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Am I just MMO'd out?


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Well, the game is excellent (just ignore the eternal and repetitive "It's not an MMO because I don't bump into people every five seconds when I'm running through a desolate wasteland and when I do meet people they don't want to group with me and spacebar through the story at the speed I like/be ganked by me" boretrolls; if they don't like a game they have to attempt to belittle anyone who does or jeer "It's not a real..."... so they can pretty much be disregarded, by this point)....


... however, it's a fairly *intensive* game. Not because the difficulty level's especially high, perhaps in some ways the opposite- when you start an evening's campaign, one tends to burn through foes, blasting, sabring, explodifying and so on and generally being a big darn hero (tedious censor filter quote circumnavigation) and/or villain... so you end up doing a *lot*... and thus, eventually, you are going to hit a definite, and sudden "OK, *enough* for a bit" feeling.


Give yourself a couple of days to a week away- from the forums as well, unless you typically browse one without all the frothing negativity, then come back to it when you're starting to feel some anticipation again. If there's still a problem, try switching characters for a bit, playing something entirely different to your 'normal' can help.

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Its hilarious...... All the people that yell ITS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well....from 1-85 what makes WoW a mmo? Im waiting.........

When you hit 85 you raid and do 5 mans just like this game. So basicly WoW is a single player game as well......Its hilaroius if Swtor would have evolved or went outside the box the same people would be on here crying. Now all you see is people wanting features from WoW, like Lfg's or Lfr's or 15 min penalty for leaving WZ's.


When its all said and done the best thing for anyone who mildly enjoys Swtor is avoid these forums. They are full of Liberal douches who want it their way right away.


Oh yeah one more thing to add to the babys, if you complain about your PC not being able to play this game wait for Titan i'm sure you wont have to upgrade for that MMO either. And if you think otherwise you are dumber then the people who still play WoW.

Edited by lawsonstang
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....but then again, if could just be that I'm MMO'd out :)


The bar is raised with each new product, whether it be MMO's, computers, tv's, phones, etc.


It's like when you buy a new phone after using an Iphone or Android, you should expect the new gadget to yield better features.


The ONLY NEW FEATURE SWTOR has is full voice acted class quests...that's it. Now for many this is enough to hold their attention while others not so much.

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As you spend more time with something, the magic goes away. For the people who began 10+ years ago, I doubt they'll ever be happy again because they've seen and done it all so many times, and the genre has moved away from what they liked. Its similar to how people tend to like the music that was popular (or just what they liked) during their teens and twenties for the rest of their lives.


The other trend I've noticed is rather than look for MMOs that will work out best for them, every subgroup of mmo fan tends to flock to the newest big budget mmo designed to cater to the everyman, and then complain that the game is too X or not enough Y because its catering to the everyman.

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Its hilarious...... All the people that yell ITS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well....from 1-85 what makes WoW a mmo? Im waiting.........

...I think that's actually part of the complaint. It is for me, anyway. MMOs are less and less cooperative with each iteration, to the point that there's no sense in running with a group or getting together with other people until you hit the "endgame." At which point, you have no choice but to team with others (or roll an alt, or leave).


This is one of several MMO tropes that keep getting recycled, even though the problems with doing things this way should be apparent with a little thought and reflection on the history of the genre.

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TOR is more of an MMO that wow is. In TOR at least you actually need to group for some open-world content. In wow you can level the entire way by joining random groups and facerolling everything (no planning, no tactics, because it's all stupidly easy) with people you don't even need to talk to.


If you want a REAL MMORPG, you need to go back to some of the early ones (pre-wow) where player interaction is requires and most of the content is player made. Problem is Eve is about the only one left

Edited by NasherUK
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TOR is more of an MMO that wow is. In TOR at least you actually need to group for some open-world content. In wow you can level the entire way by joining random groups and facerolling everything (no planning, no tactics, because it's all stupidly easy) with people you don't even need to talk to.


