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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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You think these people would learn from history, and the history in MMO's is very clearly lined out; even the players who are enjoying MMO's, stop playing them when they feel the online environment is dead/dying.


It's like deciding to spend your leisure hours going to some great festival and getting there to see 3 or 4 people standing around.


That's pretty much the republic fleet on my pvp server. Queues take forever for wz, Ilum is dead, and good luck getting a group for HM's or any PvE if that's your thing.

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My server is : Bao-Dur

My Time zone is : GMT+1

From 7-13 in the morning my server is as good as dead and the only thing you can do is single player game.

I have both lvl 50 chars on Imp and Rep side. Imp side is more populated.

On Ilum you will get occasionally on rep side 1-2 persons between above time. On Imp side it vary from 2-5 persons. On the fleets it vary from 4-7 for rep to 8-11 for Imp side.

The only reason you get still some people on Ilum is to farm the armaments, just because nobody is there. :-)


From 12.30 it start getting better as some people start poring in as at 13.00 the new dailies get released. From 13.00 there is then a small peak and if lucky you can get some pvp wz's done or some flashpoint. Imp has more chance then rep.

Even in the weekend it is the same in the morning times (slightly better but not that much).


In the evening timezone : 19-24

it starts a little bit later and ends a little bit later because I think mainly UK people on the server who are on GMT zone so one hour earlier.

At this times it is OK and you can play. WZ's queue times are not to bad (for imps) for reps is still sometimes annoying (20 mins I consider long queue time - 1 hour not acceptable).

For Flashpoints it is a little bit more difficult even then. You need tank, healer and 2 dps and you need to recruit them without queue system - spamming all the time message on the fleet. Those are often only possible to be done within our guild (imp site) because we have a large guild.


So many on the forum complain we don't provide information on the server etc ... so above you have some information.

So within the peak times I would say it is still acceptable on our server but to bound all players to play around specific times is excluding certain players the playing experience they did pay for as nowhere Bioware mention this game is only meant to have maximum playing experience around certain times.


Cross server WZ and FP queue tool would solve much of the above even I could also understand the downside of doing so. Not having this does create a more closer environment with the people on your server as after a while you start knowing the people you run FP's with , run WZ's with or run WZ's against and it does provide a more social game experience.

Of course this can also be solved by creating server groups were 2-3 servers get linked together into the queue pools and it stay that way and also inside the wz's people names are tagged with the server coming from.



Edited by pieteral
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Easy solution:


Take a screen shot of the population on imperial fleet on prime time on your server and then say your server is dead and we will believe you. Prime time = 4-8pm Saturday/Sunday EST.


Until then, "my server's dead wah wah wah" = what? Didn't hear a thing you just said.


Thank you.

Edited by iheartnyc
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My 2 cents: just free pics from my impression durin game.

Im a very casual player so i still dont have achieved the 50th level. So i can write just about the low level planets im playin in.

Im levelling 2 chars on 2 strong populated EU servers (one imp, one rep, ove PVE one PVP, both around 35th lvl).

The fleet is really full of players tryin to organize somethin (normally around 150 +) But the planets? We have a pop from 40 to 70 (slightly higher for imp one).

In 1 month of levelling in the PVP servers i was ganked just 2 times (in 10 minutes).. so i have to say i was nearly happy cuz i was seein a sort of faction struggle outside Battlegrounds for the 1st time.

The population is dropping? nah i dont think... but probably the ppl leveled one alt and after that stopped that, tryin to enjoy the end game content.

Maybe we have a lack of new players


Ofc im not omniscient and these are just my thoughts

Edited by Fezzhan
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Most people work 5 days a week 8 or more hours a day. People need to understand that. I'm on The Ebon Hawke, republic side, and it makes me crazy when I'm killing and people swoop in and steal my quest so I have to wait for a repop. That happens a lot so there are enough people on for my taste. Sat/Sun are very busy. Week days I see it getting busy around 7 or 8pm which is when most people are home, finished dinner and can sit down and play.
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Most people work 5 days a week 8 or more hours a day. People need to understand that. I'm on The Ebon Hawke, republic side, and it makes me crazy when I'm killing and people swoop in and steal my quest so I have to wait for a repop. That happens a lot so there are enough people on for my taste. Sat/Sun are very busy. Week days I see it getting busy around 7 or 8pm which is when most people are home, finished dinner and can sit down and play.



