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At this point, is it even possible for republic to come back?


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Estimates are that populations are 3:1 in favor of empire


Empire on Ilum can get 120 valor per kill, republic is lucky to get 60 a kill


In warzones its undeniable that the average win rate on empire is higher due to gear differences


I frequently see average HP's 2-3k higher on empire side on any given WZ.


All these factors are compounding, is there any possible change that can actually reverse the trend rather than just allowing the trend to further compound?



There's no point in being republic on a pvp server, its just too obviously outmatched

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Estimates are that populations are 3:1 in favor of empire


Empire on Ilum can get 120 valor per kill, republic is lucky to get 60 a kill


In warzones its undeniable that the average win rate on empire is higher due to gear differences


I frequently see average HP's 2-3k higher on empire side on any given WZ.


All these factors are compounding, is there any possible change that can actually reverse the trend rather than just allowing the trend to further compound?



There's no point in being republic on a pvp server, its just too obviously outmatched


Pfft, you obviously never rolled an Imperial on Starsider a couple years ago. We were outnumbered nearly that badly on the ground, even worse in space.


At least it was never hard to find a fight. I'd think you'd be grateful. It's next to impossible to find PvP outside of warzones on Vornskr. Yeah yeah, PvE server, whatever. Only rolled here cause launch guild did.

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WoW had a 2:1 Alliance:Horde ratio for a while. Then a bunch of Alliance rerolled Horde and that trend started compounding till it was something around 1:1.5 Alliance:Horde. Then the trend reversed yet again and it was 1.25:1 Alliance:Horde. Each time the difference was smaller. I suspect the same will happen here if Bioware gives incentive to roll Republic. Bring on the Wookie Smugglers.
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Facerolled in warfronts, facerolled in ilum. Republic is constantly facerolled in most places. Being a poorly geared republic in a warfront with battlemaster empire premades is not fun.


Can't wait for cross server matches and tiering system.

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When it's 3:1 it's very hard i think for it to balance itself out, at least not without intentional changes to help it out.


I switched from Empire to Republic myself. And i've seen many others as well, but i'm sure there are just as many if not more that switched from Republic to Empire. I know pre-50, PvP is very balanced and fun. But once you hit 50, Republic is just no longer fun. I PvP up with a bunch of people (not together, but the PvP community is small enough that you get to know them), and at 50, maybe 1/3rd of us continued to PvP. It's just not fun when you are so dominated by the other side.

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Pfft, you obviously never rolled an Imperial on Starsider a couple years ago. We were outnumbered nearly that badly on the ground, even worse in space.


At least it was never hard to find a fight. I'd think you'd be grateful. It's next to impossible to find PvP outside of warzones on Vornskr. Yeah yeah, PvE server, whatever. Only rolled here cause launch guild did.


Starsider was never good at pvp.

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Starsider was never good at pvp.


Haha word... On a real PVP server for SWG, it turned out to be imbalanced just like this game, Imps being favored.


People were actually willing to pvp then in an awesome fashion.


-Bloodfin vet

Edited by asilos
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Can't speak much to world PvP as I don't much bother with it b/c of the imbalances but in WZ here recently it's gotten better on Jedi Covenant server. My win rate has certainly gone up to the point where PvP feels less of a burden. There are still days where we might get destroyed but that's usually when you run into the premades and your team is in quest gear. But across the board I am much more pleased with my win vs loss rate compare to a month ago. Where it used to take my 3 to 4 hours just to get my 3 wins for the pvp daily, I can now usually knock it out in and hour or less so that's good progress.
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Can be little things that bring back the balance. Like another oster said Wookie playable races would be a huge step to bringing many imps to the pub side. Ilum could use an outnumbered buff to make the zone pllayable for the pub side. Small things like that will have a major impact on the game and BW needs to realize this. Bunch of little things that add up to balance.
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I switch from empire to republic as well. Mostly because i got tired of the 80% Hutt ball warzones.


Playing a rep player I actually get to play the other two warzones most of the time. FUN FUN.


Plus I can scout on the opposite faction since I have empire and rep on the same server. LOL.


The best way to balance it out is just by people switching sides.

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I disagree with most of the OPs claims -- the only place the imbalance really matters is open world. And no, unless BW makes some serious changes or the numbers are even, that won't change.


For WZ's though, it really doesn't take long to gear. And if you are just grinding to BM anyway, winning or losing doesn't really matter -- plus it's not like BM > Champ by any large margain. If you are losing most WZ's, chances are you are bad...or at the very least, the people you are playing with are bad. It's not a gear thing.


I think pound for pound, Reps are better players. The lower pop means quicker burnout/quitting at 50, so most Reps that stick around are geared and addicted. And Reps play far less huttball. Just my theory though --- but I rarely had trouble winning WZ's, especially with the late night crew on Twin Spears(9 out of 10 wins on average...lucky if 2 count for the daily though :)).

