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Patch 1.2 may be to late.


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I watched every single cutscene from 1-50 and hit 50 in 6 days...when the game launched.


that is bs ... we hardcored in a two man group from 1-50 cutting out all heroics doing no flashpoints and no pvp zergign from quest to quest skipping bonus quests that would take more time then exp offered .. with a tank and a dps using two healing companions ... both of us with time off work for exactly that reason .. and we where in the first 20 on our server. Not many can say they already had three rakata items in week three BUT I CAN.


if you capped in 6 days you not only didnt watch your story .. but you didnt sleep eat or breath between attacks .. never went to the washroom to shower or dispose of waste and sure as all hell didnt complete all the story arcs (world and class).


I call fubar ...

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Yay! Are we all stating opinions as facts now? MetooZOMG!


Sooooooo, let me get this straight: you played 17 hours a day for 1 week. That's 119 hours. Here's the thing, dude: your definition of rushing compared with that of people with jobs, families, kids, and other responsibilities is completely and utterly skewed. The fact that you call 7 hours playtime per day "not rushing so much" pretty much says you life and those of the vast, VAST majority of people that play video games is completely different. I simply can't imagine playing 7 hours per day, to say nothing of 17 hours per day. And I have many, many friends who game, and absolutely none of them are able to play that way.


NOTHING is going to be interesting or fun for 17 hours per day. I have never played any video game of any type that would entertain me for 17 hours a day for a week. And I've been playing PC and console games since the early 90s.


Hardcores often dont realize that MMOs are not made to keep them happy forever. If people where really hardcore they would be running 5 MMos at a time raiding every day on 5 MMOs.


When i was a deadbeat no life hardcore gamer i was raiding daily on COH/V 9Dragons DDO and working on alts in all of them.

Then one day i realized there is more to life then video games ... If someone has nothing in there life then the MMO they are playing that is sad. But they should also understand they are not hte target audience for MMOs.


Pick up skyrim or kingdoms of amalur or countless other console games ... Sony and Xbox love people who burn through 80$ games in two days. that is how they built there empires.


MMOs pray on the people who dont have alot of time to game but want an emersive story. while offering others enjoyable content at end game that is neither too difficult or too easy once people are geared ... eventually they will add more character classes ... more races ... more content at end game and before ... potentially more levels in years to come ... more space and more pvp.


but the speed in which they develop content is based entirely on the numbers of players not on the hardcoreness and the number of players who zerged through the content.


It has to do with the majority .. and the majority of players dont even have 1 50 yet ... sadly.

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I agree with the poster a few pages ago I like to have my 1 main char and play just that one character atm this games best part is leveling up so for me its pretty crappy right now not QQing rawr rage pos game just saying my opinion. I dont think i'll be resubbing come mid/end of march due to stale pvp and pve end game.
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First of all I think your version of a game "lasting" and mine are different. Yeah sure SWG stayed online, but was it a relevant game anymore? No, it was a massive graveyard of condemned guild cities.


Secondly, I don't think the endgame content and carrot chase associated with it in this vanilla release even compares to vanilla WoW. WoW was months of 40 man raids, SWTOR is weeks of 8 man raids. For WoW's vanilla endgame to compare to this game, it would need to stop at UBRS/LBRS.


I like the game and see it's potential, but they need to add alot of more difficult content really bad to hold my interest over the long haul.


Again, it all comes down to personal taste. WoW may be the heavyweight when it comes to raiding, but raiding was never a particular staple of the MMO community, nor was it the end-all-be-all of MMORPG's. It may partain to the WoW crowd because they are a particular crowd, but it's presumptuous, I think, to assume that every MMO needs a raiding mechanic.


There are many examples of games that are lasting in the wake of raids. Eve Online, POTBS, etc. SWTOR's focus has always been on its story-driven mechanics, and I think that it stresses the enjoyment of character progression over the grind to end-game. Perhaps that's not your thing, but that doesn't mean the game will ultimately fail because of it. I think it's a great incentive for those new to MMO's to get involved in the genre through more familiar conventions.

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Again, it all comes down to personal taste. WoW may be the heavyweight when it comes to raiding, but raiding was never a particular staple of the MMO community, nor was it the end-all-be-all of MMORPG's. It may partain to the WoW crowd because they are a particular crowd, but it's presumptuous, I think, to assume that every MMO needs a raiding mechanic.


