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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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For me right now I do enjoy the game.


There are a few things that need to be addressed such as endgame PVP and endgame in general. Of course they can't have infinite content so that is to be expected. I'm sure in about three years time the amount of content in here will dwarf entire star systems. And people will wax philosophically about how it was when it started and how you could do this and couldn't do that.


It seems that people love to be critical, whether or not this is indicative of their own failings in life is something for a therapist to diagnose.


There are still many issues in terms of stability but I'm sure these will get ironed out. There are graphical bugs such as the little pouch part of the Centurion/Chapion./Battlemaster Trooper armours belt that seems to have a mind of it's own. But for the most part I would say that this is a great start. The amount of work and heart that has been poured into this game is astonishing. When I think about the amount of content there is just for one class by the time I hit fifty it blows my mind. Can you imagine the amount of time and effort it took to write all the dialogue and craft all the storylines? This is no small feat.


So I'm going to sit on the fence here and let the game evolve. Give the developers time. I know we live in a society where everything is right here right now but the reality of it is good things come to those who wait.


As well if you want to vent and whine about the state of the game remember that this game had an enormous beta period where the community (me and you) had our chance to tell the developers what was broken and what wasn't. So stop pointing the finger squarely at Bioware, we had our chance and now that it's live (something that people constantly complained about) we complain and say that the game wasn't ready. You can't have your cake and eat it too.



You jus keep on forking over your money to Bio there champ..........







Now quit making excuses for this garbage mmo. Enoughs enough, theres no excuse for SIX YEARS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLION SPENT ON THIS GAME TO HAVE IT IN THIS SHAPE.





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this is not a very good mmo.


i find it very hard to believe that they spent as much as they claim to make this piece of garbage.


So stop playing. I find it very hard to believe that you're still playing if you rate the game so lowly.

Edited by Silthir
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You jus keep on forking over your money to Bio there champ..........







Now quit making excuses for this garbage mmo. Enoughs enough, theres no excuse for SIX YEARS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLION SPENT ON THIS GAME TO HAVE IT IN THIS SHAPE.






My point of view not yours deal with it.

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As well if you want to vent and whine about the state of the game remember that this game had an enormous beta period where the community (me and you) had our chance to tell the developers what was broken and what wasn't. So stop pointing the finger squarely at Bioware, we had our chance and now that it's live (something that people constantly complained about) we complain and say that the game wasn't ready. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


While you ar entitled to you view, you will certainly get some comments very much disagreeing with you here,


I am sure plenty did have a say, but you can't make BW listen and implement them :rolleyes:


I never got to 50 in beta, didn't want to spoil the experience and wanted to save stuff for later, so I didn't get to experience Ilum myself, if I had you can bet I would have said something, sure others did.....


Not even apologist and fanboys can defend Ilum, it should have been like War but better, improved upon mistakes made in that game, real objectives that teams will take and try to defend, spend hours doing it like in Warhammer, created a great community to boot, not kill trade and leave after 5-10 mins after your daily is done, no community, no pride in the side you are on and the fight.


Other than the base where you get a turret, all the rest is for show, statues only, you can flip objectives easily as nothing fires at you, what is the point of it all ?


It's not a relatively quick fix either, that's the sad thing, we are stuck with Ilum for a long time to come, most like me will not see that out, a couple Warzones ain't enough, warzones are only secondary to world pvp anyway and are really for variety, like in Warhammer, the main pvp is world pvp/pvp lakes and it's well and truly stuffed in TOR.


Edit* Just to make it clear, if we were talking about a few bugs, but the premise was there, once ironed out a great PvP lake, then showing patience would be perfectly fine, but Ilum needs to completely be redone and thought out, that will take quite a while, needed to be in the game from the start and then ironed out.


Thats the real problem

Edited by LillyWhiteS
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I am currently level 16 so I am not sure if I have experienced enough of the game to make a good assessment of the game.



You sure don't.


At 16 you wouldn't be off the second planet. You won't have seen the second "dungeon" life is good. In real terms you have seen perhaps 5% of the game, and unfortunately the best 5%.


I am a big NO.


Levels 1-20 you have a good game.

20 - 50 ok, some planets are bad, the quests are a little repetitive.

50 ... yawn

alts are painful beyond belief (needs an options to ignore the pathetic cinematic with canned dialogue.


The list of faults/missing basic content is huge.

Guild banks.

Account/Realm Shared banks.


