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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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- Lack of End Game PvE Content. Only thing challenging is the **** that will not get fixed.


- Crafting. Worthless..... No reason to spend money, your in-game market is already ****ed. Kind of an essential aspect to your game.


- No add-on support. Instead of having your people who you probably pay pretty well, fixing bugs & ignorant issues that make your game unenjoyable. They're adding features that your community could easily do.


- No Combat Logs. They're not really needed right now, but everyone's aspirations are that End-Game will become a challenge & if/when that happens. People should know *** they're doing wrong.


- My Blaster Pistol looks like a space ship from Toy Story.....


- I am not a SW fan. I was talked into playing this game by some friends... I would like for this to succeed as I have already invested my time into this game with hopes of continued played.

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1. PVP is unbalanced, limited, and unfair. The amount of crowd control and the wonky resolve system that always kicks in AFTER I'm dead (and sometimes doesn't even work when it SHOULD, you know, when the bar is going back down) makes it borderline unplayable at times. Ilum World PVP is a joke, since there's nothing to do there, can be incredibly lop-sided in terms of numbers, and is laggy when there are lots of people at once. It is unfair because the loot system is ridiculous (Battlemaster Bags, in particular, with it's incredibly unfair RNG system). The new patch 1.1.5 will make it even worse, as medals will be shortened but rewards will be increased, making those who raised valor/gear before will be shafted while a lack of effort will be encouraged. Also, there's only THREE Warzones, and Outlaw's Den is empty because there's no reason to be there.


2. PVE is incredibly short, easy (when it's not bugging out), and has a terrible loot system. Two operations that can be completed in a very short time, which I can excuse due to the release being only several months. The BUGS are crazy (Nightmare Mode Pylons anyone?). The lack of a /roll. The Master Loot system being bugged out.


3. No Combat Log. That is all.


4. MANY basic features that aren't implemented. UI Customization, No current use of Legacy, no Day/night, LFG isn't optimized, lack of character customization, lack of gear-variations, planets that are incredibly limited, crafting problems, interaction with in-game items, a broken GTN, and a few more that I can't remember.


5. Customer service is NOT so good. I've had people exploit/harass in game on repeated occasions with almost no reprimands. Bugs that I've reported for weeks have been ignored (game-breaking bugs where I'm disconnected or forced to /stuck).

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I couldn't connect with my characters and the game has lost the "can't wait to log on to play" feeling. Couldn't even make it to endgame cause I would have to try another class to see if I like it... idk.../sigh

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Operative, hit 50 post-nerf, Valor rank 30 with some Champion gear and completely outclassed in any 1v1 encounter -- and inferior in damage output compared to almost any class. Pointless. Random group vs. premade = constant losses, this really needs to be rebalanced.


Broken stealth mechanics (cannot restealth), no range closer/pull, no overall utility, inferior damage (2.5-3k max hit with hidden strike vs. being hit for 4500ish at range??). No fight logging to prevent useful data collection -- and complaints from obvious combat imbalances, poor client performance ... the list goes on. Deeply regretting CE purchase and 6 month subscription.


The list goes on and on ...

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Environments are uninspired, lifeless...no day/night, no weather changes, no nothing, just plain dead environments.

Free roaming anyone?

Discovering something interesting while wandering off the beaten path?...oh wait theres no wandering off because the game is on tracks.

Dialogues are so bad it hurts, Bioware, is that you? A boring story from Bioware? This one is really surprising.

Generic skill trees, uninteresting fight system and uninspired character progression.

Edited by kaboro
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I am currently level 16 so I am not sure if I have experienced enough of the game to make a good assessment of the game.


But so far, I am loving the quality story telling, and also this clever synergy of story in an MMO of many players.


Carrots in the form of social points encourage people to play with their friends or group up.

And once we do, participating in conversations makes for a great experience. I may even want to help my friend with his class quest because I can see in spectator mode what he's up to. The holograms are a nice touch.


All of this takes group questing to a whole new level. For the people who dismiss this enormous attempt to immerse you into the story as just nothing but "kill X rats with cutscenes", it is unfortunate that they do not have friends to play with or are not a fan of reading.


If the devs are reading this, I truly wish it is possible for you to make SW:TOR the KOTOR that never ends. I truly wish it is possible to generate near limitless story with your resources, and make it an RPG that never ends. But the pessimist in me says that it may be too expensive for you.


I much prefer questing to operations. Even if you have flashpoints and operations, they should support the story. So if I want to do an operation, it's not for the loot but because my companion wants to save his friend in there.


MMOs should be about exploration and not about min-maxing and raiding. SW:TOR has a chance to be that MMO where exporation and story is the main focus. I worry that the new generation of gamers may have changed that you can't sustain it with just story alone, but if you do focus mainly on story, I'll definitely play this for a long time.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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First off, the first playthrough I experienced was excellent and exciting, a moment I'll still cherish in my future MMO adventures.


