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Playable races in patch 1.2 - Legacy system


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While I have to agree the diversity of available races amounts to "what color do you want your avatar to be?", and especially now that we know races have no impact on character other than cosmetic and/or human vs non-human references in the story...I would like to know what they have planned for the race/class combos.


I'm not asking you to spill your guts about the legacy system plans for the next 5 years, rather the idea and direction of the project with some of the basic information.


For those that didn't get their race/class combo that was ideal, or they know that their ideal race/class combo stretches the borders of the lore, it would be nice to know what we will have available, a more definitive stance from Bioware on the lore vs race/class combos in-game.


Is the picture of the PB jedi going to be a reality? Should we expect Chiss to enroll themselves in Jedi/Sith training despite arguments of their force sensitivity? Or is it really just hey get to 50 and level up a lolborg knight after your awesome one of a kind pistol-wielding lolborg scoundrel?( who are brothers btw)


Obviously I'm in favor of diversity, looking at this objectively 1.2 can be a way for Bioware to expand diversity in a game that has mirrors everywhere :cool:


I'm not asking for new races so soon, and while it be nice to play a tradoshan I can wait if they had different ideas of implementing the NPC races.

Edited by BentlikeBindo
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There are a lot of races that already exist in-game.


Does someone know the count of humanoid races?



Now do they have to appear? or even mentioned? Because Doc mentions Zeltron several times...


I always thought they should have " humanoid, near human, non human" categories, humanoid being your Human, Zeltron, Pantoran, etc....basically multi coloured humans, near humans being twi'lek, zabraks, togrouta, ( humans with things on them) and non human being your wookies, gommorean, Cathar, Horansi ( a much cooler feline species) Shistavanens etc etc.



ba in game though Ive seen togrouta, tobaz, Ortolan, nikto, hutt, cathar, ithorian, duros, bith, nemoidian, gammorian, ....and many others that just slip my mind right now...

Edited by MatronAdena
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While I have to agree the diversity of available races amounts to "what color do you want your avatar to be?", and especially now that we know races have no impact on character other than cosmetic and/or human vs non-human references in the story...I would like to know what they have planned for the race/class combos.


Actually there is some impact, at least imperial side. You lose some non-companion romance options as a non-human, and there are occasionally a few instances of people being racist towards you that you can call them on.

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If you didnt see it in a movie, they should have moved on.


Instead we got skittle colored humans and lolborgs.


So... what was Darth Vader then?


Darth Vader: If you only knew the power of the Dark Side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.

Luke: He told me enough! He told me *you* killed him!

Darth Vader: No. *I* am your father. LOL!!!!

From: Empire Strikes Back



Obi-Wan: Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. Anakin was a good friend. When I first met him, your father was already a great pilot. But I was amazed how strongly the Force was with him. I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi. I thought that I could instruct him just as well as Yoda. I was wrong.

Luke: There is still good in him.

Obi-Wan: He's more LOL now than man. His mind is twisted and evil.

From: RotJ

Edited by Apocalypsezero
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If legacy ends up being pre-existing player races, then I hope they use some common canon sense. Miraluka sith? Sith non-force class or jedi? Chiss republic or force users? No thanks.


Human - all

Cyborg - all

Zabrak - all

Twilek - all but IA

Mirialan - JK, Con, Tr, Sm, BH

Miraluka - JK, Con, Tr

Rattataki - SW, Inq, IA, BH

Chiss - IA, BH

Sith - SW, Inq


I don't think zabrak or rattataki should have ever been given the option to be imperial agents, but that tauntaun has already left the echo base.


Sure there are singular exceptions in the expanded universe, but those are just that... singular exceptions. They would make about as much sense as there being a Jedi on every street corner during the galactic civil war period. Oh wait... SWG did just that.


Nevermind. Carry on.

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Wasn't there a Miraluka Sith in KOTOR-2? Or was she one of those rare exceptions?


Honestly asking...

I believe there have been only a handful of Miraluka sith. Jerec from the Jedi Knight FPS and Visas Marr from KOTOR 2 are the only two that I can recall right now. The Miraluka racial outlook is not really in sync with sith philosophy, so falls to the dark side are pretty extraordinary for them.

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Then what about the clip they released, showing a Miraluka Sith Warrior?


There are more than one Miraluka Dark Jedi and sith throughout Star Wars lore (Visas Marr, Jerec.), There are no Chiss out of their alliance with the empire(and later on Palpatine) however, some Sith defected during the campaign though so that's feasible.

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Oh, and about the race / faction thing… I’ve never ever ever understood the racial limitations in any story or game. I mean, to mix genres…


A kobold can never be a mage? Like none, ever, of their whole race?

A Ferengi can never be spendthrift? Like none, ever, of their whole race?

A Gamorrean can never be a scientist? Like none, ever, of their whole race?


You know you are pooring lighter fluid on the fire of a movement to have Hutt Jedi/Sith, right?. :D


OMG..... watching a Hutt force leap. They'd have to put in all kinds of new earthquake effects for that. :p

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Hey there,


According to the Q&A from Feb 10th, there will be more playable species to those who has gone up in the legacy system.


Might I ask if anyone knows which ones these will be, or has heard rumors?

Or hell, if anyone has a wishlist of which ones they WANT to see?


Currently we have a bunch of other species models in-game from all the companions, & companion appearance change, those would be my guess.

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Races don't matter anyway. They're all just humans with a different skin and some different small details. No real difference in appearance, imo. And no difference in stats or anything like that either. (though no difference in stats is a good thing.)
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