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I disagree with most of the OPs claims -- the only place the imbalance really matters is open world. And no, unless BW makes some serious changes or the numbers are even, that won't change.


For WZ's though, it really doesn't take long to gear. And if you are just grinding to BM anyway, winning or losing doesn't really matter -- plus it's not like BM > Champ by any large margain. If you are losing most WZ's, chances are you are bad...or at the very least, the people you are playing with are bad. It's not a gear thing.


I think pound for pound, Reps are better players. The lower pop means quicker burnout/quitting at 50, so most Reps that stick around are geared and addicted. And Reps play far less huttball. Just my theory though --- but I rarely had trouble winning WZ's, especially with the late night crew on Twin Spears(9 out of 10 wins on average...lucky if 2 count for the daily though :)).


WZs are intrinsically imbalanced BECAUSE the open world PVP is imbalanced. Its almost guaranteed to finish your win 3 on imp side at 50. I've gone DAYS without being able to get it done.

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gear can make a huge difference and ive literally pvped for 6 hours and won 2 matches and those were because of a warzone sequesnce shut down in any given game theres at least 4 sorcerers who just zap the hell out of everyone and im barely geared with centurion gear and im getting destroyed i dont even want to think about someone ungeared



BW needs to do something to help the republic out otherwise its just not fun

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WZs are intrinsically imbalanced BECAUSE the open world PVP is imbalanced. Its almost guaranteed to finish your win 3 on imp side at 50. I've gone DAYS without being able to get it done.


The WZ pop is capped. And even if you are getting absolutely zerged on Illum, you'll still get your weeklies/dailies done -- unless you simply aren't trying. You may die more, you may need to camp a turret, you may need to go get the stragglers at central....but you WILL get it done too. So where is the IMBALANCE coming from slick? Doesn't make a lick of difference if your server is 4:1, it's still capped in WZ's. If anything, Empire has a harder time with a bigger pool of crappy players.


If you are losing, look in the mirror first -- because your excuses and complaints make zero logical sense.


gear can make a huge difference and ive literally pvped for 6 hours and won 2 matches and those were because of a warzone sequesnce shut down in any given game theres at least 4 sorcerers who just zap the hell out of everyone and im barely geared with centurion gear and im getting destroyed i dont even want to think about someone ungeared



BW needs to do something to help the republic out otherwise its just not fun


BW can't make you gear out your greens. And if those are your records, like the last poster, maybe you should look inward.


I've destroyed BM's in Champ. I destroyed Champs before I got champ. But then, I am a decent player and I took the time to still gear the best I could (which includes crafting, auction and dailies). I have my hotkeys bound on my mouse. I am situationally aware. I LoS threats. I will stall objectives if I can't win. I will focus on my team's targets. Etc. I bet despite what you say, the two of you do none of that. And that's the only difference that matters.

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We the republic should be, in some ways, gratefull that we are outnumbered. Why?


We get PVP when we look for it.


For those that keep at it, we will be the better faction in the end.


Horde Play = Cowbell


On illum today, we the republic, had some contentious discussions about how to handle the horde and we worked together at our base. Forced the imps to come to us and fun PVP was had. We did not dominate and either did they. Both sides got kills. Finished my weekly from zero in about two hours.


You will never hit a home run unless you are willing to step up to the plate. It does not matter how many times you strike out, it only matters how many times you are willing to swing.

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I think pound for pound, Reps are better players.


That's definitely not true for the server I'm currently on. I would literally never win as a rep in the 1-49 bracket, so I rolled an Imp on the same server. I've lost two games against reps since; outnumbered and/or against premades and not even with a big margin. I was probably helping my team more with my rep healer than I am on the Imperial side with my dps so I've excluded the possibilty that I am the determining factor.

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to answer the question: Nope. There's no coming back, that train has left the station.


as a lot of servers experience an unhealthily low population, which obviously hits republic more in most cases, the problem will get worse. At some point many players will not see any reason to continue playing and since there are no server transfers it will be: level up again(this time on Empire side for sure!!! No reason to be gambling again) or wait for a better game.....some nice games on the horizon. just saying :rolleyes:




on another note: What is it with the faulty WoW and horde/alliance analogy all the time?


horde ALWAYS had the better players, I played since launch and yes we were mostly outnumbered in open pvp but that was amazing. We felt like Spartans destroying entire raids as a small hit-and-run group in the blackrock. And when the battlegrounds came... dear god, what a massacre. Horde was wiping the floor with alliance since the beginning of the game - that's part of the reason why people(pvpers) rerolled.


too bad in this game Empire= Horde (if you mean business look the part or gt*o) Republic= Alliance (if you're casual and/or carebear come help us pick some flowers on the wayside, dear friend)

Edited by mufutiz
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