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Does anyone actually find the stun mechanics fun?


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I'm still scratching my head as to why Bioware have put such a heavy reliance on stun mechanics for all classes in pvp.. I think it's just flat out frustrating that almost every class has some form of stun especially seeing as a lot of the time the resolve doesn't kick in until your on like 5%-10% health and it's worthless at this point. I mained a rogue back on vanilla WoW when I was younger for one reason only.. it annoys the hell out of people being stunlocked to death.. basing an entire pvp system on stunlocks leaves me dumbfounded tbh.
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personally i hate it

i dont think there should be any CC that does not drop on dmg, when that is said i dont mind long CC that drops on dmg

also the 2 min CD CC breaker everyone gets should come with a 30 sec imunity

and last but not least, remove 90% of the GD slow/root

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No, I hate it ...go into a warzone or huttball and basically get a few shots off before im stunned and stunned and then stunned more followed by death.

I even made an alt as a sith warrior to have a go in pvp but I got bored of his storyline..

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Do I like standing around doing nothing? No, no one does.


Do I feel like the abundance of versatile CC handed to almost every class makes this game better? Definitely.


Sure, there are awful situations where you get knocked all over and can't do a thing (usually while you're carrying a hutt ball), but by and large, the stuns and other CC make combat more fun, not less.


It can be frustrating, surely, but almost every class has a CC toolbox of some sort, whether it be the Sorceror's plethora of control effects or the Marauder's ability to stay on your *** almost no matter what. We're all in the same boat, essentially, and the game is better for it.

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I believe there should be less Stuns and Roots and more grabbing / knocking / flying.


Knockbacks and grabbing shouldn't even affect or be affected by the resolve bar, those arent CCs, and there are too many goals happening in huttballs where you just cant do anythign cause the enemy is immune to CCs forever.


And the resolve bar needs a fix.... badly.


It needs to be clearly visible what is happening to your and the enemies CC immunity, and currently it's just impossible to see what is going on in a crowd of people.


I vote for:


1 stun -> 50% resolve (roots snares 34%)

2 stun -> 100% resolve -> AFTER stun 15 secs immune -> player becomes RED, huge visible bubble -> if its the ballcarrier we get a warning "Player XXX is enraged".


After the 15 secs it all starts again at zero resolve.


Oh and resolve stays very long, until death, it doesnt go away in like 3 secs, so that means you can collect it and save it for your ball run if you are good.


That way it's PREDICTABLE what is happening and requires some tactic.

Edited by skyflash
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I'm still scratching my head as to why Bioware have put such a heavy reliance on stun mechanics for all classes in pvp.. I think it's just flat out frustrating that almost every class has some form of stun especially seeing as a lot of the time the resolve doesn't kick in until your on like 5%-10% health and it's worthless at this point. I mained a rogue back on vanilla WoW when I was younger for one reason only.. it annoys the hell out of people being stunlocked to death.. basing an entire pvp system on stunlocks leaves me dumbfounded tbh.


I find it fun when im the one doing it :) when it is being done to me it totally sucks ***************

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I believe there should be less Stuns and Roots and more grabbing / knocking / flying.


Knockbacks and grabbing shouldn't even affect or be affected by the resolve bar, those arent CCs, and there are too many goals happening in huttballs where you just cant do anythign cause the enemy is immune to CCs forever.


And the resolve bar needs a fix.... badly.


It needs to be clearly visible what is happening to your and the enemies CC immunity, and currently it's just impossible to see what is going on in a crowd of people.


I vote for:


1 stun -> 50% resolve (roots snares 34%)

2 stun -> 100% resolve -> AFTER stun 15 secs immune -> player becomes RED, huge visible bubble -> if its the ballcarrier we get a warning "Player XXX is enraged".


After the 15 secs it all starts again.


That way it's PREDICTABLE what is happening and requires some tactic.




Different CC's have different effects, some last 4 secs others considerably longer. Some break on damage others don't, etc.



Dumbing down the system for the simple people is a bad idea.

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Different CC's have different effects, some last 4 secs others considerably longer. Some break on damage others don't, etc.

Dumbing down the system for the simple people is a bad idea.


Well, so add resolve in the height of the duration of the stun.... it doesnt matter.


