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Open World PvP is ALIVE!!!!!!


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Next time, try taking a level 50 objective where people can actually collect and give you a challenge before you come crow about your "awesum PvP skillz0rs".


You can call taking a sub-50 planet open world PvP and "denial of resource" all you want, but it's just griefing if there's no real way for the other side to fight back. It makes you and your guild look like a bunch of scrubs who can't actually win anything against a group of similar size and gearing.


You are either an exceptionally good troll, or a zerging failure of a player on the non-zerg side. I'm inclined to believe the latter before the former.


You fail on so many levels, i feel pity for you and your fellow teenage friends that still misses the point of the OP completely with your narrowminded thinking.

Edited by Saiwen
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Next time, try taking a level 50 objective where people can actually collect and give you a challenge before you come crow about your "awesum PvP skillz0rs".


You can call taking a sub-50 planet open world PvP and "denial of resource" all you want, but it's just griefing if there's no real way for the other side to fight back. It makes you and your guild look like a bunch of scrubs who can't actually win anything against a group of similar size and gearing.


You are either an exceptionally good troll, or a zerging failure of a player on the non-zerg side. I'm inclined to believe the latter before the former.


no, he is 100% right. if you would have done what you proposed it would have resulted in a boring session of doing nothing.

no one would care about it.


though, if you raid a planet where people need to level then there is a chance that they cry and ask others for help, so they come to conquer it back. this is how open world pvp worked in wow and NO ONE comlained as it was the most fun wow ever had.


all came to fight back, no matter what level they had, even just to watch the battle.


edit: but sadly, there are so few pvp'ers on the servers that you won't see this happening anymore.


edit: i would love to see this in the chat "Guys, the imps have taken over balmorra and are ganking us. come over and help us".

Edited by me_unknown
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You fail on so many levels, i feel pity for you and your fellow teenage friends that still misses the point of the OP completely with your narrowminded thinking.


Question: how do you know the replier to your post friends are teenagers? Did he/she say? Or is that your attempt to degrade their opinion to support your own views? Just curious.


And why is it narrow minded exactly?


Whilst the OP can boast about World PvP being alive, what World PvP is he/she referring to? The way I read it is they stormed a base (which is great btw, no issues there) in the masses and then camped the port-in areas and med-centres for hours? I'm wondering what PvP is being had? I mean, they defeat random members of the opposite faction as they appear completely unprepared.


Not exactly PvP is it, more mass ganking I think!


If they want to encourage world pvp, then their guild members need to arrange something with the opposite faction guilds, arrange a time and place and go hell for leather. By storming a base and camping port-ins is pretty low and hilarious to see that they think they're contributing.

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This post was about:


A) World PVP is working; its just that carebear

gear grinders don't really know what "world pvp is"


as much as i share your definition of world pvp i still have to disagree on this point as it is contradicting itself. if most people do not share your opinion on world pvp, it can't work.


and actually it doesn't, at least on the very most servers. people are not moving over to defend against such a raid or a meeting to start one. they instead prefer jumping like mad in front of the wz terminals or wait a couple of hours for the 30min illum raid.

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




Nice to read this. Great job to you and your guild.

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Whilst the OP can boast about World PvP being alive, what World PvP is he/she referring to? The way I read it is they stormed a base (which is great btw, no issues there) in the masses and then camped the port-in areas and med-centres for hours? I'm wondering what PvP is being had? I mean, they defeat random members of the opposite faction as they appear completely unprepared.


Not exactly PvP is it, more mass ganking I think!

here you are worng as i and others explained it many times: this is the ONLY way to actualy have a chance to get open world pvp starting. it is not about ganking solo players or lowies, it is about giving the other faction a reason to liften up their butts and move over to have some fight.


it is a provocation! an invitation. but the problem is most palyers do not like open world pvp and thus prefer idling aroudn the warzone terminals.




if you don't give them medals they don't fight.

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Whilst the 'Exiles' can boast about PvP being alive and whilst the supporters in this thread will argue that these people are in fact encouraging open world pvp, I wonder how many of those supporters will take it upon themselves to actually organise a team to counter the attackers. Are they willing to travel to Hoth on their own and fight mass hordes of pvpers? Or are they just happy to see others making an effort and willing to watch and hope others jump on before they too join the fray?


i will speak only for my guild here, but UNITY on HEX Droid live for this kind of stuff. We are a guild that does all parts of the game, but our veteran pvp players prefer fights where we are outnumbered (who wants to zerg around the place when you can go and work really hard for your kills and feel much better when you get them against the odds). i can garauntee that if this happened on our server we would be there to push them back

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I didn't have time to read the whole thread this morning, so my apologies if this has already been discussed. While I have read some arguments both for and against what the OP is describing, there is another point to pvp that many seem to miss.