During lauch they added too many xtra severs due to certain servers filling up too fast rather then let the players sort it out. As a result we have the 1 000 000 to 1700 000 spread out over the 216 servers and 30+ zones per server. Factor in the fact that only a percentage of the player base are on even during peak and you can get low zome populations despite the subscription numbers

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Actually...unless you can factually prove this drop off is caused specifically by a reduction in sub levels, and no other cause........it would be an opinion. If I've been reading this right, you've been basing your arguement on assumption, not actual hard numbers.


Assuming, of course, you actually do know what the meaning of "fact" and "opinion" are. Given the above statement, I'm not sure if this is a valid assumption to make.


I suggest you re-read my posts again before posting a reply.

I don't have to prove anything, to you or anyone else for that matter. Because I am not stating that there IS a definate drop in subs. I merely offered reasons why there COULD be and, that IF there is indeed a drop, then it doesn't surprise me.


However, if your post is directed at my statements about "natural drop off" in sub levels then that is an acknowledged industry wide fact. ALL MMO's (no matter what product it is) experience some form of reduction in subs just after launch for the reasons I specified previously. To believe otherwise, would be naive to say the least.

Edited by Tarka
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Easy solution:


Take a screen shot of the population on imperial fleet on prime time on your server and then say your server is dead and we will believe you. Prime time = 4-8pm Saturday/Sunday EST.


Until then, "my server's dead wah wah wah" = what? Didn't hear a thing you just said.


Thank you.


And for every perons who posts a screenshot, there will be about 10 blind fanboys claiming that it's fake.


Blind Faith is a powerful thing. But it doesn't necessary keep enough money rolling in.

Edited by Tarka
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Easy solution:


Take a screen shot of the population on imperial fleet on prime time on your server and then say your server is dead and we will believe you. Prime time = 4-8pm Saturday/Sunday EST.


Until then, "my server's dead wah wah wah" = what? Didn't hear a thing you just said.


Thank you.



There are already screenshots posted in this thread and other threads but this begs a even bigger question. Why are screenshots even needed or do you have the blanket pulled over your eyes and refuse to accept the fact there are servers in the game that are virtually dead? Oh my mistake. The Biodrone logic of gee my server is heavy so that means all servers are heavy is doing its magic.

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there are like 120 US servers and out tof those there are about 30 ish that are always "light" so those are dropping or are "dead" servers , BUT there are very active and even at times one or two servers that are full .


so if there are over 50 servers that have lots and lots of players on it that does not mean that all the servers or the game is dead.


The servers are just getting into there place as far as whos hot and who is not.


Some people sadly are on the light servers do not see what others see on the full or very heavy servers or normal pop. servers



now this might change with the new servers open march 1 for the aussies etc. we could see the full/heavy servers drop to normal or stay the same :eek:

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there are like 120 US servers and out tof those there are about 30 ish that are always "light" so those are dropping or are "dead" servers , BUT there are very active and even at times one or two servers that are full .


so if there are over 50 servers that have lots and lots of players on it that does not mean that all the servers or the game is dead.


The servers are just getting into there place as far as whos hot and who is not.


Some people sadly are on the light servers do not see what others see on the full or very heavy servers or normal pop. servers



now this might change with the new servers open march 1 for the aussies etc. we could see the full/heavy servers drop to normal or stay the same :eek:


You're making the same mistake that others make, and that is only looking at "light" servers as dead.


Let me tell you, DarthPAWS, some Standard servers would be considered dead on any other game.


It's a very serious problem right now.

