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Design decisions and why the game engine hurts TOR


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That was very foolish.


If you had bought a new PC for WoW you'd be just as dissapointed.


MMORPGs have to worry about an entirely different environment than say, FPS or racing games (which push your graphics to the limit).


Expecting an MMORPG to push your system and show next-gen rendering techniques is unrealistic. Besides, MMORPGs are all about multiplayer, so they purposely target a lower system spec so they can have more players.


You set yourself up for failure. You're expecting the unrealistic.


We need to stop with that please. explain why AOC, Rift, Lotro,Aion even EQ2 all have high res texture pacs handle more PC's rendered on screen then TOR. dont start blaming technology that far exceeds this engines capabilites. its not the hard ware its the engines optimisation.

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Agree /w op,our guild core has played together since DAoC release, seen many games come and go. regardless of what happens with this game we have all sworn to not go back to WoW.


Guess it is time to start the next great game search.




Why cant we just have a DAoC 2 reduex,minus ToA and all that other bad eye candy :p

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If you had to learn medicine, would you expect it to be in a few sentences or a massive wall of text covered over many books?


If something requires that much explaining then it is kind of hard to condense it for those with short attention spans. Either read the whole thing or skim and try to get a pretty good idea before arguing with it. I don't see how his (OP) well thought out post implies he wants instant gratification. Also I read the whole thing by the way.


If the basic premises that the author of a text sets are already wrong, there is no point in reading the entire text as it sets on those premises.

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That pretty much sums it up for me TS. The game is great while leveling, but then it burns down fast. I'm interested to see it in the future, cause I think it will be a great game, but it isn't that game today. Might be GW2 or Tera... who knows
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Awesome post OP.


Missed a few things here and there - but the main ideas and feeling of disappointment are there.


TOR's worlds feel so static and dead, the entire elder game has been reduced to either zerg v zerg in Ilum, or loitering in the fleet spamming warzones or spamming Gen LFG.


GG BioWare.

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If you had to learn medicine, would you expect it to be in a few sentences or a massive wall of text covered over many books?


If something requires that much explaining then it is kind of hard to condense it for those with short attention spans. Either read the whole thing or skim and try to get a pretty good idea before arguing with it. I don't see how his (OP) well thought out post implies he wants instant gratification. Also I read the whole thing by the way.


Perhaps the Original Poster should hire a professional voice actor to read/perform/interpret the Original Post, and then post the video on youtube for all the world to see and enjoy! In fact, I think we should all do that. Text is... well, it's just plain old archaic. No way to tell a story, that's for sure.


Now, who could I get to do the VOs for my posts? Does Clint Eastwood do VO work? Bill Shatner? Anyone know? Morgan Freeman would be perfect, but I suspect he's inundated with VO requests. Hmm, I wonder if Rich Little can do a convincing Morgan Freeman. Might be worth looking into...

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They bring people together. You can't force people to act social that must come on their own, but you can bring them together in one place where the slow paced stuff takes place. As opposed to actual combat where you can't be distracted.


I agree there just is virtually nothing 'slow paced' that is really social. Trading will happen out of necessity and you don't need to be in the social areas to do it, global chat/trade chat to make the connection as well as trade network sales


Another issue with the fleet is it brings too many people together who often have 'nothing' in common. The level 10-12's gearing up after leaving their dead end starter world, getting crafting skills, checking out the faction trade network, etc. The various people under 50 doing FP, using the FTN, etc, then the 50's. Many of these people are drawn together but have no real reason, save a few, to interact with each other.


Don't get me wrong I'm not against the fleet I just see too many 'missed opportunities' to do it better.


You can't force people to socialize and so on but you can give them means to do so which are severely lacking at present. It also helps if people are in the same place for a common cause which various leveled players doesn't really accomplish. Differing level players have trade in common, vendors, possibly joining a guild and that's about it.


Now there could be ways to fix that but we don't have them yet and who knows when/if we will.


The fleet works right now more like a rest stop on a highway, you get your fuel, use the restroom, buy something to eat/drink and leave or linger if you have nothing to do. If you linger you literally have nothing to do do there save running around on a mount or LFG waiting. There really isn't any reason/purpose to 'socializing' with these strangers all doing the same things on their way to somewhere else because there are no mechanisms to do so.

