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Bye Bye bag system (and other changes)


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Which means it wont ever work? It doesn't take a whole lot to avoid an idling system. Take a glance at wow since so many of you nabs like comparing this game to that one.


They have a vote-afk system. It doesn't work.


Moving on to the next fail decision in the rapidly regressing design of this game, bye bye.


it means afkers and players who want to quit will have to pretend to do something for 15 minutes. like hide and tap spacebar once in a while.


yes this game has failure on every corner.


such potential wasted.

Edited by Emperor_Troll
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"players will have the option to vote kick idlers."



ITS A LIE or just a mechanism to make people like you believe its balanced.... just like surge, they said that they would nerf it but it wont affect lower than 500 surge people but apparnetly surge has been completely desotroyed....


its just wordplay... i can stand still and still be considered idler so the system might as well work on everyone afk tagged or not...lets hope its only on those afk tagged although it will be kinda stupid anyway since they can jsut move around every few secs to stop afk tagging...

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Vote kick AFKers?


Really this guy have absolutly no clue about what is game playing. Fire this game developper now! I'm not a game developper, IM a player and I see already the next big mess coming.

Yea, sure vote for to kick somebody out.......


Sir, you're under arrest for the murder of my beautiful language.

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ITS A LIE or just a mechanism to make people like you believe its balanced.... just like surge, they said that they would nerf it but it wont affect lower than 500 surge people but apparnetly surge has been completely desotroyed....


its just wordplay... i can stand still and still be considered idler so the system might as well work on everyone afk tagged or not...lets hope its only on those afk tagged although it will be kinda stupid anyway since they can jsut move around every few secs to stop afk tagging...




............ if they are just going to move around every couple of second or even every couple of minutes, wouldnt it just be more fun to play?


sitting there moving your character every couple minutes < playing a losing match.


Why in gods name would someone sit there and move their character... you're still sitting there for the same amount of time, at your desk, looked at nothingness on the screen because you're not doing anything.

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ITS A LIE or just a mechanism to make people like you believe its balanced.... just like surge, they said that they would nerf it but it wont affect lower than 500 surge people but apparnetly surge has been completely desotroyed....


its just wordplay... i can stand still and still be considered idler so the system might as well work on everyone afk tagged or not...lets hope its only on those afk tagged although it will be kinda stupid anyway since they can jsut move around every few secs to stop afk tagging...


your rage is sexy!


i never said anything about balance.


i don't think it will be a tag vote system but i could be wrong.


rage again because i like it!

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seriously who in the world has time to vote kick anyone. If you are playing the game which is always fast paced to begin with which nurse maid is gonna be running around behind everyone making sure they are doing their part. This is the dumbest waste of time BW could every spend money on.


I for one will be the first person to get kicked or be the one setting back thinking....wow i hate that player's name let me start a vote to kick em....How stupid.


AOC by funcom introduced "coward's shame" as a mechanic to stop players from dropping. However, if you lost connection no fault of yours and you were in a fight you automatically got the debuff and had to wait at least 10 minutes. Wow. what a joke right... what did this really do. allow players to just camp on the spawn and do nothing cause they already knew who was going to win or loose.


I don't know what the solution is to this issue other than taking the warzones out completely and making players go out and world pvp. cough cough just not on illum........cause that don't work either.....

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This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards.


What exactly are Ranked Warzone commendations going to be used for?

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What exactly are Ranked Warzone commendations going to be used for?


My bet is that BM gear will require fewer Ranked Warzone commendations than normal Warzone commendations.


Ex: Buying BM chestpiece for 640 normal commendations or 320 ranked commendations (numbers pulled out of my arse)

Edited by insendial
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Wait a second lol, anyone else see the potential for people being vote kicked out of spite?


yep this vote to kick system will be heavily abused i can assure you.



i can see it now



guildys kicking people out of a warzone to get there guildys in the same game.

players getting kicked out of spite because someone cant get there way.

players doing better than other in the warzone getting booted because they have better stats than they do for that match.


im already getting kicked out of spite from ops groups but the reason for that is i dont tolerate bug/exploiters and i want to get them fixed and thats what i get kicked for.


so you can imagine being in warzones, you wait an hour for a que, finaly get in and get kicked back out and cant que again for a while because of the debuff.


yea way to go. the idea is good to get rid of afk'ers BUT the system will get abused and people will be getting kicked from spite.



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Excuse the lack of formatting but posting from phone...


If it is purely to combat afkers / bots could they not introduce a system where the person being voted out has to input a random string of letters? Within say 20 secs, if entered correctly then they are immune to being kicked for rest of wz to stop it being used as a griefing tool? If they don't enter it then ta ta for now?


I have no idea on programming and how viable it would be but it seems like a logical solution.

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LMAO at them calling the current lottery based bag system "interim". What a joke.


Yes I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught that. BW had 5 Years to come up with a PvP loot system and the current bag system is what they decided on.



A) in 5 years this bag system is the best system you could come up with and now because of subscription loss and/or negative community feedback your scrapping it but are trying to imply it was interim all along...uhh huh.




B)If it was 'interim' as you say then you admittedly pushed a beta product on us and we're paying to test your unfinished game while waiting for the 'finished pvp reward design' . I know an MMO is never 'finished' but certain foundational things like LOOT should be working on launch for a $100,000,000 product.


Finally if in 5 years you couldn't come up with an acceptable bag system(remember the current system is 'interim' by your accounts) how are we to believe in 1 month you can pull it off?


If you would have just copied the Rift or WoW system I think everyone would have been happy. I never saw anyone complain about the Rift PvP gear progression since it's logical and has stable progression; whereas the current bag system is a step back.

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I'm sure they've thought of these use cases, and HOPEFULLY they've made it so the vote is only enabled if a player has actually been idle.


Before I played the game I said to myself, "I'm sure they thought about client side speed hacks and wall hacks" and "I'm sure they thought about how faction imbalance would affect open world PVP" and "I'm sure they thought about end game PVE"...


I was sure about a lot of things, now I'm a bit more hesitant. 90% of the stuff I assumed they would've fixed after beta before launch was still in the game when it launched.


Hell, I would've bet money you could transfer chars or start up premades on the public test server by now...

Edited by dcgregorya
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Well, at least they're of the same mindset as most reasonable players, that these issues are undesirable and should be disincentivized. I'm thankful for the changes that are at least intended to address these issues and I'll reserve judgment until I see how it pans out.
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