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Official Q&A Thread for February 24th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Is there any plans on implementing any endgame for PVP. Right now PVP is endless warzone spam. I know about rated Warzones, but something that is more reliant on individual skill. Such as 3v3 death matches for example, something where you MUST posses a certain degree of skill in order to recieve rewards.
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Ok so the question, Its been said that the GUI is being worked on.. is it going to be fixed completely or not.

Current issues with GUI

1: Scaling.. we cant do it.

2: Moving.. we cant do it.

3: Not enough hotbars.

4: Cant customise hotbars (ie 1 bar 3xhigh 4xwide).

5: Cant bind all keys on keyboard to hotbars (numpad_0, numpad_1 etc).

6: Cant bind macros/social abilites to hotbars.

7: Cant mouse over/click raid frames to cast.

8: Agro not displayed on raid frames.

9: Companions not displayed on raid frames.

10: Cant scale raid frames/buffs/debuffs on raid frames.

11: Portrait/target portrait cannot be removed/ Health+power bars + buffs/debuffs scaled.

12: Zoom, cant zoom out far enough.


The above is ONE question.. feel free to yes/no answer it or answer points as you choose.

Also +1 to SGRA if you choose to avoid this question ;)

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The space aspect of the game is extremely lacking, and was not at all what I had in mind when I signed up to this game. Will you please state whether you intend to allow us to pilot ships from the cockpit with a flightstick? If so will you be adding in a lot more space content? Edited by Sireene
discussion - PM'd
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Are there going to be macros coming out in the next few weeks or with update 1.2? I know there are others, like me, who would like to be able to overlap a certain ability with a relic and another ability, in order to utilize abilities that don't respect the global cool down.
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Are there any plans to implement a 'Power Auras' type system or a type of visual indicator on the quickslot buttons when certain (proc) conditions are met to make it easier to track the use of conditional abilities, rather than having to watch the ever-changing and moving buffs and debuffs?



Edited by jameslm
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PVP question: Many, many, many players are requesting separate ques for premades because we don't like playing with them. They are:


1. Uncivil

2. Out of balance with scrubs and

3. In need of a que where they're all stuck with each other.


People who want separate ques still love PVP, they just don't like the need to find que-groups to sit around in. Many reasons for this, high on the list is we feel group buffs are out of proportion to the extent that all it takes to win are the right buffs from the right people.


We are appalled to see players running through fire pits, not being harmed then killing a full health opponent with three or four hits. We don't find it impressive - we find it nauseating.


The buffs are OUT OF PROPORTION, the premades are out of line. They are impervious to damage, impervious to being blocked, impervious to fire and impervious to stuns. Its not "skill" to be impervious to losing. BW is going to alienate a lot of players if they don't create a solo-only que option and make the buffs more proportionate to the character's innate resilience.

Edited by Comfterbilly
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Is a Juggernaut/Guardian 'revamp' on your to-do list? We're currently lacking in:


- AE threat.

- Survivability without cooldowns (every dps class seems to have at least 35% armor penetration.....) Especially in Rage.

- Revamp of some of our talents, as they make no sense.


Is this your opinion of the juggernauts/guardians as well?

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The Jugg, Guardian Tank players have been crying out for a life line for a while now. Its harder and harder to find a group that wants you to tank in FP's do to the Aoe threat issues the class has. Is there any plans to shorten Cd's or up the passive threat gen from defensive stance?
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Are you able to give us more information about the Guardian/Juggernaut passover we were told about before launch? In specific, are there any plans for Guardian/Juggernaut tanks to be on par with Vanguard/Powertech tanking that you can discuss?


Thank you!

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I wanted to know, will there be any more companion Interactions held. I have my companions at 10,000 affection and after a while they don't ask to speak to you anymore which saddened me so. especially since my companion Torien asked my toon to marry him. will more interactions be added even after they hit 10,000 affection?
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I understand were all anticipating growth, I too believe STOTOR is on the rise. For now however, are there any plans to consolidate servers to make up for the seemingly non-existent population? If not will server transfers be available in the future? The economy in game suffers greatly from such low populations. Are you guys aware that some of us play for hours and see no other players?
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I will re-post my question from the last round, which Bioware failed to answer (now I assume deliberately...) in the first round when it was actually in the list, but the answer just circumvented it:


Will new character customization and playable species options coming through the legacy system be available retroactively for existing characters?

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