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New 50, useless in warzones?


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It is almost funny how weak a fresh 50 is, before my alt got to 50 and enter the 50 bracket i did think it would like a lvl 10 in 10-49 but no lvl 10 is much stronger.

It will really suck for the next generation 50 that will be vote kicked from many many matches, it will take them a very long time to get their gear together.

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I just hit 50 recently, and after playing a lot of competitive matches in the under 50 bracket, it was quite a shock to go into the 50 WZ for the first time (even with 6 bags worth of gear). I did manage to break 100K damage with my Sentinel, but all in all, I felt pretty worthless.


However, I understand that I just need to suck it up and grind my way to some better gear.


I guess I can see both sides of the argument... Pretty sure there can never be a fix that will make the majority of people happy...

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many mmo's that offer pvp have this issue, where a newly max level character struggles in pvp. That's like, normal. Get a relic and an adrenal, and when you are needing the extra edge against someone, pop your ohnos button, relic, and adrenal all in a row.
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Thankfully, Bioware agrees with you and is changing how gear is acquired in 1.2.


Gabe Amatangelo: It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes.
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I just hit 50 a couple hours ago, and I just started Queuing warzones. I discovered pretty quickly that I can't do much to most of these people. I figured if I can't kill them, I can just go and support my teammates by CC'ing and taunting the enemy, and placing guard on my teammates. Being a class with a tank spec helps out in the survivability area, and nets me some decent medals. I'm averaging about 7 or 8 a match, most through protection.


Obviously you can't do this as a class without a tank tree, but the idea is the same. Aim more for objectives and harassing the enemy rather than killing. It's less frustrating and helps the team.

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Sage hit 50 on Thursday. He's currently 100% PvP geared, minus the Matrix Cube relic which is better anyway.


It was an issue before the change, it's not an issue now.


Edit: Also, I only did Warzones until I finished my dailies/weekly. There was a huge skirmish on Ilum on both Saturday and Sunday on my server, so I opened a total of 17 bags (2 weeklies, 5 dailies, 6 from pre-50)

Edited by Xenthum
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The worst part is that i feel like i already did this grindage and content before i was 50.



i cant even begin to imagine how many hours i have spent in warzones before getting 50.


I skipped most side quests because i prefer pvp. I completed my main story at 46 and warzones all the way to 50. Again, i prefer to pvp over pve any day.


Now after buying a couple bags, i hate grinding comms.



I feel my motivation for huttball has disappeared and i am just there doing it for 40 or 50 commes tops so i can use 30 to buy 10 mercs.


This is not a very fun game anymore, good stoylines though and its starwars so i guess its worth logging in for.

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Since hitting 50 as a marauder


congrats, you are now useless in pvp.


if you had tanking or healing abilities, you could have been of some use to your team. good news is, if you do the wz daily everyday you should be in half cent in one week. .75 cent and .25 champ in two weeks.


and of course, BM in 4 months.

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Now people are getting it in a week. No one wants to work for anything anymore...


I hit Ilum at 50 with Valor rank 50. Now, back then it didn't matter that I had little expertise because I was one of the first 50 or so level fifties on the server. But if I did it now, it wouldn't matter that I'm rank 50 fighting keyboard-turning rank 40, I'd get creamed. And I'd be somewhat pissed that all of the work I did in WZ's leading up to then was basically useless, other than getting to BM sooner.


PvP is not supposed to be about gear-- it's supposed to be about skill and class knowlege. I can run into a brand-new 50 and it makes not a lick of difference how good he is or if I'm playing with one hand while talking on my cell phone with the other, I'm going to /faceroll him.


And that's pretty stupid, IMO. You shouldn't have to do a bunch of prep to be able to have a fair fight in PvP.

Edited by Mannic
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As I said I just hit 50. Most of my gear is modded with Corelia power/crit mods or artifice crafted crit/surge. I don't expect to be steamrolling anyone at this point, but I'm not even getting the 75k damage medal in most matches anymore. I've noticed that pretty much the only thing I can do to help is to snare/slow a ball carrier. As a melee I can't even defend a node in alderaan easily as I drop in 5-10 seconds of focus fire if my cooldowns aren't up.


class? spec?


generally yes you will get owned often and hard. full cent doesn't even help in a lot of situations though it does make getting medals possible.


just do your best to survive and stop caps. thats the most important thing and how you can most contribute to a win, and thus your gear (assuming you havent completed the daily/weekly).


hopefully brackets will be coming soon. im pretty sure they will arrive the day I hit 60 valor

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If you are empire shouldn't you be getting mainly huttball matches. I dinged 50 on saturday and had full gear(540expertise) after my daily on monday. I did my entire weekly wz quest with 0 expertise and it was fine since nearly all games were huttball.


I agree that low geared melee is pretty crap in voidstar and civil war tho, but its never been an issue for me since I rarely see those wz and they are also boring.

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Since hitting 50 as a marauder I've noticed that regardless of what I do in a warzone, I'm fairly useless. At least on my server, the majority of the people I see have at least champion or battlemaster gear and I can't even dent them. I'm lucky if I can break a sage's bubble right now.


Combine empire losing the majority of the warzones on my server with the random gear bags and its going to take ages before I can do anything besides be a free kill.


Have any other dps classes had this problem upon hitting 50?


I noticed a drop in effectiveness at L50, but you soon counter a fair chunk of it with daily commendations and/or getting Champion bags via commendations or daily PvP drops.


From time to time, I occasionally screw up and realise I've done 70% of the warzone in my PvE gear. It hasn't stopped me contributing a fair bit (although, obviously, I'm not anything like as effective).