While farming Ilum and grinding WZs is necessary in order to acquire better gear, neglecting to use said gear to do something other than farm Ilum and grind WZs transforms us into something little more than hampsters on a wheel. Granted, there's nothing else to do with all that shiny new pvp gear that's really developed in-game, but I would like to think that, as players, we can improvise well enough to make some pvp happen despite the lack of official attention to world pvp.


I, personally, don't like to be camped by 50s while I'm just trying to level (even though I've never rolled on a pve server). That's the point. Jump on your main or call in some guildies (or the whole dang server if necessary) and fix the problem. That's the point of even having a pvp server. You can farm Ilum and grind WZs all day long on a pve server.


Conversely, those 50s sitting around fleet waiting on a queue to pop might as well run out to lend a hand in protecting their lower level players between matches. In my opinion, they almost have an obligation to do so. Again, it's one of the things unique about pvp servers: pvp happens, and players out leveling should expect those who are capped and geared to show up to help in those situations.

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as much as i share your definition of world pvp i still have to disagree on this point as it is contradicting itself. if most people do not share your opinion on world pvp, it can't work.


and actually it doesn't, at least on the very most servers. people are not moving over to defend against such a raid or a meeting to start one. they instead prefer jumping like mad in front of the wz terminals or wait a couple of hours for the 30min illum raid.


We also need to remember that MMO's are changing. 10 years ago MMO's were not played by as many casual gamers like they are today.


A casual gamer can have a wide range of playing styles but normally they would prefer more balanced and rewarding style of game-play. Hence the Warzones - its easier, it's more balanced and it can be done quickly for rewards that act as a sense of achievement. That's versus spending ages getting groups together to tackle a horde of players who are ganking the port-in area in which you will gain nothing. So why bother.


Like previous post, it's down to individuals to arrange events in Open World with opposing guilds. if BioWare add in rewards for guild vs guild PvP in Open World, you'll see more people doing it.

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I'm with the OP on this -- I take the 'War' view on a 'PVP Server' and not to be too callous but the 'War' or 'PVP Server Paradigm' (matters that can be resolved through PVP are not harassment) create collateral damage.


But I also appreciate BounceZ's comments and to comment on the earlier -- shame about the guilds splitting out. We didn't land as many as we hoped onto Jung Ma from Valcyn (SWG). I'm not guilded at this point -- part of the problem I find with SWG is we get packed into a WZ and fight it out for 10-15 minutes with little time to get to know the people you're fighting with.


It's too easy to solo with SWTOR. I've grouped once on a quest... I need to start taking notes of solid PVP'ers or Healers in WZs. Lack of Server Forums really doesn't help...


The collateral damage for smaller guilds can be a way of creating those strong alliances -- if you have good relations with other guilds your troops don't need to be dedicated PVP'ers but if they get into a tight spot they can call on those who are.


I'm not an advocate of 'griefing' -- the continuous harassment of a single player trying to perform a task until they log off. But the taking of a 'strategic location' for a whole faction fits a the 'War' model of 'Star Wars'. Questing on Tatooine -- there was 50 chewing on lower levels. Word went out across chat -- a stack of people banded together and took him out. This is good. The price of the griefer was worth the moment of community cohesion.

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I don't know if its been said already since I could only make it to page 6, but...


The reason you didn't die is because you were only fighting the Sith. If some Bounty Hunters and Imperial Agents would have also showed up to help out you guys would have been screwed :p


Sounds like you all had fun, so props.

Edited by SteffizleESQ
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i will speak only for my guild here, but UNITY on HEX Droid live for this kind of stuff. We are a guild that does all parts of the game, but our veteran pvp players prefer fights where we are outnumbered (who wants to zerg around the place when you can go and work really hard for your kills and feel much better when you get them against the odds). i can garauntee that if this happened on our server we would be there to push them back


That's awesome and I support that and commend you :) I'm interested to see how many others will do the same though.


Mind you, saying it is one thing, actually doing it requires effort in organising as you'll probably agree. I have known people in the past to say they'll do this and that, but when it comes to the hard work, their words mean nothing. Not saying you're one of them, but stating a sad fact of life from experience.

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here you are worng as i and others explained it many times: this is the ONLY way to actualy have a chance to get open world pvp starting. it is not about ganking solo players or lowies, it is about giving the other faction a reason to liften up their butts and move over to have some fight.


it is a provocation! an invitation. but the problem is most palyers do not like open world pvp and thus prefer idling aroudn the warzone terminals.




if you don't give them medals they don't fight.


Well it's not the only way is it?


I know of a guild who has arranged events with opposing factions for open world for PvP. They didn't camp port-ins which my point centres around.


