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Attacking republic in Open World is griefing?


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This i kill lowbies so they call for help is a myth.


I've not seen, in 10 years of mmo experience, an instance where when help arrives the griefer doesnt leave.


Its a simple case of children being children. the only place they have power or control is on a game. Until their mommy tells them to go to bed that is!

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This i kill lowbies so they call for help is a myth.


I've not seen, in 10 years of mmo experience, an instance where when help arrives the griefer doesnt leave.


Its a simple case of children being children. the only place they have power or control is on a game. Until their mommy tells them to go to bed that is!


Well they want them to call for help and hope its a couple of new lowbies they can dominate..when a big dog shows up that's when they leave...the sweetest part about it is you KNOW that is the ragiest rage quit when a greifer get smacked :) yummiest tears in the world are greifer tears yum yum yum.

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Well they want them to call for help and hope its a couple of new lowbies they can dominate..when a big dog shows up that's when they leave...the sweetest part about it is you KNOW that is the ragiest rage quit when a greifer get smacked :) yummiest tears in the world are greifer tears yum yum yum.


Amen to that!

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honestly world pvp is almost always griefing because one side or the other is almost always caught off guard or at an inconvenient time i.e. your fighting a pack of mobs while the nice guy from the opposing faction decides now would be a good time to attack you...or if your companions not out at the time but theirs is, or one is higher level than the other....and the list goes on. this is what we signed up for when we chose a pvp server, if they are going to be so strict about it then we might as well of all gone to a pve server.
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This cannot be true.


It should be perfectly fine to kill republic and deny them that boss. That is what a PVP server is.


You have people that DO NOT PVP EVER mixed with people that PVP ALL THE TIME.


You can not expect to kill people that did not want to PVP EVER to just be farmed as they came to do a World Boss not PVP.


If you want to PVP go to the freaking WZ or Ilum as that is what they are there for.


If you feel it is ok to gank people that never PVP then you are clueless to facts.

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You have people that DO NOT PVP EVER mixed with people that PVP ALL THE TIME.


You can not expect to kill people that did not want to PVP EVER to just be farmed as they came to do a World Boss not PVP.


If you want to PVP go to the freaking WZ or Ilum as that is what they are there for.


If you feel it is ok to gank people that never PVP then you are clueless to facts.



im yurop, i speak bad inglish and no understand thred topik



Edited by Nullcrobicus
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You have people that DO NOT PVP EVER mixed with people that PVP ALL THE TIME.


You can not expect to kill people that did not want to PVP EVER to just be farmed as they came to do a World Boss not PVP.


If you want to PVP go to the freaking WZ or Ilum as that is what they are there for.


If you feel it is ok to gank people that never PVP then you are clueless to facts.


rofl, you're on a pvp server? get the hell out of here with that BS. If you rolled on a pvp server this is to be expected..its not griefing its pvp...you wouldnt have lasted very long if you played WAR..

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rofl, you're on a pvp server? get the hell out of here with that BS. If you rolled on a pvp server this is to be expected..its not griefing its pvp...you wouldnt have lasted very long if you played WAR..


I am on a PVE server not PVP but understand that if someone is doing a World Boss for gear this is like blocking the FP for them to access and get gear.


That would be called GREIFING and you get banned or punishment for it.


Thus when you see a group doing something for gear let them get the gear then attack them, but that would require a brain to bypass the problem.


These clowns complain because they are not bright enough to think ahead.

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rofl, you're on a pvp server? get the hell out of here with that BS. If you rolled on a pvp server this is to be expected..its not griefing its pvp...you wouldnt have lasted very long if you played WAR..


I am a veteran and attended real wars.


So what makes you such a expert on the subject?


Maybe you should read the rules of the game agreement again.

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I can imagine how frustrating it would have been for the Rep's BUT that is what open world PvP is.


I play EvE online and there are huge expanses of the map that you can not get into...... and you dont even have a choice there.


I think BIOWARE should create an even more obvious warning prior to joining a PvP server.... adding things like 'you are likely to experience activity from the opposing faction that may be construde as greifing'.


That way, they can just refer people back to the warning.


This is the first time I have joined a PvP server (other than playing EvE) and I am saddened to see that there might be no PvP by the time I get to it :(



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I can imagine how frustrating it would have been for the Rep's BUT that is what open world PvP is.


I play EvE online and there are huge expanses of the map that you can not get into...... and you dont even have a choice there.


I think BIOWARE should create an even more obvious warning prior to joining a PvP server.... adding things like 'you are likely to experience activity from the opposing faction that may be construde as greifing'.


That way, they can just refer people back to the warning.


This is the first time I have joined a PvP server (other than playing EvE) and I am saddened to see that there might be no PvP by the time I get to it :(




Yeah and open pvp is actually pretty mild on this game. These people wouldn't have lasted five seconds on one of DAOC's pvp servers, where anyone can attack anyone else literally anywhere in the game world. lulz


PVP servers are supposed to be hardcore not carebear.