But sadly, I have to give a very personal and opinionated "no" as my answer.


The replay-ability is terrible. Didn't enjoy most planets I visited in terms of quests and any other character I tried to enjoy just felt like I was repeating everything with a slightly different outlook on my character's personality. The player really gets to dive in to the personality of who they're playing and craft them in their own image and really set the standards and morals of who that hero is in the galaxy. As wonderful as a job they did with that, it's another large reason it's hard to enjoy a second class.



I'm also a PvP'er, and really enjoyed it for a good amount of time. But there isn't enough content in that area to keep me interested. Here's to hoping that the new content for PvP is outstanding!



And lastly, I do enjoy most of the end-game and flashpoint content that's available. From the launch until now, I think it's a respectable amount of content to work with and really holds attention, but I was not very happy knowing a large amount of my "epic" gear came out of the same places I had already ran, just more difficult.



Overall, it's a great game honestly. But a great game for a good solid month. It feels like a -ton- of potential but none of it taken to the highest level. I enjoy questing and PvP the most (is it strange to enjoy questing in an mmorpg? :p) and those two areas just can't cut it for me to keep re-subbing.

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It's gonna be F2P within 6 months with Gift shops trying to make back every single dollar invested into the game...won't even come close.


Wait, I thought this game was supposed to be F2P within the first 2 months, then it was 3. Now its 6 months?:tran_frown:

Edited by Reico
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i have 2 lvl 50's (Shadow / Gunslinger)


I liked the cover idea, but in PvP its....stupid. Re-rolled


Shadow is great


8 / 16 mans are great, but there are so many bugs that happen its impossible to beat some times.


I hate armor decay, allways have, allways will. im outta credits due to buying things i need + Crew skills + Repair's + Mod removals. But i know ill make more later, i just hate paying credits for a death from a bug.


PvP is not very balanced. but i have played 2 squishy classes.


and last but NOT least! OMG The lag/Framrates on low i cant even do PvP with a lot of people, so im almost bound to 8 man's too.



So... NO i dont really like it's "Current State"


P.S. Wheres forum Spell Check?! I cant spell worth Bantha PooDoo

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Class stories are awesome, that's about all you get.


PvP and class balance are broken.


The new copy and paste WoW feel for endgame is lack luster. I expected something just a little different than dailies and gear set grinds as options.


Bioware's approach to communicating with the players isn't that great.


Bioware's pathetic last two patches and then a skipped week of patching is a bad sign of things to come.


Quite frankly I feel that it could've been so much more and I don't see an effort to fix the more relevant issues.


I feel like I've been paying to beta a single player game at this point.

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The PVP mainly,


Ilum the number one reason, it needs to be fixed or completely redone, with improved performance issues to boot and buff the side with lower numbers, depending upon the disparity at the time.


Forts/temples capture objectives, good rewards, be it items and that type of thing and or getting to attack a city like in War, obviously improve upon what War did and get it right.


Secondly Warzones, need a variety of map sizes, participant size and objective types, something like an Alterac Vally as has been mentioned by others on the forum, same faction WZ is not what I was after, want to fight imps, not repub.


Bring pride for being a Repub or Imp into the game and a community, Warhammer had that on my server, warbands working together for hours to achieve objectives.


Other lesser things like crafting improvements, both making it worthwhile to put the time/effort/money into it, no more you already know this schematic etc and making you raid to make the best things, with item drops there etc, not everyone is a raider.


Other stuff like item model improvements and improved class balance etc


More endgame stuff in general, maybe events or something

Edited by LillyWhiteS
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For me right now I do enjoy the game.


There are a few things that need to be addressed such as endgame PVP and endgame in general. Of course they can't have infinite content so that is to be expected. I'm sure in about three years time the amount of content in here will dwarf entire star systems. And people will wax philosophically about how it was when it started and how you could do this and couldn't do that.


It seems that people love to be critical, whether or not this is indicative of their own failings in life is something for a therapist to diagnose.


There are still many issues in terms of stability but I'm sure these will get ironed out. There are graphical bugs such as the little pouch part of the Centurion/Chapion./Battlemaster Trooper armours belt that seems to have a mind of it's own. But for the most part I would say that this is a great start. The amount of work and heart that has been poured into this game is astonishing. When I think about the amount of content there is just for one class by the time I hit fifty it blows my mind. Can you imagine the amount of time and effort it took to write all the dialogue and craft all the storylines? This is no small feat.


So I'm going to sit on the fence here and let the game evolve. Give the developers time. I know we live in a society where everything is right here right now but the reality of it is good things come to those who wait.


As well if you want to vent and whine about the state of the game remember that this game had an enormous beta period where the community (me and you) had our chance to tell the developers what was broken and what wasn't. So stop pointing the finger squarely at Bioware, we had our chance and now that it's live (something that people constantly complained about) we complain and say that the game wasn't ready. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

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