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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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I think some people just need to realize that they aren't meant for the PvP aspects of [games]. They don't have the skin, mentality, resolve or dedication it takes to excel at it (i.e. "casuals"). Rather than understand the system in which they operate, and how to maximize their capabilities, they cry "imbalance" at the first sign of difficulty in hopes that the devs will listen and facilitate their ability to coast towards "success" in a casual manner.


From a business perspective it's probably a good idea. But for the integrity of the game overall it's terrible that casuals usually get their way. That's why so many companies are still trying to balance their games 8, 9, 10+ years later.


There is almost always some way to approach a problem that seems out of balance. Some solution. That's the craving of a true competitive player - finding solutions - and the bane of the casual player. There are exceptions, of course, but overall those issues that demand solutions have answers readily available if you're willing to figure it out.


It's okay to fail 1,000 times.


this is pretty much the reason i don't stick around in failing matches.


people tend to take the easiest path... if i thought my effort would pay off and the bad players would learn something, it'd be more worth my time. as it is though, i know they'll just hit the forums to complain until things are changed and all id be doing was carrying them to wins in the meantime.

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Its a joke. People give up too easily and cant be bothered to fight back.




As soon as one or two people leave, it screws up the general flow. I was in a game and we were loosing 2-0 in hutball. Came back to win 4-3. I've done this multiple times when people have actually TRIED.


Now tell me a game you're loosing isn't worth fighting for.


exception rather than the rule.


comebacks happen... but here's the rub.


you were losing already, thats why people left. the only reason you won in the end wasn't because you suddenly got better... it was because either a) the good players on the other team left... or B) players better than you took the spot of the people who left earlier.


either way... you contributed nothing to the win... sticking around would benefit me nothing.


for many of the people who bring up this point, i feel like when they win they shouldn't be all that proud. they either won because they got carried at some point in the match... or the other team was just that bad. like winning the special olympics... yea, you won, but you're still "special"

Edited by Jaidan
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It sounds like you want a pay to win game. . .instead of rewards based on skill and accomplishing your goal.



You talk as if you're REQUIRED to do your dailies each and every day. This is just not the case. You may WANT to get them done from a "completionist" standpoint. . .but it certainly isn't required.




Well......you're just flat out wrong, man. Sorry to be the one to tell you. If my goal is battle master gear.... Well....... I CERTAINLY am required to win. It has nothing to do with being a completionist. It has to do with working toward an endgame goal. If you don't respect that, why should I respect your goal of wanting to.....um...... Well hell, what exactly is your goal?


I think the people that play this game just to 'win' and nothing more needs to reevaluate what they expect from a video game. I agree in the spirit of competition that we all want to win and want to do good. . .but it certainly isn't what makes a game fun.



Right.... Losing games because of teammates make the game fun right? Are competitive spirits not allowed to have their own brand of fun, or is that limited only to people who play to enjoy the novelty of pvp?


I dunno how many times I've ran around a corner in Huttball to heal myself up, only to see someone follow me and take me out. But I laugh about it. They were at the right place at the right time. Same thing happens when I lose a 1v1, I enjoy the battle(even when I lose) and usually laugh about it since it's a game and it's fun.


I always suspected that you guys had a good laugh about ignoring the objectives and screwing over your team. This confirms it.



Even when your team is being farmed in Huttball, you can still earn medals too! Yes it can be annoying when it's 5v1 every time you spawn, but it'll only make you a better player if you stick it out and try new tactics




Please don't play on my server. You've celebrated 4:20 a little too often for your own good.

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to everyone saying its selfish to quit... you're dam right it is. i pay to play this game for my own personal enjoyment... it has nothing to do with your enjoyment.


people are allowed to do as they like, ive seen some of the people throwing out the selfish play in this thread also pop up in other threads (im thinking about one in particular about scoundrels who play like they're a gunslinger) saying "its their $15 a month, they can play the way they want." funny how that live and let live attitude only extends until it affects you personally...


well, im wasn't in here making demands that there be a system put in place that forces people to understand their class and the matches objectives before queuing up.


but ill tell you what, just to make things fair... you want to implement a deserter penalty? how about we put in a penalty for not doing something related to the objective every minute in the match, like attacking or healing the ball carrier or fighting on the turret or attempting to plant the bomb or something?


lets go ahead and take away their coms and give them a debuff and put them in "time-out" so they can have time to think about what they did wrong in their last match before they queue up again.


that'd be fair right? for all of you that want to punish people for leaving warzones that are lost causes, there should be a punishment for people who can't manage to even get close to the warzone's objective and winning as well.


or would putting blame where blame is due be too painful to people's fragile egos?

