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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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So who's fault is it if you zone into a game where the rest of your team are running about humping imps/pubs for kills & valor farming, while the opposing side are scoring goals/taking turrets or blowing up doors unmolested and unchallenged?


Guess it's my fault then, for not running every single warzone in a premade.


Yes, that is why you are losing. They are all medal farming and you are against pre-mades. It is not possible that a team on either side could actually have a bad game or lose because the other team is better. I retract my position, everyone needs to quit more.

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I'm, honestly, not a hater but if your idea of fun ruins mine then I must take what steps I can to prevent that. One of these steps is to rant here ;).


Cheers, Lenroc!


P.S. Read my sig it's relevant for this thread!


hence why we're here in opposition to the pro-penalty folks :)


my idea of fun does not include being forced to waste my time in what i consider a completely un-fun lost cause.


like i said before, im in favor of no penalty. but... if i must be forced to endure fighting in a lost cause that i don't find fun... then the people who are advocating for a penalty for leaving, and thus ruining my fun by forcing me to either forgo pvp or be forced to play with them, should also be penalized as well.


in a nutshell... if im going to be penalized for ruining what other consider people fun, they should likewise be equally penalized for ruining what i consider fun.


live and let live... i don't demand the people who provoke me to leave early change their playstyle, i just leave them to fend for themselves and go my separate way. can you please do me the common courtesy of leaving me alone to find my enjoyment the way i prefer as well?

Edited by Jaidan
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Calling quitters babies is not an insult. Quitting is an immature, childish behavior. Nor did I name anyone. It is bad behavior and needs to be dealt with in every MMO. Read this thread and you will not see a greater amount of nonsense.


There are people who want specific WZ q's, Q.s for gear level and q's for premades. This is not a valid intelligent opinion. If you did all that there would be 24 Q's. That is impossible to do without insane waits.


Babies only care about their own issues so they don't even acknowledge the other babies. So the baby who wants separate Q's for each WarZone thinks they need to only triple the Q's. He ignores the other baby who quits because he wants a separate Q for premades. He ignores the baby who quits because of BM gear being too good who wants seperate Q's for gear/expertise.


This is the definition of an immature unreasonable baby. They offer no solution for anything but themselves, they want what they want or they quit. Baby is actually kind of generous.


you call quitting an immature and selfish act.


i call demanding others change their definition of fun to fit into your personal philosophy immature and naive.


what i find funny is that your entire post here calls others selfish... yet the ENTIRE argument you support is based off of YOUR own selfish desires to force others to change to fit YOUR pre-conceived notion of fun.


nothing in any of the pro-penalty crowd's argument in this entire thread has said anything other than "IM tired of losing because you won't stay and help ME!"


simple question... what did you do to deserve my help? hmmm? or are you selfish enough to think that simply having the ability to queue up entitles you to my help whenever i happen to get dumped into a randomly selected match with you? if you are that selfish... you should also be supporting measures to penalize people who queue up and stay in the match but contribute nothing of worthwhile value towards winning as well... but i haven't seen a single pro-penalty person mention that yet.


if supporting measures that force others to think and act as you do isn't the definition of self-centered, im at a loss as to what is.

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We live in a world where everyone gets a trophy. When these people find themselves in a situation where they might lose, they quit. I'd say that we created this mess as a society.


Losing teaches far more than winning does. When people learn to embrace losing as a learning experience, then perhaps we'll see fewer quitters.


in the real world losing doesn't mean getting a trophy and a thanks for participating.


it means losing your wife, kids, house, job and in extreme cases life.


losing is bad, no ifs ands or buts about it.


in my mind, the pro-penalty folks who are saying you should stick around, win or lose... because its not about whether you win or lose, but how you play the game, are the ones who are deluding themselves.


losing teaches you lessons yes... but here's the kicker, winning does as well. and, both in real life and in-game, winning is far less painful and has far more appealing consequences than losing. yes, sometimes you will lose, no matter what you do.


