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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In the words of Admiral Akbar...


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... IT'S A TRAP!




$10 off the standard edition for a limited time. Not unusual to reduce the price as a way to entice folks, but it feels like it might be a little early in the game for that.


If eleventy billion people are already playing, they're foolish to reduce the price.


They say when a person drowns, they surface 3 times before it's all over. Perhaps this is gasp for air #1.

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... IT'S A TRAP!




$10 off the standard edition for a limited time. Not unusual to reduce the price as a way to entice folks, but it feels like it might be a little early in the game for that.


If eleventy billion people are already playing, they're foolish to reduce the price.


They say when a person drowns, they surface 3 times before it's all over. Perhaps this is gasp for air #1.


Back in the old days (mid to late 90s, ok, so relatively speaking), they used to lower the price of games within the first 30 days. I remember we'd keep our receipts and then a few weeks later take it back and get $10 back from Best Buy because they had (have?) that "if we reduce the price in 30 days" thing.


So never none, no wonder, mind bridge, water, a few birds and a half dozen stones...I guess? :confused:

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Back in the old days (mid to late 90s, ok, so relatively speaking), they used to lower the price of games within the first 30 days. I remember we'd keep our receipts and then a few weeks later take it back and get $10 back from Best Buy because they had (have?) that "if we reduce the price in 30 days" thing.


So never none, no wonder, mind bridge, water, a few birds and a half dozen stones...I guess? :confused:


I have been gaming since the 80's, and I don't ever recall this ever happening. Then again I never walked into a Best Buy until about a decade or so ago. Maybe this was specific to them?

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They are just trying to add more incentive for new players to play, especially those that have been on the fence about it.


Remember, this is one of the few MMO games that don't give free trials and no buddy cards were included with any copy of the game.


Given that the above is true, I see a 10 dollar discount as pretty normal.

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I have been gaming since the 80's, and I don't ever recall this ever happening. Then again I never walked into a Best Buy until about a decade or so ago. Maybe this was specific to them?


It was a sweet deal, to the point where we just thought of new games as being $30. $40 initially, and then the $10 rebate. :)

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... IT'S A TRAP!




$10 off the standard edition for a limited time. Not unusual to reduce the price as a way to entice folks, but it feels like it might be a little early in the game for that.


If eleventy billion people are already playing, they're foolish to reduce the price.


They say when a person drowns, they surface 3 times before it's all over. Perhaps this is gasp for air #1.


Huh? The real money in MMOs is the monthly's. Plus they keep everything from a sale on Origin so $10 discount there still earns them more than a full price sale at say Best Buy this week.

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I wouldn't expect a sale on this game so quickly....not a good sign. Maybe their numbers aren't quite what they projected to the investors?


Dropping the price shows that it's not going well with the game. Duke Nukem Forever did the same and look where it is now. If I didn't just mention the game, you all wouldn't even remember anymore that it exists.

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Breaking the 1 million subscriptions mark in the first few weeks and maintaining a steady growth since... yes this to so totally a cry for rescue >.>


In case you didn't get the sarcasm... The game is not in danger and it's not a cry for help. SWtOR has been very successful thus far, this is most likly a "We've made a good starting profit already, we can risk a small sale this early on maybe draw in the future subscribers that are waiting for the later price drop" situation. It's not unheard of or uncommon even. When a company has a large success early on with a new product they will typically do a sale on that product because it won't hurt their profit margin any, they are ahead of their quota already and are seeking to spike an increase in sales through a discount.

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Rift had at least five sales in the first six months.


Rift had the second largest subscriber base.


Your worries are unfounded.


Funny because it is true.


I ended up with 3 free copies of Rift from GenCon that they were just handing out for people to take.

Edited by Zilrota
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Breaking the 1 million subscriptions mark in the first few weeks and maintaining a steady growth since... yes this to so totally a cry for rescue >.>


Its funny how this keeps being brought up.


