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Official Q&A Thread for February 24th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Space Combat ...


when will you change it so we have Free Flight controls like other combat simulators ... after all the space combat missions are exactly like a combat simulator but aren;t restricted to a "pre-designated" flight path, where you shoot at things ...


please give us, Free Flight controls ...

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is pod racing totally out of the question? I mean it could be worth a full expansion! Similar controls like space combat, except grounded. Custom vehicles, full blown tracks all over the Galaxy tournament ranking.. daily/weekly races... Sweet prices..


don't act like you guys couldn't make it work! ;D0

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I could care less about sam gender romance options, and if you never implement it, it will be too soon.


I WOULD like the option in the romance category to put the kabosh on the whole romance thing for some of my characters though. I play a family of five characters, the mom, dad, and three kids. Neither parent has any interest or intention of having any sort of relationship other than a professional one (the children are a different story). It would be nice to remove that option, as the limited options are, well, very limiting...so,


Will there be an option to shut off any romantic interest from total horn dogs like Theran Cedrax? (He is relentless...)

Edited by Hardin_Steele
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What new, currently unplayable, races are you considering adding to the Legacy system or game in general for players to choose?


I personally want a Cathar Jedi Knight with golden fur/hair and maybe spots or stripes.


Some races I'd like to see:

1. Cathar

2. Togrunta

3. Wookie of cause, your dialog would be voiced over with situational Wookie sounds

4. Mon Calamari

5. Weequay

6. Nautolan

7. Trandoshan

8. Devorian like Gault

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I finished several of my companion's plot lines, but I'd like to see more from them. Are there plans to release further companion stories/plot lines in upcoming patches? Will v1.2 have any additional companion quests or romance options (beyond just SGRA options that keep getting brought up; I'm interested in whether the CURRENT romance story lines will be furthered at all)?
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any idea about guild options in the future, like showing the last time a member logged in, larger area for guild messages or a separate page for guild info, guild mass mail options, more slots for ranks, showing when a member joined the guild (its difficult to promote members if your not sure when they joined), possibly being able to red flag a member that has been booted so all their toons are flagged so they can't join back up by creating a new toon (this flag to be seen only by GM and officers of the guild he/she was booted from), status of a guild bank, possible guild houses.
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Would it be possible to have Social Points converted to a system similar to Legacy Points, shared across all your characters on a server? Earning Social Points for every character by running the same flashpoints over and over again is not only boring, but makes people less social.


Because people know they have to run the same flashpoints dozens or hundreds of times, groups are formed with the sole purpose of running through the flashpoint as quickly as possible with the only permissible use of party chat being to say "spacebar plz"


The way Social Points are earned currently people tend to view it as a chore they will be repeating for every character they make, not something fun and desirable.

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This may technically be two questions but they're kind of related. Are there plans to add more flashpoints with interactive storylines such as Esseles and Black Talon? Esseles social runs have become commonplace and I would love to see more instances with lots of story choices to make so that these become a thing of the past.


I also see alot of potential in the social system to create flashpoints with multiple branching storylines. I'd love to see a flashpoint where all the content couldn't be seen in one run because player choices would lead the story down different paths, possibly even to different End Bosses! It would also create alot of replayability. (I'd love to see this in Operations too.. but it would likely be less practical) Any chance something like this is in the works?

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I've been playing the Marauder class since beta. I've always felt that the Marauder feels rather squishy compared to other classes I've played in solo PvE content. I find that I have to blow CDs and use health packs to scrape by in fights as a Marauder that I can breeze through on other classes. Do you have any plans to buff the survivability of the Marauder class in solo PvE up to a similar level to other classes?
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Are there plans in a time frame not so far far away to re-implement high res textures for those of us that are more than capable of running them? This is really my biggest complaint that my graphics look like they are from a much older game when I can remember very distinctly what a crisp looking game this was during beta when true high-res textures were in.
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What will be done to address the issue with server CREVASSE CITY HAVING A BROKEN LVL 50 PVP QUEUE FOR THE PAST 30 DAYS? The PVP match WILL NOT LAUNCH no matter how many people are in the queue.


To me, this seems like a game breaking issue which has been completely ignored. Players have made tickets, made forum posts, and even called BW customer service concerning the issue. But nothing has been done. When will something be done?

Edited by Ushela
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PvP server.


We want more PvP content in open PvP such as city raids , tactical city capture , credit for kills on any planet (within a level radius) PvP gear for all levels and not just 50.

Will these things be added or is this game only hell bent on war zones?


Are we going to see fixes to the FPS issues that so many are plagued by?


The PvE is fun but I feel like I am playing the best single player MMO ever. The End game is empty in my book and I know I am not alone in feeling this way. SWG offered a range of play that I am just not seeing here. Are we going to see more content options added or have the players vote on new content?


After level 50 we have no need to go back to the other planets and this can be fixed with a City cap PvP system that offers us a chance to fight for control of a planet by taking control of more cities then the enemy has. I think this offers real PvP content and gives all of the planets a reason other then PvE.


One of the most pressing issues is the well documented, rampent hacks and exploits seen in PvP. It is just such freely used cheats that kill otherwise wonderfull games. When can we expect to see these issues addressed?

Edited by Khanroi
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