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What are things that baddies do that make them terrible PvPers?


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I don't get the ones that are so low of a lvl they don't even have sprint yet. I mean really....going through a WZ walking? You're gonna be toast. You should only be allowed to queue up once you hit sprint lvl.


Strange, I scored in Huttball in my first match at level 10, w/ 2 assists.


Since then, I've gone on to be top damage/kills a good 90% of the time while still following the objectives. I did this w/ and w/out sprint.


If people like to pvp, and the game says they can queue, then who are you to tell them they shouldn't simply because YOU can't do well in a WZ w/out sprint.


Some classes have ranged abilities, and w/ the low level Bolster effect, they can more than hold their own against the higher levels if they are smart.

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I don't get the ones that are so low of a lvl they don't even have sprint yet. I mean really....going through a WZ walking? You're gonna be toast. You should only be allowed to queue up once you hit sprint lvl.


My level 11 vanguard topping damage in a warzone 3 times in a row would disagree with you, but he already hit level 18 from doing so many warzones.

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Make a list...what are the things you see people do in PvP that are just plain stupid and make them bad?


1. Stun the enemy ball carrier 5m from the end zone when there's not a chance their going to be killed in that time, guaranteeing the score.

2. Fight away from the nodes, ignoring the stealther who swung around behind to cap right in front of God and everybody.

3. Walk away from an otherwise undefended node.

4. Focus on trying to kill the ball carrier when the tank next to him has him guarded, the healer next to the tank is healing away, and you and one other guy are the only ones there to deliver damage.

5. As a tank class - not using guard or taunts because you can't be bothered with the extra keybinds.

6. Mindlessly zerging a well defended node by yourself, somehow thinking that trying the same thing over and over again is going to provide a different result.

7. Being a hero - trying to carry that ball across to the end zone when you have 4 people on you, and there's a friendly standing there in the end zone ready to catch the pass.




I practice all these on a daily basis .... trying REAL hard to keep my bad up!


I do take issue with #5 though, its not the keybinds, its spending the GCD that I could be using on my awesome DAMOOOG abilities.

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pure dps classes that don't break 100k damage in 15 minutes of play.


How bad can you suck? I feel sorry for their guilds...same type of players that take 30 minutes to figure out how vent works.


This game has ALOT of baddies, I miss the "skilled" players in WoW and that's saying A LOT!

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pure dps classes that don't break 100k damage in 15 minutes of play.


How bad can you suck? I feel sorry for their guilds...same type of players that take 30 minutes to figure out how vent works.


This game has ALOT of baddies, I miss the "skilled" players in WoW and that's saying A LOT!


People who think total DPS = skill and/or doing your job


It's hard to get a lot of damage when you're solo guarding a node that maybe one or two stealthers attack in an entire game (and sometimes vanish before you can kill them). You get absolutely ZERO votes for wasting away while everyone else is having fun. You get maybe 3 medallions. And then there's always some nit making fun of the fact that you had low damage and how your guild must be embarrassed to have you.


I'll do 50k in one warzone and 350k in the next. As long as I'm doing my job, I'm okay with it.

Edited by Yozbick
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People who think total DPS = skill and/or doing your job


It's hard to get a lot of damage when you're solo guarding a node that maybe one or two stealthers attack in an entire game (and sometimes vanish before you can kill them). You get absolutely ZERO votes for wasting away while everyone else is having fun. You get maybe 3 medallions. And then there's always some nit making fun of the fact that you had low damage and how your guild must be embarrassed to have you.


I'll do 50k in one warzone and 350k in the next. As long as I'm doing my job, I'm okay with it.




Sorry, not buying it. If you're guarding you still can manage more than 100k damage as a PURE DPS class. If not then you're either dead constantly (not helping team) or out of place or guilty of over-defending a node (4 noobs guard the single cap when other team has 2).


Bottom line, if you're not actually doing damage as a pure dps then imagine how good my team would be if I replaced you with someone actually able to handle objectives AND do damage? It's not fair to all the great players who manage to cap nodes, bomb doors, score in huttball but still can bust 250+.


You really really really don't have any idea on how pvp works. Rated WZs will be the death of people like you who "think" that no damage means they are too busy "capping nodes".


Try to be less useless to your team next time.

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Make a list...what are the things you see people do in PvP that are just plain stupid and make them bad?


1. Stun the enemy ball carrier 5m from the end zone when there's not a chance their going to be killed in that time, guaranteeing the score.

2. Fight away from the nodes, ignoring the stealther who swung around behind to cap right in front of God and everybody.

3. Walk away from an otherwise undefended node.

4. Focus on trying to kill the ball carrier when the tank next to him has him guarded, the healer next to the tank is healing away, and you and one other guy are the only ones there to deliver damage.

5. As a tank class - not using guard or taunts because you can't be bothered with the extra keybinds.

6. Mindlessly zerging a well defended node by yourself, somehow thinking that trying the same thing over and over again is going to provide a different result.

7. Being a hero - trying to carry that ball across to the end zone when you have 4 people on you, and there's a friendly standing there in the end zone ready to catch the pass.




8. Leaving before the match started?


9. Running the ball back to your spawn, its only sound thing to do :D


10. Stand on ramp near spawn when the juggernaut ball carrier is nearing, sound win definately ;)

Edited by Barzarel
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Sorry, not buying it. If you're guarding you still can manage more than 100k damage as a PURE DPS class. If not then you're either dead constantly (not helping team) or out of place or guilty of over-defending a node (4 noobs guard the single cap when other team has 2).


Bottom line, if you're not actually doing damage as a pure dps then imagine how good my team would be if I replaced you with someone actually able to handle objectives AND do damage? It's not fair to all the great players who manage to cap nodes, bomb doors, score in huttball but still can bust 250+.


