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Everything posted by PatBar

  1. I just finished my Jedi Knight and i'mlooking to start a new toon. I would rather play solo so I want to play the best story. Which class should I play next?
  2. Central Jersey. Jackson to be exact. Play on Firaxan Shark.
  3. Not saying I want it so that I can only do FP's. But i would like the option. As would most players.
  4. Don't get me wrong. I love the main story for both my toons. I think they are amazing. I just have a problme with the same cookie-cutter side missions that get me from one story mission to the next. That is why i wish there was some kind of LFG tool for Flashpoints. It would be so much easier if we could just level up that way. Just wanted to see what some other people thought about the current situation.
  5. The community at large is calling for some sort of LFG or Flashpoint-Que system. Some people actualy perfer to do that, rather then quest. When (if, at all) can we expect a tool like this?
  6. love the hair, How long ago were you in high school?
  7. This might be the best post EVER.
  8. Of course I will be watching the Super Bowl. Of course, I'll probably do a WZ or two during half time because who wants to listen to that old hag, Madona for 30 minutes?
  9. anyone else out there?
  10. For most MMO's it is, but i dont know about this game. With wow, people just played the game and interacted with eachother. I feel like, with this game, people sort of become their characters. The archtypes of jedi and sith have existed for so long, that it's hard not to get caught up in it. even on a non-RP server. As far as the republic goes, everyone seems to be genuinly nice. And genuinly helpful. But it seems like girl toons are just willing to go that extra distance.
  11. If a girl ever said that to me, I'd probably be the happiest guy alive. lol
  12. bewbs basicaly dominated WOW trade lol. i know guys who used to send google image pics to people just to get stuff that dropped in raids.
  13. This is me! http://www.facebook.com/#!/patrick.barbato?sk=photos
  14. It seems like people who play female toons (guys or girls) are generaly much nicer people. They seem more willing to help you out. They won't bash you in general chat. And they always seem more willing to group up. I have only been playing MMO's for like 2 years, nut it seemed to be the same thing on WOW too. Maybe it's girls playing as girls and they are just nice people. Maybe it's guys playing as girls and being helpful so people will send them stuff. Just wanted to get some opinions?
  15. Also, I'm looking for an East Coast server. PvE or PvP. Dooesn't matter.
  16. What servers are you guys on? I'm on Firaxan Shark but it is terrible there.
  17. I currently play on Firaxan Shark and there is never ANYONE on. Looking to re-roll on a new server with people. Also looking to join a guild. I'll play either faction. I really don't care. I just want to meet some people and have fun.
  18. Are there seriously NO Jersey people playing this game?
  19. Played on Garona. Toon names were Xiphius, Artimis, and Sumimasen. Left because my subscription ran out and i had no desire to renew it. Staying with Star Wars for a very, very long time. (going to take a little break when Mass Effect 3 comes out) Also, Does anyone know how I might be able to get my girlfriend to stop playing wow and start playing TOR? The main reason she won't is that she has 4 85's and doesnt want to start completly from scratch. Trying to figure out some way to lure her over.
  20. Anyone from Jersey, check in here. I'm from Jackson, Same town as Great Adventure!!
  21. I play on a low-population server (Firaxan Shark) And I have literaly no one to do flashpoints with. At what point would it be safe to try and solo the thing? I tried at 39 and didn't make it past the first 2 enemies. I'm a Sentinel Watchman. And I was using Doc as my companion.
  22. We play a Star Wars MMO. Obviously none of us have friends. Herp De Derp.
  23. I got into wow a while back because my girlfriend at the time played. She was the top healer on her server. I completly understand how annoying it is for girls to try to be taken seriously. She would get so much **** from everyone until they actualy played with her. I think it's stupid to assume that girls who play MMO's are bad. Even worse when people assume they are ugly. On another note, She actualy prefered that i played girl toons because she didn't like any of the male toons.
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