TOR was hyped so incredibly much, which is one of the reasons many people bought it. Another reason is the death of SWG; Star Wars fans moved over to this game. And finally the huge KotOR base.


Hitting 1 million subscribers was really no surprise at all. Keeping them is what this game will fail at. I hope EA/Bioware has the balls to publish the numbers around April, cause that's when the people who were stupid enough (like myself) to extend their playtime with a GC are gone too.


Game already has 1.7 million subscribers with 2 million sales. Go figure where those 300k players are after their first free month.

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I wouldn't worry about it. This kind of thing does happen quite often, and happened back when I worked video game retail for about 6 years in the 90s. $59.99 was a little high to begin with. There are only so many that will buy at that price point.


There are a lot more who'll buy at 49.99. And there are more after that who will buy at 39.99, etc. Their main revenue comes from subscriptions anyway. And those coming into the game now are probably going to enjoy it much more (since they aren't the hardcore first adopters).


Game already has 1.7 million subscribers with 2 million sales. Go figure where those 300k players are after their first free month.


That's a pretty good retention rate so far.

Edited by Kubernetic
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Dropping the price shows that it's not going well with the game. Duke Nukem Forever did the same and look where it is now. If I didn't just mention the game, you all wouldn't even remember anymore that it exists.


There is a difference between a $10 off sale and a price drop due to failing. When a game starts to fail and the price gets dropped the drop is significant, and rapid. DNF dropped all the way down to $9.99 in no time flat, and the first price cut was more than $10 off, it was a $20 cut.


What is going on though Origin is just a sale. Seeing as how the $10 off is only through Origin as well, reguardless of how long it lasts, it is not a cry for help. All sales through Origin are direct payment to EA, no retailer markups or retailer profit cuts, so it may just be an incentive to purchase digital over physical.

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Being only a 10$ sale and it only being for a week, I'm not thinking anything of it. A lot of games, even good games, go on sale only a couple of weeks after it comes out. If I remember right Batman: Arkham City went from 60-44 Dollars on one sale. Look at that, it sold 3 Million copies before hand.
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Its funny how this keeps being brought up.


TOR was hyped so incredibly much, which is one of the reasons many people bought it. Another reason is the death of SWG; Star Wars fans moved over to this game. And finally the huge KotOR base.


Hitting 1 million subscribers was really no surprise at all. Keeping them is what this game will fail at. I hope EA/Bioware has the balls to publish the numbers around April, cause that's when the people who were stupid enough (like myself) to extend their playtime with a GC are gone too.


Game already has 1.7 million subscribers with 2 million sales. Go figure where those 300k players are after their first free month.


losing 300K after having 2million sales is really not an issue at all. Thats about the standard ratio. losing a mere 6% of the consumers doesn't create a failing game. Most MMOs lose more than 6% of their subscribers in the first few months.

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Pretty much every game does this on the pc side. Blizzard games are about the only ones that don't have sales until a long time past release. I've seen mmo prices tank below 50% a month after release. Edited by Qoojo
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Its funny how this keeps being brought up.


TOR was hyped so incredibly much, which is one of the reasons many people bought it. Another reason is the death of SWG; Star Wars fans moved over to this game. And finally the huge KotOR base.


Hitting 1 million subscribers was really no surprise at all. Keeping them is what this game will fail at. I hope EA/Bioware has the balls to publish the numbers around April, cause that's when the people who were stupid enough (like myself) to extend their playtime with a GC are gone too.


Game already has 1.7 million subscribers with 2 million sales. Go figure where those 300k players are after their first free month.




They lost 300,000 in the first month. In the second month, my server's population is down a good 25-33%. This is also about the same percentage of guildmates who no longer log on since the end of month one. They lost at least another 300,000 in month two by my estimate. At this rate, they'll be down to a reasonably stable 500,000 with huge player turnover within a couple more months.


Good job, EA. Forcing BioWare to release this game a good six months before it was truly out of beta phase cost you hundreds of millions of dollars.

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