Night and Day. (The universe is super super static, more so than any other mmo ever)


Any real form of customization.

(the one above is worse when you see some of the tier'd armour, they are completely not Star Wars)

Any form of replay-ability.

Terrible customer service reps

Empty servers due to servers not being properly populated at the start.

No ship customization.

Rails based ship combat

No ship pvp

No ship parties/multiplayer



The list goes on and on.

Some of those things have existed since UO and Merdian59. They are not ground breaking or new.


If I had to describe it SWTOR in 2 words I'd go with Hollow and Shiny.

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YES.... (for now)


First off, I am not a PVPer at all. I have played many MMOs over the years (EQ, EQ2, WoW, CoH, Champions, Rift, DCUO, Star Trek, LotR, DDO to name my most played). I didn't play SWG (There was just too many naysayers at the time and I listened to the negativity of friends who left it).


I have never enjoyed the PVP dynamics of MMOs...but that's another thread. Not to sound bitter (but many times when the PVP was focused on, it "seeped" into the PVE, "for balance" with not-so-good results.) It sounds like the end game at the moment, is PVP- focused, according to the scuttlebutt, and that doesn't please me at all. I know I'm in a very small minority here, but that's ok, I guess.


I have all my 8 slots filled on my server (with all 8 class options) and my highest is 33 at the moment (the rest are in their 20s). I'm an admitted altaholic and my altaholism is being nutured by the AMAZING stories in each class. I'm enjoying the game immensely in some respects:


---Crafting is simple (though a waste at this point, since most commodities are not in demand).

---Companions system is wonderful (with a few nitpicks like no "flirting" for same-gender option)

---Alignment system

---Level progression



What I don't like at the moment:


---Horrible UI

---Galactic Trade Network (MORE filters please!!!)

---Planetary travel (awful convoluted cutscenes)

---Single player feel of gameplay on planets

---Space Battles


I know 1.2 is suppose to address a few concerns. However, if the next few months aren't an improvement and the dire "post 50s DOOM soothsayers" are correct, I might be leaving the Star Wars galaxy.

Edited by Thannyr
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Decided to give actual reasons.

Alright go back a page. Read a few posts.


There you have it, Now i'll be back in like.....4 years.


Apologies to Op, was to lazy to see if it was dev or not.;)

Edited by BUBBUH
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It's okay. There are a host of minor irritations that degrade the quality of life enough to erode the fun. I bought a 6 month subscription on the strength of the beta stress test, but I'm solid gone when that expires unless the things that have me crying "Why, Bioware? Why did you do it this way?" (that aren't fundamental engine decisions, which will have to remain regrets for a few years, I guess) are fixed.


I won't detail the foulups here, because a bunch of them are promised as fixes in/by 1.2, so we'll see.

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In it's current state: NO.



  • Over-simplified space combat system (iPhone apps are actually better)
  • No free-roaming in Space (I don't mind exhaustion zones, but in Space I feel like a very limited child). Adding a simple free-roam space system would breathe so much life into TOR, and adding random enemy spawn points in space would really give a Star Wars feeling, now it's just a Taxi service that we only thought was cool the first couple of hours.
  • No real "complete freedom" feeling, this is a "go from planet A to planet B game", for a Star Wars MMO I was expecting "go from planet A to either B, C or D".
  • No server-wide general chat, forcing each planet to become micro-communities of players leveling there, quickly evaporating once players move on.
  • Too few "points of interests", meaning once you're done with a zone, you're done forever with it.


Please BioWare, do not underestimate the power of Space in Star Wars. I know some of you are viewing it with the "I don't remember what you are asking for in the movies" perspective. Please, we all know the movies are an infinite fraction of the Star Wars universe, with a free-roam space system you will be able to:

  • Keep the current "exhaustion zones" and rail-guided ground leveling experience.
  • Give to players the feeling they are actually making decisions on their own, instead of just leveling identically to one another. (truth is, we don't have any choices regarding our leveling experience, it's "do this", not even "do this or that".
  • Keep subs active


Space if your chance to have both a unique game heavy on the story side (keep the ground part just like it is) and open-world with a sense of freedom.

Edited by Ralin
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No actually Im slowly starting to hate it.

-expertise: dual grind, switch between armour sets, your character will have no static unique look

-clone wars (everyone looks the same)

-lack of adventure, go here go there, its all corridors

-bad game world, no underwater stuff etc.