If you want a REAL MMORPG, you need to go back to some of the early ones (pre-wow) where player interaction is requires and most of the content is player made. Problem is Eve is about the only one left


This is the funniest thing I've heard all day.


TOR is quite literally the easiest MMO ever made.

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TOR is more of an MMO that wow is. In TOR at least you actually need to group for some open-world content. In wow you can level the entire way by joining random groups and facerolling everything (no planning, no tactics, because it's all stupidly easy) with people you don't even need to talk to.


If you want a REAL MMORPG, you need to go back to some of the early ones (pre-wow) where player interaction is requires and most of the content is player made. Problem is Eve is about the only one left


How is NEEDING to group differnt than "random" grouping?


Oh wait, it isnt...you are just grasping and trying to keep blinders on...and I dont even like WoW.


BTW, EVE and SWG were the only MMORPGs that required player made content...straws again, you and your grasping for them.

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TOR is more of an MMO that wow is. In TOR at least you actually need to group for some open-world content. In wow you can level the entire way by joining random groups and facerolling everything (no planning, no tactics, because it's all stupidly easy) with people you don't even need to talk to.


ROFLMAO--really?! You work for BW/EA don't you? Lucky dog--getting paid to post!

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Its hilarious...... All the people that yell ITS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well....from 1-85 what makes WoW a mmo? Im waiting.........


Yes exactly. It has to be one of the more inane comments the haters come up with.


My first MMO was CoX, which in its heyday was one of the most social MMOs I've ever played. In 3 years I hardly ever soloed in that game, I either joined PUGs or formed them for most of my levelling. It was literally"PUG heaven", a miraculous game in which the casual player could group to their heart's content all the time if they wanted to.


When I later played WoW, I thought "cor this is a nice game" to start with, then as I started levelling I realized - "wait a minute, I'm playing most of this solo, where are the teams?? Nobody seems to team up in this game!!!" Same for LOTRO and many others. They're all "mostly solo" games for the bulk of the levelling process, I think because most developers seem to equate "casual player" with "wants to solo", which is so, so wrong.


So yeah, even if SWTOR were a "mostly solo game" that would be par for the course for many MMOs, including the precioussss WoW. But actually, if anything, there's more grouping while levelling in SWTOR than WoW, because of the interspersed Heroics and FPs.


Really, some haters do talk the most barefaced drivel on these forums.

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Its hilarious...... All the people that yell ITS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well....from 1-85 what makes WoW a mmo? Im waiting..........


Nobody seems to remember WoW from 5+ years ago, but back then the game was designed to reward you for grouping up. The gear you got from group content was significantly better than from solo play. On top of that, it had a unique skin more often than not.


The world was a little more dangerous too. Not only did you have elite mobs wandering around, but you had quests that took you to areas packed with elites. The only way to complete those quests was to group with people in the area, or get help from players on your friends list or your guild.


SWTOR tried to duplicate some of that with the mini HEROIC+2 and HEROIC 4 instances, but the difference is the incentive and the difficulty. If I can already get very good gear from planet based commendations and I already out-level the most mobs, why would I group?


The original WoW had a level of difficulty and incentives that encouraged grouping. SWTOR has neither, and coupled with the heavy focus on cutscenes and class quests, it feels more like a single player game than an MMO.

Edited by Dayfax
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Nobody seems to remember WoW from 5+ years ago, but back then the game was designed to reward you for grouping up. The gear you got from group content was significantly better than from solo play. On top of that, it had a unique skin more often than not.


The world was a little more dangerous too. Not only did you have elite mobs wandering around, but you had quests that took you to areas packed with elites. The only way to complete those quests was to group with people in the area, or get help from players on your friends list or your guild.


SWTOR tried to duplicate some of that with the mini HEROIC+2 and HEROIC 4 instances, but the difference is the incentive and the difficulty. If I can already get very good gear from planet based commendations and I already out-level the most mobs, why would I group?