Thats not what the idea is about.. the idea is about:


Fix the resolve bar so that people recognize what it does, it is predictable what it does, you can control what it does by playing good and you can SEE the effect of your immunity and know how long it lasts.

Edited by skyflash
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Well, so add resolve in the height of the duration of the stun.... it doesnt matter.


Thats not what the idea is about.. the idea is about:


Fix the resolve bar so that people recognize what it does, it is predictable what it does, you can control what it does by playing good and you can SEE the effect of your immunity and know how long it lasts.


And my point is that a 1.5 sec stun and a 10 sec mez should not give the same resolve.


Come to that, a 10 sec stun and a 10 sec mez would be different, a 10 sec snare effects you even less and should load the resolve bar even less, etc.

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I actually like the way cc and resolve are handled in this game's PvP. Call me crazy, but for me it's working and it gives the whole thing a certain depth without being complex in itself.


Many people seem to not have grasped all the mechanics, yet (i.e. different CCs grant different amounts of resolve, snares aren't affected by resolve, some ACs have got immunity abilities, etc.) and this obliviousness to the mechanics makes people think they would be broken.


There is a lot of exaggeration and misunderstanding going on and the supporters of the current system seem to be in the minority. Still, I do not think, that the system is failing here (thinking, that the majority of the players seems to be unable to understand cardinal directions and left/right is a relative thing...).


Hopefully, there won't be drastic changes to dumb it down, just because the concept is too complicated for the average player.


tl;dr - Yeah, I find the stun mechanics fun.

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I actually like the way cc and resolve are handled in this game's PvP. Call me crazy, but for me it's working and it gives the whole thing a certain depth without being complex in itself.


Many people seem to not have grasped all the mechanics, yet (i.e. different CCs grant different amounts of resolve, snares aren't affected by resolve, some ACs have got immunity abilities, etc.) and this obliviousness to the mechanics makes people think they would be broken.


There is a lot of exaggeration and misunderstanding going on and the supporters of the current system seem to be in the minority. Still, I do not think, that the system is failing here (thinking, that the majority of the players seems to be unable to understand cardinal directions and left/right is a relative thing...).


Hopefully, there won't be drastic changes to dumb it down, just because the concept is too complicated for the average player.


tl;dr - Yeah, I find the stun mechanics fun.



Glad to see I'm not the only one. It takes a bit to get used to, but it's not that bad after awhile. No, I don't have a lot of stuns myself. Arsenal Merc here.

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I think a short recourse effect should be applied to all CC's.


For example: You get CC'd. After the CC ends, the recourse effect kicks in. For the duration of the recourse effect you cannot be CC'd.


To me it feels like there should be at least a 2 or 3 second recourse. Couple this idea with the current effects of resolve and it should work out nicely.

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I think a short recourse effect should be applied to all CC's.


For example: You get CC'd. After the CC ends, the recourse effect kicks in. For the duration of the recourse effect you cannot be CC'd.


To me it feels like there should be at least a 2 or 3 second recourse. Couple this idea with the current effects of resolve and it should work out nicely.


Yes, I thought the same.

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The stuns wouldn't be so bad if you could, for example be immune to them for 3-5 seconds with a skill that has a two minute cool down.


This would make for a bit more complex battle strategy.


That said, I like bioware's current pvp system...

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Many people seem to not have grasped all the mechanics, yet (i.e. different CCs grant different amounts of resolve, snares aren't affected by resolve, some ACs have got immunity abilities, etc.) and this obliviousness to the mechanics makes people think they would be broken.


Hopefully, there won't be drastic changes to dumb it down, just because the concept is too complicated for the average player.


Its not the problem that it is too complicated... the problem is that it is presented very very bad.


It doesn't matter how much resolve which stun gives... because its not in your hands anyway... you just watch your resolve bar fill up.

We dont really need to change that, really, it just doesn't matter how much resolve which stun gives as long as its in the ballpark. It would not even have to be a 100% percent counter, 1-10 would be enough of a range for all purposes.


The problem is:


- People (in the middle of combat) do not see when the resolve bar is full vs. almost full


- People do not see if a certain target is now immune to CC or just barely full resolve


- People do not see if they are immune or not (its maybe a strong guess)


- People do not see how long the immunity lasts


- People can not predict how long it takes for resolve to go away


And because the UI is so bad, people will never understand what is happening. It needs to be clear, and there should be the option to effectively USE the system... which currently you can not do.