but the people who act as though losing is ok, even when you have the option not to have to endure the loss,... they're the people who will find themselves dealing with far more BS than the people who avoid losing as much as possible and only fight the battles they can win.


they're the people who come to the forums demanding that there be a penalty on the people who wisely pick their battles and don't waste time and effort on lost causes. after all, what you might call a personal crusade, i might call a worthless waste of time.


want an example from real life? do you stick around in a dead-end job, just because you started it, so you should finish it? after all, it doesn't matter if you get that promotion, it only matters if you do the best you can, right? no... of course you won't. you'll get the hell out of there the first chance you get and find a job where you actually have a chance at advancement.


real life demands that you learn how to pick your battles... the ones worth spending time fighting, and the ones worth leaving alone so you an fight another day.


im sorry, but i haven't yet seen any logical counter arguments from the pro-penalty folks to convince me that their desire to put a penalty on quitters stems from anything but a self-centered desire to make me support them while not giving me anything of equal value in return for my time and effort. until you can show me a logical and rational reason why i should agree with you... im going to continue to only fight the battles i deem worth my time and avoid the ones that aren't.


if a penalty goes in effect... ill do one of two things. either A) ill afk my way through the matches that before i would have just left, in which case you have zero chance of getting someone who wants to put in an effort to take my spot (the matches worth my time will get my participation, but i can assure you... nobody posting in this thread in favor of a penalty is worthy of that), or B) i just won't pvp, in which case the people who are willing to reciprocate my efforts in pursuit of victory won't be able to benefit from our mutual efforts.


so bravo, your selfish desires will not only hurt you, but also hurt other players who aren't quite so self-centered as yourself.

Edited by Jaidan
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I'll be frank if I log into WZ and I see a bunch of kill farmers I'm out.


I'm not going to waste more than a few minutes if the team is worthless. Sorry I have absolutely 0 interest in helping you farm kills, win as a team or be abandoned on your own.

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I'll be frank if I log into WZ and I see a bunch of kill farmers I'm out.


I'm not going to waste more than a few minutes if the team is worthless. Sorry I have absolutely 0 interest in helping you farm kills, win as a team or be abandoned on your own.


100% agree


Im not going to bother being the only player trying to win at huttball or the other warzones. Nothing is more frustrating knowing that the second I pop out of stealth Im going to get absolutely MURDERED by the other team.


Im not going to stick around in any warzone and be an ego boost for some lvl 12 newb who scores a kill on me along with 5 of his friends. meanwhile my team is running around trying to collect medals and kills. or my personal favorite, the healer by himself stepping in and out of acid so he can self-heal


I dont care what penalty they give us in the next patch, I'll still bail.


ps. whats this "rated warzone" thing everyone keeps mentioning ?

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You sign up for a game you're expected to play it till the end.


Do you have no life?


This is common sense dating back to the stone age.


Leaving because you "dont find it fun", means you lose your right to join team sports tradionally, because people wont be arsed to put up with your bs.


The only way to implement this in an MMO is to give you a time out.

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Wouldn't an easy solution be to have the daily changed from 3 wins to earning some # of warzone commendations? Like Earn 400 warzone commondations or turn in 100 Merc commondations?


Seems that would keep people around, but would also encourage people going AFK. I guess there's no perfect solution.

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You sign up for a game you're expected to play it till the end.


Do you have no life?


This is common sense dating back to the stone age.


Leaving because you "dont find it fun", means you lose your right to join team sports tradionally, because people wont be arsed to put up with your bs.


The only way to implement this in an MMO is to give you a time out.


Using your analogy, bad players don't make team rosters. So, if you're not allowed on the roster, the problem is solved. I'll agree to that right now. Where do I sign?


That's why leagues exist, to group players by abilities.


They just need to leave the whole issue alone until rated warzones come out. Two separate ratings; one for group queuing and one for solo queuing. There, people will find themselves to be where they belong, eventually. It will no longer be my burden to carry dead weights and I can become a mere contributor rather than 1 or 2 supreme factors.


