of them. But if I were on a badly-balanced server, I may think differently. I just don't know.


As it stands, someone leaving a lost cause WZ sucks, but it is much more and indictment of the game itself than the player in most cases.

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I actually think AFK'ers in the 1-49 bracket are worse. The only thing they're accomplishing is stealing a spot from someone who potentially had played. It gets really annoying when someone calls them out on it and they're cocky back. I've seen people type the most retarded **** such as "it's not worth my time...I have better things to do! etc. But it's apperently perfectly fine to ruin everyone elses time?


That said, leaving just because it might take you longer to get gear that is intended for the activity you just left is a total douche move too.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Wow, the OP is exactly the type of player I made a recent post about mocking. Seriously, never PvP again, it's obvious you don't play PvP to have fun. All you care about is your Battlemaster gear and you certainly don't give a damn about the repercussions your actions might have on your teammates, which are, by the way, other human beings like yourself. No, scratch that, quit SWToR and never return, the game will be a better place without all the self-entitled people such as you.




I'm entering your matches

and screwing your team up

So ya'll better hide your imps hide your pubs hide your imps hide your pubs hide your imps hide your pubs

Cuz I'm quittin every game out there.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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What Bioware needs to do is to give people a specific, unupgradable set of PvP gear when they hit 50. Make it Centurion level gear, it doesn't matter.


There will still be a valor rank and titles based on your rank. But your rank is nothing more than a pretty title you can flash in front of your opponents.


Gear will be moot (everyone has the same gear). PvP will be about skill and playing your class and PvPing for the sake of PvP. No gear grinds, no whining about not getting anything for losing (you won't get anything for winning either, beyond the satisfaction of victory).


Then people like the OP will never PvP and we will never have to suffer his idiocy.

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What Bioware needs to do is to give people a specific, unupgradable set of PvP gear when they hit 50. Make it Centurion level gear, it doesn't matter.


There will still be a valor rank and titles based on your rank. But your rank is nothing more than a pretty title you can flash in front of your opponents.


Gear will be moot (everyone has the same gear). PvP will be about skill and playing your class and PvPing for the sake of PvP. No gear grinds, no whining about not getting anything for losing (you won't get anything for winning either, beyond the satisfaction of victory).


Then people like the OP will never PvP and we will never have to suffer his idiocy.




So they should do the same thing for PvE at 50 too, right?




*** is up with this whine that people should PvP for nothing more than PvPing. MMOs are built around carrot-chasing. It just so happens that the industry standard for carrots = gear. Dunno if you're trying to shift the paradigm here, but someone who invests more time than you in PvP deserves to have better gear than you. If that gets you killed, so be it. If you spend more time in PvE than I do (and trust me, you do) then you should put my toon to shame in a raid environment. Do you hear me complaining about your Rakata gear?




P.S. I'm a fresh BM with 3 pieces of BM--all from Comms. (lolbags) I never get wrecked by full BMs. I wreck them. It's not always the gear, ya know...

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I know gear is the carrot but WHY chase the carrot if you arent enjoying it? Once you get the carrot you will just be stuck with the same unenjoyable experience.


WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?! same thing happened in WAR. Beta phase everyone PvP'd because it was fun as hell. Suddenly at release those valor scores mattered and people went insane.

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I am one of the people that will leave a loosing PVP match. I am 63 valor, have all my Champion dps and tanking gear. The only thing that will benefit me is Battlemaster gear. I have already bought what Battlemaster gear I can get. The ONLY way for me to get Battlemaster bags is to complete my daily and weekly quests. I don't need anymore commendations. There is currently no incentive for me to stay in a loosing PVP match.


So until they DO make it worth my while to stay, I will continue to leave a loosing PVP match.


If they start penalizing me for leaving early with no chance to get Battlemaster bags, I am done with the game.


I am tired of the constant bugs and no REAL customer service. I am sure they are also tired of my constant complaining.