There are many examples of games that are lasting in the wake of raids. Eve Online, POTBS, etc. SWTOR's focus has always been on its story-driven mechanics, and I think that it stresses the enjoyment of character progression over the grind to end-game. Perhaps that's not your thing, but that doesn't mean the game will ultimately fail because of it. I think it's a great incentive for those new to MMO's to get involved in the genre through more familiar conventions.


I thought this was very insightful. Well said, sir. :)

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To the OP, while I am unable to check out your loot or bosses you have killed, I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that you have not completed all content on Nightmare difficulty. I would recommend to quiet your complaints about lack of content or late release of content and focus more on challenging yourself with harder difficulties while at the same time equipping yourself with the best gear. At that point, when you have achieved all of this, you are more than welcome to ask BioWare for new content. Thank you and good luck!!
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Many players are burnt out on their previous game, yet feel a sentimental yearning for its features, and feel loss about it.


That adds to their dismay at reaching 50 here and are somehow surpised to learn that the endgame has yet to be fleshed out in this brand new game.


Recommend that those who can afford it maintain subs to their old game and SWTOR. Alternate between them. It refreshes your perceptions in the game you came from, and provides new entertainment in SWTOR.


I played WoW from release until 2005, when I pretty much burnt out on that game.


Recently joined a good guild in SWTOR who is also still active in WoW. So, curious, I reactivated te WoW account and transferred a couple of characters to take advantage of my new guild affiliation.


I find there are complementary good qualities in both games, yet enough difference to keep both fresh. Plus it is good to see these old WoW characters again, and my levelling in SWTOR is significantly more paced, yet there is no frustration in either because I ca easily switch from one to the other as the mood suits me.


So if you are in a position to afford the measly added $15/Mo., I'd like to recommend my strategy for keeping your game fun.

Edited by Gleneagle
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OP: Do not resub then if that is your decision. As for bioware losing subs, well the game has not been released in Australia or New Zealand yet. So come early March their subs will increase more than what they will decrease.


The players of today are nothing like they used to be. Expectations are way too high and their goal is to reach the level cap as quickly as possible instead of just enjoying the content or following along with the story. I bet most of them skipped a lot of the dialogue when questing. It's really quite sad.


Are you not a Jedi? Jedi's have patience :p


Why a lot of people expected it to be superior to WOW I just don't understand. Why does a game always have to be better than a previous game. Can't it just be different?


Look at why you play games. I'm sure most of you play to have FUN and to escape reality. Is this game better than WOW, overall probably not. But it's star wars and it's FUN. Who doesn't love running around with a light saber carving up things.


I have played many MMO's including WOW and SWOTR is a great MMO. Like most MMO's when they start up the end game content is always lacking. I heard the exact same thing when WOW first came out. Players complained all over the forums about lack of end game content. But within 3 or 4 months end game content was added in way of instances and PVP BGs etc.


It's going to take more than 60 days to add the kind of content you are expecting. Why not just wait to see what they bring to the game and then make a decision.

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I'd really like an update on it. BW doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to bugs. I can name so many that are still in game and still being a pain that it's kind of crazy. The fact that a patch that should hit within the next 33 days isn't on the PTS (where you can't even get a pre-made 50) worries me a lot. From where I sit, I see a patch that is either going to be buggy to the point of absolute frustration or a patch that is going to hit in May. Oh well, I'll continue to enjoy it and cancel next sub if they don't have it on the PTS with most bugs fixed.
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...(where you can't even get a pre-made 50) worries me a lot. From where I sit, I see a patch that is either going to be buggy to the point of absolute frustration or a patch that is going to hit in May. Oh well, I'll continue to enjoy it and cancel next sub if they don't have it on the PTS with most bugs fixed.


With so many threads screaming that there is nothing to do at 50, do you think the ability to purchase a premade 50 is well advised?


Do you purposely waste $60 just to bypass the whole game?

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If your waiting for Patch 1.2 to be the make or break of your SWTOR gaming experience then you need to quit now. It's not going to make it that much better okay.


Crew Skills will be better...

PVP somewhat revamped who knows..

Legacy with some cute stuff

New PVP warzone, new flashpoints, ops.


All these new things will died in less than a weeks time.