Edited by Azumio
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You're making the same mistake that others make, and that is only looking at "light" servers as dead.


Let me tell you, DarthPAWS, some Standard servers would be considered dead on any other game.


It's a very serious problem right now.


Are the servers dead or population spread too thin... there is a difference

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There are already screenshots posted in this thread and other threads but this begs a even bigger question. Why are screenshots even needed or do you have the blanket pulled over your eyes and refuse to accept the fact there are servers in the game that are virtually dead? Oh my mistake. The Biodrone logic of gee my server is heavy so that means all servers are heavy is doing its magic.


Because there are haters and trolls that have been caught lying about things like server population.


I don't doubt there are some issues, but at the same time, I know there are posters that want to make it sound worse than it is.

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Are the servers dead or population spread too thin... there is a difference




But here's the thing, it's not fixable. So the game will still feel dead even on a high-pop server.


That's why I have no hope for the game. All that other nit-picky stuff (End-game, Gear cosmetics, etc.) while legit negatives, are all fixable should Bioware wish it.


But we are talking about design flaws here. They most likely won't get fixed.

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Population is on the up on the server im on.


People who use server tracker's and say populations are droping need a slap. These server trackers dont even know what the cap is for a server never mind how many are on it.


Just play the game and have fun like the 1000's of other's and stop making these lame topic's all the time.

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I just canceled my subscription, 20 days left for something to change.

My sever is just too empty to be worthwhile and I'm not going to re-roll on a better populated server. Merge the damn servers already.


They are more likely to introduce a Cross-Server Group Content Finder than merge servers or allow transfers.


The question is, when will they add it? How much longer can the playerbase hold out?

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But here's the thing, it's not fixable. So the game will still feel dead even on a high-pop server.


That's why I have no hope for the game. All that other nit-picky stuff (End-game, Gear cosmetics, etc.) while legit negatives, are all fixable should Bioware wish it.


But we are talking about design flaws here. They most likely won't get fixed.


Well i hope you are wrong on this but i suppose we will see how things sit at the 3 month mark.


1 .7million /216=7880 per server if all were on at once,


3900 per faction if divisons were perfect

most say 15-20% pop on during peak which = 585-780 per side

17 planets 13 different flashpoints per faction 3 warzones


if the pop is close to 1000 000 those numbers drop down to 463 per side at 20% and 14 players per zone


I would imagine they are working on a fix, maybe some kind of cross server warzone finder but that takes more then a few weeks to develop.


One fix would be to add a faction percentage to the server listing and free transfers (perhaps with a legacy reset) later on. Please ask for this in the suggestion forum

Edited by WhiskyJax
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Even if the pop was dropping the only thing it hurts is the ability to find groups through the game. If you find that's something you want, then you have ways to help yourself instead of waiting around for someone else to help you.


You can bide your time on another server. Start getting ready to transfer if that's something that you might be interested in. Find a guild on said server. These are things that may take a long time to find.


People may scream and cry for a server merge (whether it's needed or not) when they could at least be doing something about it RIGHT NOW instead of waiting for someone to come along and do it for them.


But ultimately, think for yourself. Just because a few of your friends rerolled on a different server or quit playing for whatever reason, that doesn't mean that you have to quit a game that you like.

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Population is on the up on the server im on.


Congratulations! YOu are on one of the already well populated server that people from server like mine re-roll to.


They are more likely to introduce a Cross-Server Group Content Finder than merge servers or allow transfers.


Cross server WZ are nice but won't fix open world PvP.

Transfers are fine too: There 5 bucks and off I am to Tomb of Freedom Nadd, one of the few EU servers that seem worthwhile.


I actually like the game. I just don't like playing alone in an MMO...

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I have to agree tbh. I am finding Belsavis to be nicely populated, if I look for a group I tend to find one quickly or I'll happen upon someone else lookign for a group.


As I've hit 50, I had BG's popping without respite for about two hours on Saturday evening.