The original WoW had a level of difficulty and incentives that encouraged grouping. SWTOR has neither, and coupled with the heavy focus on cutscenes and class quests, it feels more like a single player game than an MMO.


Were comparing to wow today not 5+ years ago

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Now don't get me wrong, SWTOR is probably one of the most polished MMOs I've ever played.....yet


Having played most MMOs since the days of UO and EQ I'm starting to flag in hours logged in. Having played most classes I find everything post level 20 (when you stop gaining "new powers" and instead getting upgrades to existing ones) a bit similar to the last 3-4 levels.


The storylines are great, but even that doesn't seem to draw me in.


I suppose its due to the old MMO mechanics of Tank/DPS/Healer (which even if the game allows different tactics, most parties end up playing in defined roles) and no matter if I'm fighting in a secret Imperial Manufactering plant or the Dungeon level of Lord British's castle.....the setting differs but the game "feels" similar. The last few MMOs have given me the same feeling of being a retread. Its nothing to do with Devs not being bothered to come up with something new, more they satisfy what the customer wants.


It give me pause to consider the term MMO, is it in fact a genre rather than a term used to describe its capabilites. Sure there's lots of different types of MMO, but the more popular ones all seem to "play" in a similar manner.


So as an MMO player am I fated to have a number of years playing the big guns of the MMO world before settling down to drift between niche MMO in the search of new gameplay?


I guess it all boils down to what the majority of the customers want. And I guess the big subscription numbers lie in not changing too much from a proven formula.



....but then again, if could just be that I'm MMO'd out :)


You're not MMO'ed out. MMO's have just gotten dumber and we're spoiled by much more thoughtful, albeit grindier, MMO's.

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SWTOR tried to duplicate some of that with the mini HEROIC+2 and HEROIC 4 instances, but the difference is the incentive and the difficulty. If I can already get very good gear from planet based commendations and I already out-level the most mobs, why would I group?


The original WoW had a level of difficulty and incentives that encouraged grouping. SWTOR has neither, and coupled with the heavy focus on cutscenes and class quests, it feels more like a single player game than an MMO.


Forget about commendations, just regular questing gives you great gear which in turn negates the need for groups, crafting, flash points or commendations.


If there were a game for mindless drones, this would be it.

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Forget about commendations, just regular questing gives you great gear which in turn negates the need for groups, crafting, flash points or commendations.


If there were a game for mindless drones, this would be it.


Like your quote. I always considered Jaws more of an adventure movie than a horror movie, especially once they got out on the boat. hehe.


The last time I played a true MMO was probably Ultima Online. People weren't MMO people, they were just people, and it was fun getting a group of people together to hunt PK's. Not only did we make our own content, but we had GM's and huge player and GM driven quests and events.


Now it's all "Go to the NPC and get a quest. complete the quest. rinse and repeat". because MMO's figured out it was cheaper just to have NPCs do it than real GM's.


Everquest used to have a few of those too, but less than UO did. SW:G had none.


And it wasn't about gear, (unless you count having to go to moonglow to buy a crapload of reagents "gear").


Ahh well. SWTOR is just another MMO, it's nothing special. Bioware should have stuck to what they do best, Single Player games. I really feel that SWTOR is just some bastard child of both worlds. A genetic freak that is both but can truly be neither.

Edited by CriticalMasses
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The issue is not that the game is not fun. There are aspects of it that I enjoy, just like with every other MMO out there.


There of course aspects I don't enjoy as well.


The issue is that the games have gone from puzzle solving and exploring to kill the next mob and get loot. To be honest the only games left out there that have any real puzzle solving or exploring are the single player games.


Unfortunately like with so many other games, they have tried to make as much of the content accessible to everybody as possible. This in turn means that puzzle solving, exploring and finding cool hidden things ect. fall to the way side in favor of allowing players quick and easy access to all the content.


This is not to say that they should not have something in the game for the players that just want to log in do something quick and log of. There needs to be content like that in a game to appeal to the herd mentality that so many players have.