So if you wish to quit... might as well do it now. I know there is nothing really to do at 50 right now... but I enjoy them game... if your already questioning and waiting for a patch to make your day, it's time to move on.

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I'v read about 33 comments in this thread lost count after 20 i guess. But anyways you guys got to chill smoke some weed or something that will chill you out...lol. Bioware is trying, the game has been out for 2 months its not a long time, however i do agree with some of the things that the people in this thread pointed out. I agree that they need more features but the game has only been out for 2 months. Once again however this new update of theirs, or the following uptades in the next 6 months, they should add at least 2 more planets don't care which. Add 5 more warzones not hard for example capture the flag or whatever ok. Add guild bank also add account bank for your characters to share stuff. Add a better space combat no one likes guided space combat...they should really adopt the space combat from SWQ. Add 10 more levels (maybe). Add a whole bunch of armor and weapon disigns. Add Freelancers faction, add trooper class to empire, Change smuggler and bountyhunter into Freelancer factions. Bounty Hunter and Smuggler starting planet is Hutta. A MUST!! Need to Add a voting pole on the SWTOR website so people can vote on new ideas for the game. BE THE FIRST MMO TO EVER DO SUCH A THING!!!...lol


If you people of SWTOR like this idea please commment on it and let bioware know with votes which we need about 51% + of the SWTOR population, to get heard by bioware. If we can get about 1100000 people and up, to make a positive quote on this comment they will listen to us. PLEASE Tell me what you think about the ideas! :D

Edited by skyknightandy
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To the OP, while I am unable to check out your loot or bosses you have killed, I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that you have not completed all content on Nightmare difficulty.

Herein lies another problem with the game, I speak with people who are hardcore raiders and for them BW has neglected the challenge vs reward concept. Whats the point of doing nightmare mode when there is no reward or bonus for doing so?


Me i'm generally a solo player, my biggest problem is lack of character progression once you hit 50. Sadly 1.2 offers nothing for either of these 2 groups of players, sure the hardcores will have a new raid but within 2 weeks of it's release they will have run it to death as they did the first.


I would have liked to have seen rewards for Nightmare versions of OP's and solo versions of flashpoints. That would have kept both parties busy for the next few months anyway, but as neither of these are included I have already cancelled. in about a year the game may well have more to offer different play styles, at the moment it only caters for casual raiders at end game.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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Herein lies another problem with the game, I speak with people who are hardcore raiders and for them BW has neglected the challenge vs reward concept. Whats the point of doing nightmare mode when there is no reward or bonus for doing so?


Me i'm generally a solo player, my biggest problem is lack of character progression once you hit 50. Sadly 1.2 offers nothing for either of these 2 groups of players, sure the hardcores will have a new raid but within 2 weeks of it's release they will have run it to death as they did the first.


I would have liked to have seen rewrds for Nightmare versions of OP's and solo versions of flashpoints. That would have kept both parties busy for the next few months anyway.



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I unsubscribed 2 days ago.


I'm really not the sort of guy who gives up on a game because it's not "perfect", and i know how hard it is to make something this grand.


But i have to face the facts. the game was released in beta.

i don't blame bioware, or even EA. they did what was best to gain the most value from the game.


But i'm lvl 50. pretty much full Rakata.

i don't do alts. the PvP is not interesting.

Space combat got stale after 10 times.


1.2 is not gonna be our savior. because the game is just not that amazing.

i really really wished it would be, but it's not, and that's perfectly fine.


I don't see a reason to pay 15$ a month for this game, and that's about it.

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will the patch save tortanic...


or will the iceberg win.



If you cba to read skip to the red.


seriously, do people really believe the resizing of my UI will make this game amazing.


All i do to get a good representation of the game patched is look at its currenty state then decrease its current state to even worse due to patch fail more bugs, untested content and probably an entire day or two of no swtor to patch it due to stupid patch/maintenance times.


DO people really think , this one patch will make all the problems go away?


The flawed design? the broken content? ilum...i dont even?what? Unbalanced PvP grearfest? stupidly designed professions, a terrible UI that looks like it was designed by a blind man.


So my question to all is how much good and bad will this patch really bring?

Edited by Kaladorei
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I think the new warzone will be buggy as ****, how long do they even test the patches on the ptr for? With WoW they on the ptr for 1-2 months. Even then the patches get released with bugs. This patch is not gonna get me to resub as the game is just not my cup of tea.
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will the patch save tortanic...


or will the iceberg win.



