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Snow/Tree in Civil war


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You have to use a reference that doesn't change regardless of orientation.


Therefore left/right & east/west are inferior to snow/grass. Snow/grass doesn't change whether you are imp or rep, facing north or south, using mini-map or using big map.




Listen to me now. Start using snow/grass.



Edited by ProxEnmity
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You have to use a reference that doesn't change regardless of orientation.


Therefore left/right & east/west are inferior to snow/grass. Snow/grass doesn't change whether you are imp or rep, facing north or south, using mini-map or using big map.




Listen to me now. Start using snow/grass.





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It's EXTREME;Y obvious that if your IMp you call east/west, and if the turrets on Alderaan for republic correlate to elft anf right correctly you say 'left' and 'right'.


Stupid amercans, need to be so anal over thigsn when there is never any need to. Also shout alot in foreign countries to let everyone know exactly which country there are from, in case their is any misambiguation; such as not being able to play a game that needs directions to be pointed out.

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It's EXTREME;Y obvious that if your IMp you call east/west, and if the turrets on Alderaan for republic correlate to elft anf right correctly you say 'left' and 'right'.


Stupid amercans, need to be so anal over thigsn when there is never any need to. Also shout alot in foreign countries to let everyone know exactly which country there are from, in case their is any misambiguation; such as not being able to play a game that needs directions to be pointed out.


The forcevoice is not working on this one.


He may be an alien.

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You have to use a reference that doesn't change regardless of orientation.


Therefore left/right & east/west are inferior to snow/grass. Snow/grass doesn't change whether you are imp or rep, facing north or south, using mini-map or using big map.




Listen to me now. Start using snow/grass.




The left and right flank doesn't change either. It's always on your left, respective on your right when you enter the battlefield.


bounty hunter voice


You will pick up knitting and leave the pvp to people with a working sense of orientation.


/bounty hunter voice

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We tend to use snow/grass on our server too (imp side). It kind of went like this - left/right was a no-go from the beginning because left on the map and left from our spawn point are reversed. Tried east/west, but realized that most people have no idea which way is east (kids these days...probably can't even figure out which way is up without help). So, eventually we settled on grass and snow. :)
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The left and right flank doesn't change either. It's always on your left, respective on your right when you enter the battlefield.


bounty hunter voice


You will pick up knitting and leave the pvp to people with a working sense of orientation.


/bounty hunter voice


That would only be true if people faced one direction during the length of the battle.


You have to assume like you are playing with 3rd graders, and keep it simple. There's nothing more simple than using a reference point that doesn't change regardless of orientation. You could invert gravity and flip the maps onto their mirror images and "snow" would still be snow.


I tend to enjoy knitting. It gives me something to do while I'm guarding snow.

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That would only be true if people faced one direction during the length of the battle.


You have to assume like you are playing with 3rd graders, and keep it simple. There's nothing more simple than using a reference point that doesn't change regardless of orientation. You could invert gravity and flip the maps onto their mirror images and "snow" would still be snow.


I tend to enjoy knitting. It gives me something to do while I'm guarding snow.


minimap- East or West.


a monkey would get this......oh wait

Edited by Scotland
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Left and Right, always from the direction you face when you spawn, in every map for all things.


If some clown uses Snow/Grass when I'm in the middle I have to run outside to see which side he's talking about. If they use Left/Right I can easily find it. West/East is second in terms of ease of use. Why? Because everyone always says East/West, not West/East, which implants in our brain that East is Left and West is Right, completely backwards.


The worst though is "other door" on Voidstar. *** IS THAT?!


Also, when you call out for help, either say how many people are coming, or how many people you need. Ideally how many people you need. If you say how many are coming I have to pop open the map and find out where everyone is and who can move from where and how many you need to help. It's much easier for the person requesting help to count their incoming and request however many people they need to defend the point.

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I believe I will adopt the snow/grass stance. The only time I see this could be negative is with a team that has capped mid as when you're in directly on the middle turret I don't believe you'd be able to see which side is snow or grass.


Granted, if you call out a side as snow or grass, it's probably you're own...so the middle argument would be invalid ;)

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Snow & Trees? LMFAO




To be totally honest, I cant say Ive noticed which side has more snow or trees, because I'm usually too busy looking at the following, when out of combat:




I'm sure the scenery in the Alderaan pvp area is lovely, but unfortunately I'm always far too busy to notice it.




I think "east/west, north/south" are most accurate as they implicitly suggest the map as the reference. If someone were helping a n00b, they might say "go left/west, the side with <obvious feature> and not <other obvious feature>"

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I have come across numerous players who do not know their left from their right, it happened tonight in a alderan match where someone repeatedly shouted "Help right! Help right". So we went right only to find 2 bemused team mates wondering why 4 people just turned up at the right side, while the LEFT side was being captured.


Do we really have to dumb down left/right or east/west? In my opinion you shouldn't be playing an mmo if you don't know your left from your right, you should probably be off licking a window somewhere.

Edited by Archaar
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What really annoys me is that pubs in my server in voidstar generally call out left & right.

Fine if they're attacking, left is west, right is east on the map.

But guess what they do when defending?

They call out left when they mean "jump down left after spawning".

And then they mix it up again with left for west.

And then the bomb goes off.

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Debate all you want but snow/grass is still easier to call and requires the least amount of indecision for most players. Even in the middle, you always know which side is snow and which is grass without even having to check your map or even think about it.
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Debate all you want but snow/grass is still easier to call and requires the least amount of indecision for most players. Even in the middle, you always know which side is snow and which is grass without even having to check your map or even think about it.


I JUST posted I had to run outside to look because I don't pay attention to that crap. Others agreed.

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So officially.... which side is snow and which side is grass? (in terms of east/west).



When we first start the match, I use left or right.... because when you land from your speeder left is access to our "easy" cap... mid is mid and right is enemies "easy" cap.... after that I use east/west/mid


I dont know which side is snow/grass because ive never noticed the scenery too busy faceplanting people.

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