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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorcerers, seriously what the hell?


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COmmando - No interrupt, No sprint or Pull.

Sentinel - No knockback - Puny Sprint - No pull/sprint - No option to specc into healing...


Sorc - no leap, no pull, no heavy armour, no burst damage, half single target damage of other classes, no defensive CDs.


Oh look all classes have strenghts and weaknesses, L2P..........................seriously all the noobs playing sentinels who claim they are the hardest class to play - get over yourselves, Sentinel = ezmode.

Edited by da_krall
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I will never understand why people believe that Sorcs and Mercs are overpowered... I just don't. Is it because they are popular and everywhere? That doesn't make a class OP.


The only thing overpowered about Sorcs right now is the utility they gain by speccing hybrid without losing much damage. Aside from that? Easily killable.

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If I see one Sorc in the other team I say to myself (slinger) "That's my target". If I see 2 Sorcs in the other team I say "Damn, this is going to be hard". If I see 3 or more I say "Oh snap" (don't really say snap). A triad of sorcs has infinite dps/infinite hp while any other combination has infinite dps/ finite hp over time (except maybe a combo of Sages). Maybe I exaggerate a bit but .... just a bit. Anyway I've seen so many warzones where Sorcs dominate the end ladder if you sort that after damage that it isn't funny anymore.


Cheers, Lenroc!

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Ha, Everyone complains about sorc. If you went against a team of 5 bh's trust me you would be crying here even more.



Or a bunch of operatives.


It's just there are so many sorcerers (all specs combined) that they see the most QQing.


People are just crying about sucking, that's all. PvP is pretty hard.

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Just want to say that I'm one of those 300k healing/150k damage type sorcerers.


I'm not a hybrid, I'm pure corruption spec (heals).


How did I get so pro as to do 150k damage with twice the healing? Simple. The 150k damage is all from tab dotting with affliction.


That does NOT make me overpowered. The damage is done for my own medals, I RARELY kill anyone in a warzone. I can keep dots rolling on most of the enemy team and not make a dent in their hp - but it sure looks like im a beast on the charts.

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Sorc - no leap, no pull, no heavy armour, no burst damage, half single target damage of other classes, no defensive CDs.


Oh look all classes have strenghts and weaknesses, L2P..........................seriously all the noobs playing sentinels who claim they are the hardest class to play - get over yourselves, Sentinel = ezmode.


I don't know about Sentinel being easy mode, but the first sentence is right on.

I PvP as a support specialist (I run 31 corruption even in PvP) and I can tell you straight up I do crap for DPS compared to - oh, anyone else. As I should being I'm heal specced.


I have a standard stun. I have an overload AOE that does minimal damage but occasionally I can line up and whack someone in the fire for a free kill. I have a whirlwind cc that - if I am lucky - can make someone stay cc'd for quite a while if they recently blew their own stun get out of free card.


I do have an extricate skill I can pull someone close to the goal in huttball - IF I am not killed or chased off by the other team coming out of their own base after dying. I can't stealth, takes a lot of the effectiveness out of the endeavor. I usually just save it for when a ball carrier gets in deep poop.


Oh and I'm always targeted. Rebs on my server are smart. There's about 6-8 consistent warzone pure heal spec Imperials who do evening warzones, and they know me by name. They come right after me.

Edited by islander
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Humans gravitate towards advantages they can use over others, we are naturally competitive creatures. If those advantages lend themselves in the form of a class with more capabilities with less skill investment, that would be the natural choice for anyone looking to get ahead. Regardless of whether it is burst damage stealth classes, 1 button armor penetration heavy armor classes, or classes with high utility and great sustained damage.


There is nothing wrong with that, there are many reasons people made that choice, style of gameplay, the idea of using that particular class and its abilities, and the reason above. Not their fault for doing it, no point in getting mad at them.

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Just want to say that I'm one of those 300k healing/150k damage type sorcerers.


I'm not a hybrid, I'm pure corruption spec (heals).


How did I get so pro as to do 150k damage with twice the healing? Simple. The 150k damage is all from tab dotting with affliction.


That does NOT make me overpowered. The damage is done for my own medals, I RARELY kill anyone in a warzone. I can keep dots rolling on most of the enemy team and not make a dent in their hp - but it sure looks like im a beast on the charts.


