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Acid Blade - Annoying to use


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Anyone else think Acid Blade is a really stupid ability because of the way it's implemented?


Without a macro system this ability is just a pain in the *** to use. Maybe I'm just a horrible player but when I'm fighting someone in pvp it doesn't feel right to have to reapply Acid Blade every time I want to backstab.


This is the only class I've played in any MMO that requires me to press 2 separate buttons use a single ability to it's potential.


It needs to be a short duration (15 minute) buff or something because it's just frustrating to use.


I do have a Razer Keyboard and mouse so I can macro the buttons together but that creates it's own set of problems because I tend to spam my button and it usually gets reapplied at least twice and drains energy. I also don't feel that the game should require me to use 3rd party software to make a class feel more fluid.

Edited by Cyntric
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I have the razr naga epic, it has 12 keybind buttons .. I have them all mapped and acid blade is one of them ...


After playing awhile it just becomes second nature ... Operative is probably the most indepth in terms of using skills .. Correctly, that is..

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I have the razr naga epic, it has 12 keybind buttons .. I have them all mapped and acid blade is one of them ...


After playing awhile it just becomes second nature ... Operative is probably the most indepth in terms of using skills .. Correctly, that is..


I don't even play Sentinel or Marauder, but I do know that they are far and ahead the most complicated and difficult class to play to its full potential.

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I don't even play Sentinel or Marauder, but I do know that they are far and ahead the most complicated and difficult class to play to its full potential.


Nobody is arguing about the difficulty of Operatives compared to other classes.


It's just a poorly implemented ability that frustrates me.

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I have the razr naga epic, it has 12 keybind buttons .. I have them all mapped and acid blade is one of them ...


After playing awhile it just becomes second nature ... Operative is probably the most indepth in terms of using skills .. Correctly, that is..


marauder's ability "deadly saber" works the same way if i'm not mistaken, an extra button to press off gcd that could be macro'd...


Only i have a lot more key bindings to keep track of on my operative... not even at 50 yet....


and no fancy-schmancy mouse to bind 12 thingies to :p



The game needs macros tho, end of story

Edited by Vakyoom
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Not a big deal man lol!!

I have also razer mouse and acid blade is on 12th binding!! Start acid-hidden-backstab when i have cd rdy for backstab again once acid blade and backstab! Kill target! Find another target acid-hidden and go like this! Its like a spam key man, lol ! This is not a problem! What do u want?? Play with 3-4 bindings only and thats it?? Pls guys before post on the forums, think what u post.... this is not a real problem :mad::mad::mad:

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I have played both to 50 multiple times throughout the course of closed beta and marauder and operative are on par with each other in terms of learning curve if you are playing at an optimal level. Deadly saber does work similar to acid blade with a considerable difference. It puts three charges up on your attacks, effectively turning them into bleeds. I have acid blade bound to my tilde key, and habitually press it. It's second nature at this point.
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  • 2 months later...

Sorry about the necro, this was the most recent thread pertaining to this.


I agree with the OP that it's a clunky mechanic. It's not necessarily that it's hard to manage, it just doesn't really make sense to me WHY we need to press it before every backstab considering it has no cooldown and is off the global cooldown. It really just feels like they tried to think of something to make the class slightly harder to play so they detached something that should just be a passive buff.


I dunno, not a huge deal, just kinda confusing.

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I'm not Concealment any more, but I seem to recall that Acid Blade cost energy and was a temporary buff that wasn't consumed on use. So if you hit Acid Blade while lining up your attack, you'll regen the energy loss in the last couple steps, then Hidden Strike, then Backstab (Acid Blade still active). If you macro-bound it to Backstab, you'd be using it sometimes when you don't need to which would be a waste of energy.


I just had it bound to V so my thumb could just slide up from the space bar to hit it while I was moving in. No biggie.

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I have it on one of my thumb mouse buttons (I only have 2 .. no fancy gaming mouse for me :( ).


AB is designed to be un-coupled from BS / HS, and it is actually essential for energy management that it remains this way. Tip: Use AB early during a phase when BS / Shiv are on CD - you have something like 15 seconds to use it which is more than enough. Same obviously applies to starting combat .. apply AB with enough time for your energy to regen to full before hitting HS, otherwise you start at the bottom of a fairly big energy hole.

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I'm not Concealment any more, but I seem to recall that Acid Blade cost energy and was a temporary buff that wasn't consumed on use.

I thought this too at first, but it actually IS consumed on use. What makes it appear like it refreshes is that using it with backstab/hidden strike applies an armor pen buff to us that uses the same exact icon so it just appears to refresh the duration.

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Just wanted to post a reply to this. By the time you hit 50 this will be second nature. We are the hardest class to play but also the most rewarding. And quite honestly if it wasn't challenging where would the fun be in playing it?


operatives a challenging class to play, that made me lol. i got mine to 50 facerolling.

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operatives a challenging class to play, that made me lol. i got mine to 50 facerolling.

Compared to other classes I've played (Merc and Vanguard), I've definitely had to be more careful of how I approach fights as an Operative. Doesn't mean it's hard, but Ops do take a little more thought processing than some other classes.

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I just got Acid Blade on my Operative alt.


Newb question: isn't it so that we only have to reapply Acid Blade before a Backstab once the Acid Blade effect icon has run out on our portrait frame? Because when I do AB>HS I can see that the AB icon is still active and counting down so by the time I do the next BS it should still count, no? Or is that a display bug?

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I just got Acid Blade on my Operative alt.


Newb question: isn't it so that we only have to reapply Acid Blade before a Backstab once the Acid Blade effect icon has run out on our portrait frame? Because when I do AB>HS I can see that the AB icon is still active and counting down so by the time I do the next BS it should still count, no? Or is that a display bug?


Acid blade application self buff, and Acid Blade armor pen self buff both have the same icon. after you hit your target it becomes the armor penetration and will not re-apply/refresh the dot and armor pen buff. I was confused too as they are the exact same icon.

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Acid blade application self buff, and Acid Blade armor pen self buff both have the same icon. after you hit your target it becomes the armor penetration and will not re-apply/refresh the dot and armor pen buff. I was confused too as they are the exact same icon.


Aha! Yeah I never had time to mouse over the stuff, heh.


Thanks for letting me know.

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