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This game = Anti-Social


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Its a form of being social.


If you are chatting with a person in a CHAT you are socializing with the person. You speaking with them, them with you.


Or are you going to tell me that when I was just in IM and getting a time to meet with my friends in 2 hours was NOT REAL cause it was online?!?


Derp...dup dup ditty day!


Facebook is fake!

Linkedin aint real!

Social media sites are an illusion!


Quick, clear my email list containing the people I made friends with via online gaming, it ISNT REAL!




Whatever floats your boat.

Personaly I prefer to interact with people in person and not some overweight slovenly guy who says he's a girl behind a computer :p


Ever seen the movie "The Gamer"....network socializing lol

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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Whatever floats your boat.

Personaly I prefer to interact with people in person and not some overweight slovenly guy who says he's agirl behind a computer :p


Ever seen the movie "The Gamer"....network socializing lol


Because we all know calling it a FORM of socialization means its the ONLY socializing that person takes part in or believes is socializing.


BTW, loved you saying that on an ONLINE forum for an ONLINE game...durp.

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And you are kidding yourself if you believe that interaction with anonymous internet personalities is actually socializing, learn to go outside and say hello to people.


And you're kidding yourself if you think that just because a person does one form of socializing means that they don't or can't do another.


When I play games I'm in mumble chatting and laughing with people (while we play) that I've known for months and some for over a year. They are hardly anonymous. This is a form of socializing. Even met a few outside of the game and had dinner and coffee.


When I'm not playing a game I'm out talking and laughing (while we're doing whatever we're doing) that I've known for months and years. Sometimes I chat with a voice on a phone as well. Another form of socializing.

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Because we all know calling it a FORM of socialization means its the ONLY socializing that person takes part in or believes is socializing.


BTW, loved you saying that on an ONLINE forum for an ONLINE game...durp.


Durp was so yesterday lol, thanks for the comic relief...your making my day

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And that's fine. As long as your ok with it, solo all you want. It doens't bother me..nor the other solo people.


I know multiplayer doesn't mean, force it. I wouldn't want to be forced to group for every little thing either. But this is a MMO..not just a multiplayer game. MMO's are designed around multiplayer, that is the genre. The fact that a multiplayer game discourages multiplayer is asinine to me.


My point is, as a multiplayer game, the contant should be mostly based around multiplayer things. So far, in this game it is exactly the opposite.


I think you're basing this assumption on a perceived premise that simply isn't true, and hasn't been for a very long time.


Can you name a single MMO that has launched in the last 5 years that wasn't designed to allow any player get to max level solo? Maybe there are some, I don't know. But there are many more designed with the single player specifically in mind.




No matter what these games were at launch, they all (and every new MMO being released) are now designed with either an even match of multiplayer/solo content, or they have much more solo content.


I respect that you think MMOs should be "mostly based around multiplayer" but the reality is, they aren't. And they haven't been fora a while now. The entire "why play a multiplayer game solo" argument became genuinely obsolete a long time ago.


I'm not saying they shouldn't have multiplyer content. I think they most certainly should. They should have a lot of it. But to say it should be mostly based around multiplayer - IMO - is an outdated notion. You said: "But this is a MMO..not just a multiplayer game. MMO's are designed around multiplayer." I respectfully think that's a very outdated notion. For every modern MMO you can name that is mostly based around multiplayer, I can name 5 that aren't.


Now, if you're just stating your opinion that you think it SHOULD be that way, cool. It's a valid opinion to have, and I'm definitely not going to argue that. But I disagree with the inference that this is the way MMOs are currently designed. It isn't and hasn't been for a long time. I would actually go so far as to say multiplayer focused MMOs are most definitely in the minority. They are - and have always been - niche market games.


Just my opinion here.

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And you're kidding yourself if you think that just because a person does one form of socializing means that they don't or can't do another.


When I play games I'm in mumble chatting and laughing with people (while we play) that I've known for months and some for over a year. They are hardly anonymous. This is a form of socializing. Even met a few outside of the game and had dinner and coffee.


When I'm not playing a game I'm out talking and laughing (while we're doing whatever we're doing) that I've known for months and years. Sometimes I chat with a voice on a phone as well. Another form of socializing.


Thats great, I have nothing against it if it work for you. If you find online games as a good medium to meeting people then kudos to you, point is it's not for everyone. Just as I have a friend who likes meeting women through online dating agencies because they are desperate & hence easy. I prefer meeting women through social functions and would never entertain using a dating website.


People are complaining that the game is anti-social and as a few posters have pointed out it's not the game it's the players. Not everyone likes interacting socially through a game


This is the growing way of things, unfortuantely in some cases it's the result of a bad experience. For others like myself I prefer to look someone in the eyes when I talk to them, a voice often doesnt tell you much about a person and typing tells you even less (unless of course the person uses the term derp or herp).


Each to their own, I started noticing the growing number of solo players in Wow over the past 2 years. Lifes easier when you dont have to rely on others

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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Same. The game does need it badly.


WRONG! This is an excuse for those that do not want to socialise and cherish the 'go go go' mentality. What this game truly needs are server merges immediately. The problem is not the effort people have to make to get groups but the inability to form groups due to a lack of population.

Another idea would be a 'Galaxy' chat spanning the entire game so you can find peeps easier.

