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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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No. This is a crappy wow-clone at best. In an interview where swifty talks to an actual game developer, the Developer states that the game is clearly for PVE. But in the new patches, everything has been based around PVP balancing and PVP tweeks.


This game does not excel in any aspects whatsoever and does not offer ANYTHING new to the table.


Bioware diddled the SWTOR franchise and will beat this dead horse of every dollar it can spew out.


Don't get me wrong, i ain't a carebear or anything, but when the developers of the game don't know what their game is about, there is serious cause for concern.


Is it fun? The only thing that matters is if you enjoy it and are having fun with it.

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And here's why, in order of importance to me.


1. The customer service is terrible. When you do actually get to talk to someone, they don't know anything about the game and their responses are scripted "cut-and-paste" answers because they either don't care enough to actually talk to you, or English isn't their primary language (if your going to provide customer service for an English speaking game, you need to have a strong grasp of the language). And they don't actually read your tickets. I once reported an issue with an item glitch, waited several days for a response, only to have the ticket automatically closed WHILE I was ingame, and I got an email response asking me to either email them, or create a new ticket, this time including the server name, character name and item name..the only thing is, I listed ALL of that in the original ticket. So clearly they didn't read it.The ticket wait time is outrageous (once had one left open for over 10 days before I finally got frustrated and closed it), sometimes tickets are automatically closed with an addressed via email message....while I'm online. Tickets are often closed without the issue every actually be addressed. Like for example I play on an RP server so I report names that violate the Rule of Conduct (it doesn't get rid of all the non-RP names, but at least it's something) and I even quote the exact rule the name is in violation of, giving them the Section and Line of the rule straight from the website. And yet a week later, 2 weeks later, I see the same person and name, or the same guild name. If you don't even follow your own guidelines, why even have them?


2. The game is unfinished (bug, glitches and graphical issues that have existed since early beta are still around, for example the eye glitch during custscenes, vendor/GTN sorting still doesn't work properly, etc. etc.)


3. Space flight. A rail system? Really? I mean really? SWG's Jump to Lightspeed came out back in October of 2004 and was fantastic, it's over 7 years later and you couldn't come up with something at least on par with that? Hell, let's go even farther back, X-Wing came out in 1993, was on a freaking floppy disc and you had to run it from the DOS prompt. And you couldn't come up with a free roaming space-flight portion of the game?


4. Crafting. Redundant schematics in Artificing (and while I don't know for sure, probably in other crew skills as well). Some gathering skills that can only be leveled by sending companions on crew skills missions (Investigation, Diplomacy, Underworld Trading) Why not let us do that too? I think it would be great to be able to do a diplomacy mission, talk to a group of NPC's and negotiate with them, and depending on the dialogue choices, get a higher or lower reward to LS/DS in addition to the crafting material.


5. Level progression does not match planet progression. (If I do all the missions on each planet (and why wouldn't you, that's part of the fun), by the time I go to the next planet in line everything is gray and mission rewards are quite a few levels below what I can use. And then there are planets like Alderaan and Hoth, where the bonus series is about 10 levels above what the main part of the planet's quests are, which means when you try and get groups for the heroics, nobody has them because very few people come back once they have cleared the world of the main quest series. Not to mention places like Hoth have an average player population of 20, on a server listed as Standard to Heavy population depending on the time of day.


6. Broken Codex (this ties into the broken/unfinished game issue). Every single world has codex entries that are not available, but are still listed in the codex journal. Whether it's titles that were removed during beta, lore entries, persons of note, species, even beastiary entries. Every planet has this issue, whether these things were removed in beta, or were never even availble, they exist in the codex journal and so you can never actually get all the entries. If they were removed from the game, why keep them in the journal? Were you just to lazy to remove them? Are you going to add them later and though "screw it, we'll just leave them in until we get around to finishing it".


I'm a huge Sci-Fi fan, and I love Star Wars. I was so excited for this game and even spend the extra $90 to get the Collector's Edition (crazy, I know) and while this game has some great aspects to it, the good does not seem to outway the bad. It looks and feels and plays like a beta release and yet, I'm paying for it. And then you go and release new content (Taris content update for example) without fixing a lot of the main issues. I'm sure you have more than one team working on things, but wouldn't it be more prudent to dedicate ALL your assests to fixing current issues before adding new things that frequently create new problems? I have 15 days of time left on my subscription, and as things currently stand, I have no plans to renew. Do you know how frustrating that is for me? I spent $150 plus tax, plus the $30 for the 2 month subscription because all the information I had from all your Developer Dispatches and game content videos and all the other info you released about the game prior to it's release, indicated this would be an amazing game, and I anticipated playing it for years. And now here we are, 3 months in and I'm likely not going to renew?