If I actually leave a warzone, I feel like I'm already being punished for lost time and mingling with poor company. I don't think it's fair that I'm forced to play with people I outclass.


By the same principle, I understand people not wanting to be weighed down by me if they outclass me. I don't expect them to.


Once rated warzones come out I can leave players like you behind and enjoy a competitive environment more suited to my abilities where, if I leave, it really does mean something.


Fine, "punish" me then, but not until then.



Wouldn't an easy solution be to have the daily changed from 3 wins to earning some # of warzone commendations? Like Earn 400 warzone commondations or turn in 100 Merc commondations?


Seems that would keep people around, but would also encourage people going AFK. I guess there's no perfect solution.


Well, no. That would just make matters worse, or at the very least simply perpetuate the issues plaguing this whole topic. The overwhelming factor behind leaving is medal farming as opposed to playing the objectives (ie Deathmatch Syndrome). The only point in playing warzones is for objective completions, otherwise everyone would be in Ilum riding around the middle like fish in a bowl.


It's like this: There is a goal. The goal is the [objective]. The Challenge is completing the objective(s). Completing the objectives means winning. Winning is fun. Fun is competition. I have no patience for medal farmers who don't contribute to the objectives. I have patience for players who are bad, but are trying. I'm willing to ride along with them.


Your idea would just perpetuate or even magnify the existing problem. At least in the current system for wins, SOMEONE has to be playing the objectives. So I can only imagine players would be happy removing the objectives and just spawning in the pit to have a button mashing deathmatch. That sounds like a dull and mindless experience to me. Like I said, just go to Ilum for that.

Edited by Genocidalx
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If that patch has already been released then its not working. As of last night, in Alderaan warzone, i visually counted more than 8 enemy players at one point. i don't understand how 4-6 players can be in the middle. 2 defending left node. and 4 running amuck on the right node. I call bs.


Another thing. Isn't Bioware tracking down some of these players who purposely abuse this exploit. Do they show up on your ops team? We should be able to see the list of names of the enemy players or at least their numbers.

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I had a thought? Is it possible some people are leaving WZ to get out of a place they're stuck at? I'm sure it's not most of the people leaving, but it happens. One time I did a story quest for my brother's Knight. We ran back to the air lock and right click failed to open the door. Sure, he came and went but I couldn't leave. I already used emergency fleet pass and customer service was taking too long to react. So my Guild told me to go to a WZ and /AFK and it brought me back to the fleet, so that was good.
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I'll be frank if I log into WZ and I see a bunch of kill farmers I'm out.


I'm not going to waste more than a few minutes if the team is worthless. Sorry I have absolutely 0 interest in helping you farm kills, win as a team or be abandoned on your own.


Then you have no business PvP'ing then. Leaving a match live when your team needs you makes you not just selfish, but egotistical.


Your days are numbered, enjoy your selfish ways for now.



But how many are actually manually leaving?


There are alot of people who get DC/ed, randomly kicked from Warzones, random crashes, gates won't open etc and that's what kicks alot of people out.


It says player has disconnected, so you do notice it when it happened.


My opinion it happens 10% of the time.


That is not alot.


1. Alderaan- You notice people leaving when it's 2 turrets. Some leave over levels. Some leave just to leave.


2. Huttball- People leave sometimes when its 2-0. Some leave when they see a pre-made.


3. Void Star- Same things as the others far as leavers. When other team gets 1 door down or your team can't get door fast enough, then leavers leave.


Again these are selfish people that think they need to have a opinion without no punishment.


Again these are the people ruining games over them leaving. They leave a mess of a match for another person to log into.


Cant tell you how many times I have got into a game already in progress and it's because someone left it that way.




1.2 patch will be the beginning of the end of this nonsense by these lame players.

Edited by Caeliux
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Then you have no business PvP'ing then. Leaving a match live when your team needs you makes you not just selfish, but egotistical.


