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Official Q&A Thread for February 24th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Last week you gave us the information on hoods and armor mods as well as chat bubbles, that information was greatly appreciated. I'd also like to know if or when the environment will allow interaction as it does on the ship, i.e. being able to click a stool, couch, or chair and actually sit on them rather than in them?
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Are there any plans to limit force pull, jump, sprint whilst carrying the huttball?


Really dont enjoy huttball when the entire dynamic of the warzone is negated by these abilities. But those rare matches where those abilities dont get overused, are some of the best matches you can have.

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Are you at any time removing Theran Cedrax line:

"Did I mention that I'm a pacifist?"

It really does not fit the Jedi Consular. Your basicaly running around killing half the galaxy and you have this guy running around saying that he doesn't like killing people.

Really? Tell that too the people you are killing or the ones killing you.

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Can you describe your vision for a Looking for Group tool? For example, are you thinking it will be cross server or same server, just a better tool for finding other people or a full blown automated queue that gathers all the roles needed, checks gear requirements, builds the group, and finally teleports everyone into the instance, or something in the middle.
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My friend wanted to try out SWTOR and the only way i could give it to him was to give him my account which made me not able to play also. Is there anything in the future that will allow people to play for free up to a certain level or a free day trial for like 14 days or less.
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Right now there are a lot of fully modifiable weapons such as lightsaber, blaster rifles, blaster cannons, vibro-swords, vibro-staffs, and blaster pistols; but there are not tech swords, or tech staffs. Will those ever be added into the game as full modifiable or will we only see the epic crafted one; if so can we please have a rough eta on this?
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When should we expect to see a fix for the imbalanced ability animations between "mirrored" classes?


It is a well known fact that some abilities which are supposedly "mirrors" of each other (Project/Shock and Mortar Volley/Death From Above for example) are vastly different in practice because one suffers from a length animation while the other does not.


Already facing a significant faction imbalance, I would expect this fix should be high on the priority list or at least an acknowledgment that the issue is being looked and and a fix is in the works.

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Can you please make social gear automatically change to the light medium or heavy armor that your class can use, or whichever is optimum for your class? For now all social gear is only practical for Consulars and Inquisitors. If i work for it ide like to wear my social gear while tanking.
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Can we expect to see any animation/damage timing consistency changes between factions? For example, Project and Shock are supposedly mirror abilities of each other, but Shock is instant and Project has a delay while the debris is pulled from the ground/travels to the target.
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