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Tired of hearing "we're working on it"


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who cares what your going to do , thats the point quit already !


Well, had you read my post with an IQ above the level of a bumblebee, you'd have understood that you'll be left paying to get the game to a point it should have been at launch, while others leave, but as it is, we got your reply.

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Tired of hearing QQ from impatient kids.


I call these; The posts of the 'challenged'. Contains nothing constructive but with implied insults.


Let's just look at the impatient bit shall we;


The game launched after much advertisement of the next generation MMO. "Well that's got to be the next best thing since sliced bread!"


I buy the box I install, I login and am presented with a instanced single player game. The first thing we see when we log in to any 'new' MMO is the UI.


Well this one is probably the most basic UI seen since the launch of Everquest. And that launched in 1999?


Well ok, let's move on to the massive planets. Woah, boy, what's this, I can only run down here and down here thing? Where's the run anywhere you want type world? Where's the 'massive' gone in this game?


Well, lets plod along and see if things get better, they can't get worse.. right?


Let's get us a group and do a dungeon. Ok, let's use the LFG tool. *** is that? Ok, never mind, let's go buy some gear for me and Fess baby'. ***? How do you use this monstrosity of a AH search tool?


Well, ok, back to the corridor MMO and try out this space battle thing. Really? Space battle? Seen better in '79 on spectrum!


RageQuit? Nope not rage quit, though I should be raging that I spend 80 Euros on this PoS. It's more like, I cannot believe that any company could produce such garbage and present it as a game, never mind an MMO, in 2012.


Is there anything good then in SW:ToR?


Yes there is. The unsub button :)

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In other words you will come up with a great many excuses not to be constructive and supportive yourself.


That street goes both ways...because those people are obviously passionate about games and they are the ones you should be wanting to support to get them to stick around and push the game to new heghts.


By doing what you are doing you are making sure Bioware does not see the communities concerns...I mean seriously, you basically just said that if someone posts wanting something in game that YOU also want in game you wont support them if they dont do it in a way YOU want to see it...wow...just...wow.


A Feature I want will be presented in a way that is respectful, has facts, and does not call anyone out and doesn't call people idiots for disagreeing with me. I also don't feel so entitled as to say that I feel like any feature that didn't make it to launch was required at launch. I personally am enjoying the game. There are things I would like...Mostly Ops bug fixes, but still....have you never stood against something simply on matter of Principle? if people are more respectful, I'll stand by them because at the end of the day treating everyone like Human Beings and knowing that bioware is listening to people who are civil is much more important to me than having that 1 feature I just can't live without and being a total Jerk about it. On top of that, people forgetting that the people who are working on our game are human as well. (and most of the time, i'm fighting against "features" such as Cross Server PvE anyway)




I call these; The posts of the 'challenged'. Contains nothing constructive but with implied insults.


Let's just look at the impatient bit shall we;


The game launched after much advertisement of the next generation MMO. "Well that's got to be the next best thing since sliced bread!"


I buy the box I install, I login and am presented with a instanced single player game. The first thing we see when we log in to any 'new' MMO is the UI.


Well this one is probably the most basic UI seen since the launch of Everquest. And that launched in 1999?


Well ok, let's move on to the massive planets. Woah, boy, what's this, I can only run down here and down here thing? Where's the run anywhere you want type world? Where's the 'massive' gone in this game?


Well, lets plod along and see if things get better, they can't get worse.. right?


Let's get us a group and do a dungeon. Ok, let's use the LFG tool. *** is that? Ok, never mind, let's go buy some gear for me and Fess baby'. ***? How do you use this monstrosity of a AH search tool?


Well, ok, back to the corridor MMO and try out this space battle thing. Really? Space battle? Seen better in '79 on spectrum!


RageQuit? Nope not rage quit, though I should be raging that I spend 80 Euros on this PoS. It's more like, I cannot believe that any company could produce such garbage and present it as a game, never mind an MMO, in 2012.


Is there anything good then in SW:ToR?


Yes there is. The unsub button :)


The AH could be better. i'll give you that one.


Space Battles: They're a fun mini-game. I like the starfox style rail Shooter. Its fun and a good diversion.


Single Player: Really?! I don't get where people are saying this. Its as much of an MMO as you make it. I have grouped on every planet for multiple quests...heroic and non. That's more than i can say for any of my alts in WoW right now.


LFG Tool: Go find a group to play with and befriend them. That's what MMOs are all about...WoW Abandoned that and is less of an MMO than this is now imo.


UI will be getting upgrades soon. Personally it doesn't bother me it gets the job done. I didn't like it at first but I'm used to it now.


