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Favorite companions


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Ya I like Corso too. Most of the companions I've noticed seem to have such a distinct persona (or none at all) and it doesn't always mesh well with how I do things. It's nice to have a likeable companion that's got your back. Like you said, partner in crime.


Kira's great too. She's got attitude, and that's very refreshing after hearing all the stuffy jedi-types talk about peace and balance.


I absolutely hate Qyzen though. Here they start you out as a consular, basically a diplomat, and they give you a companion who wants to kill everything and hates it when you show mercy.

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Kira is cool. Different from other Jedi which is refreshing.


Corso is ok. Nothing bad about him but not that great either.


Qyzen is ok. I think hes cool and he is pretty tame for a Trandoshan.


Khem Val is cool. I like his over all personality and he meshes well with the SI.


Mako is ok. My only complaint about her is she is a bit soft which has rubbed off on my BH. And she seems depressed alot, but its kinda undertandable with all the deaths.


Vette is ok. I find her a bit funny and not much really bothers me about her.

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Kira is cool. Different from other Jedi which is refreshing.


Corso is ok. Nothing bad about him but not that great either.


Qyzen is ok. I think hes cool and he is pretty tame for a Trandoshan.


Khem Val is cool. I like his over all personality and he meshes well with the SI.


Mako is ok. My only complaint about her is she is a bit soft which has rubbed off on my BH. And she seems depressed alot, but its kinda undertandable with all the deaths.


Vette is ok. I find her a bit funny and not much really bothers me about her.


So im not the only one that lets Mako affect quest choices!

Edited by TKMaster
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On my Agent:


Kaliyo's kind of a love but also hate. She's funny and entertaining, but her personality/values are so toxic and gross.


Oh Vector! While I'm not swooning over him as the romance, I love his weird speech patterns. Everything from his in-combat sayings, to if you have him out for story missions (especially when dealing with Intelligence) are hilarious.


SCORPIO's just great. Basically GLaDOS at her meanest.


And my Trooper:


When I make a character, I have a basic idea of their personality before I finish creating. Turns out, my Trooper and Jorgan are of very very like mind. Very refreshing going from Kaliyo who hated everything I did to Jorgan's gruff approval, plus his very beast DPS. Plus I have a thing for cranky guys. And the voice actor.


M1-4X is really just comic relief, but a pretty good one at that.


I don't have especially strong opinions on Vik or Yuun, but Vik's very funny and Yuun very... interesting.


Any unmentioned companions were too boring for my consideration!

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i agree qyzen isn't a good fit


I've only gotten my Consular to 18, but so far I feel it's more of an interesting match. Qyzen comes from a brutal people that glorify slaughter, but Qyzen himself is kind of a misfit and is quite honorable. He hunts basically because he's really religious, but he'd never say, kill a bunch of easy targets for the thrill. Actually he'd look down on that.


So for my JC, she doesn't really approve but she's also tolerant and respectful, so she just focuses on Qyzen's honorable side and abides the rest. They're not soul mates but it's an interesting dynamic.

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Jaesa Va'il (Wilsaam) is the best companion ever


I mean it shes hot on the outside hot on the inside and has a hot voice... Thats why I made my character married her... Cause if she was real I probebly would.. IF she was REAL.......



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Kaliyo, but really all the Agent companions are great.


For my Smuggler, Risha, Risha, Risha, annnnnnd... Risha.


Only have two companions so far for my Consular, but of them I like Tharan and Holiday more than Qyzen, who's pretty one-note.

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5. Gault: the way in which you have to acquire him is so fun and winding, that when he says, "Ok, ok, you win... let's cut a deal", I knew that I was gonna love this guy even more as a companion than as a target. although he's a bit cowardly and a total hypocrite, it just made him more fun and complete, and makes his ever so slight transformation feel meaningful. after beating hoth boss, conversation cue "let's get a drink"= over 9000 affection. or somewhere around there.

4. Kaliyo: more than any other companion i've had, getting to know her consisted of more than choosing the polite answer and then spacebarring as often as not. just overral she felt very realistic, as a complete and conflicted person instead of a piece of game with a point system to farm. her 'anarchist days' stuff always cracked me up, and the, um, nonlinear nature of the relationship adds a lot of little twists that were quite interesting. also, as the only tank companion of the agent, at least of the first four, in combat she's dead useful and fun. "hey! hey you! lick my feet for twenty creds? hey, i think he'll go for it... spot me twenty creds?"

3. blizz: it's a jawa with a rocket launcher. what's not to love? still i can't put him any higher, b/c at a certain point the whole feel of going into combat with a four year old gets tiresome, kinda like doing anything witha four year old.