Well that's all I have to say and it's a lot but I'm not interested in a response from the player community so keep your TLDR comments to yourself, as I don't care if you read it or not. I'm hoping that the powers that be at Bioware are taking an interest in this thread and are actually reading the feedback. If they do, great, hopefully they take it seriously, but either way it feels good to put how I feel about this into words.

Edited by GalenDurron
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and here's why, in order of importance to me.


1. The customer service is terrible. When you do actually get to talk to someone, they don't know anything about the game and their responses are scripted "cut-and-paste" answers because they either don't care enough to actually talk to you, or english isn't their primary language (if your going to provide customer service for an english speaking game, you need to have a strong grasp of the language). And they don't actually read your tickets. I once reported an issue with an item glitch, waited several days for a response, only to have the ticket automatically closed while i was ingame, and i got an email response asking me to either email them, or create a new ticket, this time including the server name, character name and item name..the only thing is, i listed all of that in the original ticket. So clearly they didn't read it.the ticket wait time is outrageous (once had one left open for over 10 days before i finally got frustrated and closed it), sometimes tickets are automatically closed with an addressed via email message....while i'm online. Tickets are often closed without the issue every actually be addressed. Like for example i play on an rp server so i report names that violate the rule of conduct (it doesn't get rid of all the non-rp names, but at least it's something) and i even quote the exact rule the name is in violation of, giving them the section and line of the rule straight from the website. And yet a week later, 2 weeks later, i see the same person and name, or the same guild name. If you don't even follow your own guidelines, why even have them?


2. The game is unfinished (bug, glitches and graphical issues that have existed since early beta are still around, for example the eye glitch during custscenes, vendor/gtn sorting still doesn't work properly, etc. Etc.)


3. Level progression does not match planet progression. (if i do all the missions on each planet (and why wouldn't you, that's part of the fun), by the time i go to the next planet in line everything is gray and mission rewards are quite a few levels below what i can use. And then there are planets like alderaan and hoth, where the bonus series is about 10 levels above what the main part of the planet's quests are, which means when you try and get groups for the heroics, nobody has them because very few people come back once they have cleared the world of the main quest series. Not to mention places like hoth have an average player population of 20, on a server listed as standard to heavy population depending on the time of day.


4. Space flight. A rail system? Really? I mean really? Swg's jump to lightspeed came out back in october of 2004 and was fantastic, it's over 7 years later and you couldn't come up with something at least on par with that? Hell, let's go even farther back, x-wing came out in 1993, was on a freaking floppy disc and you had to run it from the dos prompt. And you couldn't come up with a free roaming space-flight portion of the game?


5. Crafting. Redundant schematics in artificing (and while i don't know for sure, probably in other crew skills as well). Some gathering skills that can only be leveled by sending companions on crew skills missions (investigation, diplomacy, underworld trading) why not let us do that too? I think it would be great to be able to do a diplomacy mission, talk to a group of npc's and negotiate with them, and depending on the dialogue choices, get a higher or lower reward to ls/ds in addition to the crafting material.


6. Broken codex. Every single world has codex entries that are not available, but are still listed in the codex journal. Whether it's titles that were removed during beta, lore entries, persons of note, species, even beastiary entries. Every planet has this issue, whether these things were removed in beta, or were never even availble, they exist in the codex journal and so you can never actually get all the entries. If they were removed from the game, why keep them in the journal? Were you just to lazy to remove them? Are you going to add them later and though "screw it, we'll just leave them in until we get around to finishing it".


I'm a huge sci-fi fan, and i love star wars. I was so excited for this game and even spend the extra $90 to get the collector's edition (crazy, i know) and while this game has some great aspects to it, the good does not seem to outway the bad. It looks and feels and plays like a beta release and yet, i'm paying for it. And then you go and release new content (taris content update for example) without fixing a lot of the main issues. I'm sure you have more than one team working on things, but wouldn't it be more prudent to dedicate all your assests to fixing current issues before adding new things that frequently create new problems? I have 15 days of time left on my subscription, and as things currently stand, i have no plans to renew. Do you know how frustrating that is for me? I spent $150 plus tax, plus the $30 for the 2 month subscription because all the information i had from all your developer dispatches and game content videos and all the other info you released about the game prior to it's release, indicated this would be an amazing game, and i anticipated playing it for years. And now here we are, 3 months in and i'm likely not going to renew?