So if anything, my idea would make it more complicated because people would be able to save up resolve for later, players would have to be careful WHEN to fill the enemies resolve up or when to wait.


The current system is bad, not because of complexity, but because of bad game and very bad UI design.


There needs to be a visual when you reach immunity, and there needs to be a counter somewhere showing how long it lasts.. as a bare minimum. I like the idea of having the person enraged in red when it fires.

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I think if they took away the 4 second stun that everyone gets (in warzones only) it would be fine. I like PvP to be less about disables and more about things like positioning and teamwork. I'm always nervous as hell to carry the ball over a fire pit unless my cc breaker is off CD.


Then again, I don't really play MMOs to PvP at all, as I'm of the opinion that these games will never be close to balanced. I always just stick to MOBAs for PvP unless I'm in a weird mood.

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Its not the problem that it is too complicated... the problem is that it is presented very very bad.


It doesn't matter how much resolve which stun gives... because its not in your hands anyway... you just watch your resolve bar fill up.

We dont really need to change that, really, it just doesn't matter how much resolve which stun gives as long as its in the ballpark. It would not even have to be a 100% percent counter, 1-10 would be enough of a range for all purposes.



- People (in the middle of combat) do not see when the resolve bar is full vs. almost full


- People do not see if a certain target is now immune to CC or just barely full resolve


- People do not see if they are immune or not (its maybe a strong guess)


- People do not see how long the immunity lasts


- People can not predict how long it takes for resolve to go away


And because the UI is so bad, people will never understand what is happening. It needs to be clear, and there should be the option to effectively USE the system... which currently you can not do.


So if anything, my idea would make it more complicated because people would be able to save up resolve for later, players would have to be careful WHEN to fill the enemies resolve up or when to wait.


The current system is bad, not because of complexity, but because of bad game and very bad UI design.


There needs to be a visual when you reach immunity, and there needs to be a counter somewhere showing how long it lasts.. as a bare minimum. I like the idea of having the person enraged in red when it fires.


You can make the Resolve Bar always be visible in the game options...


It starts filling with blue bars, then when its full it goes completely solid white, and then starts draining away once the current mez/cc effect ends.


I know when I have full Resolve, I also know when my target has full Resolve or is very close to it. Hell, I even know when the ball carrier has full Resolve. Why do you think good players are able to stun lock you for so long? They stun you, let some Resolve drain away, stun you again, let some Resolve drain away, stun you again, rinse and repeat.


I'm definitely not pro, but for instance on my assassin let's say I open with Spike (2 sec KnockDown). I could follow up immediately with Electrocute, but that will white bar them. So I wait a few seconds, let some resolve drain off, then hit them with my next stun, which if done correctly still won't white bar them, leaving them open to a KnockBack(as an interrupt if Jolt is down) or to Spike again if its off recharge and I'm tank spec.

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You can make the Resolve Bar always be visible in the game options...

It starts filling with blue bars, then when its full it goes completely solid white, and then starts draining away once the current mez/cc effect ends.


Ya thx I know how it works.


That doesnt have anything to do with having a big cluster of players where you dont see **** and then you try to target the ballcarrier and cant, and then when you finally tab through you see a white bar and have no idea for long how he is immune or if he still is in a stun.


Unless you learn all the small icons and easily recognize a stun from the 1 million icons.


And even if you did, the normal player will not even get the resolve part, let alone see the stun.


The system has to be clearly visible for ALL players, not just a selected few, currently the rest just ignores it because there is no way to tell what is happening.

Edited by skyflash
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Oh there is way to much CC/knockbacks/stuns /roots in this game as far as pvp goes.

For pve this is all great, for players being bounced around like a ping pong ball or stun locked or rooted untill dead with absoultely no chance to do anything thus removing the fun from the game is ridiculous. I play a gaurdian and at lvl 50 if I catch someone 1v1 and I time things perfectly I can almost lock them down with no chance to retaliate. Do I do this? Heck yes I do, because it's what we have to work with. It can't be enjoyable for that person. It certainly isn't enjoyable when I'm stunned/rooted/knocked back then dead within 17.5 seconds in a warzone. But again it's what we have so it's best to make use of it, or it will be used on you.



Brin'shak the Twi'lek ping pong girl.

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