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Is this huge image showing SW = WoW Warrior legit?


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Theres no copyright on abilities...


This is pretty much what every MMO uses for their Warrior classes.

A mobile juggernaut of pain.


WoW wasn't the first MMO to use this as the warrior model.

But yes, it is to much alike, almost like they just copy and pasted the ability list.

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Great, I'll save a link to that image whenever someone says this game has nothing in common with wow. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but promoting this game as "innovative" is just false advertising.


Because wow didnt take the concept from somewhere else? And most of the boss/Raid monsters were concepts of Swtor b4 WoW was even in development.. No wait Star wars popped up over night and not 1 monster from this game is legit from the movies... Ok i see you havent seen any starwars and you want to judge...




Edited by Herblaw
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Great, I'll save a link to that image whenever someone says this game has nothing in common with wow. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but promoting this game as "innovative" is just false advertising.

Dude really. Like no other rpg game has a warrior archetype that can charge, guard other players or pop something that reduces damage taken.



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Dude really. Like no other rpg game has a warrior archetype that can charge, guard other players or pop something that reduces damage taken.




this is his first MMO he seen a picture and its on the interwebs so he had to agree...


In that case D2's barbarian (Warrior of d2) Had most of the same moves...

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Great, I'll save a link to that image whenever someone says this game has nothing in common with wow. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but promoting this game as "innovative" is just false advertising.


When they were talking about the game being 'innovative' they were really focusing on the idea that this is the first MMORPG to really focus on story and also to be fully voiced, combat isn't something I can remember them advertising as really original.

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this is his first MMO he seen a picture and its on the interwebs so he had to agree...


In that case D2's barbarian (Warrior of d2) Had most of the same moves...


Argumentum ad personam, well played indeed! (yes, this means you are an idiot)


But don't worry, I see how fruitless further discussion is, so I'll just leave here. How could I have thought fanboyism could be swayed by mere logic, but I stand corrected. Silly me.

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I don't think it's a carbon copy, simply because of the Rage mechanic. It more so reminds me of combo points than it does WoW Rage. I personally don't like it too much. I kind of feel a Powertech is more so Warrior than a Jugg would be, despite them being ranged.
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That's a great comparison. If you ignore everything that makes the abilities different, such as guard's use in PvP, you can say they're the same! :rolleyes:


Pro tip: WoW was not the first MMO. And it would probably be hard for a judge to take you seriously if you were to sue for copyright infringement a company who owns another company that released a MMO prior to yours that you took a lot of ideas from.

Edited by Xargyn
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I don't think it's a carbon copy, simply because of the Rage mechanic. It more so reminds me of combo points than it does WoW Rage. I personally don't like it too much. I kind of feel a Powertech is more so Warrior than a Jugg would be, despite them being ranged.


I had a warrior tank in wow, and playing my juggernaut tank in ToR is like putting on an old glove.


The classes Juggernaut tank and warrior tank are practically carbon copies, but at least it made it easy for me to get into tanking in this game, even though I do feel it was poor show of lack of creativvity from Bioware in this regard.


The picture forgot hoeric throw and saber throw, as well as the rage mechanics and prob a few more as well if I bothered dissecting the class.

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This chart should have D&D abilities lined up as well, so you could see how much WoW stole, and how much more directly. "Cleave," for example, is the name of a similar D&D fighter ability. WoW took many spell names, monster designs, etc. directly from D&D. It would be possible to trademark some of these, but it is generally not done and BioWare would have no legal liability here.


Virtually every RPG of any type relies heavily on the D&D model. Likewise, D&D was literally sued for ripping off the "Lord of the Rings" books. And so on and so forth. Read "Beowulf" and the "Nibelunglied" and you'll see that storytelling is more about elaboration than innovation. But to argue that SWTOR does nothing innovative because it employs a similar warrior skill tree as most MMOs do... that's myopic, to say the least.

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Great artists create amazing pieces of work for the world to see.


Smart artists figure out what the great artists did right and try to emulate and improve upon it.


/shrug, haters gonna hate.


Great artists = smart artists, to elaborate your point. There is no wholly original work of art; if there was, it wouldn't even make sense to us, as it would lack any cultural context.

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I'd like to see those spouting **** about carbon copy try to actually invent totally new mechanic that completely differ from already established set of skills and give them new names while at it. Cause myself I don't see a frontal, close-range aoe being named other than "cleave". Or for warrior archetype to have different aoe mechanic.


But I guess I'm a fanboy

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around 17 points up the Rage tree, Smash doesn't look like Thunderclap, it looks like the hand of God.


The comparison picture doesn't take into account how the abilities mutate when you talent into them. The difference between how different specs in the same class umbrella play in Tor is far more radical than in wow.


I don't think there's any talent build in WoW for a warrior that turns the class into a jackrabbit carrying a lightsaber and a tactical nuclear strike that goes off when he hops every 15 seconds.

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Argumentum ad personam, well played indeed! (yes, this means you are an idiot)


But don't worry, I see how fruitless further discussion is, so I'll just leave here. How could I have thought fanboyism could be swayed by mere logic, but I stand corrected. Silly me.


You do realize that Bioware/EA never promoted combat in this game as innovative (except maybe animation-wise)? In fact, in multiple developer discussions over many months before the launch, they commented that combat was going to be typical of other MMO's.


Also WoW itself was merely a combination of what other then current MMOs were doing...So trying to use it as evidence of SWTOR copying WoW is, didn't see this coming >.>, idiotic. You basically ignore all the hundreds of RPG's that came before WoW and that had all those abilities in form or another.


It's only natural that people are going to call you out on stupid comments that act like WoW was the first RPG with warriors (Hell KotOR came out before WoW and you could draw a lot of similarities between combat in those 2 games). Good job on the google latin though!

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Argumentum ad personam, well played indeed! (yes, this means you are an idiot)


But don't worry, I see how fruitless further discussion is, so I'll just leave here. How could I have thought fanboyism could be swayed by mere logic, but I stand corrected. Silly me.


Because how closed your mind is totally means that i'm the idiot..

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The classes are totally different because Vicious Throw has a range of 10m and Execute is melee range... some people have no idea....


The whole argument is stupid. If we are going to claim mechanics are ripped off from someplace then it is from D&D and other paper and pencil RPGs. A lot of the moves used by Warrior Classes on MMOs and CRPGs in general are taken directly from skills that Warriors have in D&D. Alas I have a background that isn't based on that WoW was the Genesis of MMOs or CRPGs in general.;)

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Great, I'll save a link to that image whenever someone says this game has nothing in common with wow. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but promoting this game as "innovative" is just false advertising.


right, because one thing not being innovative means nothing is.

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