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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

At this point, is it even possible for republic to come back?


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WZs are fine, I win more than 80% of my games solo Q. It's only Ilum which is the problem, and that's due to no good population control mechanic.


And it's people like you that will continue to say nothing is wrong when in fact there is something wrong.



I'm not saying BW needs to fix it, and maybe it's not that bad on your server. But on my server where there is at least a 7 to 1 Imp to Reb ratio it is a issue.

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And it's people like you that will continue to say nothing is wrong when in fact there is something wrong.



I'm not saying BW needs to fix it, and maybe it's not that bad on your server. But on my server where there is at least a 7 to 1 Imp to Reb ratio it is a issue.


You mean people like you who don't read? What does a 7:1 population ratio (bs stat made up on the spot) have anything to do with WZ win ratio?

Edited by Rogmar
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One method would be to hit the PvP armor/buff stats for both the 1-49 and 50 brackets based on population. I can see this being a decent scenario. The other alternative is pricing of ingame items like in AirRivals, but the effect would be non-existent since credits are easy to come by.


The Empire outnumbers the Republic. They have advantages over us in terms of their abilities despite most classes are supposed to be mirrors. If Bioware desires healthy PvP, people seeking an advantage will have to be pissed off. People want an unfair advantage. They want to win. The best way is to make their classes actual mirrors. That, and give a healthy nerf to Sorcerors and the Bounty Hunter's Tracer Missle spam.


Any other propositions to fix the imbalance would be welcome.


Want to nerf tracer spam... interupt, stun, LoS the BH.. He cant cast tracer and run at the same time.. and I would much rather be tracer spammed then sniped spammed. Ambush-snipe-snipe-snipe-dead.


As for giving lower population a buff that is just silly. You arent lower population when you are within the WZ. It is 8v8.


As far as world PvP goes, cant do much about that except instance Ilum and only allow people to enter the PvP area to keep the sides ballanced, and get rid of the retarded farming for a random spawn thing. Make the rewards in Ilum objective based and keep the teams limited to 40 people on each side. Have an objective that spawns every hour or so at a random base or maybe central that makes people want to fight for it. You would also have to give something to the people in the queue unable to enter or every other hour kick everyone out and allow 40 random others to enter.


As far as my server (Mandelorians), the Pubs do very well in WZs except Huttball. Simple explanation, they get to do the other 2 WAY more than Imps do and thus they have got better, use that to your advantage and you win 2/3 of the WZs. I think Imps shouls be the ones complaining! :)

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And it's people like you that will continue to say nothing is wrong when in fact there is something wrong.



I'm not saying BW needs to fix it, and maybe it's not that bad on your server. But on my server where there is at least a 7 to 1 Imp to Reb ratio it is a issue.


76% of all statistics are made up :)

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The WZ pop is capped. And even if you are getting absolutely zerged on Illum, you'll still get your weeklies/dailies done -- unless you simply aren't trying. You may die more, you may need to camp a turret, you may need to go get the stragglers at central....but you WILL get it done too. So where is the IMBALANCE coming from slick? Doesn't make a lick of difference if your server is 4:1, it's still capped in WZ's. If anything, Empire has a harder time with a bigger pool of crappy players.


If you are losing, look in the mirror first -- because your excuses and complaints make zero logical sense.




BW can't make you gear out your greens. And if those are your records, like the last poster, maybe you should look inward.


I've destroyed BM's in Champ. I destroyed Champs before I got champ. But then, I am a decent player and I took the time to still gear the best I could (which includes crafting, auction and dailies). I have my hotkeys bound on my mouse. I am situationally aware. I LoS threats. I will stall objectives if I can't win. I will focus on my team's targets. Etc. I bet despite what you say, the two of you do none of that. And that's the only difference that matters.


well first off the turrets dont work 90% of the time and when it takes a 1/3 of the time to get to battlemaster on the empire side you will end up with more gear if you get to Battlemaster 4 weeks before me that is 64 extra BM bags you can recive before me and when people on the republic side cant finish dailys then that is even more

