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Everything posted by Arnorius

  1. By the fact that you asked this question, my answer is no for you. I"m still subbed and enjoying this game, however if you are someone who lost interest in the first place, I don't feel that what I've seen about the 1.2 changes will be anything to draw you back. On a side note i'm very much looking forward to 1.2!
  2. I would rather see a server/account/legacy wide friends list than a character to character list. Its frustrating to have to add my friends on every single character I create; especially people who have difficult names to remember/spell, a not so rare occurrence in the Star Wars universe.
  3. Are there plans in a time frame not so far far away to re-implement high res textures for those of us that are more than capable of running them? This is really my biggest complaint that my graphics look like they are from a much older game when I can remember very distinctly what a crisp looking game this was during beta when true high-res textures were in.
  4. I used to see it, but it has stopped now. I'm not sure if it was in one of the minipatches that came out or if it is due to using AA now though.
  5. I'm all for a more open flight style of space combat as well. I agree that the missions in star fox where you entered "all range mode" were a lot of fun too, just use some barriers like you suggested.
  6. As an old Star Fox 64 junkie, I love the system. I think it's fun and It is a neat way to earn some creds and xp.
  7. I personally enjoy the degree of voice acting a lot, I've skipped VERY few conversations. When I played LOTRO I used to skip down to the bottom of the quest text and just see what it was they wanted me to do. I didn't really care to take the time to read a large box of text explaining why I had to do some generic quest. They atleast have made the side quest story lines somewhat interesting and I enjoy having my goal read to me in a story rather than just a text box.
  8. The only problem that I have with the pricing of this game is the lack of a lifetime option, however I understand that there are positives and negatives of that offer. I have a few friends however who gladly would have put up for a lifetime sub, but just won't do the monthly. Otherwise I think $15 is perfectly reasonable and expected.
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