Edited by JumperPenn
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I agree the game is unoptimized, but you can hardly blame that on the Hero Engine. All the fault lies with Bioware.


They leased the Engine years ago and have been modifying it ever since. I highly doubt the code for TOR even closely resembles the Hero engine you would receive if you were to lease it from the company today.

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this game was made with the hero engine


check out hero's site, only 2, TWO games have been released with it, SWTOR and faxion online, that closed after 4 months, due to it being crap, and like 5 unreleased/unfinished crap titles their own sites don't talk about


get a new engine, period

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this game was made with the hero engine


check out hero's site, only 2, TWO games have been released with it, SWTOR and faxion online, that closed after 4 months, due to it being crap, and like 5 unreleased/unfinished crap titles their own sites don't talk about


get a new engine, period


1. Prior usage does not mean a new product can't use the engine. How is a product supposed to grow and expand if people use logic like that? If you perhaps educated yourself before posting you would know the bioware is using their own verison of the hero engine, not the version you see advertised online.


2. If you think they can just "get a new engine" I have a nice time share I'd like to sell you.

Edited by Arkerus
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this game was made with the hero engine


check out hero's site, only 2, TWO games have been released with it, SWTOR and faxion online, that closed after 4 months, due to it being crap, and like 5 unreleased/unfinished crap titles their own sites don't talk about


get a new engine, period


Bioware and the makes of the hero engine have already gone into a lot of detail about the engine.


Suffice to say, you are 100% wrong.

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Sorry but I need to bring the bad news.

you can't change engine


game is made on


after the release!


(yes, that's the largest font possible, but I hope big size == better understanding. ;):p )


You can, actually.


its just really, really expensive and really, really time consuming.

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The Unreal Engine is not suitable for an MMO above a certain scale. Single player games and MMOs are not the same thing.


After playing the Tera beta I can say you are completely wrong in this opinion. Better graphics, better draw distance, 100's of people around me with a solid 60 fps.


Try it yourself or go watch some 1080p videos of it on youtube.

Edited by Agarwaenn
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After playing the Tera beta I can say you are completely wrong in this opinion. Better graphics, better draw distance, 100's of people around me with a solid 60 fps.


Why reference a game that would be lucky to last the first 6 months, if NCsoft win their 3 lawsuits? Theres also a big reason tera died in asia and the western port is a last ditch attempt to revive it.


The engine was very unstable in the asian version and had very little in the way of content.

Edited by renegadeimp
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Why reference a game that would be lucky to last the first 6 months, if NCsoft win their 3 lawsuits? Theres also a big reason tera died in asia and the western port is a last ditch attempt to revive it.


The engine was very unstable in the asian version and had very little in the way of content.


Because she was wrong in her assumption that it could not handle a mmo. Why are you attacking me and Tera? I was not saying anything bad about SWTOR, just pointing out that she was wrong.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Yes, the game needs improvement, WoW did too when it came out. All you, and the other posters like you, are doing is discouraging those who see the potential in the game. I refuse to be discouraged and choose optimism instead.


Everybody have the right to live in their fantasy, just dont demand everyone to be there with you.

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Good level-headed post. I more or less agree to your points, though I don't think it's too late - as far as official numbers go, the game is going strong and they've put too much money in this to let it go f2p.


I do believe they're keenly aware of their shortcomings, and scrambling as hell to fix the things players keep pointing out. They might not admit they've massively failed in some areas though :p


An LFG tool is coming soon, dual-spec is coming soon, guild features are being added soon - it isn't over yet :)


And a side note on quest and ops design - this can be argued, but you have to leave yourself room to improve. If you start out with massive innovations in that regard, where do you go from there? I'm sure upcoming flashpoints, ops and quests will have more varying objectives.


Have they stated that they are adding a LFG tool? can you link it?


I love SWTOR and have no intention of quiting, but some the OP's points i do agree with, the engine does seem to struggle a bit, i ran Rift on mostly high settings and not a hickup but there are some areas where my FPS goes in the drainage, like around the holo on the ships ect.


i do think there should be a "server only" LFG, i will spam to get into a flash point but will give up and go back to questing / pvping when i cant get a group for flashpoints.


i would not mind seeing some single player dailies on planets as well, spaming for a group for them just gets old as well.


I am a huge fan of SWTOR / Bioware and will continue to support this game because i have faith in Bioware.

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