If you cba to read skip to the red.


seriously, do people really believe the resizing of my UI will make this game amazing.


All i do to get a good representation of the game patched is look at its currenty state then decrease its current state to even worse due to patch fail more bugs, untested content and probably an entire day or two of no swtor to patch it due to stupid patch/maintenance times.


DO people really think , this one patch will make all the problems go away?


The flawed design? the broken content? ilum...i dont even?what? Unbalanced PvP grearfest? stupidly designed professions, a terrible UI that looks like it was designed by a blind man.


So my question to all is how much good and bad will this patch really bring?


The only thing this patch needs to bring is high resolution textures and I will sub for a very long time. Yes high res textures is all I care about at this time.


Or at least "higher fidelity" to prove to me that Bioware is not filled with complete liars and they are going in the right direction.

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To every single guy/gal in the world of SWTOR who wants to leave the game...


GO with a full heart and my blessing. I'll still be playing this GLORIOUS game long after your chosen username is dust on the canvas of history. And I don't want your stuff.

Edited by Khincaid
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They need to make Rated BG's nao all the PvPers quit cause they got full BM ages ago and theres nothing to do thats meaningful anymore if not for further advancement of ur toon let us que 8man premade just to get ready for rated bg's...tired of playing with bads / people just not on vent being bad.


If only the Subscription base was full of dedicated PVP'ers we may have a problem...Thankfully it's not and with most MMO's the PVP base happens to be a SMALL part of the actual community..


Most people can live without PVP changes. IMHO it happens to be the one constant in any MMO, that manages to keep classes UNBALANCED.


Also if you came to a STORY based MMO expecting the PVP to be awesome, we'll, I think most people are getting a awake up call to that now.


It's an alternate leveling system, that is all.

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To every single guy/gal in the world of SWTOR who wants to leave the game...


GO with a full heart and my blessing. I'll still be playing this GLORIOUS game long after your chosen username is dust on the canvas of history. And I don't want your stuff.


playing on what? itll be shut down in 12 months, maybe as someone said in a previous post cameron might make a movie s you cvan relive your "glorious" moments lol, but i doubt this game will be open much longer atleast as a P2P

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I cancelled my sub because I want to punish Bioware for the mistakes they made in creating this game. At this point, I want the title to fail, and to bring down Bioware, and serve as a lasting blemish on EA's already muddied facade.


The simple fact of the matter is, the industry needs to move on from cloning WoW. People are done with games like this -- they might not be looking for a pure sandbox, but you'd better be damned sure that the 'THEMEPARK ALL THE WAY' thing has jumped the shark, too.


Frankly, the entire idea of a story-based MMO was garbage from the start. The entire point of an MMO is to live out a fantasy story of your own in marvelous environment. It isn't to have that story dictated to you from 1-50, so that every single character at the cap has the same exact history, companions, etc. I mean, Jesus Christ, it's like Bioware missed the memo on what these game are all about and just went peeling off in an inexplicable direction. Oh, and let's drop $100 million on that voice acting, while we're at it! That'll make up for a terrible game engine, boring quests, stale combat and a hollow shell of an endgame!


SWG was a lesson to the industry that WoW had it right; TOR needs to be the new incarnation of that lesson -- that what passed for a great game 7 years ago isn't a great game today. I expect more, and so do most people, and bully for us.

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I'd really like an update on it. BW doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to bugs. I can name so many that are still in game and still being a pain that it's kind of crazy. The fact that a patch that should hit within the next 33 days isn't on the PTS (where you can't even get a pre-made 50) worries me a lot. From where I sit, I see a patch that is either going to be buggy to the point of absolute frustration or a patch that is going to hit in May. Oh well, I'll continue to enjoy it and cancel next sub if they don't have it on the PTS with most bugs fixed.


With so many threads screaming that there is nothing to do at 50, do you think the ability to purchase a premade 50 is well advised?


Do you purposely waste $60 just to bypass the whole game?


gonna help you out Glen using small words..

  • PTS public TEST server
  • every new client on Test requires reset(avg every 2-3 weeks)
  • never enough 50's on Test to test lvl 50 content
  • patch gets added to live with bugged lvl 50 content

Edited by BMBender
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