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What are things that baddies do that make them terrible PvPers?


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Back pedal... U bad


I've backpedaled, slowed and de-buffed so many people who were completely tunnel visioned on killing me straight into a group of my waiting teammates just to see who was really bad.


The three things I see far too often:


1. When attacking, non-stealth players drawing enemies toward an undefended door in Voidstar when they can easily see there are stealthies there working to plant.


2. Players getting suckered away from guarding a turret and allowing someone to come in and ninja cap.


3. 4-5 players chasing/fighting 1 person anywhere away from an objective or ball carrier.

Edited by Trebarian
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1. Non-stealth players drawing enemies toward an undefended door in Voidstar when they can easily see there are stealthies there working to plant.


That's a good one. I HATE it when my teammates do this. It's like they're not thinking, or purposely trying to bring attention to you.


I did it once by accident while playing a Sentinel alt. Felt really bad when it dawned on me what I just did. Stupid play.

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That guy, you know, the one in a tied huttball game that decides to try to score solo with 15 sec left and the ball in in the middle when he can run back to his teamates and just hold and defend for the win. I have been in a suprising number of matches that end like this.


Lost one like this last night with literally less than 5 seconds left.

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If I throw to a sniper/GS its because there's no-one else to pass to. And I hope when that situation occurs that you do your best to get it closer to their goal line.



Getting it slightly closer and then turning it over is worse than grounding it which resets and guarantees a few seconds for people to reset and if your team is doing what it is supposed to do (controlling the middle) a reset ensures that the people that should be running the ball will get it.


I an not complaining about the pass do to death but often I will get a pass when I am right next to a full health ball handler.... and am like.. ***!

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1) Mock people on their team instead of trying to coach them.

2) Tell others how bad they are and how bad everyone else except them is instead of trying to help them improve their game play.

3) Overreact when something bad happens, rage at the rest of the team and demotivate them.


AND....in forum PvP


1) Make posts like the OPs.


Yeah Bad leaders.

Its a hard skill generally requiring a person to have a life to learn...

There is a lack of good leadership in PvP games in general. Compassion and understanding are weaknesses to most of the players. The importance of always being right so that i never fail.


There is a difference between badies and learners.


here are some baddie traits

  1. Its always the other guys fault.
  2. Inability to adapt.
  3. Inability to lose with grace
  4. Inability to accept mistakes
  5. Easily Frustrated
  6. Expects that other should "just know"
  7. Inability to remember How they learned a skill
  8. Poor learning skills
  9. often needs to QQ
  10. Never admits they don't know.
  11. Generally dickish behavior.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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Throw me into the group that agrees that you just need 1 person defending as long as that one person knows to call INC regardless.


These tips aren't really about baddies so much as what separates average players from good players:


1) Calling INC without giving the number of enemies. When I play with my guildies in a premade in TS, we always say the number because often you don't need the entire team to come running over to help, which lets the rest of the team keep going for an objective/be available to defend the other objective if the smaller attack was meant to distract. Obviously, calling INC with no numbers is infinitely better than not calling INC at all.


2) Hybrid classes that don't use all their abilities. I notice this one all the time. For instance, Assassins that don't use their taunts because they aren't tank spec, Sorcs/Mercs that don't use their heals because they're DPS spec, and healers that only heal. I'm more forgiving to the healers that don't do damage because most MMOs with healing classes are designed for the healers not to use their damage abilities, but DPS spec assassins/powertechs/juggernauts have no excuse to have 0 protection and same with dps spec mercs/ops/sorcs with healing. (I play a Deception Assassin and am usually first or second in protection done for my team, people rarely realize that the DPS spec guy is the one that taunted)

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1) Don't play as a team player. As the top geared highest damage person on my team it pisses me off to no end that I have to solo guard the cap points in Civil War and Voidstar. Play as a team player. Do what the team needs you to do. I'm useless solo guarding left while you fail repeatedly to take mid.


2) Don't use relics or their entire skillsets. I can't tell you how often I see people who never ever pop relics in PVP - as if popping a relic costs you money or something. Learn how to play your class, learn how to take advantage of your consumables and use the skills you have.


3) Inappropriate use of CC, like randomly CC'ing people and building resolve on them without having the ability to meaningfully take advantage of that CC.