Your days are numbered, enjoy your selfish ways for now.


I will and honestly even with a debuff coming I'm still going to leave. Again I WILL NOT support a team that refuses to contribute to a win. You wanna farm? You do it without me end of the story.

Edited by Acesome
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Am I missing something, I've read a lot of this thread, by no means all of it, but wouldn't changing the dailies and weekly quests to medals won solve most of these issues?


If say you had to get 20 medals to complete your daily and say 150 medals to complete your weekly every game played would increase your total and people would stop leaving, you don't need any penalties, the good players would still get more medals and complete their quests quicker and the poor players, such as myself could still work towards completing the quests without feeling we are letting the side down.


It wouldn't be like Ilum where you have 50 imps all trying to farm central for weapons caches and the pubs unable to do anythingh as they don't have the numbers and don't want to be farmed, because the sides would be even.


Wins and looses wouldn't affect your progression, bad players wouldn't affect your progression, other leavers wouldn't affect your progression, afkers wouldn't affect your progression, the only thing that would is how well you play.


Afkers wouldn't get anything from being in warzones, leavers wouldn't get anything but people who are just starting PVP and are under geared and still learning will progress without holding back the really good people.


If randoms go against premades it wouldn't mater as much as your still contributing to your daily, I've constantly lost matches where I had a decent showing in the medal table but still lost and its frustrating.


Isn't this a viable solution, have I missed something?

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Am I missing something, I've read a lot of this thread, by no means all of it, but wouldn't changing the dailies and weekly quests to medals won solve most of these issues?


Not at all sir. As either of my characters can get 10 medals with minimal effort and a dedicated healer has to TRY to get 6+, this would not be fair. I dislike the medal system, and adding more medals will only make WZs worse.

After Valor60, you tend to not care about medals and you just want a win anyway.


My proposal

1-if you did not start the match, it will not count towards your daily/weekly

2-let people know if they're going into a match in progress

Edited by DarthSalt
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actually kinda funny to see half your team leave the second the enemy gets 1 goal in, blows 1 door, and caps 2 turrets for more then 10 seconds


It makes me sad, this whole thread makes me sad. People adamant about their right to quit and have someone else take their spot. It's really amazing.


They should be forced to start their comment by saying


"I quit and make you fill in for me because......"

  • My team medal farms so John should play with them instead of me
  • My team is bad so John should play with them instead of me
  • I have limited time & need wins not losses so Johns time should be wasted instead of me
  • Someone on my team didn't pass so John should play with them instead of me
  • I Hate huttball so John should play Huttball instead of me
  • I hate voidstar so John should play Voidstar instead of me
  • I hate Alderan so John should play Alderan instead of me
  • The other team has better gear so John should play against them instead of me
  • The other team is a premade so John should play against them instead of me


Do they not understand they are screwing someone else over?


We have all been in frustrating matches. Knuckleheads running the wrong way, people standing in their end zone when a Knight has a ball. I have never quit, it's just not fair to the other people on my team (the garbage players aren't evil, and the other decent players on my team do not deserve to get hammered even worse) and it is down right rude to the guy filling in for me.

Edited by richardya
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It makes me sad, this whole thread makes me sad. People adamant about their right to quit and have someone else take their spot. It's really amazing.


They should be forced to start their comment by saying


"I quit and make you fill in for me because......"

  • My team medal farms so John should play with them instead of me
  • My team is bad so John should play with them instead of me
  • I have limited time & need wins not losses so Johns time should be wasted instead of me
  • Someone on my team didn't pass so John should play with them instead of me
  • I Hate huttball so John should play Huttball instead of me
  • I hate voidstar so John should play Voidstar instead of me
  • I hate Alderan so John should play Alderan instead of me
  • The other team has better gear so John should play against them instead of me
  • The other team is a premade so John should play against them instead of me


Do they not understand they are screwing someone else over?