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On our server it's 2:1 repub favor over us on Imp side. They constantly farm the WZ's with premades while we're lucky to get even 4 people to group up and stand against them. Huttball is the worst with repub premades chaincapping it via sorc sprint/pull throw spam tactics.
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Haven't read the thread, but in response to the title.. yes, they can (and will) come back. Imps will change sides, drop subs, get bored and pubs will get some life. The life will attract more pubs to play more often and they balance will shift. It will probably swing back and forth about every 8 months for the life of the game. At least that's the experience I've had in previous PVP type MMO's.
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Pubs do okay on our server. The problem we (Imps) have is that we are guaranteed armaments, and they have to kill to finish the daily. So they are more tight knit than us and have a bunch of premades that roll. We have a ton of players who quit on sight if its Voidstar or CW just because Pubs usually have at least 4 bm's in each game and roll. So then the lesser pubs get carried.


I'd love to go pub but I have a ton invested in my Imp character. Its not battlemaster but still walking away from a character with 50 valor to reroll isn't fun.

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There is zero incentive to go republic and every incentive to go imperial.


The few who do reroll as republic will be less then the people who have already and continue to reroll as imperial.


Nothing will change until there is an actual reason to go republic and sorry guys a wookie isnt going to fix this.

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There is zero incentive to go republic and every incentive to go imperial.


The few who do reroll as republic will be less then the people who have already and continue to reroll as imperial.


Nothing will change until there is an actual reason to go republic and sorry guys a wookie isnt going to fix this.


I think the bias will persist, but will diminish over time.

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WZs are fine, I win more than 80% of my games solo Q. It's only Ilum which is the problem, and that's due to no good population control mechanic.


I've done a bit of lower bracket pvp as Republic on two high pop servers now and I noticed republic players tended to be both lower level and less experienced as a whole than the Empire players they faced.

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Pfft, you obviously never rolled an Imperial on Starsider a couple years ago. We were outnumbered nearly that badly on the ground, even worse in space.


At least it was never hard to find a fight. I'd think you'd be grateful. It's next to impossible to find PvP outside of warzones on Vornskr. Yeah yeah, PvE server, whatever. Only rolled here cause launch guild did.


Or Hib on DAOC. Welcome to MMOs with faction based pvp.

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I've done a bit of lower bracket pvp as Republic on two high pop servers now and I noticed republic players tended to be both lower level and less experienced as a whole than the Empire players they faced.


Imps are just as bad as Reps. Main issue is that Republic has much lower talent pool and therefore a lot less PvPers which are experienced and/or good.

Thanks to Illum also less geared so it is double in Imps favour without them being any better for real.

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Not without massive incentives to roll rep, and maybe not even then.


Uhm, there is massive incentives to roll Rep, it freaking sucks being Imp on a badly balanced server. Bioware don't need to do anything it will fix it self over time.


Your just the normal crybaby that want more free stuff and you want free stuff that might end up being dangerous to the games health, because why would anyone roll Imp if you get free stuff as Rep?


Queue at release, server faction imbalance, it's all EXPECTED, no dev is surprised about it and they have no reason to "fix" it because it's not broken. These things fixes it self over time unless the dev goes brain dead and give one side free stuff.

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The ones who spend all day whining that they are the underdogs won't be able to make a comeback.


They are too busy complaining instead of actually gearing up or practicing to improve their own skill.


Ding ding, we have a winner!!! END OF DISCUSSION

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Uhm, there is massive incentives to roll Rep, it freaking sucks being Imp on a badly balanced server. Bioware don't need to do anything it will fix it self over time.


Your just the normal crybaby that want more free stuff and you want free stuff that might end up being dangerous to the games health, because why would anyone roll Imp if you get free stuff as Rep?

Queue at release, server faction imbalance, it's all EXPECTED, no dev is surprised about it and they have no reason to "fix" it because it's not broken. These things fixes it self over time unless the dev goes brain dead and give one side free stuff.



Imps have been the notorious exploiters/hackers getting their free stuff since before the game even went live. What a ludicris statement.

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What an idiotic claim.


Jestunhi is just a butthurt Imperial who cannot accept the fact that he rolled the zerg faction. He lives in a world of delusion where even if there is 300 imperials in the imperial fleet and 50 republic in the republic fleet, he'll be the first to spout "THAT PROVES NOTHING! SERVER IS BALANCED PERIOD"


lol what a joke.

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