4) People who are too easy to manipualte away from guarding things. I can't tell you how easy it is for me to pull people off the doors on voidstar by taking a couple shots and running away. Once they leave the door my buddies go and bomb plant. Here's a tip, you can win voidstar and civil war without ever killing anyone. You just need to prevent the capture. It takes exactly one shot at the enemy to stop a cap. Its really that easy.

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here are some baddie traits

  1. Its always the other guys fault.
  2. Inability to adapt.
  3. Inability to lose with grace
  4. Inability to accept mistakes
  5. Easily Frustrated
  6. Expects that other should "just know"
  7. Inability to remember How they learned a skill
  8. Poor learning skills
  9. often needs to QQ
  10. Never admits they don't know.
  11. Generally dickish behavior.


No, I generally think baddies are those guys at the very bottom of the list who contribute nothing to the game. You know, the types that join level 50 PVP in green gear constantly, never gear up, can't seem to damage people for ****, can't seem to kill anyone or heal anyone or capture any points. You know, those useless wastes of space that take up slots on your team.


Those are baddies, you're kidding yourself if you think anyone that rages at how terrible you are is a baddie. Especially if they're ending games with 300k healing or 40 kills and you're ending games with 50k in damage, no heals and no protection and no medals...


Yeah the game isn't about winning medals but its eery how people at the top of the leaderboard tend to *usually* be people contributing more than the people at the very bottom.

Edited by dcgregorya
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So true, Snipers/Gunslingers are your "tacklers" and center dominators primarily for huttball... we have no survivability for running the ball, period. We are good for a handoff pass if there is a plan and the next guy on the ladder is ready but do not expect us to run it. I guarantee I will be pissed if you pass to me while I'm trying to protect you running with you and will likely throw it right back or to someone else or ground it if it looks like I am pulp and no one is open. Definately do not b*tch to me about it afterwards for whatever reason.


I can somewhat agree with this. As a Gunslinger I don't make the best carrier (probably the worst choice actually), but I do provide a lot of utility to help a carrier. I like running with them to use stuns, punts, roots, slows, and the flash bang to pave the way. I can go out for a pass around the final ramp to the goal line, but don't throw it to me at mid and expect me to carry it to victory. I'm just not built to do that and better left to support the carrier.

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No, I generally think baddies are those guys at the very bottom of the list who contribute nothing to the game. You know, the types that join level 50 PVP in green gear constantly, never gear up, can't seem to damage people for ****, can't seem to kill anyone or heal anyone or capture any points. You know, those useless wastes of space that take up slots on your team.


Those are baddies, you're kidding yourself if you think anyone that rages at how terrible you are is a baddie. Especially if they're ending games with 300k healing or 40 kills and you're ending games with 50k in damage, no heals and no protection and no medals...


Yeah the game isn't about winning medals but its eery how people at the top of the leaderboard tend to *usually* be people contributing more than the people at the very bottom.


I am at work but I have a screen shot of me at the very bottom of a huttball match but I scored 5 of the 6 scores, and was assist in the last score. I had something sad like 50k damage and 2 medals, but the guy with the most medals, damage and kills was the one person who really wasn't helping the team.


I also have a screenshot and near the bottom in Voidstar where I made every single bomb plant getting to the datacore in 2 mins 50 seconds since thats what round 2 started at.

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I am at work but I have a screen shot of me at the very bottom of a huttball match but I scored 5 of the 6 scores, and was assist in the last score. I had something sad like 50k damage and 2 medals, but the guy with the most medals, damage and kills was the one person who really wasn't helping the team.


I also have a screenshot and near the bottom in Voidstar where I made every single bomb plant getting to the datacore in 2 mins 50 seconds since thats what round 2 started at.


For every time that happens, theres 10,000 times where the person at the bottom of the list is just awful at the game.


Obviously if you score 5/6 scores in Huttball you are not a baddie and we don't need to reaffirm your greatness.

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I am at work but I have a screen shot of me at the very bottom of a huttball match but I scored 5 of the 6 scores, and was assist in the last score. I had something sad like 50k damage and 2 medals, but the guy with the most medals, damage and kills was the one person who really wasn't helping the team.


I also have a screenshot and near the bottom in Voidstar where I made every single bomb plant getting to the datacore in 2 mins 50 seconds since thats what round 2 started at.


Yeah, the leader board could do with a bit of a revamp. Oddly enough I don't even think you get objective points in Huttball for carrying and even scoring. The leader board needs to be expanded to show things like Huttball scores, passes, bomb plants, defuses, turret caps, etc. Unless you can see everything going on in a match, it's impossible to keep track of that stuff in your head as the match goes on.

