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Official Q&A Thread for February 24th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Is it known that many BH cannot complete their class quest? The end of act 3 is bugged. Some of us have been 50 since the first or second week of the game and are still waiting to complete the quest.


I never received the quest to go from Corellia to The Founder, where I must defeat the Chancellor. My loading screens always say "Act 3 - defeat the Chancellor" etc


DO you plan to make a guild chat window. just for guilds.

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When will we see a performance update for the crazy drops in FPS. Especially in the Alderaan PVP Warzone. My roomate has a perfectly capable computer for running this game. This is a known problem, that many people are having.


The most proof for this is in the Alderaan Warzone. Where the FPS drops to 1. And once you die the speeder in the respawn point never shows up and it kicks you out of the match. Even though i'm not having this issue, I still feel that performance issues like this should be taken as Top Priority because people are paying to play your game - yet they can't experience everything because something went wrong in the programming on the game engine. Or what ever may be causing it. From what i've read it is said to be an issue with older generation processors... Especially the Phenom I series. I feel like adding a little more support to older processors wouldn't be that huge of a task if you know what your doing.


Back to the question at hand; Can we please get some kind of news on whether or not they are looking into this - or even know that it is a problem.




Thank you,



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I consider myself some of a "character creator". I've maxed out every slot on my current server. I was reading through past posts and saw you mentioned the "Legacy System", coming in March with more character options. So here is my question.


"What does one do if they have maxed out all 8 slots on their current server where the legacy points are? Will there be more slots or an option to change what is already made?"


Thanks in advance if you answer...

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Sorry inadvance incase i have spelled somthing wrong.


Hey was just thinking to my self the other day about ways bioware could really improve the World PvP side of the game.


How about making a Bounty/Crinimal System for Republic and Empire players.


here is the way id like to see it say a player gets ganked by somone say 3 levels higher than them in Open World PvP (which does happen alot on my servers with 50s ganking) why not allow that player to place there own money on the player that killed you and the price could range from say 100-100k Credits and then have it broad casted by "Bounty" Droids all arround the killed players fractions planets where players at all levels can click and take a quest to kill the killer player and the first player to kill them gets the reward or players if in a group then the reward would share out eg if 4 players and reward is 100k then it would share out 20k for each of them.


Now i understand that looks complicated if the player isnt on and how are you suppose to find them?


Well i thought of this and thought of a game named Star Wars Galaxies where it had player bounties. So a way to fix it would be to only give the quest if the player has come online. To track the player the "Bounty" Hunting players (doesnt mean just bounty hunter class) then get an ability which pretty much after reading the quest it says go to this planet after you get to so and so planet you can click on the ability which will update the quest so for example if the player is in different planet you go to the next planet and do same again until the player is on the planet you are on and this would then say ok this player is in instance 1 and would offer to move you to instance 1 and then it would put a marker of this player on the map which would be updated every minute of there movement and then when the hunting players (which btw could more than one hunting party tracking this player down) the first party or solo person to kill the target will get the cash reward and quest banishes.


If a person logs out after you already picking the quest then the quest would go grey saying unavailable then when the player logs back in it will come up with a noise saying so and so has become available.


Also to make the system actually decent since you dont want to be 24 and taking a quest to track down a level 50 they wouldnt be able to do it unless they had 50s with them so they could have it as in a player can select a quest and the players would be in range of 5 levels so eg 10-15 15-20 so on and level 50s would only be able to track 50s since they can get pvp gear.


Also at levels under 50 the quests could give off like xp approporiate for that level and for level 50s give them mercenary tokens?


Also the quest could show yellow if player on his own and if you were on your own green if he on his own and you have more than you and red if the player is in a group or a higher level than you.


Also i know the fact that people at 50 tend not to leave the fleet but what if you gave them a debuff like "Being Hunter" that bans them from the imperial fleet and corruscent for 60 mins?


the reason why i would like to see this idea in tor is because it would make people have a reason to world pvp and actually be able to world pvp.

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Is there any chance that the game will be able to run more smoothly on computers that don't have great graphics cards? I meet the requirements on everything, including the graphics card, but since it isn't the best, my game still runs rather choppy.
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Please let us know what kind of changes we can expect in Ilum. The current "zerg the middle objective and stand around waiting on crates" system really needs work. Any thoughts to opening the Ilum daily/weekly up to Tatooine's Outlaw Den? How about to spreading the armament crates throughout the entire zone? Any news about open lake PvP would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Is there any plan to balance Republic and Imperial in PVP? I really enjoy the Warzones, but Imps are way overpowered. I've seen many specifics on other posts. It's not enjoyable when Imperials win at least 4:1 I think if you research who's winning more you will see this across all servers. Since this is a huge part of endgame, I think many players will stop playing if it not fair and fun anymore.
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Currently Tanking stats such as defense, shield and absorb are completely ignored by many attacks performed by players specifically. Is there any plan in the future to address the current itemization of battle master tank gear (Specifically earned by and for the purpose of PVP) or to address the general lack of applicable defense in pvp for tanks?
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It would be really nice to know when we are going to see some role playing additions added to the game, like the ability to sit on all chairs, more clothing customizations and maybe even some more emotes/animations for existing emotes? At least some of these have been hinted at, any idea when we are likely to see them?
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