2. mako: so, so cute. funny, useful, with an interesting story and so, so cute. can't wait for story expansions to live out my twentysomethings married couple fantasy with her while hunting the scum of the galaxy with the most colorful group of companions out there. you may note,4 of the top 5 are bh companions, and yet my main character is a 50 smuggler, i've 4 companions with my agent and 3 on a consular, yet, 4 of 5... bh story is imo perfect and the companions are incredibly fun to deal with. maybe if i could romance risha on my chick smuggler toon she'd pop the top 5, but as is, she'd be lucky to crack the top ten and she's my favorite of the smuggler. incidentally, i killed corso on ord mantell and the guy on my ship is just a figment of my imagination.

1. SKADGE: he's a hulking, lumbering idiot with a giant sword. he's the only cmpanion that's as fun to insult as to impress, and his reactions are in the vein of good ol' hk. or perhaps he's actually a cross between a stuck up schoolyard bully and hk, for he's just so ridiculously antisocial that to call him a companion doesn't seem right. the only companion that ever realy felt like a partner as opposed to a pet, whose every line was pure gold, even his basic battle lines: upon revival: "All right, all right, get off me, I'm fine!" or "Look at me when I'm hitting you!". these and others never got old. running around with him was like having a super hardcore version of chewie, just so ****** and hilarious as an alien sidekick (although again he was too awesome to be labeled as such). while i love the cuteness of mako and blizz and gault was a very rich shifty character, Skadge is the only bh companion to be as openly malevolent and scummy as I've always imagined a bounty hunter's lifestyle to be, and his complete social and possible mental retardation was a perfect fit in every way, for example, if he had any brains he'd be evil, but i don't think he quite understands how the world works enough for that, he just kinda bashes through it. upon meeting a certain sith lord, who force chokes the player character (or mako if she's active i understnad), he rumbles, in this just barely human sounding enough voice to make me think i can mimic it but not (i can only describe his indoor voice as a whispered roar), "let's see him try it with his hands". oh, skadge.

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I haven't run into a companion I hate, yet, although I'm not too far in the game, either. I think Khem Val might be my favorite. He's a good mesh with the Sith Inquisitor, even if he does get in my way all the time when I'm trying to target things.


Second is Kira. I guess I have a soft spot for sassy redheads. I'm still on Coruscant, but I can already tell my JK is going to fall for her hard.


My least favorite so far is Kaliyo. She's fun, but just not a good match with the Agent at all. She'd be a better fit with a different class, I think.

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Vette! She is the perfect companion for me. She likes almost everything I do (apart from when I feel like being sadistic). And my sarcastic convo choices... Though I usually tone down my Evilness for her sometimes. and now and again I will spare a life which I would have killed.
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Khemit the frog.


I will be pissed if I can't get Zash out of my mutant frog monster (only 34 So I don't know what's going to happen later, and I don't want to know... but I will be pissed if I don't cleanse him)




Jawas > all (bonus points for rocket launcher too)



no reason, I just like him. He seems to crit on my synthweaver more than a max affection Jaessa.

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Disliked\didn't care about most Knight companions.


T7 was nice in the beginning, but his astromech charm kind of wears thin over time.


Kira was a brat. Never found her interesting, or attractive as a romance option. With her, following the Jedi Code to the letter was easy.


Doc was a loudmouth. Had his bright moments (especially his personal story), but I think he was just there for the comic relief.


The only one I remotely like were Rusk and Scourge. But they didn't leave a deep enough impression for me to care.



I felt like Sith Warrior companions were better.


Vette was annoying, but it was partly offset by her comments.


Quinn felt like a female Warrior boy-toy, at first, but then had some interesting things to say.


I also liked the white teddy bear of death.

Edited by Helig
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Corso - He's awesome and I've been working on romancing him which makes him even more awesome.


Bowdaar - Pretty cool but I never use him. It's nice having my own wookie though!!


Risha - There are moments I want to push her out of the ship while in hyperspace. She's far too smug and acts like it's her ship and she's the boss.


Kira - She's ok. Great fighter but a snot. I just brush her off as brash and young.


I haven't played Imp side so I don't know any of their companions. I did see they get a jawa (after Tatooine, I think Rep smugglers should get too!) so I may give it a try.

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I haven't played Imp side so I don't know any of their companions. I did see they get a jawa (after Tatooine, I think Rep smugglers should get too!) so I may give it a try.


You want the Jawa, you play Imperial. Or give us a Wookiee of our own if you want to steal one of our companions. The Jawa is a Bounty Hunter companion, and joins on Hoth.

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As a Sith Warrior I will say:


1.) Vette- As a female SW I like her wit, sarcasm and demeanor. If I was a guy I would romance her.


2.) Malavai - My husband. I think he is rather cute, is a good healer when I need one, has some interesting things to say and the whole Moff Broysc story( when he starts calling around lvl 40) is hilarious.


3.) Broonmark - As someone put it early, my cute white teddy bear of death


4.) Pierce - A good long range tank, like his story in Black Ops and his distain for total military discipline.


5.) Jaessa - I can not stand DS Jaessa, she annoys me to no end, LS Jaessa isn't too bad but she just doesn't do it for me at all.

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