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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bad Sportsmanship


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So I get on a PUG (which is all I pretty much do) for Alderaan Cap and Hold and it is obvious our team is way in over our heads against the pre-made we were fighting against. I'm no quitters, I fight them, but focus more on how they are playing than anything else...in essence, learning from them. One of the players (I would *love* to name this clown out, but it's most likely against forum rules, so he will be free to continue to act like a clown because Bioware grants people like him anonymity) refuses to do anything. In fact, he sits and says things like, "You guys should just quit and give up" and then proceeds to throw out the occasion "you're all stupid" insult.


I tell him that if he doesn't want to play, then quit so that we can get somebody else who *will* help. Nope, instead he throws more insults while his friend sits back with his pom-poms and cheers his behavior on.


So now it's two of them acting like clowns, and verbally tag teaming anyone who protests to their behavior. These insults got down right absurd. All the way down to sexual preference insults that can not be repeated here, to "I make more money than you, had my own home by age 23" and so on so forth. This went to tells after the match was over, as did his buddy with the pom-poms who sent the occasional /whisper to say things such as "YOU GOT PWNED LAWLZ" to be more specific.


I grew tired of his buddy with the pom-poms real quick and placed him on ignore right off the bat. But curiosity got the better of me with this other clown. I mean, this guy was motivated by his self superiority in all things. He felt that because he made more money in real life than I did, he had a right to crap on me and anyone else he ran into online.


What's really bad, is that he is a known PvPer on my server, and the other PvPers (Hard core anyway, not casual) actually act just like him.


Is this what you pre-made PvP guilds have resorted to? Please tell me you PvPers who are hard core in hard core PvP guilds do not allow your members to act like this? If so, I'm afraid you may find your WZs dead before much longer. People will never learn to get good if they have to continue to put up with players like this guy...which seems to be more and more common. I run in to guys like this pretty often these days. The caliper of PvPer seems to be like this guy more and more.


I remember a day when the hard core PvPers were kinda looked up to, they showed us casuals what the possibilities are, giving us something to look forward to. I can't really say I look up to you guys anymore, thanks to players like this.


This was on Naddist Rebels server, if you want to know the players name, just send me a PM. Otherwise, I hope you guys talk to your fellow guild mates and discuss this kind of behavior. It is online, I know, but wow...this is down right shady even for being online.

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So I get on a PUG (which is all I pretty much do) for Alderaan Cap and Hold and it is obvious our team is way in over our heads against the pre-made we were fighting against. I'm no quitters, I fight them, but focus more on how they are playing than anything else...in essence, learning from them. One of the players (I would *love* to name this clown out, but it's most likely against forum rules, so he will be free to continue to act like a clown because Bioware grants people like him anonymity) refuses to do anything. In fact, he sits and says things like, "You guys should just quit and give up" and then proceeds to throw out the occasion "you're all stupid" insult.


There's a lot of children playing TOR atm. Just put them on ignore. Most of those kids who taunt their own faction end up quitting because no one plays with them anymore. I have seen it happen too.

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Did you file a ticket?


If not, you are just QQing and wasting valuable bandwidth that could be used for "nerf sorc" threads.


If you did report via ticket, then you are still wasting bandwidth because we don't need to know about it.


Summary: File a ticket. You get to use his name there.

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I was quite surprised at how obnoxious the general MMO community is.


My only other experience of an online community before this was forums etc for my RL sport. Just a different world. As in, a world of mutual and self respect.

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I had a similar experience yesterday. I was in an intense game of Huttball and playing the objective. Then I got a whisper telling me if I'm going to keep playing like a c**t to stop queuing. I checked who he was and he was on the other team. Not sure what his problem was.


The best thing to do is just ignore these people. They feed on your replies.

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Sounds like an idiot. If the person is throwing out insults and stuff, simply report him/her. Unfortunately there is no other way of dealing with it.


Sad to say, this is the state of the world we live in and the wonderful thing that is the internet.


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I had a similar experience yesterday. I was in an intense game of Huttball and playing the objective. Then I got a whisper telling me if I'm going to keep playing like a c**t to stop queuing. I checked who he was and he was on the other team. Not sure what his problem was.


The best thing to do is just ignore these people. They feed on your replies.


On the other team? Can you whisper people on opposing teams in warzones? Even if they are same faction?


Same as previous post, report the person for abuse and insult.

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I had a similar experience yesterday. I was in an intense game of Huttball and playing the objective. Then I got a whisper telling me if I'm going to keep playing like a c**t to stop queuing. I checked who he was and he was on the other team. Not sure what his problem was.


The best thing to do is just ignore these people. They feed on your replies.


But name calling is encouraged in Hutt Ball.



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The fact that you even bother to read ops chat is the real crime here. Then you take it personally enough to complain about it on the forums, yet you are timid enough to not want to name the people responsible, not because you are afraid of Bioware's reaction, spoiler alert at most they delete the post, you are afraid of community backlash and backlash from that guild in question.
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I believe you got trolled by some losers. I'm sure he is just some 18 year old loser who lives in his mom's basement and works at McDonalds part time. While their behavior is disgusting, just ignore them.


Quoted for truth. Folks who make good money IRL don't need to enlarge their e-peen in game - they have already accomplished things in a real world and are well aware of it. Every time you see an "I am rich" comment in game chat, you can safely bet that it's made by somebody who at best flips burgers for a living.

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