Edited by Jaidan
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to everyone saying its selfish to quit... you're dam right it is. i pay to play this game for my own personal enjoyment... it has nothing to do with your enjoyment.


people are allowed to do as they like, ive seen some of the people throwing out the selfish play in this thread also pop up in other threads (im thinking about one in particular about scoundrels who play like they're a gunslinger) saying "its their $15 a month, they can play the way they want." funny how that live and let live attitude only extends until it affects you personally...


well, im wasn't in here making demands that there be a system put in place that forces people to understand their class and the matches objectives before queuing up.


but ill tell you what, just to make things fair... you want to implement a deserter penalty? how about we put in a penalty for not doing something related to the objective every minute in the match, like attacking or healing the ball carrier or fighting on the turret or attempting to plant the bomb or something?


lets go ahead and take away their coms and give them a debuff and put them in "time-out" so they can have time to think about what they did wrong in their last match before they queue up again.


that'd be fair right? for all of you that want to punish people for leaving warzones that are lost causes, there should be a punishment for people who can't manage to even get close to the warzone's objective and winning as well.


or would putting blame where blame is due be too painful to people's fragile egos?


Amazing post. My sentiments exactly. I have 3 level 40-44 twinks. When I see more than 1 under level 14 or a team of all sub 12k hps I just leave. Institute a penalty players wearing sub 10 level greens and blues and you can make a penalty for leaving the game. Until then, it should never occur

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to everyone saying its selfish to quit... you're dam right it is. i pay to play this game for my own personal enjoyment... it has nothing to do with your enjoyment.


people are allowed to do as they like, ive seen some of the people throwing out the selfish play in this thread also pop up in other threads (im thinking about one in particular about scoundrels who play like they're a gunslinger) saying "its their $15 a month, they can play the way they want." funny how that live and let live attitude only extends until it affects you personally...


well, im wasn't in here making demands that there be a system put in place that forces people to understand their class and the matches objectives before queuing up.


but ill tell you what, just to make things fair... you want to implement a deserter penalty? how about we put in a penalty for not doing something related to the objective every minute in the match, like attacking or healing the ball carrier or fighting on the turret or attempting to plant the bomb or something?


lets go ahead and take away their coms and give them a debuff and put them in "time-out" so they can have time to think about what they did wrong in their last match before they queue up again.


that'd be fair right? for all of you that want to punish people for leaving warzones that are lost causes, there should be a punishment for people who can't manage to even get close to the warzone's objective and winning as well.


or would putting blame where blame is due be too painful to people's fragile egos?


Interesting take on the subject. Which begs the question, is just having a body in the WZ better than having one leave? If not, why worry with a penalty?

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to everyone saying its selfish to quit... you're dam right it is. i pay to play this game for my own personal enjoyment... it has nothing to do with your enjoyment.


people are allowed to do as they like, ive seen some of the people throwing out the selfish play in this thread also pop up in other threads (im thinking about one in particular about scoundrels who play like they're a gunslinger) saying "its their $15 a month, they can play the way they want." funny how that live and let live attitude only extends until it affects you personally...


well, im wasn't in here making demands that there be a system put in place that forces people to understand their class and the matches objectives before queuing up.


but ill tell you what, just to make things fair... you want to implement a deserter penalty? how about we put in a penalty for not doing something related to the objective every minute in the match, like attacking or healing the ball carrier or fighting on the turret or attempting to plant the bomb or something?


lets go ahead and take away their coms and give them a debuff and put them in "time-out" so they can have time to think about what they did wrong in their last match before they queue up again.


that'd be fair right? for all of you that want to punish people for leaving warzones that are lost causes, there should be a punishment for people who can't manage to even get close to the warzone's objective and winning as well.


or would putting blame where blame is due be too painful to people's fragile egos?



Sadly for baddies like you the devs think you deserve a penalty for basically being selfish and one sided in your me me me attitude of I do what I want.