Well that's all i have to say and it's a lot but i'm not interested in a response from the player community so keep your tldr comments to yourself, as i don't care if you read it or not. I'm hoping that the powers that be at bioware are taking an interest in this thread and are actually reading the feedback. If they do, great, hopefully they take it seriously, but either way it feels good to put how i feel about this into words.


TLDR. :p

Edited by reaperkeepet
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NO, and I will point out somethings that made me (and all my friends) quit. Some are their opinions only and I do not agree, some I do agree and some are my own opinions.


- Lack of an easier way to group up with people to do the content. This is something we all agreed...

- Too much time wasted travelling from point A to point B (example, if you are on a planet that doesn't have the direct shuttle and you have to go to the fleet). The general skill that allows you to travel to the fleet has an enormous CD and only people who has security keys can buy the one with 1 hour CD only. Make a teleport to ship option.

- Low population on most servers, making the MMO part of the game almost unplayable. Merge servers or open free transfers.

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Right now, I am enjoying the experience. I am a L34 Shadow, and I like my class story and a lot of the features. I like having a companion, for example, and my own spaceship. BUT... recently I find myself having doubts about the long term playability.


A lot of this stuff has been posted in this forum already, so I will post one I haven't seen- every quest of memory so far has been: Go to <location> , click on/kill <object/mob> , return to questgiver. I will only mention WoW once in this post- it was mainly for this same formula that I got a rogue to L60 (max at the time) and decided to spend my time/$ on something more interesting. I would really like to see quests that require problem solving and thought. Right now the only things in the game requiring a brain are figuring out how to get crafting materials outside of your crew skills (because there isn't much of anything on sale in the GTN) and combat-related battle tactics. Riddle and puzzle-related quests would add an element to the game that makes people want to continue to take time out of their lives, just for the challenge of it.


Outside of that, here are things I would like to see. Otherwise I will probably unsubscribe after bringing both a Jedi and Sith through their stories. I don't play 24/7, so that might take me a while :)(Bioware- you are lucky so many people are giving you free ideas! Take advantage of it while it lasts)


1. Real Spaceflight. We get our own spaceship- every sci fi fan's dream, really- and all we can do is follow a "tunnel shooter". I really hope that the current mini-game is just a placeholder until Bioware can spend some real resources on it. Otherwise it will be a huge waste of potential. A game like Eve has a huge following because it is wide open space combat, but you are stuck in a spaceship the entire time. If you could actually explore the planets you find, well... mankind might not have that option in the real world until the Aliens come.


2. Cross-server Trade Network - and PVP. There are not many people residing on my server, and people don't want to waste their time on putting things in the auction house if it just expires 2 days later. So you have to be inventive or have a guild if you want to actually find trade. Yeah, I get it- it is hard to merge servers and I would rather the time be spent on improving the game to bring people to my server organically (I am on Firkrann Crystal). Re-rolling on a new server is preposterous- some people might waste the 50-60 hours I've spent on my character- a whole work week- but I am not one of them. Making one big GTN that multiple servers feed into would solve a huge problem that is causing many people in low-populated servers to quit.


3. More expansive planet surface area. So... the whole planet of Coruscant is "one big city", but all we get to see are a few corridors of one tiny area. I don't feel the joy of exploration very much when I go to a new planet.


4. More in-game PVP zones. I'm on a PVP server, and I don't see Imperials very much because our quests are mostly in different areas. Tattoine, the most open world I've been to so far, had a little bit of this, but in a planet where the Empire and Republic are supposedly at odds for the whole thing, I would expect there to be some Imperial agents in Anchorhead giving secret quests to Imperials and vice versa, which would require us to run into each other and fight it out for who is really going to decide how things run on the planet. And are you telling me the Sith don't have ANY moles on Tython or Urd Mantell, funneling them information, or Republics on Korriban? What kind of wimpy galactic war is actually going on here? Couldn't those agents give me a quest if I was, say, a Jedi Shadow that snuck on the planet?