You really really really don't have any idea on how pvp works. Rated WZs will be the death of people like you who "think" that no damage means they are too busy "capping nodes".


Try to be less useless to your team next time.


No, you're right, guardians have absolute control over how many enemies come to capture their node.


Try to be less useless next time you post.

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No, you're right, guardians have absolute control over how many enemies come to capture their node.


Try to be less useless next time you post.


Somebody is jealous! It's ok...i'm sure you keyboard turn and click your abilities too.

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Sorry, not buying it. If you're guarding you still can manage more than 100k damage as a PURE DPS class. If not then you're either dead constantly (not helping team) or out of place or guilty of over-defending a node (4 noobs guard the single cap when other team has 2).


Bottom line, if you're not actually doing damage as a pure dps then imagine how good my team would be if I replaced you with someone actually able to handle objectives AND do damage? It's not fair to all the great players who manage to cap nodes, bomb doors, score in huttball but still can bust 250+.


You really really really don't have any idea on how pvp works. Rated WZs will be the death of people like you who "think" that no damage means they are too busy "capping nodes".


Try to be less useless to your team next time.


Wrong. You don't leave a node undefended. I've run up to a node and watched the poor soul on my team who had been defending it just run off cause it was well into the game and he had not seen an enemy yet. I personally don't defend a node with two guys on it already. But if there's no one on a node, I go and stay. Even if I don't see anyone else for the entire match, I stay.


I'm not at all worried about my DPS. Stick me in the middle (my preferred spot is up by the buff on the left) I will be top 3 damage most times. But if a node is undefended, I will grab it and not worry at all about my damage numbers.


I wish others would do the same.

Edited by Yozbick
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Don't be shocked, but I'm actually one "stupid n00b" who took the time to objectively read all the complaints/helpful suggestions in this thread. SWTOR is my first MMO, and I've only been PvP'ing about a week. The first thing I did was ask questions (on the forums and of my guildies) to try to learn as much as I could before playing a game.


A lot of people on these forums (this thread included) have been playing MMO's for years and have vast amounts of experience, knowledge, and skill doing so. SWTOR is a unique beast. There are lots of players/subscribers who are first-timers because they love Star Wars and thought this would be fun. Even learning as much as I could before attempting a WZ, NOTHING could prepare me for my first WZ as a level 37 Merc.


I was placed into Alderaan, gave everyone my buff, then hopped on a speeder. I followed 2 other people to a side node and was determined to help defend the node. After about 2 seconds at the node, I was left all by myself (did I mention the 2 people who left me were level 49'ers?). I tried my best with everything at my disposal (CC's, tracer missiles, death from above, etc.) but was quickly killed by 4 guys from the other team. When I checked the map, there were people all gathered at the center node. No one at the outsides at all.


After we lost horribly, I queued up again and got Huttball. I got passed the ball, but before I could even pass the ball, I was stunned by a Sorc (3 times in rapid sucession) while their BH shot tracer missile after tracer missile at me and I died. In the chat window I see, "YOU HAVE TO PASS THE BALL!!!!!!!!" At that point, I began wondering if I had maybe missed some kind of ability that would allow me to pass the ball when stunned. Upon further research, it appears that I did not.


Stooopid n00bs will only cease to become stooopid n00bs by experience. At some point in the vast, extensive gaming backgrounds of PvP experts, everyone was a n00b once.

Well put, and me too. Starting to get the hang of Alderaan and Voidstar though but Huttball is still a blurr. Don't play it enough to get the map memorized.

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"1. Stun the enemy ball carrier 5m from the end zone when there's not a chance their going to be killed in that time, guaranteeing the score."


why in the world would you complain about that? Happened many a time where the BC was stunned near the goal..then pulled back or knocked back into the pit.


complaining because they used their stun as if it HELPED them score...good lord


if it sets off their resolve it is game over

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Sorry, not buying it. If you're guarding you still can manage more than 100k damage as a PURE DPS class. If not then you're either dead constantly (not helping team) or out of place or guilty of over-defending a node (4 noobs guard the single cap when other team has 2).


Bottom line, if you're not actually doing damage as a pure dps then imagine how good my team would be if I replaced you with someone actually able to handle objectives AND do damage? It's not fair to all the great players who manage to cap nodes, bomb doors, score in huttball but still can bust 250+.


You really really really don't have any idea on how pvp works. Rated WZs will be the death of people like you who "think" that no damage means they are too busy "capping nodes".


Try to be less useless to your team next time.



Wow, I almost feel bad for laughing at your ignorance and stupidity....


Should change that ugly name of yours to dumbf**k

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i would say points 4,5,6 and somewhat point 1 are related to pvp but the other points are insignificant when it comes to open world pvp as my most playtime since getting to 50 and now a battlemaster for a week has been hunting down pubs in ilum.


my point is, if i solo queue wz to have fun and if i see the same trashtalking fail ganking zergers from ilum in the wz i will go for them no matter and i will kill my target whether its 1v2 or 1v3, even if that means the node gets ninja'd by a stealthie. occasionally when this happens members from a premade in the ops would start calling me bad and terrible bla bla bla and some of them would even ragequit. so i would say ok after this warzone we can duel and we will see who is the terribad and who is fail, i even say i would duel them in my cent gear, of course they dont even reply or make excuses or just put me on block. I guess it takes a baddie to call another a baddie. :)

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Not passing the ball to the 3 people on the ramps ready to take it and score.


As mentioned before:


Players who run into an enemy group, (usually 4 or 5) alone and expect something good to happen. I honestly don't know what the sweet hell goes through their minds.


I run into 4-6 enemy groups quite often and good happens. Its called knockback and its saved many matches.

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