We have all been in frustrating matches. Knuckleheads running the wrong way, people standing in their end zone when a Knight has a ball. I have never quit, it's just not fair to the other people on my team (the garbage players aren't evil, and the other decent players on my team do not deserve to get hammered even worse) and it is down right rude to the guy filling in for me.


You forgot to add...

  • I have no desire to waste my time in a warzone where and when a variety of addressable mechanics, bugs, glitches, exploits, and hacks allows one side to basically farm the other.

So you at least understand that someone is getting screwed over, right?


"Frustrating" matches are not the problem for me. That's part and parcel of PvP. It goes beyond frustrating when it is a completely manageable problem, by the people who want us to pay-to-play this game, but they choose not to aggressively address it.


That's when it goes into the "I am actually rewarding their behavior by staying" territory.


Meh... It finally got to the point where I just rolled a new main. If BioWare can't significantly address PvP's problems by the time she gets to 50... Well hopefully something better will be along, by then, for me to spend my money on.

Edited by SirRobin
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It makes me sad, this whole thread makes me sad. People adamant about their right to quit and have someone else take their spot. It's really amazing.


They should be forced to start their comment by saying


"I quit and make you fill in for me because......"

  • My team medal farms so John should play with them instead of me
  • My team is bad so John should play with them instead of me
  • I have limited time & need wins not losses so Johns time should be wasted instead of me
  • Someone on my team didn't pass so John should play with them instead of me
  • I Hate huttball so John should play Huttball instead of me
  • I hate voidstar so John should play Voidstar instead of me
  • I hate Alderan so John should play Alderan instead of me
  • The other team has better gear so John should play against them instead of me
  • The other team is a premade so John should play against them instead of me


Do they not understand they are screwing someone else over?


We have all been in frustrating matches. Knuckleheads running the wrong way, people standing in their end zone when a Knight has a ball. I have never quit, it's just not fair to the other people on my team (the garbage players aren't evil, and the other decent players on my team do not deserve to get hammered even worse) and it is down right rude to the guy filling in for me.

And it's equally selfish of players to have no regard for their team and just want to farm kills or to sit AFK for the entire time. By sticking it out, you're only encouraging such behavior. I do not condone either and I will leave if that's what they are doing.


As for joining a losing effort, I don't mind. Why? Because I join a WZ that's halfway finished, meaning I get out of there faster and I get easy commendations/exp. Sure, it's not as much as you would get normally but considering the time investment, it's not really that bad.

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Using your analogy, bad players don't make team rosters. So, if you're not allowed on the roster, the problem is solved. I'll agree to that right now. Where do I sign?


That's why leagues exist, to group players by abilities.


They just need to leave the whole issue alone until rated warzones come out. Two separate ratings; one for group queuing and one for solo queuing. There, people will find themselves to be where they belong, eventually. It will no longer be my burden to carry dead weights and I can become a mere contributor rather than 1 or 2 supreme factors.


If I actually leave a warzone, I feel like I'm already being punished for lost time and mingling with poor company. I don't think it's fair that I'm forced to play with people I outclass.


By the same principle, I understand people not wanting to be weighed down by me if they outclass me. I don't expect them to.


Once rated warzones come out I can leave players like you behind and enjoy a competitive environment more suited to my abilities where, if I leave, it really does mean something.


Fine, "punish" me then, but not until then.


Not talking about league play, just talking about pick up teams... no roster. If I'm playing a pick up game of basketball/volleyball/you name it, and someone decides they want to quit because its looking like we might lose, they aren't getting back on any team of mine.


You quit, you stay quit. Dont come back. If its an emergency or something, fine but if you're going to waste my time and my teams time by being a p**** then stay the **** away.


That said its an MMO, so a "time out" or something along that line will have to do. I dont demand that people be superstars or even know the rules but I expect they try. People that think their way is "the only way to play" are often more wrong than a person thats killing peeps (hey at least they are neutralizing 1-2 players to make up for themselves).

Edited by salamanderx
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