Yeah... So what your saying is now that you have been carried to 63 valor, (or maybe you were just a 1.1 turret farm nab), your going to refuse to help the alts of the people that carried you to begin with? Awesome.


Sorry I refuse to believe someone with this type of attitude has any actual skill what so ever, even if he does, hes still going to be a terribad in my eyes. Or perhaps the true story is he quits early because he doesn't want attention drawn to how bad he REALLY is?

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So they should do the same thing for PvE at 50 too, right?




*** is up with this whine that people should PvP for nothing more than PvPing. MMOs are built around carrot-chasing. It just so happens that the industry standard for carrots = gear. Dunno if you're trying to shift the paradigm here, but someone who invests more time than you in PvP deserves to have better gear than you. If that gets you killed, so be it. If you spend more time in PvE than I do (and trust me, you do) then you should put my toon to shame in a raid environment. Do you hear me complaining about your Rakata gear?




P.S. I'm a fresh BM with 3 pieces of BM--all from Comms. (lolbags) I never get wrecked by full BMs. I wreck them. It's not always the gear, ya know...



I did three flashpoints in all my time playing the game. I spend most of time in PvP. No, I am not BM yet (I don't have that much time to play). I don't begrudge a man his gear and I am happily going about my way collecting my own set of gear. I've lost fights to Battlemasters and I've won some fights.


I personally have no issue with the way the system works currently.


However, the OP is literally saying he will not play a losing match because it won't contribute to his gear collection.


That's like someone saying he will not continue the FP or Raid because they wiped on the first boss, because its not contributing to his gear collection (if you didn't already know, you will wipe a lot of times in a raid, especially if its your first time).


So removing the gear collection portion of PvP would remove idiots like the OP.


Alternatively, if you want to be rewarded for your time investment, then make your character have a stat boost for each Valor rank. Its a much steadier curve of improvement than bag RNG, plus you get more immediate returns for your progression.





I know gear is the carrot but WHY chase the carrot if you arent enjoying it? Once you get the carrot you will just be stuck with the same unenjoyable experience.


WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?! same thing happened in WAR. Beta phase everyone PvP'd because it was fun as hell. Suddenly at release those valor scores mattered and people went insane.



Also this. What is the OP going to do once he gets all his BM gear? Stop PvPing?

Edited by Zakmonster
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you guys are idiots, most of you anyways.


The OP is raging cause he's getting rolled over and over and cant complete his dailies.


This issue has 2 parts to it. Part 1, he cant complete his objective. Part 2, its boring to lose all the time.



Solution is simple:


1. cross-server pvp (this way you dont have to play same teams that are winning all day anyways)


2. at this point it is probably necessary to give republic players a full set of champ gear upon reaching 50 to ballance the pvp because there is so many fully BM geared sith out there (from Ilum exploit and constant winning of WZ's that followed).


3. probably need to buff republic overall because due to animations and other minor issues (death from above vs mortar valley, IA vs Scoundrel knockdowns) empire just has an advantage in pvp.


4. Solo que should play solo que, and pre-made should play pre-made to make things competitive.


These 4 things would improve PvP by a lot, but it is probably too late. Too many people are way too disgusted with the game already and BW is not showing much of a sign they even get it. Sadly i played WAR and its the same **** all over again, and we all know how that went so get ready for your server mergers =d.


p.s. oh yeah, remove all CC abilities from Inq's, and make armor/defense rating mitigate all force/tech abilities fully to bring them in line with the rest of the classes.

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p.s. oh yeah, remove all CC abilities from Inq's, and make armor/defense rating mitigate all force/tech abilities fully to bring them in line with the rest of the classes.


Not going to address the rest of your post because its patently ridiculous, but this last bit would make Commando/Mercenary healers near impossible to kill.


Also, it would make Vanguards/Powertechs and Guardians/Juggernauts completely imbalanced.