Apparently you haven't been to Tatooine, Hoth, Belsavis, etc...Those planets are absolutely huge. Did you really expect to be able to Traverse the entire PLanet for every planet that we have? if so, man I would hate to see the System Requirements there.

Edited by Mormack
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but still....have you never stood against something simply on matter of Principle?


Yes, the principle that I want the thing I am paying for to be better than what it is and THAT is far more important to me that admitting I agree with the guy that just called someone an idiot or OMG has higher expectations of a product that I do.


Thats right, if a person is saying that a feature should be in at release, it means that he more than likely has played more games in the genre that did have it and expects a new product to also have it.


OMG the horror, I cant support him on the principle that I think my standards should be everyone elses!


See what I did there? I used your principle of the high ground and showed how you actually dont have it. Him expecting a product being paid for to meet a standard met years ago!


I know I know, such a terrible person...to support such a thing, what would my children think.

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Single Player: Really?! I don't get where people are saying this. Its as much of an MMO as you make it. I have grouped on every planet for multiple quests...heroic and non. That's more than i can say for any of my alts in WoW right now.


If a playere has to "make it" an MMO...it isnt an MMO. I could "MMO" as much in Dungeon Siege 2 as I can in this game...get a group of people together online and play the entire game. That does not make it an MMO...hell I can even do that in Quake.


Bioware made a near 100% Themepark game, Much like SWG made a near 100% sandbox game filled with a whole lot of nothing.


Once the main story ends, there is a blackhole. PvP, flashpoint and operations. They even made it so if you want to get social gear, to "roleplay" in you must group in mass...thats like rewarding PvP gear for selling items on the GTN...its idiotic to say the least...they provided no tools for the community to be an actual community.


I mean seriously, how do you create a game with CANTINAs and not give anyone the ability to play music, dance, play cards...actually role play?!?!? Its cheap, generic game design that feels even less RPG than a single playere RPG let alone an MMORPG.

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If a playere has to "make it" an MMO...it isnt an MMO. I could "MMO" as much in Dungeon Siege 2 as I can in this game...get a group of people together online and play the entire game. That does not make it an MMO...hell I can even do that in Quake.


Bioware made a near 100% Themepark game, Much like SWG made a near 100% sandbox game filled with a whole lot of nothing.


Once the main story ends, there is a blackhole. PvP, flashpoint and operations. They even made it so if you want to get social gear, to "roleplay" in you must group in mass...thats like rewarding PvP gear for selling items on the GTN...its idiotic to say the least...they provided no tools for the community to be an actual community.


I mean seriously, how do you create a game with CANTINAs and not give anyone the ability to play music, dance, play cards...actually role play?!?!? Its cheap, generic game design that feels even less RPG than a single playere RPG let alone an MMORPG.


Now you're twisting my words around to suit your needs.


I group, I play with friends, I do everything in this game that I do in WoW, DCUO, etc. Its no less of an MMO than those and maybe even more than WoW. I say that people go out of their way to make it a single player game. That's obvious because no one wants to make a group. No one wants to put forth the effort. They want to click and forget...Play with some sods they'll never see again and move on with life. that's not an MMO. An MMO is being a part of a community of players that you get to know and befriend (or ignore) and start real friendships with. I get that in this game. I don't get that in WoW anymore.


This game is More MMO than WoW now imo. I actually have a friends list on this game that I made through grouping while leveling and even at max level. I know who the trolls are on the server and they are generally avoided because my server actually has a community. I don't get this in WoW. So yes, I completely disagree with the single player comment. I think that this game has great potential as long as server communities remain relevant.


And about the Cantinas, I personally don't do any mass roleplaying. I do roleplay my character through lvling and this game has been amazing for that but I don't really care about the frills. I like the games combat (especially since Ability lag is all but gone) and I like what I could see this game being. Sure there are things I would like, and I suggest them, but I never call people names who want them. That's just low.

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Now you're twisting my words around to suit your needs.


I group, I play with friends, I do everything in this game that I do in WoW, DCUO, etc. Its no less of an MMO than those and maybe even more than WoW.


Now you're twisting my words around to suit your needs.


I group, I play with friends, I do everything in this game that I did in Dungeon Siege 2 and other single player RPGs that had multi-player online options. Its no more an MMO than this game...


See what I did there?


That is what happens when you try to take things out of context and twist them around.


What makes an MMORPG an MMORPG? Just being online? then that makes my Dungone Siege 2 comment correct.


How about it having to be online and played by many people? Well, again, Dungeon Siege 2 was played online by 100,000s of people.


If I can play a recently released game and only see perhaps 1-5 people in an hour of playing...I refuse to call it an MMORPG. MMO zones are full of people this soon after release...hell I can log onto an OLD MMORPG and see more people in ever zone...in a game with 1/5th the player base like Conan, LoTRo.