Edited by Nategray
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to everyone saying its selfish to quit... you're dam right it is. i pay to play this game for my own personal enjoyment... it has nothing to do with your enjoyment.


people are allowed to do as they like, ive seen some of the people throwing out the selfish play in this thread also pop up in other threads (im thinking about one in particular about scoundrels who play like they're a gunslinger) saying "its their $15 a month, they can play the way they want." funny how that live and let live attitude only extends until it affects you personally...


well, im wasn't in here making demands that there be a system put in place that forces people to understand their class and the matches objectives before queuing up.


but ill tell you what, just to make things fair... you want to implement a deserter penalty? how about we put in a penalty for not doing something related to the objective every minute in the match, like attacking or healing the ball carrier or fighting on the turret or attempting to plant the bomb or something?


lets go ahead and take away their coms and give them a debuff and put them in "time-out" so they can have time to think about what they did wrong in their last match before they queue up again.


that'd be fair right? for all of you that want to punish people for leaving warzones that are lost causes, there should be a punishment for people who can't manage to even get close to the warzone's objective and winning as well.


or would putting blame where blame is due be too painful to people's fragile egos?



I've already suggested this. Apparently it was overlooked.

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Sadly for baddies like you the devs think you deserve a penalty for basically being selfish and one sided in your me me me attitude of I do what I want.


Obviously youre wrong, as they will permit players to play their class poorly (ie melee focused scoudrels using cover and ranged abilities primarily) despite the other members of the group doing their jobs correctly... Because its his style of play.


And lets leave aside the fact that the entire pro penalty crowds argument hinges on their own selfish desires... They want to win (well ignore the fact that the people left because the pro penalty folks couldnt manage to win on their own without depending on others in the first place).


Well also ignore the way you are selfishly wanting to impose a penalty on others without incurring one on your end for your inability to win (once again, if youd shown an aptitude for victory in the first place, this would be a moot point since other, more competent players wouldnt leave you to fend for yourself in that case)


Well also leave aside the fact that your resort didnt amount to anything more productive to this issue than the online equivalent of a kid screaming "im going to get my dad and hes gonna kick your ***"

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Interesting take on the subject. Which begs the question, is just having a body in the WZ better than having one leave? If not, why worry with a penalty?


No it is not. Would you prefer a bot or afkr who will never contribute the entire match, start to finish... Or someone to leave and give you the chance to have someone more useful take his spot?


Id rather see no penalty at all, but if there must be one, make it apply equally to the people who cant win without being carried and the ones who refuse to carry others.


These selfish kids (yea, I flipped it around on you kids) who want to be carried to wins they cant earn without substantial time effort from other people get their way without being penalized fot not improving... If I must waste my time in lost causes trying to prop others up, shouldnt they be required to do something in return?

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I can tell you the coolest civil war match I've ever played and won in was a match that seemed hopeless. I think at one point we were 300-600 and they had complete control of the turrets for the whole game. We kind of made a come back, but it still seemed tight. Long story short, we had two turrets and they had one and we were down to around 20 - 45. By the end of the game it was 5 - 5 and we won! There's no point in leaving "hopeless" games. Fight to the bitter end. Those super competitive people who HAVE to win to have fun will be surprised at how liberating it is to just admit "okay, we lost. Now it's time to piss them off while they win." sometimes winning can taste as bitter as defeat if you work it right.
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This game isn't WoW. We don't need deserter debuffs, or any other incarnation of them.


Anyone joining a game where 90% of their team are running around medal and kill farming, while the opposing side are happily mopping up the actual objectives, don't need to be punished for getting the hell outta dodge and going to find a game that's less a waste of their time.


I leave games frequently, because I don't have hours to waste sticking around for an obvious loss when all I'm trying to do is complete the daily on my way to lvl 50.


I don't mind losing when the loss is due to a hard-fought battle, where both sides gave it their all to complete the wz objectives and the opposing team just had the edge. These are very much in the minority unfortunately. Most losses result from mindless deathmatching and zoning into games full of lvl 10-15 scrubs that have about as much pvp ability as my cat walking across my keyboard.


Sorry you feel butthurt about it, but how I choose to spend my time is just that - my choice. I don't stick around trying to do the work of 8 people on my own when it's clearly a lost cause and you're playing with morons. Guess that makes me selfish - sue me.

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"Slippery slope" is the attribute that fits best leaving battle-zones. And a lot of people advocate that for reasons that look thin at best. I had few matches where my team was dominated that badly so that I couldn't enjoy fighting. Even then I stick 'till the better end because I think that proves backbone (you'll say stupidity but WTH to each his own). I want to see a quitters debuff only so that BW makes it clear to you that leaving a war-zone is not "working as intended". Some will find this unbearable and unsubscribe but I'm willing to bet those will be very few, while the rest, that quits now because they can, might find the thrill in turning the tide of a battle. I also hope it will be longer then 15 minutes so, after I finish one war zone that had quitters, don't get pulled in the next with the same drama queens (have a Snickers guys :) ).


