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Huttball needs to die and be completely replaced


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huttball is one of the best bgs/wzs ever created.




having played so many of it now, it is more and more appearant that certain classes/specs just have way too big of an advantage there. a fact that also lowers the value of passing the ball, which should be the most determining factor.


so imo the only way out of the current huttball class balance misery is the disabling of positive movement altering stuff for the carrier; carriers shouldnt be able to sprint, force leap, get pulled. all of a sudden passing and positioning of team members gets way more important. I fear with upcoming rated wzs thats the only way to prevent pure sorc/jug/marauder premades dominating this wz.

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I like huttball, and most classes have advantages that are good in fulfilling different roles. Sprint and pulling teammates does not do too well on defense. Force leap is a good offensive ability. Ranged weapons have advantages. Its a fun wz because it requires the most strategy, and there are many ways to play.
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I agree hutball is very unique and i do like it. Although, i think they could make passing a little bit better....being able to pass when cc'd would be a nice change i think....


I just hate playing it 20 times in a row being on a pub starved server.


In a couple weeks its a moot point anyway.

Edited by Ushela
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I agree hutball is very unique and i do like it. Although, i think they could make passing a little bit better....being able to pass when cc'd would be a nice change i think....


I just hate playing it 20 times in a row being on a pub starved server.


In a couple weeks its a moot point anyway.


I don't think passing it whilst stunned is a good idea as it can be a valid tactic of getting the ball back e.g. stunning on fire/zerging guy down. If you were able to pass the ball stunned, the guy attacking the ball carrier would never "win" the ball back as people would ditch it before they die.


The amount of CC's in the game is an issue but should be looked at seperately.

Edited by Nihilistik
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I really like hutball and I'm a Sentinel who is prob the worst class(togeather with marauder ofcourse) of them all for hutball. No CC and no knockbacks can feel annoying at times but I just do my best and bosst the speed of my ball carrier or I hunt campers shooting down from above.

I think the ones that are really tired of hutball is the ones who are a majority of the realm and gets hutball more than the others due to this.

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I have to say that I agree that huttball is a piece of ****, and I have no idea why anyone is defending it.


Something like this works brilliantly in Unreal Tournament, but it is a piece of crap here.

Edited by Noobzorz
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Hutball should be relegated to a mini game. It is NOT a real warzone. It's poorly designed and if you aren't certain classes (ie: force leapers) you are never going to be good at it and shouldn't be punished by having it show up when you queue.


Add to this the latest scourge where your opponent will run the score up to 5-0 THEN run out the clock farming your side instead of ending it.


I drop Hutball every time I end up in it.

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I don't know if this has been stated in this thread, but soon there will be the option to queue for any warzone you want. Useless thread.


Incorrect. They said they won't add that ability until they have cross server queuing in the game . Which won't be any time soon.


Their stated reason is that if they let us choose which warzones to queue for that certain warzones won't get played.


IE: hutball. Seriously, would anyone queue for Hutball if they could choose not to?

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HUTBALL is crap, remove it or give us option not to enter in it

let casters have fun

hmm but then again they wont have fun if they dont have melees to cc them entire freaking time

so in conclusion if they give option to chose not to enter huttball and melees don't enter, ranged wont enter ether since they'll feel stupidity of that ops, and huttball is going to end up as dead pvp area!


hmm or another thing! instead to ban ppl from game force them to play huttball entire time as melees again casters!

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Huttball is the most well-designed warzone out of the 3. I can understand not liking it if you were bad.


I'm not bad. I don't like it because it requires that I rely too heavily on complete strangers (my "teammates") who, as often as not, have no frigging idea what they are supposed to do.


Therefore, I respectfully request the ability to not queue for it.


I think the WZ is quite well designed and pretty interesting. When my teammates think "da red guyz diez" it is an almost unbearable trial for me to participate. I wish I could simply abandon my competitiveness and join in on the stupidity, but I can't, for some reason.


Please let me opt out.

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They should make a huttball league so people can form 8 man teams and go head to head with other premade teams. That way people who have no idea how to play huttball and don't care about playing huttball the way its intented to play could suffer sucking at pvp on some other map.


Honestly the OP's problems are a learn to play issue. If your team isn't protecting you from range and your not using the available jets and various ways to escape range then .. well ... honestly its not the map's fault.


If someone jumps down either pull them back up or jump down after them and slow them. The game is based on using the terrain to your advantage just like any other map. Just this one has traps. I use them often and melee who are good definitely know how to use them against you as well.

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I have to say that I agree that huttball is a piece of ****, and I have no idea why anyone is defending it.


I'll give you some reasons, if you offer some reasons for why you don't like it.


1> Teamwork is rewarded. More than the other two warzones working as a team is critical for Huttball success.


2> Subtle use of some off-skills can be very powerful. Each class...yes EVERY class...has some skills that often don't get maximum use that come into play in this warzone. It has a tactical facet to it that the other two do not. Ever stop a ball carrier in the fire with a well timed root specced master strike? Good stuff.


3> Valor/Gear are less valuable than skill and communication. This is kinda a result of the first 2 but it's important to note. SOOO many people complain about the reward structure of this game and how geared players have such an advantage. Not in Huttball. Not as much anyhow. Ball movement, teamwork and communication can overcome ANY amount of gear and valor ranks.


4> It's just fun. I enjoy the carry/pass the ball type of game over the holding/capturing static location type of fighting. I think the fighting, and more importantly knowing how and when to disengage from the fighting, in Huttball can and often is more dynamic and complex than the swarm and zerg type of fighting that occurs at turret controls and doors in Aldaraan and Voidstar.


Sure, it's personal opinion, but Huttball may be the ONLY decent PvP mechanic in the whole SWTOR game.


Now, having said that, it can be miserable if you're queuing alone and get in a group that doesn't work together or who are more interested in getting medals than scoring and playing the game. But that's true for all three.


Me and three friends in vent taking on a Huttball....good stuff.

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