If I can go to the Republic fleet during primetime play an hour sitting there for any 10-15 minutes and never once see someone say something in general chat other than LFG, selling an item, or asking how to do something...I refuse to call this an MMORPG, MMOs have a community.


No, guild chat does not count. "guild" is not an MMORPG based group...I get guild chat via ventrillo while playing online shooters...well, then again my guild has been around since UO and we have over 1000 members across a bunch of games...still, doesnt make it an MMORPG.


If the only thing that makes this an MMORPG is the fact that its an RPG, its online and played by a lot of people...then I have to call this a piss poor MMO. By calling it what it actually is, a single player game built around multi-player online functions I can at least fool myself into calling it a good game, great story...average online functions, nothing innovative about it and leaves way too much out of it.

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The fact that I can't post constructive criticism on this forum without having 80 people tell me that "the game is fine as is" is straight ridiculous.


"The UI needs major work"




"The AH is pretty bad, like bad to the point I haven't bothered using it"




"When can we expect a combat log? I'd like to know why this wasn't included in the release"





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To the op, please cry some more.


This game is not for you, please move on and have a nice day.


I see nothing but speedy improvements . Nothing but great work so far from BW !



All that aside, this game will have no problems keeping me busy till GW2 comes. Most likely even after. Also, I'm 50, and I'm still having a ball. If not , I'll log off and go enjoy other things is life. YES THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THEN VIDEO GAMES.

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To the op, please cry some more.


This game is not for you, please move on and have a nice day.


I see nothing but speedy improvements . Nothing but great work so far from BW !



All that aside, this game will have no problems keeping me busy till GW2 comes. Most likely even after. Also, I'm 50, and I'm still having a ball. If not , I'll log off and go enjoy other things is life. YES THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THEN VIDEO GAMES.


Like making posts like that on a game forum.



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It's really nice to see someone use their entire intelligence quotient to come up with such an awe inspiring reply like yours.


I play the game. Did you expect me to spend all my time crying and arguing up a giant wall of text on the forums like your age group does?

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The AH could be better. i'll give you that one.


Space Battles: They're a fun mini-game. I like the starfox style rail Shooter. Its fun and a good diversion.


Single Player: Really?! I don't get where people are saying this. Its as much of an MMO as you make it. I have grouped on every planet for multiple quests...heroic and non. That's more than i can say for any of my alts in WoW right now.


LFG Tool: Go find a group to play with and befriend them. That's what MMOs are all about...WoW Abandoned that and is less of an MMO than this is now imo.


UI will be getting upgrades soon. Personally it doesn't bother me it gets the job done. I didn't like it at first but I'm used to it now.


Apparently you haven't been to Tatooine, Hoth, Belsavis, etc...Those planets are absolutely huge. Did you really expect to be able to Traverse the entire PLanet for every planet that we have? if so, man I would hate to see the System Requirements there.


I snipped your part reply to other chap.


I accept your analysis in the overall scheme of things, in that you are happy with what you have. I am not. Does that make me or you correct? Neither, it makes us both have differing requirements in an MMO.


Personally, for me, I expected so much more for an MMO that took so long to create and cost so much. I get the Voice Acting stuff, but really, an MMO has fundamental basics for me and if it doesn't have them at launch as I expect, it is an immediate failure or put another way, I have at that stage taken a negative view of the game.


Likewise, after I login, I judge the character creation, then the noob/starting areas, and then I expect to start getting into the "whole game" thing.


Again, for me, personally, ToR is negative after negative. There is nothing new except the VO stuff which I can live without and the companions which are a neat addition. I did enjoy that bit.


The questing is like every other game, the only negative there, was it's just bland like all other MMOs. How would I change it? Personally, I make quests much, much bigger, with multiple parts, like class quests. This whole idea of kill x, then for a bonus kill twice amount more is just mundane and boring.


Crafting, while touted as a feature, for me, is like they added it on and made it companion related so as not to have to code/supply craft stations etc. They took the whole crafting experience away from the player. Contrary to popular belief, a lot of player like to grind crafting as much as mobs for experience. It's a break away from the norm.


Areas; I got as far as tantooine. Got on my speeder and traveled a bit outside the town and suddenly hit an invisible wall. More negativity.


Other player love ToR and that's fine. I don't.


The big problem on the forums is 'some' players cannot accept nor appreciate that they are not the only players with opinions. And, more often than not, opinions differ. There really is no need for all the smart alec sarcasm one sees. And for people of my age group, we immediately see, 'kid'.


Finally, thank for a decent post that gave your side with out inflammatory remarks. Others could learn from it.