I'm, honestly, not a hater but if your idea of fun ruins mine then I must take what steps I can to prevent that. One of these steps is to rant here ;).


Cheers, Lenroc!


P.S. Read my sig it's relevant for this thread!

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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I find it hilarious that many of you think people quitting now will suddenly try harder.


They'll either AFK, or not queue. If they AFK they'll be hurting your team even worse than now. If they don't queue, you'll have longer queues, or your team will not even fill out and there will be more 8vs5 and 8vs6 matches.


If people are struggling to finish a raid because of bugs, and then Bioware suddenly makes all of the bosses have 20% more HP and do 20% more damage. Do you really think they'd suddenly try harder? A few would, but most would just stop raiding.



I support this i just spent 4 1/2 hours of warzones and I kept seeing the same person afk'ing in many warzones. no way to report him and even if he were punished it wouldnt' be severe enough. I want to kick a kitten in rage.

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Why would anyone AFK?


There are two levels of babies.


1) The babies who just care about thelmselves and their limited time and quit matches as they blame Bioware or their teammates or the opposition or the RNG or the quest system or the classes etc etc etc.


2) The babies who have serious issues dealing with losing. (They blame the same reasons)


Most are just selfish and I expect them to medal farm and not AFK. I would rather have 2 medal farmers on my team than play with a team of 6.


The people who enjoy PvP and challenges can overcome medal farmers easier than overcoming playing shorthanded. Yes, there are the absolute babies who will go in a corner and fold their arms in protest but most of the babies are not this immature. Most are at 12 year old level and not 4 year old level.


Generally the babies are easily identified in this thread by how they post. Most of the limited time babies are baby version 1. The "everyone else is baddies" excuse is baby version 2. The version 1 babies don't realize that they are just making excuses to get to quit and get on a better team. They will medal farm I can assure you.

Edited by richardya
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I say there are 3 levels of babies.


The 3rd is the baby that creates insulting forum posts calling other players babies.


Calling quitters babies is not an insult. Quitting is an immature, childish behavior. Nor did I name anyone. It is bad behavior and needs to be dealt with in every MMO. Read this thread and you will not see a greater amount of nonsense.


There are people who want specific WZ q's, Q.s for gear level and q's for premades. This is not a valid intelligent opinion. If you did all that there would be 24 Q's. That is impossible to do without insane waits.


Babies only care about their own issues so they don't even acknowledge the other babies. So the baby who wants separate Q's for each WarZone thinks they need to only triple the Q's. He ignores the other baby who quits because he wants a separate Q for premades. He ignores the baby who quits because of BM gear being too good who wants seperate Q's for gear/expertise.


This is the definition of an immature unreasonable baby. They offer no solution for anything but themselves, they want what they want or they quit. Baby is actually kind of generous.

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We live in a world where everyone gets a trophy. When these people find themselves in a situation where they might lose, they quit. I'd say that we created this mess as a society.


Losing teaches far more than winning does. When people learn to embrace losing as a learning experience, then perhaps we'll see fewer quitters.

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Trolling forums and pigeon-holing people with insulting labels is also childish, immature behaviour.


I agree, but calling a behavior childish and immature is not. Especially when it is. Hopefully they read my post and accept it or try and counter it. That won't happen though.

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I say there are 3 levels of babies.


The 3rd is the baby that creates insulting forum posts calling other players babies.


I laughed. This guy needs to lighten up and worry about winning matches, not ***** about people who can't carry him.

Edited by Richoshist
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I laughed. This guy needs to lighten up and worry about winning matches, not ***** about people who can't carry him.


Keep quitting and blaming others if you must. The truth is harder to deal with. I can spot a quitter a mile away.

Edited by richardya
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So who's fault is it if you zone into a game where the rest of your team are running about humping imps/pubs for kills & valor farming, while the opposing side are scoring goals/taking turrets or blowing up doors unmolested and unchallenged?


Guess it's my fault then, for not running every single warzone in a premade.

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We know it is. This is the second thread about the issue because the one that got the ball rolling finally maxed out on post count. And actually, it's being fixed in 1.2, per the Lead Combat Designer.


What's being fixed in 1.1.4 is the exploit to get more than 8 people in a warzone.


If that patch has already been released then its not working. As of last night, in Alderaan warzone, i visually counted more than 8 enemy players at one point. i don't understand how 4-6 players can be in the middle. 2 defending left node. and 4 running amuck on the right node. I call bs.

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