But when medals are all that matter it makes all the difference in the world. I have a sorc, and it's very obvious that Sorcs are at the top of the pack, becasue they do everything well and nothing poorly. I still have fun playing my op, but if I just want to rack up the valor and coms, with 400k+ damage and 100k+ healing in 1 match with 40-50 kills, the Sorc/Sage is the way to go. Most CC in the game, insta cast everything with the right spec, and AOE damage for days.


I've said it since the start when everyone was crying about the OP, and now the Merc. Sorcs will continue to **** the face of PvP because most of the pop are playing that class, so you'll have the least complaints even though they clearly have the Best utility and do everything else as good or almost as good as any other class. But since I have one no problem here. ;)

Edited by Macsimus
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Sorc is not even imbalanced. There is a lot of them because people hear from other people that they are so great, then people who aren't that class say they need to be fixed because other people said they need to be, but in reality it's followers following followers - following followers.


All who have slow reaction times. Since Sage/Sorc is nothing special in pvp. If they get a decrease (which they won't) they would be unplayable especially for the follower majority of the people who play that class.


That being said; if you are getting owned by that follower majority then you need to learn to play.





Edited by EnsignSorrow
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But when medals are all that matter it makes all the difference in the world. I have a sorc, and it's very obvious that Sorcs are at the top of the pack, becasue they do everything well and nothing poorly. I still have fun playing my op, but if I just want to rack up the valor and coms, with 400k+ damage and 100k+ healing in 1 match with 40-50 kills, the Sorc/Sage is the way to go. Most CC in the game, insta cast everything with the right spec, and AOE damage for days.


I've said it since the start when everyone was crying about the OP, and now the Merc. Sorcs will continue to **** the face of PvP because most of the pop are playing that class, so you'll have the least complaints even though they clearly have the Best utility and do everything else as good or almost as good as any other class. But since I have one no problem here. ;)


If you are only after medals sorc/sage is defnately NOT way to go.


And since wgen are medals "all that matters"?

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Humans gravitate towards advantages they can use over others, we are naturally competitive creatures. If those advantages lend themselves in the form of a class with more capabilities with less skill investment, that would be the natural choice for anyone looking to get ahead. Regardless of whether it is burst damage stealth classes, 1 button armor penetration heavy armor classes, or classes with high utility and great sustained damage.


There is nothing wrong with that, there are many reasons people made that choice, style of gameplay, the idea of using that particular class and its abilities, and the reason above. Not their fault for doing it, no point in getting mad at them.


I just gravitated to sorcerer because I can shoot lightning out of my hands, wield a lightsaber, and still heal groups.



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Just want to say that I'm one of those 300k healing/150k damage type sorcerers.


I'm not a hybrid, I'm pure corruption spec (heals).


How did I get so pro as to do 150k damage with twice the healing? Simple. The 150k damage is all from tab dotting with affliction.


That does NOT make me overpowered. The damage is done for my own medals, I RARELY kill anyone in a warzone. I can keep dots rolling on most of the enemy team and not make a dent in their hp - but it sure looks like im a beast on the charts.


Although I personally think sorcs could probably use a little tuning, (not a severe nerf by any means), I can definitely agree with these kind of numbers by tab dotting. When my scoundrel is in sawbones I can do 300k/150k by tabbing and vital shot... also more inclined to do this to prevent people from capping objectives anyway.


If there are any valid arguments against sorcs, these kind of numbers are not it, IMO.

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Why so many people in online games prefer to faceroll their face off than achieve something with a little bit of skill? Almost every WZ i enter there are like 6-8 inquisitors in one team. I cant even see map cuz everything is purple, so many stupid lightnings. I never get that, why ppl roll classes that are easy and for newbs, just like ret palas in wotlk, just like frost mages now. Please BW nerf sorcerers. Sick damage, like 3 imbollizes, stun, bubble, bubble-blind, healz, sprint, constant channeled slow, knockbacks. I mean it, what the...? I just was in WZ where total number of players were 16, and there were 13 inquisitors... PvP in SWTOR isn't cool anyway, but sorcerers make it even worse. Please do something about it because this is riddicolous. See ya peeps and may the force be with You.