However MMO's in general also need things that are a challenge to get and require effort and work. Take for example my old MuDD that I used to play, there where tons of hidden little areas that you could find cool items at. They dint do a lot but they where hard to get to, hard to find, some of them could only be accessed during certain phases of the moons ect. Some of them you had to do other content just to get the keys to get into the area and that content in and of its self could take you months to find and complete it all.


A lot of it required groups in order to get the keys and other items you might need just to access the area you wanted to. There was also a ton of solo things that players could do. You where encouraged to go explore the world and find stuff by the scatter mechanic of the game where nice powerful items where scattered across the world on a random basis.


There was story line content that you could follow as well. Unfortunately Modern MMO's fail in this regard as they feel that should they add content like this the game would fail. Personally I think they can do both.

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Were comparing to wow today not 5+ years ago


Which is a false comparison, because Blizzard's design goals have shifted dramatically over the years. They intentionally made the leveling process as fast as possible, because they're designing around end game content. They want players with as many max level toons as possible, as quickly as possible.


Essentially, Blizzard took to heart what the players had been saying for years: "The game begins at 60/70/80/85."


The level of difficulty is no longer there. But even now, with long soloable quest chains in each zone giving players blue drops, you can still gear up faster and more efficiently by grouping than by soloing.


Even with all that, there's more balanced design around soloing and grouping in WoW, at any stage of its development, than there is in SWTOR right now.

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Which is a false comparison, because Blizzard's design goals have shifted dramatically over the years. They intentionally made the leveling process as fast as possible, because they're designing around end game content. They want players with as many max level toons as possible, as quickly as possible.


Essentially, Blizzard took to heart what the players had been saying for years: "The game begins at 60/70/80/85."


The level of difficulty is no longer there. But even now, with long soloable quest chains in each zone giving players blue drops, you can still gear up faster and more efficiently by grouping than by soloing.


Even with all that, there's more balanced design around soloing and grouping in WoW, at any stage of its development, than there is in SWTOR right now.


Alright well to be fair then compare it to it's state after 2 months

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Alright well to be fair then compare it to it's state after 2 months


Which is what I did in my previous post.


WoW 5 years ago was roughly the tail end of Vanilla & the release of Burning Crusade. The leveling process back then was very different than it is now, and it took a lot longer.

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This game is boring, uninspired and watered down. Story alone isn't going to hold this game above water. Combat sucks crafting sucks group content sucks.


Bioware is nothing more then a follower in the game industry. Until consumers demand a better product, get used to drivel like this.

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This game is boring, uninspired and watered down. Story alone isn't going to hold this game above water. Combat sucks crafting sucks group content sucks.


Bioware is nothing more then a follower in the game industry. Until consumers demand a better product, get used to drivel like this.


And yet here you are, instead of leaving and playing something else....

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You are not MMOd out, SWTOR shouldnt be called an MMORPG, it should be called a single player game trying to be an MMO by the makers forcing us to play it online and throwing a few multi-player aspects at us.


A few flashpoints/operations and PvP does not an MMO make. I get as much MMO out of Quake and Dungeon Siege 2.


Yeah those darn single player flash points and single player operations. those darn signle player warzones and single player herioc quests. Those darn 200+ people running around the fleet at the same time. those darn single person guilds and the inability to make a party. I agree that quake is the exact same as swtor. I remember seeing 200+ people in a match before.

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Well to be honest as big Star Wars and Bioware fan, this is my last MMORPG. I really don't care all others MMOROG's will coming out in the future, i'll stay here.


If there isn't Swtor, i would quit genre. I'm really bored of the genre, all other games are same old thing. But Star Wars, Bioware's Story, and no Iron Age ('throw your stone to enemy' fights), keeps me here.


Well, i think Swtor is the best and last game of MMORPG's.


Note: If you are 15-16 years old it should seems strange for you, but i'm 39 and feel this way.

Edited by Jieljak
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