As soon as you've got 50% of your gear in Centurion, you'll notice a huge step up in your damage output and a significant drop in your squishiness....and it all gets better from there. ;)

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I didn't have much problems once I hit 50, but I was also prepared.


When I hit 50 I had


1 battle master bag

1000 Merc comms

1000 WZ comms

600 WZ health stims

250ish WZ adrenal stims

I had L50 mods already crafted/purchased & ready to go.


I purchased a champ gun and got an unassembled champ chest piece. I was able to buy a few centurion pieces.


I was still fairly underpowered, but by the time I completed both weekly's (2 days) I haven't had much problems.

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You're useless as a new 50 in warzones because you don't know how to play the game yet. Maybe you thought you knew how to play the game, because you were owning people in the 10-49 bracket, but guess what, they didn't know how to play the game either.


Even if you were given the same gear, you would be destroyed by battlemasters in WZ who've had hundreds of hours played.


Go play a game like HoN or MW3 where everyone has the same gear, you step into a match as a fresh player and you will get absolutely destroyed.


The difference between a baseline level 50 and "full champion geared" is noticable, but not as great as you might think. Did you think you could get to 50 and hit the Hardmode and Nightmare mode in your level 40 gear and greens and do anything except die over and over? Why do you think PVP is any different? Get a full set of level 50 purples (doable in a week) and PVP is completely fine.


The damage output difference between a full purple 50 and a full champion player is about 10%-15% Do the math, and stop blaming your gear for doing low damage. Too many players look at Champion geared players doing 400k damage and then whine that they do only 100k damage and think the difference is gear.


Even if you magically were given Champion gear you'd only do maybe 125k.

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And i'll say to you what I say to everyone saying that the empire doesn't win-get a healer and 2 others, get in vent, profit. If your win percentage doesn't dramatically increase there isn't much hope for you either way.


You don't even need vent. Just get some decent players together and go into the WZ with the sole intention of sticking together and doing objectives.


I have no idea why people play MMOs while pretending to be anti-social.

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But the battlemasters you are now facing have spent countless hours earning that valor and the gear they are in. .


Actually quite a few of them spent a very short time getting that Rank & Gear...........


Cheers for the available exploits Bioware.

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Actually quite a few of them spent a very short time getting that Rank & Gear...........


Cheers for the available exploits Bioware.


Exactly. You're fighting against people who totally gamed the system, got away with it, and now are trying to argue the merits of hard work. It makes me lol.

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You're useless as a new 50 in warzones because you don't know how to play the game yet. Maybe you thought you knew how to play the game, because you were owning people in the 10-49 bracket, but guess what, they didn't know how to play the game either.


Even if you were given the same gear, you would be destroyed by battlemasters in WZ who've had hundreds of hours played.


Go play a game like HoN or MW3 where everyone has the same gear, you step into a match as a fresh player and you will get absolutely destroyed.


The difference between a baseline level 50 and "full champion geared" is noticable, but not as great as you might think. Did you think you could get to 50 and hit the Hardmode and Nightmare mode in your level 40 gear and greens and do anything except die over and over? Why do you think PVP is any different? Get a full set of level 50 purples (doable in a week) and PVP is completely fine.


The damage output difference between a full purple 50 and a full champion player is about 10%-15% Do the math, and stop blaming your gear for doing low damage. Too many players look at Champion geared players doing 400k damage and then whine that they do only 100k damage and think the difference is gear.


Even if you magically were given Champion gear you'd only do maybe 125k.



This post is laughable. Its so wrong it hurts my eyes.


As a fresh 50 with blues and 48-50 armaments and a lv 50 weapon I was doing 400-1K damage vs people hitting me for 3.5K-5K. This is like at minimum a 3:1 difference in damage output and defense. and while the stat increases might yield a 15% difference, the 400 expertise puts all that over the top.

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The difference between a baseline level 50 and "full champion geared" is noticable, but not as great as you might think. Did you think you could get to 50 and hit the Hardmode and Nightmare mode in your level 40 gear and greens and do anything except die over and over? Why do you think PVP is any different? Get a full set of level 50 purples (doable in a week) and PVP is completely fine.


This is such fail logic that it is surprising how often it gets trotted out.


It is true that fresh 50s do not instantly go into Nightmare-Mode raiding and expect to do well. So they don't. They go through the tiered content that leads up to the top level.


PVP doesn't have that. Maybe it should. Rift managed to do it through ranks, but Bioware decided to do only two ranks: Non-Battlemaster and Battlemaster.

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finally starting to gear up my trooper i spec into my assault tree so that i could be of some use to my team,granted i'm no new player, even with my crap gear right now i am of some use in WZ besides hutball pretty much useless in that but in voidstar i'm like a saint if i can't kill em as long as i prevent them from touching the doors i'm happy plus it's pretty fun to watch everyone on the other team on fire.


in the end as long as you know what your doing and you're not just sitting around afking or 1v1ing it's fine with me.

Edited by kattsu
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finally starting to gear up my trooper i spec into my assualit tree so that i could be of some use to my team,granted i'm no new player, even with my crap gear right now i am of some use in WZ besides hutball pretty much useless in that but in voidstar i'm like a saint if i can't kill em as long as i prevent them from touching the doors i'm happy plus it's pretty fun to watch everyone on the other team on fire.


in the end as long as you know what your doing and you're not just sitting around afking or 1v1ing it's fine with me.


Too bad 98% of the games are huttball. :(

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