This game has a lot of potential. I was very excited for this game to come out, and didn't think I would ever play another MMO again until a few friends asked me to log in and play with them. I really hope the game can go the distance because I love Star Wars and the imagination behind it, and I will be disappointed if 3-4 years from now I look back and find another case of trying to milk a cow that is already dead.

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I apologize then. My impression was that your rush of enjoyment came from the similarity between the games simply because they were so drastically different. Though I do have to question how you could find the same rush of enjoyment from the original UO and ToR/WoW! A big part of it for me came from the fact you could actually lose something in UO.


I would love to see a modern version of the original UO but I just don't think that will ever happen.


On a side note: your showing your age by even bringing up the original UO! ;)


I can still go back to uo for couple of months and play it and wish it was as cool and fun as it used to be. Same with wow. And i know in 2 or more years we will all feel the same about swtor. When all the patching and expansions have been made we will all remember the good old days when swtor was still fresh and fun.


So lets face it, this is the best swtor will ever be, from now on its a spiral down the hill like all other mmos. Only difference now is that i realise it before its to late and enjoy the game instead of complaining of some minor stuff thats missing from it now.

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No...Too many reasons right now to list them all...But more than anything end-game is geared towards PvP instead of PvE... Especially for small to medium sized Guilds...Even on a PvE Server which to me is mind-boggling...I've always felt my Guild is a great test group for a games eventual outcome...And I'm already seeing it effect my Guild with Folks quitting...I hate it because there are many things I love abut this Game...


Oh and the cost of everything is ridiculous...It's a joke and a HUGE complaint I hear constantly... The thing I hear most is "Why does BioWare want me to be broke on a Game I'm paying for...I'm already broke in RL." :cool:

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Yes. The game is playable and enjoyable for me and I feel like Bioware and I have a good relationship together.


Things I don't like about the game are taken into account and, so far, Bioware has delivered on making sure their major patches and fixes are large and encompass a variety of things from bug fixes to new features to more content.

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Im on a "dead" server, PvP issues are too many to name, I voted with my wallet also and cancelled, just waiting for enough changes to happen or my sub to run out.


The real part that burns me up is the fact we told them about 99% of the problems / lacking (what most of us feel is standard) features durring closed and open beta and it didnt seem to matter.

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I think this has been a great game, leveling, lore, graphics, etc has been amazing. However once you hit 50 you are stuck with:

  • Endless loading screens, elevators, useless orbital stations, etc
  • A lackluster galactic market interface where it takes dozens of clicks to find anything (Why can't you just let people search for items by name???)
  • A broken professions system where anything except Bio is practically worthless. Who wants to make pants, implants, etc that are outdated by HMFP gear? Also the fact it takes an hour to make an item for a friend/guildie?? This really hampers trade in general.
  • Once again Endless Loading Screens, by far my biggest gripe has to do with the dozens of loading screens it takes to get anywhere
  • A lack of UI customization
  • Poor republic populations. On most planets there are barely a handful of people, and even on 'moderately' populous nights the republic fleet doesn't feel like swtor warrants the Massively Multi-player part of MMORPG.
  • PvP dominated by stun-locks and a perhaps broken resolve system? I can't begin to count the number of times I've been stunned and burned down with a full resolve bar.
  • Most of the years of development apparently went into the pre-50 stuff, class stories, lore, interactive quests, dialog, etc. Once you hit 50 almost all that disappears and you are stuck with everything I mentioned above

Myself and my guild feel much the same, and most of us have stopped playing entirely, or canceled, aside from a few last ditch efforts to run operations.

Edited by Teknobeaver
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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?



No talk about/comparison to WoW.


No arguing/provoking others. You get your say, everyone else gets their say too.


No fighting. If someone annoys you, IGNORE THEM. You have your opinion, they have theirs.


No fanboyism and/or hater banter.




Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of many players with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.


















LAST UPDATED: February 20, 2012




(Responses to "Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?"):



765 SWTOR players voted NO.


700 SWTOR players voted YES.


108 individuals are Undecided/Unclear.



CLICK HERE to view pie-chart.

Each vote is counted by hand 3-5 times, ensuring accuracy.











I have been told by a friendly Bioware employee that there is a high chance the Developers and others at Bioware are taking an interest in this thread due to the quality of feedback being provided. Make your opinions heard!

A total of 1500+ people have voted in this thread so far.

This is currently thread #3 out of 3. If you would like to view the other two threads, please select from the following links according to your desire:

  • Click HERE to go to the original thread (thread #1).
  • Click HERE to go to thread #2.