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For every time that happens, theres 10,000 times where the person at the bottom of the list is just awful at the game.


Obviously if you score 5/6 scores in Huttball you are not a baddie and we don't need to reaffirm your greatness.


My point was with the way the 3 warzones are set up the people doing the most for the win are a lot of the time won't be able to be recognized at the ending scoreboard.

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Yeah, the leader board could do with a bit of a revamp. Oddly enough I don't even think you get objective points in Huttball for carrying and even scoring. The leader board needs to be expanded to show things like Huttball scores, passes, bomb plants, defuses, turret caps, etc. Unless you can see everything going on in a match, it's impossible to keep track of that stuff in your head as the match goes on.


You don't I think I only had something like 400 objective points that round so it really looked like I wasn't doing anything.

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Thanks for the laugh. I've done it, but only if I'm about dead and the only person I can pass to with any health is a sniper on the ramp. But I don't expect the sniper to do anything except pass to someone else.


Edit: Want to piss someone off that is just farming kills, though? Throw them the ball!





im going to do that lmao....Thankx mara

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Yeah, the leader board could do with a bit of a revamp. Oddly enough I don't even think you get objective points in Huttball for carrying and even scoring. The leader board needs to be expanded to show things like Huttball scores, passes, bomb plants, defuses, turret caps, etc. Unless you can see everything going on in a match, it's impossible to keep track of that stuff in your head as the match goes on.





This games pvp codex blows.....horrible

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My point was with the way the 3 warzones are set up the people doing the most for the win are a lot of the time won't be able to be recognized at the ending scoreboard.


Those actually mostly work because of objective and defender points.. Huttball is the only really broken one as far as that goes.

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Another thing I disagree with is standing alone and guarding a base. This most often occurs when a team is losing. They control only 1 base which is never getting attacked, yet they continue to guard it with 1 or 2 defenders. How is your team going to ever make a comeback when you are attacking with 6 vs 8?


If your team is attacking 6v8 and the other team has 2 nodes, they've left a node undefended. Someone should be stealing it. You don't need to leave 2 on D under most circumstances, I agree. But somebody capable of typing "3 inc west" has to keep an eye on your team's assets.


This has become a really great thread with lots of valuable tips! I completely forgot about that 500 cred target marker Social Vendor item that I bought 2 months ago. I'll be withdrawing that from my bank the moment I get home.

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No, I generally think baddies are those guys at the very bottom of the list who contribute nothing to the game. You know, the types that join level 50 PVP in green gear constantly, never gear up, can't seem to damage people for ****, can't seem to kill anyone or heal anyone or capture any points. You know, those useless wastes of space that take up slots on your team.


Those are baddies, you're kidding yourself if you think anyone that rages at how terrible you are is a baddie. Especially if they're ending games with 300k healing or 40 kills and you're ending games with 50k in damage, no heals and no protection and no medals...


Yeah the game isn't about winning medals but its eery how people at the top of the leaderboard tend to *usually* be people contributing more than the people at the very bottom.


You're right generally... I am talking more about those those folks that post pics of 700k damage where they lost the WZ. They dont give advise that isnt about your mom and are difficult to teach or to get to change tactics.


The poorly skilled people you speak of can likely be taught pretty easily unless they are permanently bad for some reason in which case they are indeed less useful then the "good" baddies but screaming at them might get the to not PvP anymore... but it wont get them any better and it will demoralize the team.



Defenders in VS who spend all their time killing the attackers after the door is blown and take their sweet time getting to the next location. meanwhile some or all of the people they killed are respawning at the new attacker spawn making them actually closer to their objectives with full health.


never going for objectives and only trying to kill folks.


giving conflicting orders in chat because they know the right way even though they dont have opslead and wont ask for it and take party chat.

Ignoring ops chat.

Leaving the WZ because they dont like the way its going.

shouting insults and then leaving WZ because they dont like the way its going.

harboring personal vendettas against their own side because they take instruction as personal criticism and they can not handle being wrong.

People who cannot handle others being wrong.

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When you are guarding a node by yourself and you are just about to own the person that just tried to cap and someone decides to come right when they are about to die and give them the last hit effectively stealing 2 medals from you (Killing Blow and Assassin).


Well doesn't make them a baddie just makes them an inconsiderate douche, and makes me want to club a baby seal.

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