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honestly world pvp is almost always griefing because one side or the other is almost always caught off guard or at an inconvenient time i.e. your fighting a pack of mobs while the nice guy from the opposing faction decides now would be a good time to attack you...or if your companions not out at the time but theirs is, or one is higher level than the other....and the list goes on. this is what we signed up for when we chose a pvp server, if they are going to be so strict about it then we might as well of all gone to a pve server.


I expect that sort of behavior and it's EXACTLY why I am on a PVP server I don't call that griefing in the slightest...it actually brings a smile to my face because now its on..but if that scenario is a level 50 geared player vs a level 25 and he has 2 other buddies camping the med center waiting for you to Rez so they can rinse repeat until you log off then THAT is griefing and to me really has no place in an MMO..PVP server or not.

Edited by Zekeiele
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This is hilarious. How could anyone possibly defend them getting in a warning for ganking? Pretty sure I read this somewhere "griefing does not constitute anything that can be resolved through pvp" in the rulebook. Rep should have been better and killed them and handled the boss. You guys wouldn't have lasted for two seconds on Valon Zek. Pathetic
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Yeah and open pvp is actually pretty mild on this game. These people wouldn't have lasted five seconds on one of DAOC's pvp servers, where anyone can attack anyone else literally anywhere in the game world. lulz


PVP servers are supposed to be hardcore not carebear.

UO was completely open world PVP and you would lose everything on your character when you died..every game after UO was "carebear" with the exception of Shadowbane but it sucked for other reasons...the difference in UO was 9 times out of 10 the fight was evenly matched so you had to have BALLS to try and be a greifer...unlike modern MMOs were that "style" <--(whatever) can be played with no consequences.

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This is hilarious. How could anyone possibly defend them getting in a warning for ganking? Pretty sure I read this somewhere "griefing does not constitute anything that can be resolved through pvp" in the rulebook. Rep should have been better and killed them and handled the boss. You guys wouldn't have lasted for two seconds on Valon Zek. Pathetic


The rules of conduct state:


Harassment Policy


Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior


Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.


Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed.


A judgment of valid harassment can result in penalties placed on the harassing party up to and including immediate account closure, based on the severity of harassment and the player's past account history.


Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, are not exempt from this policy.



This is the opposite of the message given by the pvp server itself.


One of them has to be wrong, but we don't know which one.





Source: http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/rulesofconduct

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UO was completely open world PVP and you would lose everything on your character when you died..every game after UO was "carebear" with the exception of Shadowbane but it sucked for other reasons...the difference in UO was 9 times out of 10 the fight was evenly matched so you had to have BALLS to try and be a greifer...unlike modern MMOs were that "style" <--(whatever) can be played with no consequences.


Never played that one but I heard about it often. Sounds pretty much like the DAOC pvp servers. I just didn't care for the ancient graphic style on that game. :(

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Never played that one but I heard about it often. Sounds pretty much like the DAOC pvp servers. I just didn't care for the ancient graphic style on that game. :(


It was fun and I miss it...this game has a lot of issues that promote or allow true grief play IE if you get Rez camped you have no out... its not like you can choose to do anything other than respawn at the med center and if you have a bunch of high levels chain killing you what's your recourse? Log off or keep letting them kill you over and over?? Very bad mechanic in open world PVP.

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Actually, there is no way that he received a warning for doing this. PvP servers specifically state that situations that can be resolved via PvP are not considered griefing. Can't kill a World Boss because the opposite faction is killing you? There is a PvP solution to your problem!
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Actually, there is no way that he received a warning for doing this. PvP servers specifically state that situations that can be resolved via PvP are not considered griefing. Can't kill a World Boss because the opposite faction is killing you? There is a PvP solution to your problem!


And the rules of conduct specifically state the opposite.


Both can't be right and your assumption which one is correct is just that, an assumption.

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That's pretty dumb and that should definitely never happen.


Open world PvP is a fun aspect, and it should be rewarded MORE if anything.



Hell, I'm on a PvP server, and the first time I saw a Republican Shadow, he jumped me from stealth at half health somewhere on... Tatooine was it? (Surprised I never saw anyone before then, actually). I barely beat him simply through outplaying him and kiting between cooldowns (as a Marauder, no less) but with a healing companion healing me every now and then as I kited. It was hard, but it was amazingly fun. It's saddening that these kinds of things are now being discouraged.



Why even play a PvP server now? We're being told not to do it? Sounds like there's no reason to have a distinction between PvE and PvP servers then....

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It was fun and I miss it...this game has a lot of issues that promote or allow true grief play IE if you get Rez camped you have no out... its not like you can choose to do anything other than respawn at the med center and if you have a bunch of high levels chain killing you what's your recourse? Log off or keep letting them kill you over and over?? Very bad mechanic in open world PVP.


Well I have never been camped at a medcenter but I have had something similar happen on a couple other MMO games. Personally I think anything goes on a PVP server and I'm not above occasionally killing lowbies or getting together gank groups but I do think camping a med center is pretty cheap. I doubt I would do that unless someone did it to me first. ;) I think that issue is easy to solve though. Put some lvl 50 guards around each med center or somethign else to deter campers.

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