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Official Q&A Thread for February 24th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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I know its been discussed that server transfers are in the possible future, but is there any type of timeline for when that would be possible and if they were going to be free or not? Also was curious as to if some servers might be merged, being you notice a lot of servers during their time zones peak hours still still at light to standard at best?
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Are there plans to expand or modify the Light/Dark side system (beyond the often mentioned rewards for Neutral)? Specifically, it seems extremely difficult to 'recover' from early game accumulation of both points leaving many players stuck around II-III at 50, with few options beyond taking Diplomacy or soloing starter Flashpoints. What about designs for the kind of 'epic switch' story moments seen in KOTOR?
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hey i have a question about the report bug buttom next to the 1 key ½ on a scandinavia keyboard. do you intent to remove it or move it to a more convinent place.

I keep hitting it when i am in the heat of a battle becouse it is just next to the 1 key. atleast let us be able to unbind it or bind it to another key.

i also got a second question. do you intend to make crossrealm pvp so us on a less populatet server dont have to wait 3 hour or more if que in the morning gmt.

on my server as lvl 50 we first begin to get in pvp at about 4pm gmt, and that is damn ignoring


with best of luck aule

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I like my ships but, I was wondering if or when we will be able to purchase,make, or steal us a new and different ship beyond the one we get from our class quest currently,, or even have visable customization to the allready existing ones? With that being said if this were to be implemented will we be able to switch between ships at our leasure?


P.S. By visable customization I mean that when you walk into your hanger or pass by someone else in space(<- another question) if you will be able to see what items/mods they have equiped to said ship,interior or exterior.

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Can we expect further improvements to the ability delay issue? It has certainly gotten better but it's still not good enough by far.


Also, what is done regarding framerate issues, specifically in areas with large numbers of players, like in Ilum and on the fleet? Many players are currently having massive issues with performance even though their computer systems can run other games (including MMOs) with arguably better graphics much smoother. This is a game breaking issue for some.

Edited by Noirani
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Do you have any plans what so ever to add a bind-point of some sort to player ships,so those of us who does not consider empty rooms and loading screens "immersive" can skip some of the boring travelling?


in other words ,make travelling more userfriendly??

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Will there be better implements for companions in the future for example You marry A companion you get the dialog and a few messages then that's that. Im looking for their mood to change and maybe a interact option for all those RP out there. Just doesn't seem like marriage or even a relationship once you extinguish all the quests.


Shorter version: Will companions get more interaction options in the future if say you had a marriage or relationship, it just disappears after the 2 mins of dialog and its as if he/she is 1 affection again (aside from some gifts that is it).


Will we have more rewards/options to interact with for hitting full affection with a companion?

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Most of the ppl I know have at least one top PVE and PVP geared character. So, I wondering how BW going to make this game attractive for all this ppl when actual reward system isn't really great (way too easy). Adding new content is a way but in fact most of the players playing for fun and satisfaciton wich is coming from rewarding system(if is worth it)...
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I recall during a Q&A session previous to launch it was stated that the "sharding" or "instancing" of planets was an unfortunate but only temporary feature to alleviate stress from high populations in one area. It's almost 2 months after release now, and people feel as though planets are void of players because they're separated into different shards of the same planet. When will the shards be removed so that all the players are in the same instance?
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Do you plan to adress the functionality of "Target next target", or "Tab-targeting" as it is also called, in the near future? The functionality of this feature is causing a lot of annoyance and frustration for a lot of players, and with the way character models and nameplates work in SW:TOR, clicking on a player isn't really a better option at most times either.
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Currently, when we wear a full face helm/mask our hood disappears. And seeing as the Sith Warrior endgame chest gear has a hood, it disappear when I wear the engame helm.


Are there any plans in making hoods stay up when we wear masks/full helms?

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As some of my favorite world PVP has been revolved around a summoning type "stone". Has there been any consideration for a summoning type "stone" for operation and flash point entrances? Furthermore have there been considerations to making flash point and operation entrances outside of the fleets so that it may promote more world PVP?
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