-horrible graphics

-poor game performance

-cannot get purple lightsabers on republic side

-playing on the republic side on most servers it totally joyless

-crafting sux

-no chat bubbles

-no customization perks

-extreme grindy nature of the game

-Ui elements get in the way of each other in warzones

-Ui just looks unexciting

-the story was not stellar

-engaging in group converstaions with other players does not feel dynamic, its just whose line is next

-in game speech is not choice it is an illusion of choice 90% of the time

-bad graphical clipping

-most armour looks exactly the same

-republic side gear is all boring

-black lightsabers are dumb

-no point in spontaneous world pvp anywhere but illum

-the game world is split in half between republic and empire

-space combat is boring and pointless

-myriad of graphical errors everywhere

-3 warzones

-illum is just above unplayable

-no incentive to play the underpopulated side on servers

-overdose on cut scenes

-I could go on and on but ill stop there


this sums it up for me also.

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? Is the game complete? NO


Can the game be better with some additional content like guild ships and massive guild co-ordination to war with the enemy? Most definitely.


Take care of the space to make it explorable like SWG and space PVP (guild ships).

Change crafting to what SWG had, (just epic, I never seen any other crafting near as good)

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The arena fanboys are foaming at the mouth at the upcoming rated warzones, soon they'll be tweaking the game day and night for them with special toys and titles. I already canceled, I left WoW over this and I'm leaving this game behind for the same reason. FOTM comps and gear reserved for them is not my cup of tea.
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Used to like it but not anymore , not in this current state so you can change my yes for no now OP because my opinion has changed.




I rly wanted to love this game and been following its development for years before it released but atm its far from the game I expected it to be.


-Questing and story presentation in the game while leveling was amazing I loved it better than in any other MMO I played in the past.


But after some time once youre 50 you start to realize that this game is missing on so many features :


- Current PVP is meaningless with farming of valor because it rewards farmers not skilled PVP players which like to see PVP as major content for them to do at endgame and world PVP is broken with curent state of Ilum due faction imbalances and slow motion feeling when there are larger number of players in one place on the screen .


-In this game there is lack of open world feeling , everything in this game seems heavy instanced , planets feel empty and you barely see other players while doing quests around you , game world feels to much static like nothing is changing around us because everything looks the same all the time without dinamyc events which would change things

around on the planets and there is no reason besides datacron hunt for players to visit planets in this game and return to starting zones and that most players can do in 1-2 days max .


-Current crafting is meaningless when you reach level 50 there is not rly any need for crafters besides biochem for stims and all the work players invested to level their crafting professions seems useless because players can get everything better than crafters can do easy throught the endgame content and by doing dailies.

( dont want to compare it to WoW crafting but I have to because there is huge difference because players in WoW need enchants, gems and alchemy products all the time while here nobody needs crafters at endgame )


- There is lack of any decent gear customization and most ppl at endgame look like the clones of each other.


- Current space combat is joke after few times you try it you figure out its also meaningless , it feels like some stupid arcade game from the days of amiga and first consoles instead of been awesome space flight multiplayer game with free flight , exploration and ship vs ship pvp combat.


- Operations and hard mode flashpoints in this game are way to easy , most raiding guilds finished normal mode on the first day they started raiding and hard mode within the first week, only challenging fight a bit is SOA and that on nightmare , all other fights are based around tank and spank mechanics with only difference that on hard mode and nightmare bosses have enrage and are gearchecks.


There is not even one hard flashpoints in the game.


- This game lack of time sinks, achievements arent sorted out good , there is a lack of social games in the game ( pazzak , pod / swoop racing etc) , lack of reputations with factions for players or game events which would keep bussy players in the game to.

Edited by Lunablade
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All the people who say no... what are you doing here? shouldn't you have moved to greener pastures already? have the courage of you opinion and move on... please.


Personally I enjoy the game it is far from perfect but I am having fun

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All the people who say no... what are you doing here? shouldn't you have moved to greener pastures already? have the courage of you opinion and move on... please.


Personally I enjoy the game it is far from perfect but I am having fun


Please read the OP before questioning the motivations of others.


re: The OP's question:

I enjoyed the clas story but when I hit max level I realised the game lacked an MMO "soul".


There are so many things missing that collectively would help the game feel not only more like a typical MMO, but a Star Wars MMO. Some things are missing purely because the devs may not have had time to put them in prior to launch, whilst others are missing because of the devs design decisions not to include them ever.

Edited by Tarka
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