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I never left a WZ until today. Why? Because they have not fixed the winning match bug where you dont get credit for a daily. I had my daily DONE but didnt get credit for two matches. And unfortunately the next 16 matches I played we lost, I left early on 8 of them.
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Why do people get so bent out of shape over people who leave obvious steamroll games. If I join a match and it is 0-3 with 10 min left and fighting in mid, sure I stay and try to change the tide, its fun. If I join a match and it is 0-5 with their entire team sitting at our goal line /dancing and slaughtering 11k hp baddies who didn't bother to even try to get gear at 50, what possible reason could I have for staying? The people remaining on the farmed team will get the same in the end, hell maybe some lowbie will pop in for a 30 second loss worth some valor / creds / comms and be not unhappy.
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Why do people get so bent out of shape over people who leave obvious steamroll games. If I join a match and it is 0-3 with 10 min left and fighting in mid, sure I stay and try to change the tide, its fun. If I join a match and it is 0-5 with their entire team sitting at our goal line /dancing and slaughtering 11k hp baddies who didn't bother to even try to get gear at 50, what possible reason could I have for staying? The people remaining on the farmed team will get the same in the end, hell maybe some lowbie will pop in for a 30 second loss worth some valor / creds / comms and be not unhappy.


QFT decent player can compensate for 1 maybe 2 bads if enemy team is not very good. But he cant be everywhere and he cant carry entire team.

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Not going to address the rest of your post because its patently ridiculous


not going to address much of your post at all, but do you really find solo que newb players vs pre-mades battle masters on ventrilo fun and competitive?


what is so ridiculous about asking for competitive pvp?

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thats why i am so excited to have the /votekick command coming.


for those scrubs who leave all of the time the second i see you enter a game i will /votekick you and /lol irl how you will NEVER get your daily's/weekly's done.


No you wont. Didn't read the patch notes did you? You can only votekick....IDLE players. You cannot votekick someone just because you don't like them and want to troll them.

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Well to me it seems like your more upset about the overal state of the game than losing PvP warzone matches but using that as an excuse to quit Warzones early is cowardly, selfish, and above all detrimental to your factions cause.


Instead of being an example of true dedication and strength, having gain 63 valor; something to look up to, you quit your warzone matches early like a coward and humiliate not just yourself but your whole faction/team. You demoralize the group and therefore tempt more to quit because all hope seems lost. Soon the team is outnumbered and the match is as good as over. Instead of sucking it up you abandon ship because you can't have it your way. You sir, make me sick.


your the very reason why there is gonna be a penalty for leaving wz early, and for that im thankful. I hope they make it as harsh as possible. If it wades out losers like yourself from the game, and im sure me and many others won't miss you.


For the record I do get mad at the game and get mad at losing cuz of the state of the game, but I stay in the game and play my hardest, I may seem hard on my team but im just pushing them to think and play smart. I know because stratagy works. When you lead by example, the right people follow. Maybe you should lead by example by being a leader and not a quitter.



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you guys are idiots, most of you anyways.


The OP is raging cause he's getting rolled over and over and cant complete his dailies.



No, OP is raging because he is a gear collector with a lack of patience. He wants to always play on an ideal team (everyone valor 60+), so he can roflstomp all comers and get his toys in record time. He is most definitely NOT interested in PVP, or he would stay win or lose and try to make a difference. Hello Kitty Online (http://www.hellokittyonline.com/ , yes, it DOES exist) is probably more his speed.

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not going to address much of your post at all, but do you really find solo que newb players vs pre-mades battle masters on ventrilo fun and competitive?


what is so ridiculous about asking for competitive pvp?



Form your own premades and get your own Vent server. Also, if you had any experience in PvP before 50 at all, then you're not a 'newb'. You're at a gear disadvantage, which can be rectified with minimum effort. Bioware has taken steps to make entry-level PvP friendlier for fresh 50s (although they could do a few more things).

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  • 11 months later...

Well i say it as complicated as this:


Quitters suck!


Theres nothing more in it... ofc some are less experienced than others. Quitting can be explaned many ways and as their points have logic in them, they are still not valid enough.

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