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Anyone else feel like CE was a rip-off


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The Digital Deluxe certainly was... buyers remorse? Yes!


Me too. Ah well, it was an experience more. And the items really looked good. Speeder, sadly saves us only 8K.. a trivial Amount of money, i use the signal pistol and the Target-marker Droid from time to time... but thats all.

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I'm happy with the CE. I dig the book and statue. Then again, I love collectibles.


I just wish you didn't have to buy CE's to get them. Remember the Infocom games? They always came with cool stuff. Hitchhiker's came with a load of things. Microscopic army (empty bag), DON'T PANIC button, and a ball of fluff. Good times.

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The CE for this game was the worst CE made for any game out.


no it wasn't. it was the price that was way over the top, though. (and yes, I did see the countings how much the single pieces were 'worth'. the thing is: the CE is .not. limited...)

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I don't feel ripped off, I think the CE was worth it the statue alone is probably close to $100, it is made by Gentle Giant and any collectors out there will know those statues arn't cheap (do a search on 'Gentle Giant"). I'm a collector so I was surprised when I saw it was a GG statue. The book came in handy when I had that long wait on the baloon to get the datacron.


I wish you could put the dancer holcron in your ship and it ran all the time, there is sort of stage there so maybe when we can decorate the ship it might come in handy. Be cool if you could do the same with the driod and it just ran all over your ship, who knows that might come in later.


The most usefull item was the camera, I know all it does is get rid of the UI and take a screen shot, it gets rid of a couple of finger presses and you can put it in a quickslot. I have my screen saver on photo galery and directed to where the screen shots are saved. I use the camera in game and next time my screen saver comes on the picture is there.

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anyone who still buys CE's needs to wake up!


the first and only CE I ever bought was for Vanguard. HOLY **** was I mad when I got in game to see my mistake of spending 150 bucks.


since then I will never EVER buy another CE again for any game I dont give a **** if jesus christ himself comes down and says "hey man, this CE is really really worth the money!"


I will just say Go **** yourself jesus...


OMG. This is THE funniest thing I've read in a while. I inhaled some coffee and coughed for 10 minutes laughing. Hey, it could be a new SWTOR ad. "Play our game, most of our customers think it's crap, but Jesus switched over from WoW"

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I feel ripped off with the CE also, I expected an armor set for each class, the current one is useless to me :(


Another thing that annoys me is that the items stay in your bag and are not a "learnt" skill when clicked for the first time although this isn't specificity a CE issue.

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I have to laugh at this post...


What did you really expect? an "I win" button on your UI?


so called "collectors" editions of pretty much anything (DVD's, games etc) are usually not worth anywhere near the money that the more gullable out there pay for them.

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Kind of.. I'm happy with the physical items and the speeder, but the speeder isn't usable fully to 50 and the physical items you only use 'that much'.


However, I (personally) don't want an "I WIN" button or expected the collectors edition vendor to sell "über lootz", nor do I think (contrary to what people who scoff at this thread seem to believe) that most of the CE people would either.


I wish, though, that the CE vendor had moddable armor with different looks than what you get from quests.. In the end, though I can't find the stupid quote, I do remember BW stating that CE would offer different armor than the rest, but not 'better armor'.


My mistake was thinking they meant more than one armor available and that there'd be different armor types. <.<

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i bought me and my other half the CE .. of which we don;t use anything except the speeder .. well she doesn;t even play the game that much to be honest.


i found that the whole thing was a waste of time as there nothing really good about except the malgus figure who repeatably uses the Force to gather dust.


i wish i would of just boought the normal copy and just used the rest of my money for a good console game.

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Anyone else feel like the Collectors Edition was a waste of money?


The reason why i ask is because well lets put this way the speeder bike only lasts till 25. The Mouse Droid isnt the best looking companion in tor and again can be won in a raid just with different looks. The Holodancer doesnt last long. The Holocam is pretty much screenshots and the Targeting thing can be bought in game with a different visual. And also pretty much all in the CE digital items was buyable in the Digital Deluxe eddition.


Also the Collectors Store is the biggest waste of time ever there is 1 armour set which btw if you arent a pistol or rifle user looks stupid, There is Only 1 companion Customisation kit for your first companion unless you are sorc then you got 3 and all the Companion kits look rubbish except Khem Vals.


Also the fact that the Digital Deluxe was £60 and had every digital item except the collectors store and the mouse droid just pretty much shows that we have been ripped off.


Because the Non Digital Stuff isnt worth £90 for example the art book id say is worth £8 the Statue is about £40pounds the CD id say £7.99 and the Authenticator is prob worth £5-10 and the Map is worth £2.


So thanks alot bioware the only reason i Bought the Collectors Eddition because it was said that the Collectors Store was Suppose to have items and Visual Looks that you cant get anywhere else in the game? So bioware if you do intend to make the CE actually worth the payment Upgrade this please or maybay even give us a Speeder bike for All the skills not just training 1.


May i also ask what anyone elses opinion on this is?


Every collectors edition is a rip off, they give you the game + a load of stuff they have lying around the office.


A making of DVD - ROFL why? Who cares?

The soundtrack - why would you want it?

Cheap resin statue - again why?

Exclusive concept drawings - LOL

Game disks in metal case - HAHAHA brilliant

Old republic galaxy map - press "M" GG

Authentication key - slightly useful

A story book - :)

In game flare gun - fires a flare into the air WOOOOOOOOOW

Training droid - useless thing that follows you around

Holo dancer - honestly why would you

lots of other crappy in game stuff.


Really take the game away and it's all worthless junk. Who would collect these? No one I know or would like to know tbh. It's just a cheap marketing ploy that sadly everyone is doing, make a game, bundle as much crap as you can into a tin box and slap £130 on it and the fanboys are falling overthemselves to buy it. It's so funny.

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Lol, that is funny and sad at the same time.


You sir have an awesome sig! I wonder how many other classes are that blantly copied


I bought the DE speeder is the best part, holo doesnt dance for more than 20 secs then long cd... Meh. Flare gun is cool if your outside and just messing around, the rest...

Edited by L_Starbreeze
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