This thread is the best thread on the forums because everyone did their part to keep it troll free. Thank you, everyone. Let's keep it going.




There is always room for improvement, but I'm enjoying my time.

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The game is just mediocre. The writing is terrible, I just can't get into any of the stories.


The gameplay is good but it's not good enough to make up for the horrible storytelling.


I think the voice over work is good, but all in all, I wish they would have never taken that direction. Games are about gameplay not stupid voice overs and lame, predictable, stories.


EA should fire every single Bioware writer on staff, PERIOD.


I also just cancelled my account. I hope this game bombs, Bioware deserves it for making so many horrible choices.


I love Star Wars, but Bioware is like that burnt out rocker that lost his mojo a long time ago.

Edited by Rackjaw
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Server still dead and no transfers in sight.

Fraction imbalance prevails.

WZ still no fun unless you either play a utility class or do not play a Imp.

Crafting still redundant aside from maybe Biochem.

WZ Quitters still not fixed.


Sub still canceled and chances I resub are close to 0 by now.

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The further we go in this thread and the longer time that pass, more people say No..interesting


Many of the questions in the guild summit they answeared "really? there are discussions and questions like that?" even about topics that are asked every day.


1.2 will be decisive, and from the guild summit info, it didnt seems to have that much.

UI wont make the game last longer.

Legacy skills i cant use most of the time.

Mailbox and GTN in ship, now well see other players even less.

The game is boring in its core.

To much focus on voice overs, no character progression.

Instances are to short and uninteresting and you get full armorsets in 2-3 runs. Short and grindy. HM and NM mode of dungeons is lazy programming.

PvP is not supposed to be counter-strike skirmish based.

You go from one planet to another, but its really the same, with the same enemies. they are even called the same basicly. They all have the same weapons and attack the same way. They always come in a group of 3 with 1 big and 2 smaller enemies.


And thats only some things that makes players bored with it really quick

Edited by SeloDaoC
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My favourite game of all time was Knights of the Old Republic I . And I could never finish it because the game was bugged and I could not continue playing. Hearing of SWTOR being released and actually playing it was a dream come true, BUT there is a limit to how many glitches/bugs you can take as a player. In particular the FPS problem that many have mentioned. I just cannot enjoy the game because of it. My system meets the "Recommended requirements " in surplus. And when I see 10+- fps in War Zones 13+- on Fleet and 20 fps during questing I just get sad. And the more players login the worser it gets of course. While I need the players to do group instances with them. So I am being punished here for following the logical gameflow. I could level on a low population realm ( which I did ) but you cant have fun alone at level 50.


Verdict: Love the game, but the technical issue(s) are overwhelming. Which is also the reason I will not purchase any more gametime for this game in the near future.

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The further we go in this thread and the longer time that pass, more people say No..interesting


Many of the questions in the guild summit they answeared "really? there are discussions and questions like that?" even about topics that are asked every day.


1.2 will be decisive, and from the guild summit info, it didnt seems to have that much.

UI wont make the game last longer.

Legacy skills i cant use most of the time.

Mailbox and GTN in ship, now well see other players even less.

The game is boring in its core.

To much focus on voice overs, no character progression.

Instances are to short and uninteresting and you get full armorsets in 2-3 runs. Short and grindy. HM and NM mode of dungeons is lazy programming.

PvP is not supposed to be counter-strike skirmish based.

You go from one planet to another, but its really the same, with the same enemies. they are even called the same basicly. They all have the same weapons and attack the same way. They always come in a group of 3 with 1 big and 2 smaller enemies.


And thats only some things that makes players bored with it really quick


I was laughed at by several community members when i said that SWTOR would have a 60 percent burn off in the 90 day window Zrking and several others just kept lambasting me with some conference call from launch qrtr saying they had 1.7 million active subs as of december 31st. I personaly thought that was horrible sign if they sold 2 million and 300k spit the game out and canceled before they even had to pay was not good.


all MMO's typicaly have a 20 to 30 percent burn if in 90 days. AOC was the worst with 800k in sales and only had 400 k subs 60 days in . to the best retention which was rift that sold 1 million and retained about 800k between the 60 and 90 day mark. I know WOW retained the average but grew massively its first year. TOR will be successful it made its money on IP and bioware reputation. EA is just evil to destroy 2 good things with 1 game.

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