A provocation is all well and good, but like I mentioned before and in relation to what you're sort of saying in your last part of your post is that there are more players playing MMOs these days - people who are new to the genre or casual gamers with a massive range of playing styles. it's very likely the mass majority of these players are players who prefer a quicker, more balanced, equal sided and rewarding experience.


Those few remaining PvPers that like this sort of thing are not going to head into a foray of 22+ man guild camping the port-in unless they have enough of a friend base able to deal with it.


I posed the question above how many would/have arranged groups to counter and so far only one has responded. Going to read more post now to see if my argument is unfounded.


I'm open minded, but not convinced what Exiles are doing is a good thing.

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Mind you, saying it is one thing, actually doing it requires effort in organising as you'll probably agree. I have known people in the past to say they'll do this and that, but when it comes to the hard work, their words mean nothing. Not saying you're one of them, but stating a sad fact of life from experience.


oh i will agree with you on that all the way.


however our guild runs regular pvp events on tuesdays and thursdays where we group up together, look for fights (we ignore objectives and quests, we just look for the fights) and hit wz's in premades. if during these events something like this happened we would be there asap to fight.

we also run other events based around pvp where we will hunt for fights and kill anyone we see, including each other if we can't find any reps to kill, but they are less scheduled.


i am actually going to issue a challenge here to republic players on HEX DROID SERVER. if you want a fight then come to illum (that is normally where we start) on a tuesday or thursday night at around 11:00 - 11:30 gmt until stupid times in the morning and find us. we will happily fight you repeatedly even if you outnumber us 10:1

Edited by Mandalorianu
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I'm an idiot, I just edited a post I had made already thinking I was replying instead to another... doh!!


I had suggested arranging events with other guilds on worlds like Tattooine or Hoth instead of Iilum. That way its encouraging open world PvP without any objectives.


Another idea in relation to the OP. Why not arrange a War assault on a spaceport with another guild. Tuesday night, prepare and plan for an assault on Hoth spaceport whilst the other guild is there defending. Then Thursday they return the favour on another planet.


I doubt you'll see Exiles doing this though I bet ;) Might be really hard then and it's more equal and they have to contend with both the NPCs and a guild defending. They won't be able to camp port-ins so easily then. There's provocation for them :)

Edited by BounceZ
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This is the problem...all the care bear "pvpers" who need a "reward" for pvp'ing. The reward is killing. The reward is having fun. Why is everything about getting loot or some meaningless e-peen stat?[/QUOte]


Bingo. They're carebears, pure and simple. Once they get the best PvP gear, they'll stop PvPing and whine at Bioware to put in NEW GEAR FOR MEH TO GETZ, NAO!!!


They're an embarassement to anyone who enjoys competition.

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Bingo. They're carebears, pure and simple. Once they get the best PvP gear, they'll stop PvPing and whine at Bioware to put in NEW GEAR FOR MEH TO GETZ, NAO!!!


They're an embarassement to anyone who enjoys competition.


Ah, a troll! I'll remember not to feed you from this point on.

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It's not stupid. It's true. You think I have no fun ? Geared and experienced I join WZ using my operative and on my server we win around 80-90% of WZ against Reps. Yesterday for 2 hours I played around 8 WZ. ONLY thing we lost was hutball against our own people.


Hit 50, then come back. I highly doubt you have any 50's given your statement about "Farming BM gear in a few days from hitting 50". I hope you are joking. Either that or you are a kill trader, who is probably terrible at the game in all aspects and will get facerolled in 50's WZ's.


My 50 BH on Ilum didn't need to do a thing since Reps just are to afraid to go out to the planet. Whole planet is ours.


So you basically sit on Ilum for hours trying to farm boxes for gear, fighting your own people for spawns (if you even really have a 50). Glad we got that cleared up! You are obviously the one doing the most time worthy activity here...


And I still move to Reps area very often while sitting in queue to WZ.


And do what exactly? It looks to me like most of the republics worth fighting in PVP are doing just that...PVP'ing. Are you doing what you deem so unworthy, by killing questers? In one instance you flame them for doing this, then you say you do it too? /bogglemind


Glad you have fun trying to kill low lvl players :) Too bad it's still not worth anything and you will sooner or later return to us and get owned again.


See above statement.


Take Ilum and sit in our base - then we will talk mate.


I made some notes to your flawed logic. Please read them and try to come back with an intelligent response.

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Hoth? why would we even try to take that place back? we got enough ice already to our drinks on ilum and there we get 200 valor for every kill instead of 0 like you.

But it is nice someone try to do something, but hoth would not be a place i would drop what im doing to go save it.

Try belsavis there we have a lot of ppl that want to do their dailys.

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