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You're making the same mistake that others make, and that is only looking at "light" servers as dead.


Let me tell you, DarthPAWS, some Standard servers would be considered dead on any other game.


It's a very serious problem right now.



the way the game is made as a solo/own zone areas is more of issues on why standard servers feel dead


if the game was set up like old school MMOs and people were not all over the place/ in there own story zones could help the feel of the standard servers.


Even on a world with 100 people on it this weekend i saw very few people at quest points and very few people trying to get groups for the group missions.


no matter how many or how few people there are on a servers this game can feel lifeless and dead no matter which your on.


dont get me wrong i like this game, it is just not a group heavy game and that i think hurts the servers that are standard alot and even can hurt the higher ones and make them feel more lifeless and dead then they are.


just my thoughts on it is all.


i could be wrong and the standard very well could be "dead" as far as not enough people on it.

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You know why you get grief for the "not on my server" response?


Because it's IRRELEVANT. It doesn't matter if there's 200,000 people on Fleet at 3 AM on your server. That in no way affects, improves, mitigates, or does anything to help the fact that on my server I'm lucky to see more than 50 at peak.


It's like someone complaining the cost of housing is too high in California, and someone else coming along and saying, "dude, the price on houses is just fine where I live in Mexico. I don't know what your problem is. Just buy a house. Or move to Mexico."


You know why "my server is dying cuz I see no one in da fleet wen I'm on" doesn't result in the immediate purging of said server, and the merging of half the game's population? The fleet isn't the only place in the game! How do I know that your server doesn't get going until after or before you're on?


Because that's like saying a mansion with over fifty rooms is "empty" because there are only three people in the foyer, right this second.


If you, any of you, could provide even one shred of reliable evidence, other than anecdotal accusations, maybe you wouldn't be so derided. Despite angry gamers being the last people to exaggerate, I can't help but feel they may be doing so, or just using the laziest, least reliable methods for determining a server's total population,

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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the way the game is made as a solo/own zone areas is more of issues on why standard servers feel dead


if the game was set up like old school MMOs and people were not all over the place/ in there own story zones could help the feel of the standard servers.


Even on a world with 100 people on it this weekend i saw very few people at quest points and very few people trying to get groups for the group missions.


no matter how many or how few people there are on a servers this game can feel lifeless and dead no matter which your on.


dont get me wrong i like this game, it is just not a group heavy game and that i think hurts the servers that are standard alot and even can hurt the higher ones and make them feel more lifeless and dead then they are.


just my thoughts on it is all.


i could be wrong and the standard very well could be "dead" as far as not enough people on it.


Well, as said before, it's both.


Standard is around 800 to 1500, spilt that into two factions, and you get 400/400 or 750/750. Now, factor in faction percentage issues (imperials having more) and you have a Standard Republic server sitting at 300/500 spilt into 30 zones/planets, etc.


Simply not enough. No where near it.


It's a design flaw within their game (being very heavily instanced, no global chat, no LFG finder) and outside their game (Server distribution is horrible).


They've effectively cut their playerbase into small, small fractions and their simply isn't enough within most fractions to support healthy servers.


Given the way this game is designed, they were better off going a different way with the server division. For me, I would have liked:


One Big Server (Login I guess)


Hundreds of smaller servers that make up channels within a Planet.


So, for instance:


Balmorra would have 10 channels. Each channel would hold 100 people. Once the channel cap is filled, the next people are shuffled to the next channel. Chat isn't affected by what channel you are in. You can queue to join a full channel, or move down a channel to a non-full channel. All the while, you are capable of communicating planet wide with everyone (Regardless of what channel they are in).


That means Balmorra alone can hold 1000 people (More channels if needed) and those 1000 people can all communicate with eachother to get groups for World Boss/Heroics, etc.


Which is basically what it's like now. Right now, when a zone reaches it's cap. another Instance opens, etc. It'll be like that, but on a bigger scale.


(Each faction would have the same channel cap of 100)

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