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Everything posted by Galathor_Shan

  1. I just had a cutscene on a Alderaan with a character who it was very clear to me that if I'd been a female character I would have had flirt options. It was the first character in my experience as a SI that I would have enjoyed having the options of flirting with. I googled it and lo and behold, I was right. I'm kind of just letting the fact that there are no options in the game pass from fazing me, I'm just gonna play my story out and let that be that. Beyond story content I don't know what appeal the game will have to me anyway. It's a shame we couldn't get any kind of clarification by now.
  2. I tried playing other classes, but the only one that seems to interest me so far has been the Sith Inquisitor. If I play to the endgame and there's still no word on this, I'm unsubbing seeing as I only play for the story and to interact with my companions. I don't really care what the answer is at this point, any answer would be sufficient. I hate to seem paranoid and cynical, but it just sort of feels like they're having us along for the ride, making us nervous as to not unsub prematurely so we can pay until they see fit to give us some kind of word on things.
  3. I was really hoping to hear about any information or confirmations concerning same-gender romance features that were announced as a planned implementation into the game. Any updates at all would be highly appreciated.
  4. I just would like a general idea of whether or not finishing current character's story-lines would mean missing out on future implemented SGR options, or if in fact, it will be part of a completely new set of companions in a separate expansion pack. Thanks!
  5. I would be willing to be very patient if BW could just tell us whether or not finishing character's storylines would mean missing out on romance options, or in fact, as people are now claiming that they already said (which most other people who have been following this very closely clarified that it was not) that it will be part of a completely new set of companions in a paid expansion pack. I just really want to know if it won't matter if you play through the entire story or not so that I would be able to focus on certain classes that I don't care if I miss things out with. I'm not saying I want it now or I'm going to bash my fists on my desk until someone hears, and they release it promptly tailored to my every wish. The general idea, at least from me, is that I just want a vague communication of how they may go about setting this up. Just an acknowledgement would mean so much to so many I imagine.
  6. Feel free to google Goran Beviin. And anyway that's not even the point. We're not writing a public novel for the world to experience, we simply want to experience the game in our own unique way, the same way you're able to with opposite-gendered characters. It really bothers me when people try to make other players feel invalidated about anything, especially about asking questions and hoping for answers. Totally unnecessary.
  7. Sigh. I just wanted to know if it's going to be long enough that I should cancel my subscription indefinitely or it's something that will be coming in a matter of weeks/months, if I should continue my character and it won't be required to restart with a new one to reap all the benefits of this new content and will be something that is implementable into a character at whatever point of the story you're in. BW, please.
  8. I feel devalued as a member and a fellow gamer. I don't need to see a flirt option in every menu of responses with every male character I happen to run across, but to have an option that most other members have, to take that turn in the story in some way and experience it would be pretty fantastic. What I don't understand is why we wouldn't want to encourage BW to implement something that would help make every member feel included. And just as a side note, I'm really considering opting out until I will be able to experience the full array of the Star Wars epic in this game on my terms. Not bitter about it, just very adamant about this.
  9. Because I want to feel a little validation from a game that I support with my time, money and effort to play. Equal opportunity in a game doesn't seem like much to ask for. We're not asking for mountains to be moved, we're simply asking for recognition, to feel included and be able to experience the game in a way everyone else seems to be able to. Playing through the story-lines should be a personal and unique experience, the characters you interact with while playing become lasting figures in your memory of the game. How can you get that fully epic experience when you're being completely alienated? It's not a nice feeling to be consciously left out. I don't imagine that's a hard concept to relate to or why it might be a big deal. --Apparently the post I quoted in response got deleted...lol
  10. If I've already started the game with a character, will I have already missed out on opportunities for romance options because I've finished a planet and that character is no longer prevalent to my stories? (Just finished a planet where I saw this was the case with a opposite sex character) Will I have missed out on flirt options? I'm not reading hundreds of pages to see if this has already been discuseed, sorry. I really only went ahead and decided to get the game again because I heard TOR was going to immediately be allowing those options into the game in a patch. I feel a little mislead that it was not already implemented and now I have wasted hours of potential story graduation of romancing a character and playing the full spectrum of the game.
  11. I just really want to know when this is going to be available already. I only got the game because I heard about the confirmation that same sex relationships would be allowed. I don't care to read pages about what other people think; as a huge star wars fan who happens to be a gay man, I really just want to experience the realm of TOR in my own way. Whatever scenario BioWare sets that up in, I'll just deal with when the time comes. But I'd like that to be very soon so I can continue my so far very enjoyable experience with the game.
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