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What would it take for you to stay or resub?


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We get it, you like WoW a LOT. No need to yell about it kiddo.


Oh, come on, don't give me the kiddo card. I prolly am much older than you (42 this summer) and I am no fan of WoW either. WoW is the game to blame for the state MMOs are in nowadays. And SWTOR is a really bad WoW clone, nothing more.

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Too many issues to make a list, so I'm gonna answer:

I'm not paying to be a beta-tester.

I'd consider the current state acceptable if it was an early beta, not the official release after years of developement with the highest budget in mmorpg history.


The URGENT issues for a sane developer would be:

- the god-awful engine. A disaster like Ilum is simply unacceptable

- ANYTHING about faction balance

- all the game-breaking warzone bugs. We are not talking about minor issues here. We are talking about 12 *********** people entering the same warzone. I can't fathom how a bug of this magnitude made it to release. As said above, this is early beta material.


These are the most basic things wich need to be fixed NOW. Then, with a proper engine and major bugs out of the way, they should start working on class balance, the cc/resolve idiocy, more warzones and the entire Ilum concept.

But this is just theorycrafting. I still have about 2.5 months to go, wich are not enough to fix even the most basic stuff. When the sub is over, I think I'll head on GW to unlock some more stuff for GW2. Or mabe Eve. ****, even Aion would be better than this disaster.



They are already losing players. On basilisk droid it was very rare to wait more than 30 seconds for a warzone in peak time. Now it's often 2-3 minutes. Not a tragedy, but the trend is obvious.

Edited by ShizuXIII
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Na, stuns are fine. I'm mostly talking about Knockbacks and roots. I know that Roots doesn't affect Resolve but they should.


White resolve bar means none of my knockbacks work. Shielded target (depending on shield) means my knockbacks get absorbed or ignored.

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Right now my biggest issue is the random 10K+ m/s latency spikes. If they don't fix those (never had them in Rift, internet is working fine) I'll probably be dropping my sub once GW2 comes out, maybe even before.


Crazy the only people in my 2 guilds that have this issue there ISP blows, guess your unique?

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Right now my biggest issue is the random 10K+ m/s latency spikes. If they don't fix those (never had them in Rift, internet is working fine) I'll probably be dropping my sub once GW2 comes out, maybe even before.


Yeah, I get these too. Painful and sometimes cause me to crash.

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First off I am not going to cancel my subscription....But i would resubscribe if...


I'm going with the guy who said "relevant world pvp", with a chaser of an appearance tab...........................


I am a huge BioWare supporter. I like certain aspects of the game. I enjoyed leveling my first character and the early PvP. Maybe I bore easily, maybe I'm just too picky. Now that i'm 50, I've rerolled and I'm not enjoying it. When I PvP with the 50 i find myself having zero fun. If you were to tell me that I would be bored with the game by February...I would have called you crazy...


And I'm a star wars fanboi so believe me I'm shocked that I'm this bored. Oh well...

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My game is stable, so is everyone else i know with a decent comp and isp... lol...


I am my ISP, own the company.


I have a more than capable computer.


You lie if you say this game is stable or without issue. How do I know this? Because how the rendering engine runs and the client accesses resources, that is how. Any time a menu is opened or new data is put into the field of view of the player a halt command is issued to the rendering engine. The engine literally shuts down and stops rendering until the new data is retrieved fully.


This is why people are having to create RAM Drives, to increase the rate at which data is handled, and lower the time the halt command is in place on the rendering engine. So please, don't tell me the game is fine. This sort of tech was acceptable a decade or more ago, but not with today's hardware.


I have ran this game on several high end gaming boxes connected directly to our Gigabit switch that dumps directly into our carrier class tier 1 fiber backhaul....latency not an issue, game rendering is.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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Actually, if the game would have: A Soul


The mojo is missing in swtor and in its game world.


Yep, ignoring the bugs and missing features, this pretty much is spot on. Generic is the term I would use, something all Bethesda games (Skyrim and all those) suffered from.

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Yep, ignoring the bugs and missing features, this pretty much is spot on. Generic is the term I would use, something all Bethesda games (Skyrim and all those) suffered from.


Actually, if the game would have: A Soul


The mojo is missing in swtor and in its game world.



I think part of this is because everyone looks the same in the game. It doesn't seem to matter which level of play you look at, everyone just looks the same. Yet Star Wars itself was full of very unique characters....


I played DAoC when it first came out and loved the ability to purchase colors and change my armor sets. Helped a lot...

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My game time ends tomorrow.



I don't think anything would make me resub at this point, just the fact that warzone wins counting and bringing more than 8 people into a warzone have taken so long to fix (if they do fix the latter) have really just made me lose faith in their ability to do anything right.


I'm not even going to get into that waste of 1s and 0s ilum.

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White resolve bar means none of my knockbacks work. Shielded target (depending on shield) means my knockbacks get absorbed or ignored.


Do you know how many knockbacks are needed to fill a resolve bar ?



2 knockbacks and the bar is at 50-60% only.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Different forms of CC fill the bar at different rates, two hard stuns will fill it completely, slow and knockbacks...takes a few more. =-D


A knockback or root is the similar for a close combat class like a stun for a ranged one. Both cant do dmg during this period and the close combat class needs to walk back to the target first. Not every melee class has stuns.

Edited by BobaFurz
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