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WRONG! This is an excuse for those that do not want to socialise and cherish the 'go go go' mentality. What this game truly needs are server merges immediately. The problem is not the effort people have to make to get groups but the inability to form groups due to a lack of population.

Another idea would be a 'Galaxy' chat spanning the entire game so you can find peeps easier.


How about Bioware just do something? So far it's been crickets.

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I pre-ordered the collector's edition, got friends together and advertised myself for a guild. My friends were the first to fail, going back to WoW, no guild has shown interest. You would think I'd have covered my bases at least to an extent that would land me in a good group once in a while.


I have forced myself to be patient, spamming chat for up to an hour at times. I've kept myself from complaining about the horrible lack of incentives this game has for playing with thy fellow man - until now.


I paid a lot of money for a single player experience with the increasingly rare group experience outside of PvP. I even quit for a week, only logging in for an hour to get a group at peak hours, and only to be unsuccessful.


You can tell me I'm crazy if you want, and that grouping is easy (for you), but clearly I'm not fabricating this from my imagination, and I know there are others that stand with me, but have probably already lost interest in SWTOR.


I'm leaving, for now, and will inevitably return when there are either more people playing, or Bioware quits making, in my own opinion:mad:, the sad excuse that lack of group incentives and pairing systems is a purposeful decision to make the game more challenging (translation: frustrating). Until then, I'd like there to be more awareness to this problem that effects more people than most of you might think.


Edit - P.S. I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea, swtor is still a great game!


Agree. Except I need to correct your P.S.. swtor is still a great Single Player game.

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I pre-ordered the collector's edition, got friends together and advertised myself for a guild. My friends were the first to fail, going back to WoW, no guild has shown interest. You would think I'd have covered my bases at least to an extent that would land me in a good group once in a while.


I have forced myself to be patient, spamming chat for up to an hour at times. I've kept myself from complaining about the horrible lack of incentives this game has for playing with thy fellow man - until now.


I paid a lot of money for a single player experience with the increasingly rare group experience outside of PvP. I even quit for a week, only logging in for an hour to get a group at peak hours, and only to be unsuccessful.


You can tell me I'm crazy if you want, and that grouping is easy (for you), but clearly I'm not fabricating this from my imagination, and I know there are others that stand with me, but have probably already lost interest in SWTOR.


I'm leaving, for now, and will inevitably return when there are either more people playing, or Bioware quits making, in my own opinion:mad:, the sad excuse that lack of group incentives and pairing systems is a purposeful decision to make the game more challenging (translation: frustrating). Until then, I'd like there to be more awareness to this problem that effects more people than most of you might think.


Edit - P.S. I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea, swtor is still a great game!


I too, have given up. This game is masquerading as a multiplayer. Oh yes, there are others on my screen, but it's much easier to level up by myself.

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Tooterfish, if I had a dollar for every hour I've spent begging for a tank on the Republic Fleet I wouldn't have to work next week lol


It's not just you.


It is funny, as a Tank I could not find a group for a FP that I'd like to do, neither as Healer.

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I don't do group quests because of the odds of them being painful. Time it takes to make the group and then do the quest... it normally ends with a waste of time if it succeeds. The frustration vs reward is normally not worth it.
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I've personally never had a problem finding a group if I wanted one. That said, I don't usually want one. In the past when MMO's have forced me to group up in order to progress, I would be really annoyed - enough to quit playing every time. I feel like SWTOR was made for me. <3


There are plenty of flash-points and heroic area quests that I can enjoy a group dynamic if my friends are on, but its not vital to the game that I do so. You could also do some PVP if you're desperate for virtual contact.

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I've personally never had a problem finding a group if I wanted one. That said, I don't usually want one. In the past when MMO's have forced me to group up in order to progress, I would be really annoyed - enough to quit playing every time. I feel like SWTOR was made for me. <3


There are plenty of flash-points and heroic area quests that I can enjoy a group dynamic if my friends are on, but its not vital to the game that I do so. You could also do some PVP if you're desperate for virtual contact.


Some of the flash-points seem pretty important story-wise.

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If people skip boarding party-foundry or Taral V-Maelstorm Prison they are only cheating themselves out of the few standout FPs in the game.


I agree with this, and yes i do feel as though i have missed out on aspects of the game. Unfortunately this will also make it easier to leave.

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Get a guild, get non-fail friends, meet people, game's community's being bad doesn't mean they don't incetivize grouping there's lots of heroics you can't do alone around all the planets and levelling in group(even pairs actually) is WAY faster because of the bonus kill quests, people are dumb and like to do their own thing, this is why there are no groups. Then again, in most mmos people level alone afaik.
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I agree with this, and yes i do feel as though i have missed out on aspects of the game. Unfortunately this will also make it easier to leave.


So you aren't even interested of seeing this content that you already paid for...? Confused.

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So you aren't even interested of seeing this content that you already paid for...? Confused.


Most definately interested but not at the expense of being forced to group in order to do so. I dont expect everyone to understand, i was a teenager when SW was released at the movies. I find it difficult to "group" with other players, I have grouped in the past when I was younger in fact I raided for 5 years. My daughter who is a teen finds it very easy to group but she is the facebook generation, I on the other hand avoid virtual socializing.

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