Edited by Setanian
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Some people have no patience ...if your tired of hearing "We are working on it" then take a break and come back when things are up to your mmo standards.


People do have patience. What the posts are about if you look beyond the words is the displeasure by those posting is; presentation and ongoing maintenance of the game.


I mean most fixes so far have made things worse rather than better. That's unforgivable.


Some people here bought this game with their pocket money. Others with cash they had to work to earn. Others have wives, kids, mortgages. When you have all those, you buy maybe 2-3 MMO games a year and sub to maybe 1 or 2.


Finding out you paid a decent wedge of cash for a PoS is disheartening.


Anyone with any decent amount of IT experience can tell you the best this game has to offer is already there. The engine al 7 years old of it is just not up to anything better. The best you can hope for is more content.

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MOST of the forums spoke in ONE voice and suddenly, amazingly, Bioware got a change WITH options on the test server already. This is something they WERE NOT PLANNING, they jumped on it because of US.



Yes, but that's because the UI cooldown was an ACTUAL problem that we all agreed on. It doesn't mean you should start a whinefest for every single problem you find.


And there are some things that the entire forums might erupt on, but still shouldn't be changed.

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The fact that I can't post constructive criticism on this forum without having 80 people tell me that "the game is fine as is" is straight ridiculous.


"The UI needs major work"




"The AH is pretty bad, like bad to the point I haven't bothered using it"




"When can we expect a combat log? I'd like to know why this wasn't included in the release"






This is how you get in trouble. If you just posted a few things like "I'd like to see if a few changes in the UI that might help improve the game", you'd get a much better reception than saying "THIS UI SUCKS AND THE GAME IS UNPLAYABLE BECAUSE OF IT."


Your comment about the AH/GTN has been repeated by a number of players. But to say that you've stopped using it because of it? That's just ridiculous. I use it practically every time I play the game. It functions fine for its purposes.


Saying a combat log would be nice for a few particular reasons is okay. Saying "This should have been in the game at launch and these developers suck and this game is a failure for not having one" is going to get you pounced on.


Speak plainly, and drop the hyperbole and drama, and your constructive criticism will be accepted as such. Throw in a bunch of crap with it out of your head that has no relation to reality and you're going to get eaten.

Edited by Kubernetic
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We are not talking about an iPhone app here; not every video game is the same. Especially MMOs consist of many sub-systems which a normal video game doesn't even possess. The complexity of a MMO is inherently higher.




What the hell does the AI have to do with anything here?


Plus even the most familiar code can have a deep-layered issue taking a while to resolve especially if it's not one but spread over many systems.


PS: You can never tell a finite system to "know" all outcomes but I guess you skipped that course in automata theory.


Just to point out, not all Iphone games are easy.


I am in school (game design) and we are currently making an Iphone game, our coder (only one) has been coding for around 7-8 months now, almost complete.


But that guy has no idea of what he speaks.

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Ok. They're putting effort into fixing it.


They sure didnt during the beta, heck they actually removed alot of cool stuff, I'm sure it'll get added in the next patch as a big "look what we've beein doing!!"


Look they can't even get their customer service right, it's downright laughable at best, you expect them to put effort into fixing the game?




Face it, it's a story driven leveling game, mmo's have always been about the endgame, quests were a nice addition to get there and get a feel for the world, but Bioware made it the main part of the game, and left the rest in a complete mess.


I'd rather have a mmo where I have to grind out levels on mobs for weeks, and get a fantastic endgame that'll keep me entertained for years, instead we get a sorta nice leveling experience (the actual quests are worse than they are in wow...) and then get a endgame that makes WoW look like the king of kicks.

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Well, if they are working on something, then the only answer they can give is "we're working on it." Honestly, its the same thing with some people. You rush Bioware to release the game. Then, you're upset because some features were excluded from launch. Now, you're rushing again.


Honestly, at this rate, patch 1.2 will have everything except for the patch.

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They sure didnt during the beta, heck they actually removed alot of cool stuff, I'm sure it'll get added in the next patch as a big "look what we've beein doing!!"


Look they can't even get their customer service right, it's downright laughable at best, you expect them to put effort into fixing the game?




Face it, it's a story driven leveling game, mmo's have always been about the endgame, quests were a nice addition to get there and get a feel for the world, but Bioware made it the main part of the game, and left the rest in a complete mess.


I'd rather have a mmo where I have to grind out levels on mobs for weeks, and get a fantastic endgame that'll keep me entertained for years, instead we get a sorta nice leveling experience (the actual quests are worse than they are in wow...) and then get a endgame that makes WoW look like the king of kicks.


Really? Cause I believe the opposite, TOR endgame > WoW endgame.

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