Translatioin: I got my butt handed to me cause I have fat fingers and couldn't hit my keys fast enough, make it easier for me so I stop yelling and my Mom gets fed up and makes me actually crawl up out of the basement and get a job. (End Translation)


Seriously it never seems to amaze me how in EVERY MMO i've ever played and i've played quite a few there is always someone crying up a storm because they CANNOT

"improvise,adapt and overcome"


Generalization: Quit ************ about how "BROKE" SWTOR is and how the Devs won't show "YOU" no love and spend a little bit more time trying to figure out the opposing classes weakness and exploit it, then you might actually win a few matches, Fights,Duels or whatever else it is that tickles your fancy. If that doesn't work and since your already in the basement, bust out the old Atari and play pong.

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You all can claim sorcerers are balanced or underpowered all you want. Sight all the personal experiences that you like.


I don't new threads popping up every day about how OP operatives are. I do see threads every day about the sorcerer.


There isn't some giant conspiracy here. People don't go read a forum, see someone complain about the sorcerer, go back into the game and play against one, and then finally decided- "Oh my gosh! That forum post was totally right. Sorcerer is OP!"


Fact the reality. A huge majority of players think the sorcerer is overpowered. You can fight against that fact all you like but it's like yelling at a rain storm. People are going to play the game and encounter sorcerers with their own eyes. They will believe it because its real.

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If you are only after medals sorc/sage is defnately NOT way to go.


And since wgen are medals "all that matters"?


Well sure you can't get guard medals, but I get 10+ medal easy in matches that last long enough. I'm usually on top or tied with the person who has the top medals, and no I'm not bragging, I'm just pointing out that it's that easy.


As far as medals being all that matter, of course they are. Wins mean nothing when they is no stat tracking, or full premades. If you want valor and coms for gear, then medals and valor are by far the most important thing. Things like passing a ball or carrying a ball do absolutely nothing for you in huttball. Randomly smashing face with no reguard for what is going on in the match gives more reward. You could easily lose a match and still get more valor and coms than anyone on the winning team if all you did was treat the damn game like a death match.


I'm not saying that's how it should be, but sadly, that's how things are set up right now. When gear is the only tangible reward acquired from doing warzones, and just beating on stuff is the best way to get it, yes medals are all that matters. I mean look how healers get the shaft in WZ's, making their BM grind that much longer. Let's be real here man.

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Everyone knows sorcs are OP, that's why the majority of the game population plays them. Most CC, great AoE, bubble and heals. Utility out the wazoo. Since they are now the majority they will not get nerfed any time soon. Just get used to seeing them everywhere, or roll one yourself.
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Well sure you can't get guard medals, but I get 10+ medal easy in matches that last long enough. I'm usually on top or tied with the person who has the top medals, and no I'm not bragging, I'm just pointing out that it's that easy.


As far as medals being all that matter, of course they are. Wins mean nothing when they is no stat tracking, or full premades. If you want valor and coms for gear, then medals and valor are by far the most important thing. Things like passing a ball or carrying a ball do absolutely nothing for you in huttball. Randomly smashing face with no reguard for what is going on in the match gives more reward. You could easily lose a match and still get more valor and coms than anyone on the winning team if all you did was treat the damn game like a death match.


I'm not saying that's how it should be, but sadly, that's how things are set up right now. When gear is the only tangible reward acquired from doing warzones, and just beating on stuff is the best way to get it, yes medals are all that matters. I mean look how healers get the shaft in WZ's, making their BM grind that much longer. Let's be real here man.


How much longer? have you done calcultions to see how getting 6 medals is opposed to getting 8 medals and in consideration to win-lose?


Most gear comes from dailies/weeklies which means winning (unless you kill trade on ilum)


And you can get 10 in "long perfect condition game"


Shadow can get 12-13 reliably. So, no, if you only care about medals sorc/sage is not way to go since tank will always get 2-3 medals more than you.

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This is the real reason why republic tends to lose: the majority of republic players are melee while majority of imperial players are ranged. Usually at least 8 players will be melee every warzone I play in. The majority of Republic players want to hit things with glowsticks. Edited by RocNessMonster
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Everyone knows sorcs are OP, that's why the majority of the game population plays them. Most CC, great AoE, bubble and heals. Utility out the wazoo. Since they are now the majority they will not get nerfed any time soon. Just get used to seeing them everywhere, or roll one yourself.


Most CC? DPS spec sorcerers are high on the list but not alone. Rest of sorcs are lol, not close.


Great AOE: Yes, although they aren't the only class with it - either archtype. More class archtypes have great AOE then don't.


Bubble: Check.


Heals: Every archtype but Warrior/Knight has access to heals of similar caliber.

Edited by islander
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